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  • 1 swear

    past tense - swore; verb
    1) (to state, declare, or promise solemnly with an oath, or very definitely and positively: The witness must swear to tell the truth; He swore an oath of loyalty; Swear never to reveal the secret; I could have sworn (= I'm sure) she was here a minute ago.) jurar
    2) (to use the name of God and other sacred words, or obscene words, for emphasis or abuse; to curse: Don't swear in front of the children!) praguejar
    - swear-word
    - swear by
    - swear in
    - swear to
    * * *
    [swɛə] n praga, imprecação, palavrão. • vt (ps swore, pp sworn) 1 jurar, prestar juramento. I have sworn to myself never to drink again / jurei nunca mais beber. he was sworn a member / ele prestou juramento como membro. 2 fazer jurar. 3 declarar (sob juramento). 4 contratar ou admitir sob juramento. 5 prometer solenemente, fazer voto ou promessa. 6 xingar. 7 praguejar, blasfemar, falar palavrões. to swear at maldizer, rogar pragas. he swears at his work / ele maldiz seu trabalho. to swear by ter confiança em. he swears by his friend / ele tem muita confiança em seu amigo. he swears by his daily bath / ele acredita no efeito de seu banho diário. to swear off prometer que vai parar de fazer algo que faz mal. I have sworn off cards / jurei nunca mais jogar cartas. to swear someone in fazer com que alguém prometa em público ser fiel a alguma instituição, emprego oficial, etc. all witnesses were sworn in / todas as testemunhas prestaram juramento. to swear someone to secrecy fazer alguém jurar que não vai contar para outras pessoas o que acabou de ser dito. he was sworn to secrecy / ele prestou juramento de guardar segredo. to swear to afirmar ou identificar sob juramento. I could swear to it / eu poderia confirmar isso sob juramento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > swear

  • 2 swear

    past tense - swore; verb
    1) (to state, declare, or promise solemnly with an oath, or very definitely and positively: The witness must swear to tell the truth; He swore an oath of loyalty; Swear never to reveal the secret; I could have sworn (= I'm sure) she was here a minute ago.) jurar
    2) (to use the name of God and other sacred words, or obscene words, for emphasis or abuse; to curse: Don't swear in front of the children!) blasfemar
    - swear-word - swear by - swear in - swear to

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > swear

  • 3 swear by

    1) (to appeal to (eg God) as a witness of one's words: I swear by Heaven that I'm innocent.) jurar por
    2) (to put complete trust in (a remedy etc): She swears by aspirin for all the children's illnesses.) confiar em

    English-Portuguese dictionary > swear by

  • 4 swear by

    1) (to appeal to (eg God) as a witness of one's words: I swear by Heaven that I'm innocent.) jurar por
    2) (to put complete trust in (a remedy etc): She swears by aspirin for all the children's illnesses.) confiar em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > swear by

См. также в других словарях:

  • swear a witness — cause someone who is testifying to swear in …   English contemporary dictionary

  • swear — vb swore, sworn, swear·ing [Old English swerian] vt 1: to utter or take solemnly swear an oath 2 a: to assert as true or promise under oath a sworn affidavit …   Law dictionary

  • witness — wit·ness 1 n [Old English witnes knowledge, testimony, witness, from wit mind, sense, knowledge] 1 a: attestation of a fact or event in witness whereof the parties have executed this release b: evidence (as of the authenticity of a conveyance by… …   Law dictionary

  • WITNESS — (Heb. עֵד, one that has personal knowledge of an event or a fact. The evidence of at least two witnesses was required for convicting the accused (Num. 35:30; Deut. 17:6; 19:15; cf. I Kings 21:10, 13). Commercial transactions of importance took… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • swear — [swer] vi. swore, sworn, swearing [ME swerien < OE swerian, akin to Ger schwören < IE base * swer , to speak > OSlav svariti, to revile] 1. to make a solemn declaration with an appeal to God or to something held sacred for confirmation… …   English World dictionary

  • swear — [v1] declare under oath affirm, assert, attest, avow, covenant, cross one’s heart*, depend on, depose, give one’s word*, give witness, have confidence in, maintain, make an affidavit, pledge oneself, plight, promise, rely on, say so*, state,… …   New thesaurus

  • swear someone in — swear (someone) in to get a formal promise from someone to be honest. A ceremony to swear in the new governor took place Wednesday. The witness took the stand after the court clerk swore her in …   New idioms dictionary

  • swear in — swear (someone) in to get a formal promise from someone to be honest. A ceremony to swear in the new governor took place Wednesday. The witness took the stand after the court clerk swore her in …   New idioms dictionary

  • swear falsely — index bear false witness, cloak, frame (charge falsely), lie (falsify), perjure Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C …   Law dictionary

  • witness — I n. testimony 1) to bear witness to 2) false witness (to hear false witness) one who testifies 3) to produce a witness (the district attorney finally produced a credible witness) 4) to cross examine; examine, interrogate, question; interview a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • swear — Synonyms and related words: abjure, abuse, acknowledge, adjure, administer an oath, affirm, agree, allege, and candle, assert, assert under oath, asseverate, assure, attest, aver, avoid, avouch, avow, bear witness, believe in, blaspheme, book,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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