1 system of qualifications
Экономика: система квалификационных требованийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > system of qualifications
2 Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance des qualifications d'entraîneur
Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications d'entraîneur fConvention de l' UEFA qui a pour objectif de garantir un niveau unifié de formation pour les entraîneurs, en fixant des normes européennes minimales et de créer un système de diplômes dans le but de relever le niveau des cours de formation d'entraîneurs dans les différentes associations membres de l'UEFA en vue d'établir et de préserver le statut et la compétence des entraîneurs européens grâce à un programme européen de formation des entraîneurs de haut niveau.Syn. Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance des qualifications d'entraîneur fUEFA convention to guarantee a unified level of education for coaches, by laying down minimum European standards and to create a diploma system which has as its main purpose the upgrading of the standards of coach training courses in the different UEFA member associations in order to establish and maintain the status and expertise of European coaches through the vehicle of a high-level European coach education scheme.Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance des qualifications d'entraîneur
3 Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications d'entraîneur
Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications d'entraîneur fConvention de l' UEFA qui a pour objectif de garantir un niveau unifié de formation pour les entraîneurs, en fixant des normes européennes minimales et de créer un système de diplômes dans le but de relever le niveau des cours de formation d'entraîneurs dans les différentes associations membres de l'UEFA en vue d'établir et de préserver le statut et la compétence des entraîneurs européens grâce à un programme européen de formation des entraîneurs de haut niveau.Syn. Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance des qualifications d'entraîneur fUEFA convention to guarantee a unified level of education for coaches, by laying down minimum European standards and to create a diploma system which has as its main purpose the upgrading of the standards of coach training courses in the different UEFA member associations in order to establish and maintain the status and expertise of European coaches through the vehicle of a high-level European coach education scheme.Dictionnaire Français-Anglais (UEFA Football) > Convention de l'UEFA sur la reconnaissance mutuelle des qualifications d'entraîneur
4 UEFA Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Coaching Qualifications
■ UEFA convention to guarantee a unified level of education for coaches, by laying down minimum European standards and to create a diploma system which has as its main purpose the upgrading of the standards of coach training courses in the different UEFA member associations in order to establish and maintain the status and expertise of European coaches through the vehicle of a high-level European coach education scheme.UEFA-Konvention über die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Trainerqualifikationen f■ Konvention der UEFA zur Sicherung eines einheitlichen Standards der Trainerausbildung durch die Festlegung von europäischen Mindestnormen und zur Schaffung eines Systems von Diplomen, mit dem Ziel, das Ausbildungsniveau der Trainerkurse in den einzelnen UEFA-Mitgliedsverbänden anzuheben, um mittels eines europäischen Trainerausbildungssystems auf hohem Niveau den Status und das Sachwissen der europäischen Trainer zu verankern und zu wahren.Englisch-deutsch wörterbuch fußball > UEFA Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Coaching Qualifications
5 formal
формальний; офіційний; належним чином оформлений; запротокольований; встановлений закономformal admission in answer to a notice to admit facts — формальне визнання факту у відповідь на повідомлення з вимогою визнати факти по справі
formal admission in answer to interrogatories — формальне визнання факту у відповідь на запитання, що міститься у письмовому опитуванні
- formal accusation of a crimeformal qualifications for presidential candidacy — встановлені законом вимоги до кандидата у президенти
- formal acquiescence
- formal address
- formal adjudication
- formal admission
- formal admission at the trial
- formal admission by letter
- formal agreement
- formal amendment
- formal approval
- formal authority
- formal authorization
- formal charge
- formal contract
- formal conviction
- formal decision
- formal declaration
- formal declaration of war
- formal defect
- formal diversion
- formal document
- formal effort
- formal entity
- formal equality
- formal equality at law
- formal error
- formal examination
- formal head of state
- formal justification
- formal law
- formal legislation
- formal means of lawmaking
- formal notification
- formal order
- formal permission
- formal point of view
- formal police action
- formal police powers
- formal power
- formal powers
- formal procedure
- formal process
- formal proof
- formal protest
- formal punitive system
- formal qualifications
- formal registration
- formal relations
- formal reply
- formal request
- formal requirement
- formal requisition
- formal right
- formal service
- formal signature
- formal social security system
- formal source
- formal statement
- formal submission
- formal treaty
- formal trial stage
- formal verdict
- formal vote
- formal warrant -
6 система квалификационных требований
Economy: system of qualificationsУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > система квалификационных требований
7 Azubi
* * *der Azubi(Abk.: Auszubildender) apprentice (ugs.); trainee (ugs.)* * *Azu|bi [a'tsuːbiː, 'a(ː)tsubi]m -s, -s or f -, -s abbrSee:* * *Azu·bi<-s, -s>[aˈtsu:bi, ˈa(:)tsubi]mAzu·bi<-, -s>[aˈtsu:bi, ˈa(:)tsubi]* * *der; Azubis, Azubis/die; Azubi, Azubis (ugs.) s. Auszubildende•• Cultural note:Trainees and apprentices are known as Azubis or Auszubildende. They are trained within the German dual system ( das duale Ausbildungssystem), which comprises practical on-the-job training in recognized occupations with theoretical instruction at a Berufsschule. During the training period Azubis receive a small wage from their employer. In order to gain professional qualifications Azubis take an examination at the end of their two- or three-year apprenticeship. The exam is conducted by a board of examiners such as the chamber of industry and commerce, the chamber of crafts, or representatives of employers and vocational school teachers* * ** * *der; Azubis, Azubis/die; Azubi, Azubis (ugs.) s. Auszubildende•• Cultural note:Trainees and apprentices are known as Azubis or Auszubildende. They are trained within the German dual system ( das duale Ausbildungssystem), which comprises practical on-the-job training in recognized occupations with theoretical instruction at a Berufsschule. During the training period Azubis receive a small wage from their employer. In order to gain professional qualifications Azubis take an examination at the end of their two- or three-year apprenticeship. The exam is conducted by a board of examiners such as the chamber of industry and commerce, the chamber of crafts, or representatives of employers and vocational school teachers -
8 homologación
f.homologation, official approval, validation.* * *1 (registro) official approval, official recognition2 DEPORTE ratification3 (equiparación) parity* * *SF1) (=aprobación) official approvalel nuevo medicamento ha recibido la homologación de la UE — the new drug has received EU approval, the new drug has been licensed by the EU
2) (=equiparación)le han denegado la homologación del título — they refused to recognize her qualification as equivalent
favorecía la homologación de lo popular y lo culto — he was in favour of equal status for popular and high culture
3) (Dep) ratification, recognition* * *= accreditation, accrediting.Ex. There is need for reform of the curriculum and a national system of accreditation.Ex. For example, the higher education accrediting bodies such as this one have an influence on the libraries of institutions they accredit.----* agencia de homologación = accrediting agency, accrediting body.* homologación laboral = comparable worth.* proceso de homologación = accreditation process.* * *= accreditation, accrediting.Ex: There is need for reform of the curriculum and a national system of accreditation.
Ex: For example, the higher education accrediting bodies such as this one have an influence on the libraries of institutions they accredit.* agencia de homologación = accrediting agency, accrediting body.* homologación laboral = comparable worth.* proceso de homologación = accreditation process.* * *A1 (de un producto — recomendación) endorsement; (— autorización) authorization, sanctioning2 ( Dep) (de un récord) ratification, recognitionB (equiparación) homologación CON algo:han pedido su homologación con los técnicos they have asked for parity with the techniciansla homologación de los títulos australianos con los europeos the recognition of Australian qualifications as equivalent to European ones* * *
homologación sustantivo femenino
(— autorización) authorization
2 ( equiparación) homologación con algo:
la homologación de los títulos australianos con los europeos the recognition of Australian qualifications as equivalent to European ones
homologación sustantivo femenino
1 (hacer equivalentes) standardization: la Comunidad Europea va a proceder a la homologación de los sistemas de manipulación de alimentos, the European Community is going to standardize food-handling methods
2 (validación) (type) approval, agreement
* * *homologación nf1. [equiparación] bringing into line;reivindican la homologación salarial de todos los docentes they are demanding that all teachers should be on a uniform salary scale2. [de un producto] official authorization3. [de un récord] official confirmation4. [de un título] = certification of equivalence to an officially recognized qualification* * ** * *homologación nf, pl - ciones1) : sanctioning, approval2) : parity -
9 impecable
adj.impeccable.* * *► adjetivo1 impeccable, faultless\ir impecable to be impeccably dressed* * *ADJ impeccable, faultless* * *adjetivo impeccable* * *= immaculate, impeccable, flawless, unimpeachable, spic(k)-and-span, speckless, spotless, neat and tidy.Ex. This article traces the life of Otto Rohse, his immaculate typography, imaginative and sensitive illustrations, and his private press.Ex. Oxford University Press have been very successful in establishing their 'brand image' with the Oxford dictionaries which have distinguished editors of impeccable qualifications but the books are still marketed primarily as Oxford books.Ex. No system is flawless, however, and this includes SC350.Ex. This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.Ex. ' Spick and Span' is a comedy that examines how individuals cope with death in a society that likes to sweep things under the rug.Ex. He wore black speckless clothes, silk stockings, silver buckles, and either a slim green silk umbrella, or a genteel brown cane.Ex. A look into Jennifer's life revealed few clues -- she had a spotless reputation and was loved by everyone around her.Ex. Singers and other entertainers in Burma have been warned to cut out saucy behaviour and be neat and tidy or face the consequences.----* de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.* * *adjetivo impeccable* * *= immaculate, impeccable, flawless, unimpeachable, spic(k)-and-span, speckless, spotless, neat and tidy.Ex: This article traces the life of Otto Rohse, his immaculate typography, imaginative and sensitive illustrations, and his private press.
Ex: Oxford University Press have been very successful in establishing their 'brand image' with the Oxford dictionaries which have distinguished editors of impeccable qualifications but the books are still marketed primarily as Oxford books.Ex: No system is flawless, however, and this includes SC350.Ex: This is an eloquent, moving testament to the lifework of a major artist of unimpeachable technique and passion.Ex: ' Spick and Span' is a comedy that examines how individuals cope with death in a society that likes to sweep things under the rug.Ex: He wore black speckless clothes, silk stockings, silver buckles, and either a slim green silk umbrella, or a genteel brown cane.Ex: A look into Jennifer's life revealed few clues -- she had a spotless reputation and was loved by everyone around her.Ex: Singers and other entertainers in Burma have been warned to cut out saucy behaviour and be neat and tidy or face the consequences.* de comportamiento impecable = prim and proper.* * *impeccablela presentación era impecable the presentation was impeccable o faultlessva siempre impecable she is always immaculately o impeccably dressedse expresó en un español impecable her Spanish was impeccable o faultless* * *
impecable adjetivo
impecable adjetivo impeccable: hizo un trabajo impecable, the work she did was perfect
' impecable' also found in these entries:
- immaculate
- impeccable
- spotless
- flawless
- scrupulously
* * *impecable adjimpeccable* * *adj impeccable* * *impecable adjintachable: impeccable, faultless♦ impecablemente adv* * *impecable adj impeccable -
10 parti
I.parti1 [paʀti]1. masculine nouna. ( = groupe) partyb. ( = solution) option• prendre parti pour qn ( = donner raison à qn) to stand up for sb• prendre parti (dans une affaire) ( = dire ce qu'on pense) to take a stand (on an issue)c. ( = personne à marier) match• beau or bon or riche parti good match2. compounds► parti pris ( = préjugé) prejudice• parti pris artistique/esthétique ( = choix) artistic/aesthetic choice━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Among the many active right-wing political parties in France, one of the most prominent is the UMP (« Union pour un mouvement populaire »). On the centre right is the MODEM (Mouvement démocrate), and the foremost extreme right-wing party is the FN (« Front National »). On the left, the most influential party is the PS (« Parti socialiste »). The PCF (« Parti communiste français ») has lost a lot of ground and new parties such as the PG (« Parti de gauche ») and the MRG (« Mouvement radical de gauche ») have emerged. The LO (« Lutte ouvrière ») and the NPA (« Nouveau parti anticapitaliste ») are both extreme left-wing parties. The most prominent of France's ecological parties is « Europe écologie-Les Verts ». → ÉLECTIONS━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━II.( = ivre) tipsy* * *
être parti — to be tight (colloq)
être complètement parti — to be plastered (colloq)
nom masculin1) ( groupe de personnes) group; Politique party2) ( solution) optionprendre parti pour/contre quelque chose — to be for/against something
3) (dated) ( personne à marier) suitable match•Phrasal Verbs:••tirer parti de — to take advantage of [situation]; to turn [something] to good account [leçon, invention]
* * *paʀti nm1) POLITIQUE party2) (= décision)prendre le parti de faire — to make up one's mind to do, to resolve to do
prendre parti pour — to take sides for, to take a stand for
prendre parti pour — to take sides against, to take a stand against
prendre le parti de qn — to stand up for sb, to side with sb
3) (= personne à marier) match4)tirer parti de — to take advantage of, to turn to good account
* * *A ○adj ( ivre) être parti to be tight○; être un peu parti to be tipsy○; être complètement parti to be plastered○.B nm1 ( groupe de personnes) group; le parti des mécontents the dissatisfied;2 Pol party; les partis de l'opposition the opposition parties; avoir la carte d'un parti to be a card-carrying member of a party; le système du parti unique the one-party system;3 ( solution) option; hésiter entre deux partis to hesitate between two options; prendre parti to commit oneself (sur qch on sth); prendre parti pour qn to take sb's side; prendre parti contre qn to be against sb; prendre parti pour/contre qch to be for/against sth; prendre le parti de qn to side with sb (contre qn against sb); prendre le parti de qch to opt for sth; prendre le parti de faire to decide to do; il a pris le parti de ne rien dire he decided not to say anything; ne pas savoir quel parti prendre not to know what to do for the best;4 †( personne à marier) suitable match; être un beau or bon parti [homme] to be an eligible bachelor; [homme, femme] to be a catch○.C partie nf1 ( élément d'un tout) gén part; (d'une somme, d'un salaire) proportion, part; une partie de la population/des électeurs a proportion ou section of the population/of the voters; une partie des bénéfices/salaires a proportion of the profits/wages; les parties du corps the parts of the body; la première/deuxième partie de the first/second part of [livre, film, spectacle]; un feuilleton en six parties a television serial in six parts; une bonne or grande partie de a good ou large number of [personnes, objets, éléments]; a high proportion of [masse, ensemble, ressources]; la majeure partie des gens most people; la majeure partie de la population/des cas the majority of the population/of cases; en partie partly, in part; en grande partie to a large ou great extent; pour partie liter partly, in part; tout ou partie de all or part of; se faire rembourser tout ou partie des frais to have all or some of one's expenses paid; faire partie de to be part of [groupe, processus, idéologie, pays]; il fait partie de la famille he's one of the family; faire partie des premiers/derniers to be among the first/last; cela fait partie de leurs avantages that's one of their advantages; faire partie du passé to belong to the past; être or faire partie intégrante de qch to be an integral part of sth;2 ( division de l'espace) part; dans cette partie du monde/de l'Afrique in this part of the world/of Africa; la partie est/ouest de Jérusalem the eastern/western part of Jerusalem;3 ( division temporelle) part; il a plu une partie de la journée/nuit it rained for part of the day/night; ça m'a occupé une bonne partie de la matinée it took me a good part of the morning; il leur consacre une partie de son temps libre he devotes some of his free time to them; elle passe la majeure partie de son temps au travail/à dormir she spends most of her time at work/sleeping;4 ( profession) line (of work); dans ma partie in my line (of work); il est de la partie it's in his line (of work); je ne suis pas du tout de la partie that's not at all in my line;5 ⇒ Les jeux et les sports Jeux, Sport game; une partie de poker/de billard/d'échecs a game of poker/of billiards/of chess; une partie de tennis a game of tennis; une partie de cache-cache a game of hide-and-seek; une partie de golf a round of golf; faire or jouer une partie to have a game; la partie qui se joue entre les deux pays est difficile fig the ongoing situation between the two countries is tense; gagner/perdre une partie Jeux, Sport to win/lose a game; gagner/perdre la partie fig to win/lose the day; abandonner la partie Jeux, Sport to abandon the game; fig to give up (the fight); avoir la partie belle or facile fig to have an easy time of it; être de la partie fig to be in on it○; je fête mes trente ans, j'espère que tu seras de la partie I'm having a thirtieth birthday party, I hope you can come; nous ne pouvons pas venir à votre fête mais ce n'est que partie remise we can't make it to your party but maybe next time;6 (dans une négociation, un contrat) party; les parties en présence/conflit the parties (involved)/the opposing parties; les parties contractantes/concernées the contracting/interested parties; les deux parties ont signé un accord the two parties signed an agreement; les parties belligérantes the warring parties ou factions; être partie prenante dans qch to be actively involved in [conflit, contrat, négociation];7 Jur party; la partie adverse the opposing party;8 Mus part; la partie de soprano/basse the soprano/bass part;9 Math part.D parties○ nfpl privates○.parti pris bias; parti pris esthétique/politique aesthetic/political bias; parti pris de réalisme/modernité bias toward(s) realism/modernity; Parti conservateur Conservative Party; Parti communiste, PC Communist Party; Parti communiste français, PCF French Communist Party; Parti démocrate Democrat Party; Parti républicain Republican Party; Parti socialiste, PS Socialist Party; Parti travailliste Labour Party; partie carrée○ wife-swapping party; partie de chasse Chasse hunting party; partie civile Jur plaintiff; l'avocat de la partie civile the counsel for the plaintiff; se constituer or porter partie civile to take civil action; partie du discours Ling part of speech; partie fine orgy; partie de jambes en l'air○ legover◑ GB, screw◑; partie de pêche fishing trip; partie de plaisir fun; tu parles d'une partie de plaisir! iron that's not my idea of fun!; parties génitales or honteuses† private parts.prendre son parti de qch to come to terms with sth; tirer parti de qch to take advantage of [situation, événement]; to turn [sth] to good account [leçon, invention]; faire un mauvais parti à qn to ill-treat sb; avoir affaire à forte partie to have a tough opponent; prendre qn à partie to take sb to task; ⇒ lier.ⓘ Partis politiques In general, French political parties reflect a basic left/right divide. On the left, the main parties are the parti socialiste (PS) and the parti communiste français ( PCF) while the principal parties on the right are the Rassemblement pour la République ( RPR) and the Union pour la démocratie française ( UDF). These two groups regularly run a joint list known as the Alliance pour la France as part of an electoral pact. There are in addition more extreme groupings at both ends of the political spectrum. Beyond the left/right divide generally, the ecological movement is represented by Les Verts and Génération Écologie.III[parti] nom masculin1. POLITIQUEle parti communiste/conservateur/démocrate/républicain/socialiste the Communist/Conservative/Democratic/Republican/Socialist Partyles partis de droite/gauche the parties of the right/left, the right-wing/left-wing partiesprendre le parti de faire quelque chose to make up one's mind to do something, to decide to do somethingprendre parti [prendre position] to take sides ou a standprendre parti pour/contre quelque chose to come out for/against somethingprendre parti pour quelqu'un to side ou to take sides with somebodyen prendre son parti: elle ne sera jamais musicienne, il faut que j'en prenne mon/qu'elle en prenne son parti she'll never be a musician, I'll/she'll just have to accept it3. [avantage]a. [situation] to take advantage ofb. [équipement] to put to good useelle ne sait pas tirer parti de ses qualifications she doesn't know how to get the most out of her qualifications4. (humoristique) [personne à marier]c'est un beau ou bon parti he's/she's a good match————————parti pris nom masculin1. [prise de position] commitmentavoir un parti pris de modernisme/clarté to be committed to modernism/clear-thinking2. [préjugé] biasje n'ai aucun parti pris contre le tennis professionnel, mais... I'm not biased against professional tennis, but...être sans parti pris to be unbiased ou objectiveje dirais, sans parti pris, qu'elle est la meilleure without any bias on my part, I'd say that she's the best -
11 NVQ
abbreviation(Brit.) = academic.ru/106100/National_Vocational_Qualification">National Vocational Qualification•• Cultural note:Eine Qualifikation in Großbritannien, die man durch Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz oder in bestimmten Colleges und Schulen erhält. Die Fächer sind konkret berufsbezogen und auf verschiedenen Niveaus angesiedelt* * *[ˌenvi:ˈkju:]n SCH abbrev of National Vocational Qualification ≈ Fachhochschulreife f, ≈ Berufsmaturität f SCHWEIZ, ≈ Berufsreife f ÖSTERRNa·tion·al Vo·ca·tion·al Quali·fi·ˈca·tionn* * *National Vocational Qualifications oder NVQs sind berufsbezogene Qualifizierungen, die überwiegend für Menschen gedacht sind, die bereits im Berufsleben stehen, auch wenn einige Schulen diesen Abschluss zusätzlich zu oder anstelle der Hochschulzugangsqualifikationen wie GSCE oder A levels anbieten. Die Beurteilung erfolgt aufgrund der Leistungen im praktischen und theoretischen Unterricht sowie mündlichen und schriftlichen Prüfungen. Das System gilt in England, Wales und Nordirland, wobei es in Schottland ein ähnliches System, die Scottish Vocational Qualifications (oder auch "SVQs") gibt. See: → A LEVELS, GCSE* * *abbreviation(Brit.) = National Vocational Qualification•• Cultural note:Eine Qualifikation in Großbritannien, die man durch Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz oder in bestimmten Colleges und Schulen erhält. Die Fächer sind konkret berufsbezogen und auf verschiedenen Niveaus angesiedelt -
12 SQA
1) Общая лексика: (Scottish Qualifications Authority) Квалификационное ведомство Шотландии3) Ветеринария: Scottish Qualifications Authority4) Сокращение: Society of Quality Assurance( Общество обеспечения качества, www. sqa. org)5) Университет: Software Advanced Technologies Institute6) Деловая лексика: Specified Quantity Of A, Supplier Quality Assurance7) Сетевые технологии: software quality assurance8) Расширение файла: System Queue Area9) Общественная организация: Sustainable Quality Alliance10) Должность: Software Quality Analyst11) Аэропорты: Santa Ynez Valley Airport, Santa Ynez, California USA12) НАСА: Simple Quick And Affordable -
13 place
1. noun1) (a particular spot or area: a quiet place in the country; I spent my holiday in various different places.) sitio, lugar2) (an empty space: There's a place for your books on this shelf.) sitio3) (an area or building with a particular purpose: a market-place.) lugar, sitio, local4) (a seat (in a theatre, train, at a table etc): He went to his place and sat down.) sitio, asiento5) (a position in an order, series, queue etc: She got the first place in the competition; I lost my place in the queue.) lugar, puesto6) (a person's position or level of importance in society etc: You must keep your secretary in her place.) sitio7) (a point in the text of a book etc: The wind was blowing the pages of my book and I kept losing my place.) página, punto8) (duty or right: It's not my place to tell him he's wrong.) función, papel, deber, obligación9) (a job or position in a team, organization etc: He's got a place in the team; He's hoping for a place on the staff.) puesto, trabajo10) (house; home: Come over to my place.) casa11) ((often abbreviated to Pl. when written) a word used in the names of certain roads, streets or squares.) plaza12) (a number or one of a series of numbers following a decimal point: Make the answer correct to four decimal places.) punto/espacio decimal
2. verb1) (to put: He placed it on the table; He was placed in command of the army.) colocar, poner, situar2) (to remember who a person is: I know I've seen her before, but I can't quite place her.) situar, recordar, identificar•- go places
- in the first
- second place
- in place
- in place of
- out of place
- put oneself in someone else's place
- put someone in his place
- put in his place
- take place
- take the place of
place1 n1. lugar / sitio2. sitio / plaza / asiento3. casato take place tener lugar / ocurrir / celebrarsewhere did the battle take place? ¿dónde tuvo lugar la batalla?place2 vb poner / colocartr[pleɪs]1 (particular position, part) lugar nombre masculino, sitio2 (proper position) lugar nombre masculino, sitio; (suitable place) lugar nombre masculino adecuado, sitio adecuado4 (in book) página5 (seat) asiento, sitio; (at table) cubierto■ can you save my place? ¿me guardas el sitio?1 (put - gen) poner; (- carefully) colocar2 (find home, job for) colocar3 (rank, class) poner, situar4 (remember - face, person) recordar; (- tune, accent) identificar■ I recognize his face, but I can't quite place him me suena su cara, pero no sé de qué\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLall over the place por todas partes, por todos ladosa place in the sun una posición destacadain place en su sitioin place of somebody / in somebody's place en el lugar de alguienin the first place... en primer lugar...out of place fuera de lugarthere's no place like home no hay nada como estar en casato be placed first «(second etc)» ocupar el primer (segundo etc) puesto, llegar el primero (segundo etc)to change places with somebody cambiar de sitio con alguiento fall into place / fit into place / slot into place encajar, cuadrarto have friends in high places tener amigos influyentesto give place to something dar paso a algoto go from place to place ir de un lugar a otro, ir de un sitio a otro, ir de un lado a otroto go places llegar lejosto hold something in place sujetar algoto know one's place saber el lugar que le corresponde a unoto place a bet hacer una apuestato place an order hacer un pedidoto place one's trust in somebody depositar su confianza en alguiento put oneself in somebody's place ponerse en el lugar de alguiento put somebody in his place poner a alguien en su sitioto take place tener lugarto take second place pasar a un segundo planoto take the place of ocupar el sitio de, reemplazar, sustituirdecimal place SMALLMATHEMATICS/SMALL punto decimalplace of birth lugar nombre masculino de nacimientoplace of residence domicilioplace of worship lugar nombre masculino de cultoplace mat individual nombre masculinoplace name topónimo1) put, set: poner, colocar2) situate: situar, ubicar, emplazarto be well placed: estar bien situadoto place in a job: colocar en un trabajo3) identify, recall: identificar, ubicar, recordarI can't place him: no lo ubico4)to place an order : hacer un pedidoplace n1) space: sitio m, lugar mthere's no place to sit: no hay sitio para sentarse2) location, spot: lugar m, sitio m, parte fplace of work: lugar de trabajoour summer place: nuestra casa de veranoall over the place: por todas partes3) rank: lugar m, puesto mhe took first place: ganó el primer lugar4) position: lugar meverything in its place: todo en su debido lugarto feel out of place: sentirse fuera de lugar5) seat: asiento m, cubierto m (a la mesa)6) job: puesto m7) role: papel m, lugar mto change places: cambiarse los papeles8)to take place : tener lugar9)to take the place of : sustituir an.• ubicación (Informática) s.f.n.• empleo s.m.• encargo s.m.• local s.m.• lugar s.m.• paraje s.m.• plaza s.f.• puesto s.m.• recinto s.m.• sitio s.m.v.• asentar v.• colocar v.• emplazar v.• fijar v.• instalar v.• localizar v.• meter v.• poner v.(§pres: pongo, pones...) pret: pus-pp: puestofut/c: pondr-•)• situar v.• ubicar v.
I pleɪs1)a) c (spot, position, area) lugar m, sitio mshe was in the right place at the right time and got the job — tuvo la suerte de estar allí en el momento oportuno y le dieron el trabajo
from place to place — de un lugar or un sitio or un lado a otro
to have friends in high places — tener* amigos influyentes
all over the place — por todas partes, por todos lados
to go places: this boy will go places — este chico va a llegar lejos
b) ( specific location) lugar mc) (in phrases)in place: when the new accounting system is in place cuando se haya implementado el nuevo sistema de contabilidad; to hold something in place sujetar algo; out of place: modern furniture would look out of place in this room quedaría mal or no resultaría apropiado poner muebles modernos en esta habitación; I felt very out of place there — me sentí totalmente fuera de lugar allí
d) u ( locality) lugar m2) ca) (building, shop, restaurant etc) sitio m, lugar mthey've moved to a bigger place — se han mudado a un local (or a una casa) más grande
b) ( home) casa fwe went back to Jim's place — después fuimos a (la) casa de Jim or (AmL tb) fuimos donde Jim or (RPl tb) a lo de Jim
3) ca) (position, role) lugar mif I were in your place — yo en tu lugar, yo que tú
nobody can ever take your place — nadie podrá jamás ocupar tu lugar or reemplazarte
to know one's place — (dated or hum) saber* el lugar que le corresponde a uno
to put somebody in her/his place — poner* a algn en su lugar
b)in place of — (as prep) en lugar de
c)to take place — ( occur) \<\<meeting/concert/wedding\>\> tener* lugar
we don't know what took place that night — no sabemos qué ocurrió or qué sucedió aquella noche
4) ca) ( seat)save me a place — guárdame un asiento or un sitio
the hall has places for 500 people — la sala tiene capacidad or cabida para 500 personas
b) ( at table) cubierto mto lay/set a place for somebody — poner* un cubierto para algn
5) c (in contest, league) puesto m, lugar mhe took first place — obtuvo el primer puesto or lugar
your social life will have to take second place — tu vida social va a tener que pasar a un segundo plano
6) c (in book, script, sequence)you've made me lose my place — me has hecho perder la página (or la línea etc) por donde iba
7) ca) ( job) puesto mto fill a place — cubrir* una vacante
b) (BrE Educ) plaza fc) ( on team) puesto m8) ( in argument) lugar min the first/second place — en primer/segundo lugar
1) (put, position) \<\<object\>\> poner*; (carefully, precisely) colocar*; \<\<guards/sentries\>\> poner*, apostar*, colocar*how are you placed (for) next week? — ¿cómo estás de tiempo la semana que viene?
to place one's confidence o trust in somebody/something — depositar su (or mi etc) confianza en alguien/algo
2)a) (in hierarchy, league, race)national security should be placed above everything else — la seguridad nacional debería ponerse por encima de todo
b) ( in horseracing)to be placed — llegar* placé or colocado ( en segundo o tercer lugar)
3)a) (find a home, job for) colocar*they placed her with a Boston firm — la colocaron or le encontraron trabajo en una empresa de Boston
b) \<\<advertisement\>\> poner*; \<\<phone call\>\> pedir*; \<\<goods/merchandise\>\> colocar*4) ( identify) \<\<tune\>\> identificar*, ubicar* (AmL)her face is familiar, but I can't quite place her — su cara me resulta conocida pero no sé de dónde or (AmL tb) pero no la ubico
5) ( direct carefully) \<\<ball/shot\>\> colocar*[pleɪs]1. Nthis is the place — este es el lugar, aquí es
we came to a place where... — llegamos a un lugar donde...
the furniture was all over the place — los muebles estaban todos manga por hombro•
in another or some other place — en otra parte•
any place will do — cualquier lugar vale or sirve•
it all began to fall into place — todo empezó a tener sentido•
when the new law/system is in place — cuando la nueva ley/el nuevo sistema entre en vigora blue suit, worn in places — un traje azul, raído a retazos
the snow was a metre deep in places — había tramos or trozos en que la nieve cubría un metro
this is no place for you — este no es sitio para ti•
a place in the sun — (fig) una posición envidiable2) (specific) lugar m•
place of business — [of employment] lugar m de trabajo; (=office) oficina f, despacho m ; (=shop) comercio m3) (=town, area) lugar m, sitio m•
to go places — (US) (=travel) viajar, conocer mundohe's going places * — (fig) llegará lejos
from place to place — de un sitio a otrohe drifted from place to place, from job to job — iba de un sitio a otro, de trabajo en trabajo
4) (=house) casa f ; (=building) sitio mwe were at Peter's place — estuvimos en casa de Pedro, estuvimos donde Pedro *
my place or yours? — ¿en mi casa o en la tuya?
I must be mad, working in this place — debo de estar loca para trabajar en este sitio or lugar
5) (in street names) plaza f6) (=proper or natural place) sitio m, lugar mdoes this have a place? — ¿tiene esto un sitio determinado?
his troops were in place — sus tropas estaban en su sitiohe checked that his tie was in place — comprobó que llevaba bien puesta or colocada la corbata
to be out of place — estar fuera de lugarI feel rather out of place here — me siento como que estoy de más aquí, aquí me siento un poco fuera de lugar
to laugh in or at the right place — reírse en el momento oportuno7) (in book) página f•
to find/ lose one's place — encontrar/perder la página•
to mark one's place — poner una marca (de por dónde se va) en un libro8) (=seat) asiento m ; (in cinema, theatre) localidad f ; (at table) cubierto m ; (in queue) turno m ; (in school, university, on trip) plaza f ; (in team) puesto mare there any places left? — ¿quedan plazas?
is this place taken? — ¿está ocupado este asiento?
to change places with sb — cambiar de sitio con algn•
to give place to — dar paso a•
to lay an extra place for sb — poner otro cubierto para algn9) (=job, vacancy) puesto mto seek a place in publishing — buscarse una colocación or un puesto en una casa editorial
10) (=position) lugar mif I were in your place — yo en tu lugar, yo que tú
I wouldn't mind changing places with her! — ¡no me importaría estar en su lugar!•
to know one's place — saber cuál es su lugar•
racism has no place here — aquí no hay sitio para el racismo•
she occupies a special place in the heart of the British people — ocupa un rincón especial en el corazón del pueblo británico•
to take the place of sth/sb — sustituir or suplir algo/a algnI was unable to go so Sheila took my place — yo no pude ir, así que Sheila lo hizo por mí
11) (in series, rank) posición f, lugar m•
to work sth out to three places of decimals — calcular algo hasta las milésimas or hasta con tres decimales•
Madrid won, with Bilbao in second place — ganó Madrid, con Bilbao en segunda posición or segundo lugar•
she took second place in the race/Latin exam — quedó la segunda en la carrera/el examen de Latínhe didn't like having to take second place to his wife in public — delante de la gente no le gustaba quedar en un segundo plano detrás de su mujer
for her, money takes second place to job satisfaction — para ella un trabajo gratificante va antes que el dinero
- put sb in his place12) (other phrases)•
in the first/ second place — en primer/segundo lugar•
in place of — en lugar de, en vez de•
to take place — tener lugarthe marriage will not now take place — ahora la boda no se celebrará, ahora no habrá boda
there are great changes taking place — están ocurriendo or se están produciendo grandes cambios
2. VTthe drought is placing heavy demands on the water supply — la sequía está poniendo en serios apuros al suministro de agua
unemployment places a great strain on families — el desempleo somete a las familias a una fuerte presión
2) (=give, attribute) [+ blame] echar (on a); [+ responsibility] achacar (on a); [+ importance] dar, otorgar more frm (on a)•
I had no qualms about placing my confidence in him — no tenía ningún reparo en depositar mi confianza en él•
they place too much emphasis on paper qualifications — le dan demasiada importancia a los títulos•
we should place no trust in that — no hay que fiarse de eso3) (=situate) situar, ubicarhow are you placed for money? — ¿qué tal andas de dinero?
4) (Comm) [+ order] hacer; [+ goods] colocar; (Econ) [+ money, funds] colocar, invertirgoods that are difficult to place — mercancías fpl que no encuentran salida
bet 3., 1)to place a contract for machinery with a French firm — firmar un contrato con una compañía francesa para adquirir unas máquinas
5) (=find employment for) [agency] encontrar un puesto a, colocar; [employer] ofrecer empleo a, colocar; (=find home for) colocarthe child was placed with a loving family — el niño fue (enviado) a vivir con una familia muy cariñosa
6) (of series, rank) colocar, clasificarto be placed — (in horse race) llegar colocado
they are currently placed second in the league — actualmente ocupan el segundo lugar de la clasificación
7) (=recall, identify) recordar; (=recognize) reconocer; (=identify) identificar, ubicar (LAm)I can't place her — no recuerdo de dónde la conozco, no la ubico (LAm)
3.VI(US) (in race, competition)to place second — quedar segundo, quedar en segundo lugar
4.CPDplace card N — tarjeta que indica el lugar de alguien en la mesa
place kick N — (Rugby) puntapié m colocado; (Ftbl) tiro m libre
place names (as study, in general) toponimia fplace name N — topónimo m
place setting N — cubierto m
* * *
I [pleɪs]1)a) c (spot, position, area) lugar m, sitio mshe was in the right place at the right time and got the job — tuvo la suerte de estar allí en el momento oportuno y le dieron el trabajo
from place to place — de un lugar or un sitio or un lado a otro
to have friends in high places — tener* amigos influyentes
all over the place — por todas partes, por todos lados
to go places: this boy will go places — este chico va a llegar lejos
b) ( specific location) lugar mc) (in phrases)in place: when the new accounting system is in place cuando se haya implementado el nuevo sistema de contabilidad; to hold something in place sujetar algo; out of place: modern furniture would look out of place in this room quedaría mal or no resultaría apropiado poner muebles modernos en esta habitación; I felt very out of place there — me sentí totalmente fuera de lugar allí
d) u ( locality) lugar m2) ca) (building, shop, restaurant etc) sitio m, lugar mthey've moved to a bigger place — se han mudado a un local (or a una casa) más grande
b) ( home) casa fwe went back to Jim's place — después fuimos a (la) casa de Jim or (AmL tb) fuimos donde Jim or (RPl tb) a lo de Jim
3) ca) (position, role) lugar mif I were in your place — yo en tu lugar, yo que tú
nobody can ever take your place — nadie podrá jamás ocupar tu lugar or reemplazarte
to know one's place — (dated or hum) saber* el lugar que le corresponde a uno
to put somebody in her/his place — poner* a algn en su lugar
b)in place of — (as prep) en lugar de
c)to take place — ( occur) \<\<meeting/concert/wedding\>\> tener* lugar
we don't know what took place that night — no sabemos qué ocurrió or qué sucedió aquella noche
4) ca) ( seat)save me a place — guárdame un asiento or un sitio
the hall has places for 500 people — la sala tiene capacidad or cabida para 500 personas
b) ( at table) cubierto mto lay/set a place for somebody — poner* un cubierto para algn
5) c (in contest, league) puesto m, lugar mhe took first place — obtuvo el primer puesto or lugar
your social life will have to take second place — tu vida social va a tener que pasar a un segundo plano
6) c (in book, script, sequence)you've made me lose my place — me has hecho perder la página (or la línea etc) por donde iba
7) ca) ( job) puesto mto fill a place — cubrir* una vacante
b) (BrE Educ) plaza fc) ( on team) puesto m8) ( in argument) lugar min the first/second place — en primer/segundo lugar
1) (put, position) \<\<object\>\> poner*; (carefully, precisely) colocar*; \<\<guards/sentries\>\> poner*, apostar*, colocar*how are you placed (for) next week? — ¿cómo estás de tiempo la semana que viene?
to place one's confidence o trust in somebody/something — depositar su (or mi etc) confianza en alguien/algo
2)a) (in hierarchy, league, race)national security should be placed above everything else — la seguridad nacional debería ponerse por encima de todo
b) ( in horseracing)to be placed — llegar* placé or colocado ( en segundo o tercer lugar)
3)a) (find a home, job for) colocar*they placed her with a Boston firm — la colocaron or le encontraron trabajo en una empresa de Boston
b) \<\<advertisement\>\> poner*; \<\<phone call\>\> pedir*; \<\<goods/merchandise\>\> colocar*4) ( identify) \<\<tune\>\> identificar*, ubicar* (AmL)her face is familiar, but I can't quite place her — su cara me resulta conocida pero no sé de dónde or (AmL tb) pero no la ubico
5) ( direct carefully) \<\<ball/shot\>\> colocar* -
14 Unterstützungsmaßnahmen
Unterstützungsmaßnahmen, direkte
direct aid measures;
• bundeseinheitlich festgelegte Unterstützungsnormen national basic standards of relief (Br.);
• Unterstützungsperiode benefit period;
• Unterstützungsplan (Fürsorge) relief plan, welfare system;
• Unterstützungsprogramm aid (relief, welfare) program(me);
• ausländisches Unterstützungsprogramm foreign aid program (US);
• staatliches Unterstützungsprogramm state-aid program (US);
• normale Unterstützungssätze (öffentliche Fürsorge) relief standards (Br.);
• Unterstützungsscheck benefit check (US) (cheque, Br.);
• Unterstützungsschema für die Zahlung von Kurzarbeiterzuschüssen temporary employment subsidy scheme (Br.);
• Unterstützungsstelle relief office;
• Unterstützungssuchender applicant for relief, relief applicant;
• Unterstützungssumme grant, allowance, (Betriebsunfall) compensation;
• Unterstützungssystem system of support, (Fürsorge) relief (welfare) system;
• Unterstützungsumfang scale of benefits;
• Unterstützungsunterlagen case history;
• Unterstützungsverband welfare association, poor law parish (Br.);
• Unterstützungsverein benevolent association (society, Br.), benefit company (society) (Br.), relief association, provident society (Br.), benefit (slate) club (Br.);
• Unterstützungsverpflichtungen compulsory support commitments;
• Unterstützungsvoraussetzungen qualifications for benefit;
• Unterstützungswohnsitz social settlement.Business german-english dictionary > Unterstützungsmaßnahmen
15 direkte
Unterstützungsmaßnahmen, direkte
direct aid measures;
• bundeseinheitlich festgelegte Unterstützungsnormen national basic standards of relief (Br.);
• Unterstützungsperiode benefit period;
• Unterstützungsplan (Fürsorge) relief plan, welfare system;
• Unterstützungsprogramm aid (relief, welfare) program(me);
• ausländisches Unterstützungsprogramm foreign aid program (US);
• staatliches Unterstützungsprogramm state-aid program (US);
• normale Unterstützungssätze (öffentliche Fürsorge) relief standards (Br.);
• Unterstützungsscheck benefit check (US) (cheque, Br.);
• Unterstützungsschema für die Zahlung von Kurzarbeiterzuschüssen temporary employment subsidy scheme (Br.);
• Unterstützungsstelle relief office;
• Unterstützungssuchender applicant for relief, relief applicant;
• Unterstützungssumme grant, allowance, (Betriebsunfall) compensation;
• Unterstützungssystem system of support, (Fürsorge) relief (welfare) system;
• Unterstützungsumfang scale of benefits;
• Unterstützungsunterlagen case history;
• Unterstützungsverband welfare association, poor law parish (Br.);
• Unterstützungsverein benevolent association (society, Br.), benefit company (society) (Br.), relief association, provident society (Br.), benefit (slate) club (Br.);
• Unterstützungsverpflichtungen compulsory support commitments;
• Unterstützungsvoraussetzungen qualifications for benefit;
• Unterstützungswohnsitz social settlement. -
16 requisito
m.requirement.cumplir los requisitos to fulfill all the requirementsrequisito previo prerequisitepres.indicat.1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: requisitar.* * *1 requisite, requirement\cumplir todos los requisitos to fulfil (US fulfill) all the requirementsser requisito indispensable to be absolutely essentialrequisito previo prerequisite* * *SM requirement, requisitecumplir los requisitos — to fulfil o (EEUU) fulfill the requirements
* * *masculino requirementreunir los requisitos — to fulfill o meet the requirements
* * *= demand, preliminary, requirement.Ex. The best indexing system can respond to these various demands.Ex. Some of these are an essential preliminary to understanding catalogues, indexes and shelf arrangement of stock in libraries.Ex. The most appropriate type of abstract must be chosen in accordance with the requirements of each individual application.----* cumplir los requisitos = come up to + requirements.* cumplir los requisitos para = be eligible for.* cumplir un requisito = match + criterion, meet + criterion, meet + specification, satisfy + requirement, fill + requirement.* hacer a medida para satisfacer los requisitos = tailor to + meet the specification.* no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.* que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.* requisito laboral = job requirement.* requisito previo = prerequisite.* requisitos = specifications.* requisitos a reunir = eligibility.* requisitos de funcionamiento = operational requirement.* requisitos mínimos = minimum systems specification.* satisfacer lo requisitos = fit + the bill.* * *masculino requirementreunir los requisitos — to fulfill o meet the requirements
* * *= demand, preliminary, requirement.Ex: The best indexing system can respond to these various demands.
Ex: Some of these are an essential preliminary to understanding catalogues, indexes and shelf arrangement of stock in libraries.Ex: The most appropriate type of abstract must be chosen in accordance with the requirements of each individual application.* cumplir los requisitos = come up to + requirements.* cumplir los requisitos para = be eligible for.* cumplir un requisito = match + criterion, meet + criterion, meet + specification, satisfy + requirement, fill + requirement.* hacer a medida para satisfacer los requisitos = tailor to + meet the specification.* no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.* que cumple los requisitos = qualifying.* requisito laboral = job requirement.* requisito previo = prerequisite.* requisitos = specifications.* requisitos a reunir = eligibility.* requisitos de funcionamiento = operational requirement.* requisitos mínimos = minimum systems specification.* satisfacer lo requisitos = fit + the bill.* * *requirementllenar or reunir los requisitos to fulfill o satisfy o meet the requirementses requisito indispensable ser mexicano Mexican nationality is an essential requirementel requisito esencial es entusiasmo enthusiasm is the essential qualificationCompuesto:prerequisite* * *
requisito sustantivo masculino
requirement;◊ reunir los requisitos to fulfill o meet the requirements;
requisito previo prerequisite
requisito sustantivo masculino requirement, requisite
' requisito' also found in these entries:
- exigencia
- básico
- cumplir
- formalidad
- imprescindible
- qualification
- requirement
- requisite
- specification
- prerequisite
* * *requisito nmrequirement;cumplir los requisitos to fulfil the requirements;reúne todos los requisitos it meets o satisfies all the requirements;un requisito previo a prerequisite;el dominio del alemán es requisito indispensable a knowledge of German is essential* * *m requirement* * *requisito nm1) : requirement2)requisito previo : prerequisite* * *requisito n requirement -
17 valutazione
f valuation* * *valutazione s.f. ( il valutare) evaluation, valuation, estimation, appraisal, rating, grading; ( accertamento) assessment; ( entità del valore attribuito) estimate; ( calcolo) calculation, reckoning; ( giudizio, considerazione) judgement, consideration, waighing; ( analisi) surveys (pl.): valutazione di un immobile, valuation of a property; valutazione dei danni, assessment of damage; valutazione approssimativa, rough estimate; criterio di valutazione, principle of evaluation // (econ.): valutazione della solidità finanziaria di una società, credit rating of a company; valutazione dei progetti, project evaluation; valutazione delle mansioni, job evaluation; valutazione dei costi, cost estimation // (comm.): valutazione delle scorte, stock valuation; valutazione di magazzino, inventory valuation // (amm.): valutazione di efficienza, di merito del personale, merit rating; valutazione delle capacità professionali, skill evaluation; la valutazione dei titoli dei candidati, the rating of the professional qualifications of applicants.* * *[valutat'tsjone]sostantivo femminile1) (di bene, oggetto) (e)valuation, estimation U"offriamo la massima valutazione per..." — "we pay top prices for..."
2) (stima) (di costi, danni, rischi) estimate, assessment, appraisal; (calcolo) calculation, reckoning3) (giudizio) assessment, judg(e)mentun errore di valutazione — an error of judgment, a misjudg(e)ment
4) (di compito) marking; (di capacità, candidato, studente) assessment* * *valutazione/valutat'tsjone/sostantivo f.1 (di bene, oggetto) (e)valuation, estimation U; "offriamo la massima valutazione per..." "we pay top prices for..."2 (stima) (di costi, danni, rischi) estimate, assessment, appraisal; (calcolo) calculation, reckoning; a una valutazione approssimativa at a rough estimate3 (giudizio) assessment, judg(e)ment; un errore di valutazione an error of judgment, a misjudg(e)ment; ha avuto una valutazione positiva he got a good rating4 (di compito) marking; (di capacità, candidato, studente) assessment; sistema di valutazione grading system. -
18 educational
educational [‚edjʊˈkeɪ∫ənl]1. adjective[system, needs, toy, TV programme] éducatif ; [establishment] d'enseignement ; [standards] de l'enseignement ; [theory] de l'éducation ; [method, material] pédagogique2. compounds* * *[ˌedʒʊ'keɪʃənl]1) [establishment, method, system] d'enseignement; [developments] de l'enseignement; [standards, supplies] School scolaire; University universitaire2) ( instructive) [game, programme, value] éducatif/-ive; [experience, talk] instructif/-ive -
19 LMD
Licence, Maîtrise, DoctoratThe name of the degree structure adopted since the start of the 21st century by French universities, in accordance with the European "Bologna" system. At one stage called the 3-5-8 system, on account of the number of years of higher education required to achieve the various degree qualifications. -
20 UEFA-Konvention über die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Trainerqualifikationen
UEFA-Konvention über die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Trainerqualifikationen f■ Konvention der UEFA zur Sicherung eines einheitlichen Standards der Trainerausbildung durch die Festlegung von europäischen Mindestnormen und zur Schaffung eines Systems von Diplomen, mit dem Ziel, das Ausbildungsniveau der Trainerkurse in den einzelnen UEFA-Mitgliedsverbänden anzuheben, um mittels eines europäischen Trainerausbildungssystems auf hohem Niveau den Status und das Sachwissen der europäischen Trainer zu verankern und zu wahren.■ UEFA convention to guarantee a unified level of education for coaches, by laying down minimum European standards and to create a diploma system which has as its main purpose the upgrading of the standards of coach training courses in the different UEFA member associations in order to establish and maintain the status and expertise of European coaches through the vehicle of a high-level European coach education scheme.German-english football dictionary > UEFA-Konvention über die gegenseitige Anerkennung der Trainerqualifikationen
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
system of qualifications — kvalifikacijų sistema statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Profesinių kvalifikacijų visuma, apibūdinama visų galimų veiklų (profesijų) įvairių lygmenų, (įvairių kompetencijos) kvalifikacijų rūšių aprašais ir kompetenciją bei… … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
national system of qualifications — nacionalinė kvalifikacijų sistema statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Šalies veiklos sistemos ir jos dirbančiųjų poreikius atitinkanti kvalifikacijų visuma, pagrįsta nacionaline kvalifikacijų sandara. Ji kuriama ir palaikoma,… … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Qualifications and Credit Framework — The Qualifications and Credit Framework is a new system of recognising and comparing different skills and qualifications in the UK education sector. It is expected to replace the existing National Qualifications Framework in England, Northern… … Wikipedia
qualifications system management — kvalifikacijų sistemos valdymas statusas T sritis Švietimas ir mokslas apibrėžtis Teisės aktais nustatytų institucijų ir interesų grupių (kolegialių priežiūros institucijų) kvalifikacijų sistemos procesų organizavimas ir priežiūra (kvalifikacijas … Aiškinamasis kvalifikacijų sistemos terminų žodynas
Qualifications des épreuves d'équitation aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article principal : Équitation aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les qualifications pour les épreuves d équitation des Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 sont organisées depuis 2010 et se termineront en 2012. Trois disciplines sont au… … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves de judo aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article principal : Judo aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les places qualificatives pour les épreuves de judo des Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 sont basées sur le classement mondial du 1er mai 2012, élaboré par la Fédération internationale … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves de lutte aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article principal : Lutte aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les places qualificatives pour les épreuves de lutte des Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 sont décernées entre septembre 2011 et mai 2012. Les compétitions de lutte regrouperont un… … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves d'haltérophilie aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article principal : Haltérophilie aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les qualifications pour les épreuves d haltérophilie des Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 sont organisées depuis 2010 et se termineront en 2012. Sommaire 1 Période de… … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves de boxe aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article détaillé : Boxe aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les qualifications pour les épreuves de boxe aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 se déroulent en plusieurs temps. Les hommes doivent se qualifier par le biais des World Series of… … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves de gymnastique aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Articles détaillés : Gymnastique artistique aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012, Gymnastique rythmique aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 et Trampoline aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. Les qualifications pour les épreuves de gymnastique aux… … Wikipédia en Français
Qualifications des épreuves d'aviron aux Jeux olympiques d'été de 2012 — Article principal : Aviron aux Jeux olympiques d été de 2012. La majorité des places de qualification qualification pour les épreuves d aviron des Jeux olympiques d été de 2012 seront attribués en fonction des résultats au championnat du… … Wikipédia en Français