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  • 1 only

    1. adj.
    лач ик(те) п.м.
    [lach ik(te)]
    2. adv.
    г.ына н.; веле н.
    [gyna; vele]
    3. conj.
    только с.

    English-Mari dictionary > only

См. также в других словарях:

  • tol — tol; tol·a·ble; tol·bu·ta·mide; tol·do; tol·er·a·bil·i·ty; tol·er·a·ble·ness; tol·er·a·bly; tol·er·ance; tol·er·ant; tol·er·ant·ly; tol·er·ate; tol·er·a·tion; tol·er·a·tion·ist; tol·er·a·tor; tol·gua·cha; tol·i·dine; tol·ite; tol·ly·gunge;… …   English syllables

  • Tol — Lage der Insel im Chuuk Atoll Gewässer Pazifischer Ozean Inselgruppe F …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tol- — *tol germ.?, Substantiv: nhd. Zoll ( Maskulinum) (2); ne. toll, customs (Plural); Rekontruktionsbasis: ae., afries., as., ahd.; Interferenz: Lehnwort vulglat. *tollōnium; Etymologie …   Germanisches Wörterbuch

  • Tol — can refer to: * A Birthday, especially the first one, in Korean culture . * The village of Tol on the island cluster of Faichuk, also known as Tol, situated in Chuuk State in the Federated States of Micronesia. * Jicaque, an indigenous and near… …   Wikipedia

  • tol|yl — «TOL uhl», noun. a universal hydrocarbon radical, C7H7 , occurring in toluene. ╂[< tol(u) + yl] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tol — (t[=o]l), v. t. (Law) To take away. See {Toll}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tol — País      España Comunidad autónoma …   Wikipedia Español

  • tol — (Am. C.) m. Vasija hecha con una calabaza seca cortada por la mitad. ⇒ *Gachumbo. * * * tol. m. Hond. tolupán (ǁ lengua) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • tol — tõl prv. Ji̇̀s tõl mókėsi, kõl išmóko …   Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas

  • tol|u|ol — «TOL yu ohl, ol», noun. toluene, especially the form used commercially. ╂[< German Toluin (< tolu; see etym. under tolu (Cf. ↑tolu)) + English ol2] …   Useful english dictionary

  • tol|u|yl — «TOL yu uhl», noun. a univalent radical, C7H7CO , occurring in toluic acid. ╂[< tolu(ol) + yl] …   Useful english dictionary

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