1 клён серебристый
1) Biology: bird's-eye maple (Acer saccharinum), curled maple (Acer saccharinum), river maple (Acer saccharinum), silver maple (Acer saccharinum), silver-leaf maple (Acer saccharinum), swamp maple (Acer saccharinum), water maple (Acer saccharinum), white maple (Acer saccharinum)2) Botanical term: silver maple (Acer saccarinum) -
2 клён красный
Botanical term: Carolina maple (Acer rubrum), red maple (Acer rubrum), scarlet maple (Acer rubrum), soft maple (Acer rubrum), swamp maple (Acer rubrum), water maple (Acer rubrum) -
3 клён колосистый
Botanical term: low maple (Acer spicatum), mountain maple (Acer spicatum), swamp maple (Acer spicatum), water maple (Acer spicatum) -
4 клён красный
5 клён колосистый
6 клён серебристый
7 клён m красный
red maple, swamp mapleСловарь по целлюлозно-бумажному производству > клён m красный
8 красный клён
Mining: swamp maple
См. также в других словарях:
Swamp maple — Swamp Swamp, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D. zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv[ o]ppr, Dan. & Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo s porous, spongy.] Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
swamp maple — Maple Ma ple (m[=a] p l), n. [AS. mapolder, mapulder, mapol; akin to Icel. m[ o]purr; cf. OHG. mazzaltra, mazzoltra, G. massholder.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Acer}, including about fifty species. {Acer saccharinum} is the {rock maple}, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
swamp maple — noun maple of eastern and central America; five lobed leaves turn scarlet and yellow in autumn • Syn: ↑red maple, ↑scarlet maple, ↑Acer rubrum • Hypernyms: ↑maple * * * noun : any of several maples found in moist lowlands: as … Useful english dictionary
swamp maple — raudonasis klevas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Klevinių šeimos dekoratyvinis, medieninis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Acer rubrum), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Acer rubrum angl. red maple; scarlet maple; swamp maple… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
swamp maple — noun A red maple, Acer rubrum. Syn: soft maple … Wiktionary
swamp maple. — See red maple. [1660 70, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
swamp maple. — See red maple. [1660 70, Amer.] … Useful english dictionary
Swamp — Swamp, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D. zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv[ o]ppr, Dan. & Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo s porous, spongy.] Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but not usually… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Swamp blackbird — Swamp Swamp, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D. zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv[ o]ppr, Dan. & Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo s porous, spongy.] Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Swamp cabbage — Swamp Swamp, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D. zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv[ o]ppr, Dan. & Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo s porous, spongy.] Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Swamp deer — Swamp Swamp, n. [Cf. AS. swam a fungus, OD. swam a sponge, D. zwam a fungus, G. schwamm a sponge, Icel. sv[ o]ppr, Dan. & Sw. swamp, Goth. swamms, Gr. somfo s porous, spongy.] Wet, spongy land; soft, low ground saturated with water, but not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English