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См. также в других словарях:

  • Syracusan — 1. adjective Of or belonging to Syracuse, a city in Sicily, Italy, or of the city of Syracuse in central New York State. Ex. The Syracusan expedition was the deathblow of the Athenian Empire. (John Buchan). 2. noun A native or inhabitant of… …   Wiktionary

  • Syracusan — adjective or noun see Syracuse …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • syracusan — syr·a·cu·san …   English syllables

  • syracusan — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Syracuse — Syracusan, adj., n. /sir euh kyoohs , kyoohz /, n. 1. a city in central New York. 170,105. 2. Italian, Siracusa. a seaport in SE Sicily: ancient city founded by the Carthaginians 734 B.C.; battles 413 B.C., 212 B.C. 121,134. * * * I City (pop.,… …   Universalium

  • Dion of Syracuse — Dion (Δίων 408–354 BC), tyrant of Syracuse in Sicily, was the son of Hipparinus, and brother in law of Dionysius I of Syracuse. Contents 1 Family 2 Dionysius the Elder s closest adviser 2.1 The arrival of Plato …   Wikipedia

  • Sicilian Expedition — Infobox Military Conflict conflict = Sicilian Expedition partof = the Peloponnesian War caption = date = 415 413 BC place = Sicily territory = result = Athenian defeat, complete destruction of the Athenian expeditionary force status = combatant1 …   Wikipedia

  • Siege of Motya — Infobox Military Conflict conflict= Siege of Motya (398 BC) partof=The Sicilian Wars campaign=The Second Sicilian War caption=Siege of Motya 398 BC. Political boundaries and path of troop movements are inexact because of lack of primary source… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Himera (409 BC) — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Second Battle of Himera (409 BC) partof=The Sicilian Wars campaign=The Second Sicilian War caption=Second Battle of Himera 409 BC. Political boundaries and path of troop movement are inexact because of lack of… …   Wikipedia

  • Siege of Akragas (406 BC) — Infobox Military Conflict conflict= Siege of Akragas (406 BC) partof=The Sicilian Wars campaign=The Second Sicilian War caption=Siege of Akragas 406 BC. Political boundaries and path of troop movements are inexact because of lack of primary… …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Gela (405 BC) — Infobox Military Conflict conflict= Battle of Gela (405 BC) partof=The Sicilian Wars campaign=The Second Sicilian War caption=Battle of Gela 405 BC. Political boundaries and path of troop movements are inexact because of lack of primary source… …   Wikipedia

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