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См. также в других словарях:

  • Survivability — is the ability to remain alive or continue to exist. The term has more specific meaning in certain contexts.EngineeringIn engineering, survivability is the quantified ability of a system, subsystem, equipment, process, or procedure to continue to …   Wikipedia

  • survivability — Concept which includes all aspects of protecting personnel, weapons, and supplies while simultaneously deceiving the enemy. Survivability tactics include building a good defense; employing frequent movement; using concealment, deception, and… …   Military dictionary

  • survivability — noun see survivable …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • survivability — See survivable. * * * …   Universalium

  • survivability — noun a) The condition of being survivable b) A measure of the extent to which something is survivable …   Wiktionary

  • survivability — n. ability to survive; capability of surviving, degree to which it is possible to survive a given event or situation …   English contemporary dictionary

  • survivability — sur·viv·abil·i·ty …   English syllables

  • survivability — sə(r)ˌvīvəˈbiləd.ē noun : the quality or state of being survivable * * * survivabilˈity noun • • • Main Entry: ↑survive …   Useful english dictionary

  • Communications survivability — In telecommunication, communications survivability is the ability of communications systems to continue to operate effectively under adverse conditions, though portions of the system may be damaged or destroyed. Various methods may be used to… …   Wikipedia

  • Electromagnetic survivability — In telecommunication, electromagnetic survivability is the ability of a system, subsystem, or equipment to resume functioning without evidence of degradation following temporary exposure to an adverse electromagnetic environment. The system,… …   Wikipedia

  • pre-launch survivability — The probability that a delivery and/or launch vehicle will survive an enemy attack under an established condition of warning …   Military dictionary

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