1 supporting
1 Cin, Theat [actor, role] de second plan also fig ; ‘best supporting actor/actress’ ‘meilleur second rôle masculin/féminin’ ; supporting cast les seconds rôles ; ‘with full supporting cast’ Cin ( in publicity) ‘avec de prestigieux seconds rôles’ ; supporting programme Cin avant-programme m ;2 Constr [wall, beam] de soutènement ; -
2 supporting
supporting [səˈpɔ:tɪŋ]a. ( = corroborating) [document, evidence] à l'appui* * *[sə'pɔːtɪŋ]1) Cinema, Theatre‘best supporting actor/actress’ — ‘meilleur second rôle masculin/féminin’
2) [wall] de soutènement3)supporting evidence — preuves fpl à l'appui
3 supporting
supporting [sə'pɔ:tɪŋ](b) Cinema & Theatre (role) secondaire, de second plan; (actor) qui a un rôle secondaire ou de second plan;∎ with a supporting cast of thousands avec des milliers de figurants(c) (substantiating) qui confirme, qui soutient;∎ do you have any supporting evidence? avez-vous des preuves à l'appui?►► Building industry supporting beam sommier m;supporting film, supporting programme = film qui passe en première partie de la séance -
4 supporting
supporting [səˊpɔ:tɪŋ]2. a1) подде́рживающий, помога́ющий;supporting point опо́рный пункт
2) театр., кино вспомога́тельный;supporting actor актёр вспомога́тельного соста́ва
;supporting programme кинофи́льмы, иду́щие в дополне́ние к основно́му
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > supporting
6 supporting
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8 supporting
supporting поддерживать опорный см. также support -
9 supporting
adjective(Cinemat., Theatre)supporting role — Nebenrolle, die
supporting actor/actress — Schauspieler/-spielerin in einer Nebenrolle
supporting film — Vorfilm, der
* * *adjective ((of an actor, rôle etc) secondary to the leading actor, rôle etc: He has had many supporting rôles; a supporting cast.) Neben-...* * *sup·port·ing[səˈpɔ:tɪŋ, AM -ˈpɔ:rt̬-]\supporting programme Vorprogramm nt, Beiprogramm nt* * *[sə'pɔːtɪŋ]adj1) documents zur Unterstützungsupporting role (lit, fig) — Nebenrolle f
with full supporting cast —
with full supporting programme — mit vollem Nebenprogramm
2) (TECH: load-bearing) stützend, tragend* * *supporting adj (adv supportingly)1. tragend, stützend, Stütz…, Trag…:supporting wall tragende Wand2. unterstützend, Unterstützungs…:they have all been very supporting sie haben uns alle sehr geholfen;supporting measures flankierende Maßnahmen;supporting purchases WIRTSCH Stützungskäufe3. erhärtend, bekräftigend:supporting evidence zusätzliche Beweise pl* * *adjective(Cinemat., Theatre)supporting role — Nebenrolle, die
supporting actor/actress — Schauspieler/-spielerin in einer Nebenrolle
supporting film — Vorfilm, der
10 supporting
[sə'pɔːtɪŋ]1) cinem. teatr."best supporting actor, actress" — "migliore attore, attrice non protagonista"
2) ing. [ wall] portante3) dir.* * *adjective ((of an actor, rôle etc) secondary to the leading actor, rôle etc: He has had many supporting rôles; a supporting cast.) secondario* * *supporting /səˈpɔ:tɪŋ/A a.di appoggio; di sostegno; (edil.) portante: supporting beam, trave portante; supporting wall, muro di sostegnoB n. [uc]sostegno; rinforzo● (mil.) supporting artillery, artiglieria d'appoggio □ (leg.) supporting documents, documenti giustificativi; pezze d'appoggio (fam.) □ (cinem.) supporting film, pellicola secondaria, d'appoggio ( fuori programma) □ (mil.) supporting fire, fuoco d'appoggio □ ( calcio, ecc.) supporting foot, piede d'appoggio □ (cinem., teatr.) supporting part (o role), particina; parte (o ruolo) di secondo piano □ (edil.) supporting post (o tower), pilone di sostegno □ (cinem., TV) supporting programme, programma di contorno □ (tecn.) supporting rib, nervatura di rinforzo □ (mil.) supporting troops, truppe di rincalzo.* * *[sə'pɔːtɪŋ]1) cinem. teatr."best supporting actor, actress" — "migliore attore, attrice non protagonista"
2) ing. [ wall] portante3) dir. -
11 supporting
1. a поддерживающий; опорныйsupporting gas — поддерживающий газ; подъемный газ
2. a вспомогательныйsupporting programme — кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному
3. a тех. несущий4. a элк. крепление монтажаСинонимический ряд:1. aiding (adj.) aiding; assistant; assisting; auxiliary; cooperating; helpful; helping; sustaining2. positive (adj.) acknowledging; acquiescent; affirmative; agreeing; assenting; concurring; confirming; endorsing; positive3. backing (verb) advocating; backing; championing; get behind; plump for; side with; siding with; stand behind; upholding4. bearing (verb) abiding; accepting; bearing; brooking; digesting; enduring; going; lumping; standing; sticking out; stomaching; suffering; swallowing; sweating out; taking; tolerating5. bearing up (verb) bearing up; bolstering; bracing; buoy up; buoying up; buttressing; carrying; propping; shoring up; sustaining; underpropping6. holding (verb) holding; upholding7. keeping (verb) keeping; maintaining; provide for; providing for8. sponsoring (verb) patronising; sponsoring -
12 supporting
adjective ((of an actor, rôle etc) secondary to the leading actor, rôle etc: He has had many supporting rôles; a supporting cast.) secundariotr[sə'pɔːtɪŋ]1 (part, role) secundario,-asə'pɔːrtɪŋ[sǝ'pɔːtɪŋ]supporting act — número m telonero
1. ADJ1) [documents] acreditativo2) (Theat) [role, cast] secundario; [actor] secundario, de reparto2.CPDsupporting actor N — actor m secundario, actor m de reparto
supporting actress N — actriz f secundaria, actriz f de reparto
supporting feature N — (Cine) cortometraje m
supporting role, supporting rôle N — (in film) papel m secundario, papel m de reparto
supporting wall N — pared f maestra
* * *[sə'pɔːrtɪŋ]supporting act — número m telonero
13 supporting
[səˈpɔ:tɪŋ]supporting pres. p. от support supporting театр., кино вспомогательный; supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава; supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному supporting поддерживающий, помогающий; supporting point опорный пункт supporting театр., кино вспомогательный; supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава; supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному supporting поддерживающий, помогающий; supporting point опорный пункт supporting театр., кино вспомогательный; supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава; supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному -
14 supporting
səˈpɔ:tɪŋ прил.
1) поддерживающий, помогающий supporting point ≈ опорный пункт
2) театр.;
кино вспомогательный supporting actor ≈ актер вспомогательного состава supporting programme ≈ кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному поддерживающий;
опорный - * force( военное) группа поддержки /прикрытия/ - * point( военное) опорный пункт вспомогательный - * cast исполнители второстепенных ролей - a strong * cast сильный состав актеров на вторых ролях - * programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному - * personnel вспомогательный персонал - * service служба обеспечения (техническое) несущий( об оси, конструкции) - * beam of a winch несущая ось лебедки в грам. знач. сущ.: (электроника) крепление монтажа supporting pres. p. от support ~ театр., кино вспомогательный;
supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава;
supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному ~ поддерживающий, помогающий;
supporting point опорный пункт ~ театр., кино вспомогательный;
supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава;
supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному ~ поддерживающий, помогающий;
supporting point опорный пункт ~ театр., кино вспомогательный;
supporting actor актер вспомогательного состава;
supporting programme кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основномуБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > supporting
15 supporting
1. поддържащ
SUPPORTING point опорна точка
2. театр., кино спомагателен
SUPPORTING actor изпълнител на второстепенна роля
SUPPORTING staff актъори от спомагателния състав
SUPPORTING programme допълнителни късометражни филми към главния филм
3. тех. носещ (за ос, конструкция)* * *{sъ'pъ:tin} а 1. поддържащ; supporting point опорна точка; 2. театр* * *1. supporting actor изпълнител на второстепенна роля 2. supporting point опорна точка 3. supporting programme допълнителни късометражни филми към главния филм 4. supporting staff актъори от спомагателния състав 5. поддържащ 6. театр., кино спомагателен 7. тех. носещ (за ос, конструкция)* * *supporting[sə´pɔ:tiʃ] adj поддържащ; спомагателен; \supporting point опорна точка. -
16 supporting
поддерживающий; опорный; несущий- supporting bracket - supporting capacity - supporting surface - supporting wheels -
17 supporting
[səʹpɔ:tıŋ] a1. поддерживающий; опорныйsupporting force - воен. группа поддержки /прикрытия/
supporting point - воен. опорный пункт
2. вспомогательныйsupporting programme - кинофильмы, идущие в дополнение к основному
3. тех. несущий (об оси, конструкции)4. в грам. знач. сущ. элк. крепление монтажа -
18 supporting
1) опорный
2) подпорный
3) поддерживающий
4) несущий
5) подпирающий
6) содержательный
7) поддерживание
8) носитель
– supporting beam
– supporting equipment
– supporting journal
– supporting net
– supporting plane
– supporting stub -
19 supporting
adjective ((of an actor, rôle etc) secondary to the leading actor, rôle etc: He has had many supporting rôles; a supporting cast.) bi-(rolle)adj. \/səˈpɔːtɪŋ\/1) støttende, støtte-2) (om rolle, funksjon) bi-, støtte-supporting act ( konsert e.l.) oppvarmingsband -
20 supporting
adj1) опорний, підтримуючийsupporting force — військ. група підтримки (прикриття)
2) театр., кін. допоміжний3) тех. несучий (про конструкцію тощо)* * *a1) підтримуючий; опорний2) допоміжний3) тex. несучий (про вісь, конструкцію)4) у гpaм.; знaч.; iм. елк. кріплення монтажу
См. также в других словарях:
supporting — [sə pôrt′iŋ] adj. Theater Film designating or of an actor or role that is subordinate to or of lesser importance than that of a lead or principal * * * … Universalium
supporting — index ancillary (auxiliary), instigation, propitious, underlying Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
supporting — [sə pôrt′iŋ] adj. Theater Film designating or of an actor or role that is subordinate to or of lesser importance than that of a lead or principal … English World dictionary
supporting — sup|port|ing [ sə pɔrtıŋ ] adjective * 1. ) used about a part in a play or movie that is important but is not the main part: She won an Academy Award for best supporting actress. a supporting role 2. ) helping to prove that a theory or claim is… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
supporting */ — UK [səˈpɔː(r)tɪŋ] / US [səˈpɔrtɪŋ] adjective 1) used about a part in a play or film that is important but is not the main part a supporting role She won an Academy Award for best supporting actress. 2) holding the weight of something, especially… … English dictionary
supporting — [[t]səpɔ͟ː(r)tɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n In a film or play, a supporting actor or actress is one who has an important part, but not the most important part. ...the winner of the best supporting actress award. ...acting the supporting role in a… … English dictionary
supporting — sup|port|ing [səˈpo:tıŋ US o:r ] adj 1.) supporting part/role/actor etc a small part in a play or film, or the actor who plays such a part 2.) supporting wall/beam etc a wall etc that supports the weight of something … Dictionary of contemporary English
supporting — adjective 1 supporting part/role/actor etc a small part in a play or film, or the actor who plays such a part 2 supporting wall/beam etc a wall etc that supports the weight of something … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
supporting — [səˈpɔːtɪŋ] adj 1) used about a part in a play or film that is important but is not the main part a supporting role[/ex] 2) holding the weight of something, especially in a building 3) helping to prove that a theory or claim is true supporting… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
supporting — I noun the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening (Freq. 1) he leaned against the wall for support • Syn: ↑support • Derivationally related forms: ↑support, ↑support ( … Useful english dictionary
Supporting — Support Sup*port , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Supported}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Supporting}.] [F. supporter, L. supportare to carry on, to convey, in LL., to support, sustain; sub under + portare to carry. See {Port} demeanor.] 1. To bear by being under; to … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English