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  • 1 suprimir

    1 to abolish (ley, impuesto, derecho).
    hay que suprimir todo lo superfluo we have to get rid of everything that's superfluous
    2 to delete (palabras, texto).
    suprime los detalles y ve al grano forget the details and get to the point
    3 to ax (puestos de trabajo, proyectos).
    4 to suppress, to ban, to delete, to eliminate.
    5 to edit out.
    * * *
    1 (libertad etc) to suppress; (ley, impuestos) to abolish; (dificultades) to eliminate, remove; (restricciones) to lift
    2 (tabaco, alcohol) to cut out
    3 (palabra) to delete, take out, leave out
    4 (omitir) to omit
    * * *
    * * *
    VT [+ rebelión, crítica] to suppress; [+ costumbre, derecho, institución] to abolish; [+ dificultad, obstáculo] to remove, eliminate; [+ restricción] to lift; [+ detalle, pasaje] to delete, cut out, omit; [+ libro] to suppress, ban

    suprimir la grasa de la dietato cut out o eliminate fat from one's diet

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <impuesto/ley/costumbre> to abolish; < restricción> to lift; < servicio> to withdraw

    debemos suprimir gastos superfluoswe must eliminate o cut out unnecessary expenses

    b) (Impr) <párrafo/capítulo> to delete
    c) <noticia/detalles> to suppress
    * * *
    = abort, delete, remove, stifle, suppress, staunch [stanch, -USA], elide, abolish, expunge, cut out, quash, steamroller, stomp + Nombre + out.
    Ex. It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.
    Ex. Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex. Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex. Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex. It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex. Some notable progress is being made worldwide in staunching publishers' losses.
    Ex. A variant text is conventionally represented in a footnote quoting the text to be elided, the variant reading, and a code identifying its source.
    Ex. Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex. This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex. In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex. The author brazenly insists that Woodman's family has compromised the documentation of the photographer's life by effectively quashing most of her work.
    Ex. When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.
    Ex. Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <impuesto/ley/costumbre> to abolish; < restricción> to lift; < servicio> to withdraw

    debemos suprimir gastos superfluoswe must eliminate o cut out unnecessary expenses

    b) (Impr) <párrafo/capítulo> to delete
    c) <noticia/detalles> to suppress
    * * *
    = abort, delete, remove, stifle, suppress, staunch [stanch, -USA], elide, abolish, expunge, cut out, quash, steamroller, stomp + Nombre + out.

    Ex: It is important to know what police or fire responses are triggered by alarms and how that reaction can be aborted and the alarm silenced.

    Ex: Expressive notation is generally easier to truncate, that is, delete final characters to create the notation for a more general subject.
    Ex: Folders allow a set of papers to be kept together when a set on a given topic is removed from the file.
    Ex: Excessive emphasis on the need to exact payment will stifle the flow of information.
    Ex: It is possible to suppress references and to omit steps in a hierarchy.
    Ex: Some notable progress is being made worldwide in staunching publishers' losses.
    Ex: A variant text is conventionally represented in a footnote quoting the text to be elided, the variant reading, and a code identifying its source.
    Ex: Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
    Ex: This article examines the controversial issue about whether to expunge books about satanism from the library shelves.
    Ex: In order to support a core acquistions programme of essential materials for its users, a library will more readily cut out material on the fringe of its needs if such material can be obtained by a good document supply system.
    Ex: The author brazenly insists that Woodman's family has compromised the documentation of the photographer's life by effectively quashing most of her work.
    Ex: When push comes to shove, it seems that short-term economic interests steamroller scientific arguments.
    Ex: Like I said, no wonder racism won't die, it takes BOTH sides to stomp it out, not just one!.

    * * *
    suprimir [I1 ]
    1 ‹impuesto› to abolish; ‹restricción› to lift; ‹servicio› to withdraw
    debemos suprimir estos gastos superfluos we must eliminate o cut out these unnecessary expenses
    le suprimieron la medicación they stopped his medication
    ¿por qué no le suprimes el ajo? why don't you leave out the garlic?
    queda suprimida la parada en El Colorado the bus ( o train etc) no longer stops at El Colorado
    se suprimió la salida de las 9h the 9 o'clock service was withdrawn
    2 ( Impr) ‹párrafo/capítulo› to delete
    suprimió un párrafo entero she cut out o deleted a whole paragraph
    3 ‹noticia/detalles› to suppress
    B ( Elec) to suppress
    * * *


    suprimir ( conjugate suprimir) verbo transitivo
    a)impuesto/ley/costumbre to abolish;

    restricción to lift;
    servicio to withdraw;
    gasto/ruido/alcohol to cut out
    b) (Impr) ‹párrafo/capítulo to delete

    c)noticia/detalles to suppress

    suprimir verbo transitivo
    1 to supress
    (un derecho, una ley, etc) to abolish
    (un servicio) to withdraw
    (gastos) to eliminate, cut out
    (en un texto) to delete
    2 (omitir, pasar por alto) to omit: suprime los detalles técnicos, leave out the technicalities
    ' suprimir' also found in these entries:
    black out
    - delete
    - edit
    - suppress
    - zap
    - ax
    - do
    - strike
    * * *
    1. [eliminar] to get rid of;
    [ley, impuesto, derecho] to abolish; [sanciones, restricciones] to lift; [gastos] to cut out;
    hay que suprimir todo lo superfluo we have to get rid of everything that's superfluous;
    han suprimido las retransmisiones deportivas they have cancelled the sports broadcasts
    2. [palabras, texto] to delete;
    suprime los detalles y ve al grano forget the details and get to the point
    3. [puestos de trabajo, proyectos] to axe
    * * *
    v/t rebelión suppress, put down; ley, impuesto abolish; restricción lift; servicio withdraw; puesto de trabajo cut; en texto delete;
    suprimió algunos detalles she kept something back, she didn’t give me/us the whole story
    * * *
    1) : to suppress, to eliminate
    2) : to delete
    * * *
    suprimir vb (omitir) to leave out [pt. & pp. left]

    Spanish-English dictionary > suprimir

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