1 sweeping motion
- sweeping motion
- nнанесение на стену штукатурной растворной смеси прижиманием сокола и перемещением его снизу вверх; намазка штукатурной растворной смеси
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > sweeping motion
2 sweeping motion
1) Строительство: намазка штукатурной растворной смеси, нанесение на стену штукатурной растворной смеси прижиманием сокола и перемещением его снизу вверх2) Автоматика: поворот -
3 sweeping motion
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > sweeping motion
4 sweeping motion
нанесение на стену штукатурной растворной смеси прижиманием сокола и перемещением его снизу вверх; намазка штукатурной растворной смеси -
5 sweeping motion
6 sweeping motion
качание; раскачиваниеEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > sweeping motion
7 sweeping motion of the eyes
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sweeping motion of the eyes
8 sweeping motion of the eyes
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > sweeping motion of the eyes
9 motion
- motion
- nдвижение, перемещение ( кинематическое)
- accelerated motion
- air motion
- alternate motion
- circular motion
- constraint motion
- free motion
- harmonic motion
- helicoidal motion
- rotary motion of the crane
- slewing motion
- slow motion
- sweeping motion
- translatory motion
- uniform motion
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 sweeping
чистка; выгибание; смещение; II стремительный; обширный- sweeping curves - sweeping lines - sweeping machine - sweeping motion - sweeping-out -
11 motion
1) движение; перемещение (см. тж movement)2) устройство; механизм•- absolute motion of bodymotion per command — длина перемещения по команде, длина перемещения по одной команде (УП)
- absolute motion of particle
- accelerated motion
- angular motion
- approaching motion
- ascensional motion
- axis motion
- B axis motion
- back motion
- back-and-forth motion
- backward motion
- bar-link motion
- bending motion
- bipedal motion
- box link motion
- bulk motion
- Cartesian motion
- closed link motion
- compliant motion
- compound motion of particle
- conflicting motions
- constrained motion
- continuous motion
- controlled motion
- controlling motion
- coordinated axis motion
- coordinated motion
- copying motion
- counter motion
- crank motion
- creep motion
- creeping motion
- cross motion
- curvilinear motion
- cushioned motion
- cutting motion
- damped harmonic motion
- decelerated motion
- differential motion
- discontinuous motion
- disturbed motion
- down-up motion
- driving motion
- drop motion
- eccentric feed motion
- eccentric motion
- eddy motion
- eddying motion
- end-to-end motion
- error motion
- fast motion
- feed motion
- fine motion
- four-bar motion
- free motion
- friction feed motion
- galloping motion
- generating motion
- generation motion
- Geneva motion
- harmonic motion
- helical motion
- hobbling motion
- impulse motion
- in motion
- in-and-out motion
- increasing motion
- independent axis motion
- in-line motion
- in-out motion
- intended motion
- interlocked motion with the rotation of the main spindle
- interlocked motion
- intermittent motion
- interrelated motions
- interrupted rectilinear motion
- irregular motion
- jerking motion
- jigging motion
- joint motion
- lever motion
- lift motion
- lift-and-carry motions
- lifting motion
- limited motion
- limited reciprocating rectilinear motion
- limited rectilinear motion and return
- limited rectilinear motion with delay
- link motion
- lost motion
- machine axis motion
- main motion
- micrometer motion
- motion of rigid body about fixed axis
- motion of rigid body about fixed point
- negative motion
- nonprobing axis motion
- nonsteady motion
- nonuniform motion
- nosing motion
- orbital motion
- oscillating motion
- oscillatory motion
- out-and-in motion
- out-in motion
- out-of-straightness motion
- parallel motion
- pendulum motion
- perturbed motion
- pitch motion
- pivoting motion
- planet motion
- planetary motion
- plunge motion
- plural axis motion
- positive motion
- power traverse motion
- powered motion
- primary motion
- programmed cutting motion
- progressive motion
- proper motion
- quick motion
- rack motion
- radial error motion
- rapid motion
- rapid traverse motion
- rapid-tool motion
- reciprocating motion
- rectilinear motion
- reducing motion
- relative motion of axes
- relative motion
- relieving motion
- restricted motion
- resultant cutting motion
- retarded motion
- reverse motion
- rocking motion
- rolling motion
- rotary motion
- rotational motion
- rotatory motion
- screw motion
- screw-cutting motion
- see-saw motion
- separating motion
- setting motion
- sideward motion
- single motion
- sliding motion
- slipping motion
- smooth motion
- spin motion
- spindle radial error motion
- spiral motion
- stable motion
- steady motion
- stick-slip motion
- stop and go motion
- stop motion
- straight line motion
- stroke motion
- surfacing motion
- sway motion
- sweeping motion
- switching motion
- switching-in motion
- tilting motion
- to-and-fro motion
- tracer motion
- translational motion
- translatory motion
- transverse motion
- two-dimensional motion
- uncovenanted motion
- uncushioned motion
- undulatory motion
- unequal motion
- uniform linear motion
- uniform motion
- uniformly accelerated motion
- uniformly retarded motion
- unperturbed motion
- unsteady motion
- unwanted motion
- up motion
- up-down motion
- upslide motion
- upward motion
- valve motion
- variable motion
- vortex motion
- W axis motion
- wasted motion
- wave motion
- wheel infeed motion
- whirling motion
- withdrawal motion
- wobbling motion
- wristbend motion
- X axis motion
- Y axis motion
- yaw motion
- Z axis motionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > motion
12 motion
движение, перемещениеdownward motion of air — нисходящее движение воздуха [воздушной массы]
upward motion of air — восходящее движение воздуха [воздушной массы]
13 motion
1) движение; ход, перемещение2) механизм; устройство3) каменоломня4) юр. ходатайство ( в суде)•- angular motion - backward motion - continuous motion - cross motion - cross-feed motion - crowding motion - derricking motion - down-up motion - drill motion - fluid motion - harmonic motion - hydrostatic motion - ice motion - impulsive motion - lateral motion - lift motion - mixing motion - periodic motion - plunge motion - rapid motion - reciprocating motion - retarded motion - rotary motion - screw motion - sliding motion - slip motion - smooth motion - steady motion - turbulent motion - vortex motion* * *движение, перемещение ( кинематическое)- accelerated motion
- air motion
- alternate motion
- circular motion
- constraint motion
- free motion
- harmonic motion
- helicoidal motion
- rotary motion of the crane
- slewing motion
- slow motion
- sweeping motion
- translatory motion
- uniform motion -
14 system
system of axes3-component LDV system3-D LDV system4-D system4-D flight-management system4-D guidance systemAC electrical systemactuation systemaerial delivery systemaerostat systemAEW systemafterburning control systemAI-based expert systemaileron-to-rudder systemair bleed offtake systemair cushion systemair cycle systemair data systemair defence systemair induction systemair refueling systemair traffic control systemair-combat advisory systemair-conditioning systemair-path axis systemair-turbine starting systemairborne early warning systemaircooling systemaircraft reference axis systemaircraft weight-and-balance measuring systemaircraft-autopilot systemaircraft-based systemaircraft-bifilar-pendulum systemaircraft-carried earth axis systemaircraft-carried normal earth axis systemaircrew escape systemairfield lighting control systemairframe/rotor systemairspeed systemalcohol-wash systemalignment control systemall-electronic systemall-weather mission systemaltitude loss warning systemangle-of-attack command systemanti-collision systemanti-g systemantitorque systemanti-icing systemantiskid systemarea-navigation systemARI systemartificial feel systemartificial intelligence-based expert systemartificially augmented flight control systemATC systemattitude and heading reference systemaudio systemaudiovisual systemauto-diagnosis systemauto-hover systemautolanding systemautomatic cambering systemautomatic trim systemautostabilization systemautotrim systemaxis systemB systembalance-fixed coordinate systembase-excited systembasic axis systembeam-foundation systembifilar pendulum suspension systembladder systemblowing systemblowing boundary layer control systemblown flap systembody axis systembody axis coordinate systembody-fitted coordinate systembody-fixed reference systemboom systemboosted flight control systembraking systembreathing systembuddy-buddy refuelling systemcabin pressurization systemcable-mount systemCAD systemcanopy's jettison systemcardiovascular systemcargo loading systemcargo-handling systemcarrier catapult systemcartesian axis systemCat III systemcentral nervous systemCGI systemcirculating oil systemclosed cooling systemclosed-loop systemcockpit systemcockpit management systemcollision avoidance systemcombined cooling systemcommand-by-voice systemcommand/vehicle systemcommercial air transportation systemcompensatory systemcomputer-aided design systemcomputer-assisted systemcomputer-generated image systemcomputer-generated visual systemconcentrated-mass systemconflict-alert systemconservative systemconstant bandwidth systemconstant gain systemconsultative expert systemcontrol systemcontrol augmented systemcontrol loader systemcooling systemcoordinate systemcounterstealth systemcoupled systemcoupled fire and flight-control systemcovert mission systemcrew systemscueing systemcurvilinear coordinate systemdamped systemdata systemdata acquisition systemdata handling systemdata transfer systemdata-gathering systemDC electrical systemdecision support systemdefensive avionics systemdeicing systemdemisting systemdeparture prevention systemdeterministic systemdual-dual redundant system4-D navigation system6-DOF motion systemdiagnosable systemdial-a-flap systemdirect impingement starting systemdisplacement control systemdisplay systemdisplay-augmented systemdivergent systemDLC systemdogfight systemdoor-to-door systemDoppler ground velocity systemdouble-balance systemdrive systemdrive train/rotor systemdry air refueling systemdual-field-of-view systemdual-wing systemdynamic systemearly-warning systemEarth-centered coordinate systemearth-fixed axis systemearth/sky/horizon projector systemejection systemejection display systemejection seat escape systemejection sequence systemejector exhaust systemejector lift systemelection safety systemelectric starting systemelectro-expulsive deicing systemelectro-impulse deicing systemelectro-vibratory deicing systemelectronic flight instrumentation systemElint systememergency power systememitter locator systemEMP-protected systemengine monitoring systemengine-propeller systemengine-related systemenhanced lift systemenvelope-limiting systemenvironmental control systemescape systemexcessive pitch attitude warning systemexhaust systemFADEC systemfault-tolerant systemFBW systemfeathering systemfeedback systemfeel systemfin axis systemfire detection systemfire suppression systemfire-extinguishing systemfire-protection systemfive-point restraint systemfixed-structure control systemflap systemflap/slat systemflash-protection systemflexible manufacturing systemflight control systemflight control actuation systemflight director systemflight inspection systemflight management systemflight path systemflight path axis systemflight test systemflight-test instrumentation systemflotation systemfluid anti-icing systemflutter control systemflutter margin augmentation systemflutter suppression systemfluttering systemfly-by-light systemfly-by-light control systemfly-by-wire systemfly-by-wire/power-by-wire control systemfoolproof systemforce-excited systemforce-feel systemforward vision augmentation systemfuel conservative guidance systemfuel management systemfuel transfer systemfull-vectoring systemfull-authority digital engine control systemfull-motion systemfull-state systemfull-time systemfully articulated rotor systemfuselage axis systemg-command systemg-cueing systemg-limiting systemgas generator control systemgas turbine starting systemglobal positioning systemgoverning systemground collision avoidance systemground proximity warning systemground-axes systemground-fixed coordinate systemground-referenced navigation systemgust alleviation systemgust control systemgyroscopic systemgyroscopically coupled systemhalon fire-extinguishing systemhalon gas fire-fighting systemhands-off systemhead-aimed systemheadup guidance systemhelmet pointing systemhelmet-mounted visual systemhierarchical systemhigh-damping systemhigh-authority systemhigh-lift systemhigh-order systemhigh-pay-off systemhigh-resolution systemhigher harmonic control systemhose-reel systemhot-gas anti-icing systemhub plane axis systemhub plane reference axis systemhub-fixed coordinate systemhydraulic systemhydraulic starting systemhydropneumatic systemhydrostatic motion systemhysteretic systemice-protection systemicing cloud spray systemicing-protection systemidentification friend or foe systemimage generator systemin-flight entertainment systemincidence limiting systeminert gas generating systeminertial coordinate systeminertial navigation systeminertial reference systeminfinite-dimensional systeminformation management systeminlet boundary layer control systeminlet control systeminput systeminstruction systeminstrument landing systeminstrumentation systemintelligence systemintelligent systeminterconnection systemintermediate axis systemintrusion alarm systemintrusion detection systeminverted fuel systemlanding guidance systemlarge-travel motion systemlaser-based visual systemlateral attitude control systemlateral control systemlateral feel systemlateral seat restraint systemlateral-directional stability and command augmentation systemlead compensated systemleft-handed coordinate systemleg restraint systemlife support systemliferaft deployment systemlift-distribution control systemlighter-than-air systemlightly damped systemlightning protection systemlightning sensor systemlightning warning systemlimited-envelope flight control systemlinear vibrating systemliquid oxygen systemload control systemload indication systemlocal-horizon systemloom systemlow-damping systemlow-order systemLQG controlled systemlubrication systemlumped parameter systemMach number systemmain transmission systemmaintenance diagnostic systemmaintenance record systemman-in-the-loop systemman-machine systemmaneuver demand systemmaneuvering attack systemmass-spring-dashpot systemmass-spring-damper systemmast-mounted sight systemmechanical-hydraulic flight control systemmicrowave landing systemMIMO systemmine-sweeping systemmissile systemmissile-fixed systemmission-planning systemmobile aircraft arresting systemmodal cancellation systemmodal suppression systemmode-decoupling systemmodel reference systemmodel-based visual systemmodel-following systemmodelboard systemmolecular sieve oxygen generation systemmonopulse systemmotion systemmotion generation systemmulti-input single-output systemmulti-input, multi-output systemmultimode systemmultibody systemmultidegree-of-freedom systemmultiloop systemmultiple-input single output systemmultiple-input, multiple-output systemmultiple-loop systemmultiple-redundant systemmultiply supported systemmultishock systemmultivariable systemnavigation management systemnavigation/attack systemnavigation/bomb systemNDT systemneuromuscular systemnight/dusk visual systemportable aircraft arresting systemnitrogen inerting systemno-tail-rotor systemnonminimum phase systemnonoscillatory systemnonconservative systemnormal earth-fixed axis systemNotar systemnozzle control systemnuclear-hardened systemobserver-based systemobstacle warning systemoil systemon-board inert gas generation systemon-board maintenance systemon-board oxygen generating systemon-off systemone degree of freedom systemone-shot lubrication systemopen cooling systemopen seat escape systemopen-loop systemoperability systemoptic-based control systemoptimally controlled systemorthogonal axis systemoxygen generation systemparachute systempartial vectoring systempartial vibrating systemperformance-seeking systemperturbed systempilot reveille systempilot vision systempilot-aircraft systempilot-aircraft-task systempilot-in-the-loop systempilot-manipulator systempilot-plus-airplane systempilot-vehicle-task systempilot-warning systempilot/vehicle systempitch change systempitch compensation systempitch stability and command augmentation systempitch rate systempitch rate command systempitch rate flight control systempneumatic deicing systempneumatic ice-protection systempneumodynamic systemposition hold systempower systempower-assisted systempower-boosted systempowered high-lift systempowered-lift systemprecognitive systempressurization systempreview systemprobabilistically diagnosable systemprobe refuelling systempronated escape systempropeller-fixed coordinate systempropulsive lift systemproximity warning systempursuit systempush-rod control systemquantized systemrandom systemrating systemreconfigurable systemrectangular coordinate systemreduced-gain systemreference axis systemrefuelling systemremote augmentor lift systemremote combustion systemresponse-feedback systemrestart systemrestraint systemrestructurable control systemretraction systemride-control systemride-quality systemride-quality augmentation systemride-smoothing systemright-handed axis systemright-handed coordinate systemrigid body systemrobotic refueling systemrod-mass systemroll augmentation systemroll rate command systemrotating systemrotor systemrotor isolation systemrotor-body systemrotor-wing lift systemroute planner systemrudder trim systemrudder-augmentation systemsampled-data systemscheduling systemschlieren systemsea-based systemseat restraint systemseatback video systemself-adjoint systemself-contained starting systemself-diagnosable systemself-excited systemself-repairing systemself-sealing fuel systemself-tuning systemshadow-mask systemshadowgraph systemship-fixed coordinate systemshock systemshort-closed oil systemsighting systemsimulation systemsimulator-based learning systemsingle degree of freedom systemsingle-input multiple-output systemsingularly perturbed systemsituational awareness systemsix-axis motion systemsix-degree-of-freedom motion systemsix-puck brake systemski-and-wheel systemskid-to-turn systemsnapping systemsoft mounting systemsoft ride systemsound systemspeed-stability systemspherical coordinate systemspin recovery systemspin-prevention systemspring-mass-dashpot systemstability and control augmentation systemstability augmentation systemstability axis coordinate systemstability enhancement systemstall detection systemstall inhibitor systemstall protection systemstall warning systemstarting systemstealth systemstochastic systemstorage and retrieval systemstore alignment systemstores management systemstrap-down inertial systemstructural systemstructural-mode compensation systemstructural-mode control systemstructural-mode suppression systemSTT systemsuppression systemsuspension systemtactile sensory systemtail clearance control systemtail warning systemtask-tailored systemterrain-aided navigation systemterrain-referencing systemtest systemthermal control systemthermal protection systemthreat-warning systemthree-axis augmentation systemthree-body tethered systemthree-control systemthree-gyro systemthrough-the-canopy escape systemthrust modulation systemthrust-vectoring systemtilt-fold-rotor systemtime-invariant systemtime-varying systemtip-path-plane coordinate systemtorque command/limiting systemtractor rocket systemtrailing cone static pressure systemtraining systemtrajectory guidance systemtranslation rate command systemtranslational acceleration control systemtrim systemtrim tank systemtriple-load-path systemtutoring systemtwin-dome systemtwo degree of freedom systemtwo-body systemtwo-input systemtwo-input two-output systemtwo-pod systemtwo-shock systemtwo-step shock absorber systemunpowered flap systemunpowered high-lift systemutility services management systemvapor cycle cooling systemvariable feel systemvariable stability systemvariable structure systemvestibular sensory systemvibrating systemvibration isolation systemvibration-control systemvibration-damping systemvideo-disc-based visual systemvisor projection systemvisual systemvisual display systemvisual flying rules systemvisual sensory systemvisual simulation systemvisually coupled systemvoice-activated systemvortex systemvortex attenuating systemVTOL control systemwake-imaging systemwarning systemwater injection cooling systemwater-mist systemwater-mist spray systemweather systemwheel steering systemwide angle visual systemwind coordinate systemwind shear systemwind-axes systemwind-axes coordinate systemwind-fixed coordinate systemwing axis systemwing flap systemwing sweep systemwing-load-alleviation systemwing-mounted systemwing/propulsion systemwiring systemyaw vane system -
15 MMS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Molecular Modeling System, услуга мультимедийных сообщ (Multimedia Message Service - операторский сервис, позволяющий пользователям посылать с сотовых телефонов с встроенными цифровыми камерами сообщения, объединяющие текст, звук и изображения)2) Компьютерная техника: Modular Mechatronic System, Multi Monitor Series3) Медицина: Хирургия Моса4) Американизм: Maintenance Management Services, Minerals Management Service5) Военный термин: Meteorological Measuring Set, Missile Monitor system, manpower management staff, manpower management survey, manpower management system, mast-mounted sight, master maintenance schedule, materiel management system, meteorological measuring system, missile maintenance squadron, missile mix study, mobile monitoring station, modular multiband scanner, movement management system, multimission modular spacecraft, multimission ship, multimission spacecraft, munitions maintenance squadron, система использования дельфинов для борьбы с подводными диверсантами (Marine Mammals System)7) Математика: Multiple Model System8) Телекоммуникации: Manufacturing Message Specification, Motorola Messaging Server, Multimedia Message Service, Multimedia Messaging System, служба мультимедийных сообщений9) Сокращение: Mail Management System (USPS database contains mailing addresses ranging from internal postal offices to external government offices, used to manage mailing lists and allow high speed printing of mailing labels), Manifest Mailing System, Marine Mammal System, Mast-Mounted Sight/Mast-Mounted Sensor, Missile Management System, Multi-Mode Seeker, Multi-mission Modular Spacecraft (USA), Mycon Marketing Services Ltd (UK), magnetic mine sweeping, mass memory system10) Школьное выражение: Marshall Middle School, McCord Middle School11) Электроника: Magnetic Median Surface, Monolithic Miniature Spectrometer, Multi Micro Sensor12) Вычислительная техника: Maximum Message Size, Mobile Multiple-shopping Services, Multilevel Mail Server, Manufacturing Message Specifications / Standard (MAP, EIA, RS-511, ISO, DIS 9506), Multimedia Messaging Service (Mobile-Systems), Module Making System (VMS), Microsoft Media Server (protocol, MS, Internet)14) Связь: Multimedia Messaging Service, служба обмена мультимедийными сообщениями, услуга по обмену мультимедиа-сообщениями15) Экология: Marine Meteorological Services17) Нефтегазовая техника Морское метеорологическое обслуживание (США, Marine Meteorological Services), Служба управления минеральными ресурсами (Mineral Management Service)18) Производство: master milestone schedule19) Сетевые технологии: Manufacturing Messaging Specification, Multimedia Messaging Services, спецификация производственной службы сообщений20) Автоматика: machine management system, manufacturing message service, manufacturing message standard21) Сахалин Р: Machine Monitoring System22) Сахалин Ю: maintenance management system, manpower mobilization/staffing23) Медицинская техника: Multi Measurement Server (Philips)24) Химическое оружие: mine and munitions system25) Сотовая связь: служба MMS, MMS-сообщение26) Должность: Master Of Management Studies27) Чат: Morley's Magic Stick28) NYSE. Maximus, Inc.29) Программное обеспечение: Masala Messaging Service, Microsoft Multimedia Server -
1) Компьютерная техника: maritime mobile satellite service2) Военный термин: magnetic mine sweeping system, missile motion subsystem3) Сокращение: MPS Multi-beam Sonar Simulator4) Экология: Marine Meteorological Services System -
17 sweep
18 sweeps
19 machine
машина; станок; механизм; устройство; агрегат; транспортное средство (напр. автомобиль, трактор, электрокар); II подвергать механической обработке; обрабатывать резанием; обрабатывать на станке- machine and tractor station - machine arrangement - machine axis drive motor - machine capacity - machine check indicator - machine-cut - machine direction - machine for cross-country - machine-gun carrier - machine-gun trailer - machine-made - machine man - machine monitor - machine moulding - machine oil - machine shop - machine shop truck - machine spares - machine sump - machine tongs - machine vice - machine wear mechanism - machine welding - machine with the blade specification - machine with the cab specification - adzing machine - aerated water machine - air drying machine - air-lay drying machine - arcwall machine - automatic bag-filling-and-closing machine - automatic ball-bearing assembly machine - automatic filling machine - automatic screw machine - baling machine - ballistic testing machine - bar longwall machine - barking machine - blending machine - blowing machine - bolting machine - bolt-pointing machine - bolt-screwing machine - buttock machine - cambering machine - cam forming-and-profiling machine - cam-grinding machine - casting machine - centrifugal machine - chain-and-tooth machine - chain-type trenching machine - chopping machine - coal-cutting machine - commercial machine - composing machine - compressed-air machine - coping machine - copying machine - core-making machine - creasing machine - crimping machine - crushing machine - cylinder-polishing machine - development machine - die-sinking machine - drill-grinding machine - drilling-boring-milling machine - drilling machine - drill-sharpening machine - drying machine - duplicating machine - dusting machine - electric machine - electropneumatic machine - electrostatic machine - emulsion machine - exhausting machine - fluffing machine - fluting machine - gang drilling machine - gas machine - gear-cutting machine - gear-finishing machine - gear-grinding machine - gear-hobbing machine - gear-lapping machine - gear-milling machine - gear-shaping machine - gear-shaving machine - grading machine - grinding machine - groove-cutting machine - grooving machine - highwall-drilling machine - hogging machine - hulling machine - hydraulic riveting machine - impact tension machine - impact-testing machine - induction machine - influence machine - inspection machine - joggling machine - kerving machine - keyseating machine - knapping machine - kneading machine - knock-out machine - ladder-type trenching machine - levelling machines - lifting machine - loading machine - longhole machine - lumber-stocking machine - magnetoelectric machine - metal sawing machine - milling machine - mining machine - moistening machine - mortar-mixing machine - mortising machine - moulding machine - mounted machine - mucking machine - mulling machine - multispindle automatic screw machine - nipple-threading machine - nut-burring machine - nut-castellating machine - nut-facing machine - nut-making machine - nut-shaping machine - nut-tapping machine - peeling machine - percussion cutting machine - perpetual-motion machine - pilot machine - pin-and-ring machine - pipe-bending machine - pipe-cutting machine - pipe-expanding machine - pipe machine - pipe-threading machine - pipe-welding machine - planning machine - plate-punching machine - plate-straightening machine - polishing machine - pounding-up machine - pressure-dyeing machine - pugging machine - pulling machine - punching machine - rail-bending machine - rasping machine - refrigerating machine - reverse torsion machine - reversible machine - rivet-making machine - riveting machine - road-building machine - road finishing machine - rotary trenching machine - scraper machine - scratching machine - screening machine - screw-cutting machine - screw-driving machine - self-propelled trenching machine - shaping machine - shearing machine - shingle machine - sieving machine - slotting machine - spot welding machine - spray-damping machine - squeezing machine - stamping machine - steam-drying machine - street-sweeping machine - swaging machine - taping machine - tempering machine - tensile testing machine - testing machine - thrashing machine - timbering machine - tool-grinding machine - tooth-cutting machine - track-laying machine - trench-cutting machine - unloading machine - upsetting machine - vacuum filling machine - vapour compression machine - varnishing machine - vertical boom trenching machine - welding machine - wheel-type trenching machine -
MMSS, magnetic mine sweeping system————————MMSS, missile motion subsystemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > MMSS
См. также в других словарях:
Motion graphics — are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the illusion of motion or rotation, graphics are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects. Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media… … Wikipedia
motion — noun 1 movement ADJECTIVE ▪ smooth, steady ▪ quick, rapid, swift ▪ gentle ▪ circular … Collocations dictionary
motion — [[t]mo͟ʊʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦♦♦ motions, motioning, motioned 1) N UNCOUNT Motion is the activity or process of continually changing position or moving from one place to another. ...the laws governing light, sound, and motion... One group of muscles sets… … English dictionary
Motion Picture Association of America — MPAA redirects here. For the television show, see My Parents Are Aliens. Motion Picture Association of America Type Ratings, anti piracy Headquarters Washington, D.C., United States (office of t … Wikipedia
Sweeping — Sweep Sweep, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Swept}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Sweeping}.] [OE. swepen; akin to AS. sw[=a]pan. See {Swoop}, v. i.] 1. To pass a broom across (a surface) so as to remove loose dirt, dust, etc.; to brush, or rub over, with a broom for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sweeping — adj. Sweeping is used with these nouns: ↑arc, ↑assertion, ↑bill, ↑change, ↑curve, ↑generalization, ↑gesture, ↑indictment, ↑motion, ↑reform, ↑staircase, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
sweeping — sweep·ing || swɪËpɪŋ adj. extensive, general, having a wide range; moving over or through a large area; moving rapidly and forcefully n. removal of dust and dirt with a broom swɪËp n. act of cleaning with a broom; continuous curving motion … English contemporary dictionary
Québécois nation motion — The Québécois nation motion was a Parliamentary motion tabled by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper on Wednesday, November 22, 2006 [cite web | url = http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2006/11/22/harper quebec.html| title = Quebecers form a… … Wikipedia
Kepler's laws of planetary motion — In astronomy, Kepler s Laws of Planetary Motion are three mathematical laws that describe the motion of planets in the Solar System. German mathematician and astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) discovered them.Kepler studied the observations… … Wikipedia
swipe — [swīp] n. [prob. var. of SWEEP] 1. a lever or handle 2. Informal a) a hard, sweeping blow b) a sweeping motion [give the table a swipe with a rag] 3. Informal a groom for horses, esp. at a racetrack … English World dictionary
swing — [swiŋ] vi. swung, swinging [ME swingen < OE swingan, akin to Ger schwingen, to brandish < IE base * sweng , to curve, swing] 1. to sway or move backward and forward with regular movement, as a freely hanging object or a ship at anchor;… … English World dictionary