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  • 1 загрязнение (в электробезопасности)

    1. pollution


    Присутствие инородного вещества: твердого, жидкого или газообразного (ионизированные газы), - которое может вызвать уменьшение диэлектрической прочности или поверхностного сопротивления.
    [ ГОСТ Р 52319-2005( МЭК 61010-1: 2001)]

    Любое добавление инородных веществ, твердых, жидких или газообразных (ионизированных газов), которые могли бы уменьшить электрическую прочность изоляции или удельное сопротивление поверхности.
    [ ГОСТ Р 50030. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60947-1-99)]


    any condition of foreign matter, solid, liquid or gaseous (ionized gases), that may affect dielectric strength or surface resistivity
    [IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]

    any addition of foreign matter, solid, liquid or gaseous that can produce a permanent reduction of dielectric strength or surface resistivity of the insulation
    NOTE – Ionized gases of a temporary nature are not considered as to be a pollution.
    [IEV number 442-01-28]

    the first is defined as area and the second as particulate. The first is caused by surface contaminants that cannot be removed by cleaning or are stained after cleaning. Those may be foreign matter on the surface of, for example a localized area that is smudged, stained, discoloured, mottled, etc., or large areas exhibiting a hazy or cloudy appearance resulting from a film of foreign materials
    [IEC 62276, ed. 1.0 (2005-05)]


    tout apport de matériau étranger solide, liquide ou gazeux (gaz ionisés) qui peut entraîner une réduction de la rigidité diélectrique ou de la résistivité de la surface
    [IEC 60947-1, ed. 5.0 (2007-06)]

    tout apport de matériau étranger solide, liquide ou gazeux qui peut entraîner une réduction permanente de la rigidité diélectrique ou de la résistivité de surface de l'isolation
    NOTE – Les gaz ionisés de nature fugace ne sont pas considérés comme une pollution.
    [IEV number 442-01-28]



    Обобщающие термины




    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > загрязнение (в электробезопасности)

См. также в других словарях:

  • surface resistivity — paviršiaus savitoji varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. surface resistivity vok. spezifischer Oberflächenwiderstand, m rus. поверхностное удельное сопротивление, n pranc. résistivité en surface, f; résistivité superficielle, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Surface charge — is the electric charge present at an interface, for instance on the surface of a semiconductor material, or for example, on the surface of a protein in water.There are multiple factors generating surface charge. First of all, surface charge… …   Wikipedia

  • Resistivity — Electrical resistivity (also known as specific electrical resistance) is a measure of how strongly a material opposes the flow of electric current. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electrical charge. The… …   Wikipedia

  • surface layer — noun : a layer (as a layer of moisture) having a resistivity different from that of the body on which it is deposited …   Useful english dictionary

  • résistivité en surface — paviršiaus savitoji varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. surface resistivity vok. spezifischer Oberflächenwiderstand, m rus. поверхностное удельное сопротивление, n pranc. résistivité en surface, f; résistivité superficielle, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Electrical resistivity and conductivity — This article is about electrical conductivity in general. For the specific conductance of aqueous solutions, see Conductivity (electrolytic). For other types of conductivity, see Conductivity. Electrical resistivity (also known as resistivity,… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrical resistivity tomography — (ERT) or electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is a geophysical technique for imaging sub surfaces structures from electrical measurements made at the surface, or by electrodes in one or more boreholes. It is closely related to the medical imaging …   Wikipedia

  • Near-surface geophysics — is the use of geophysical methods to investigate small scale features in the shallow (tens of meters) subsurface. It is closely related to applied geophysics or exploration geophysics. Methods used include seismic refraction and reflection,… …   Wikipedia

  • Fermi surface — In condensed matter physics, the Fermi surface is an abstract boundary useful for predicting the thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of metals, semimetals, and doped semiconductors. The shape of the Fermi surface is derived from …   Wikipedia

  • sheet resistivity — savitoji paviršinė sluoksnio varža statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Metalinio ar puslaidininkinio sluoksnio vienetinio ploto varža, išmatuota lygiagrečiai padėklui. Tai dydis, atvirkščiai proporcingas sluoksnio savitojo …   Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas

  • sheet resistivity — savitoji paviršinė sluoksnio varža statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. sheet resistivity rus. сопротивление на квадрат, n; удельное сопротивление единицы поверхности пленки, n; удельное сопротивление квадрата поверхности пленки, n pranc.… …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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