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  • 1 water

    ['wo:tə] 1. noun
    (a colourless, transparent liquid compound of hydrogen and oxygen, having no taste or smell, which turns to steam when boiled and to ice when frozen: She drank two glasses of water; `Are you going swimming in the sea?' `No, the water's too cold'; Each bedroom in the hotel is supplied with hot and cold running water; ( also adjective) The plumber had to turn off the water supply in order to repair the pipe; transport by land and water.) νερό
    2. verb
    1) (to supply with water: He watered the plants.)
    2) ((of the mouth) to produce saliva: His mouth watered at the sight of all the food.)
    3) ((of the eyes) to fill with tears: The dense smoke made his eyes water.)
    - watery
    - wateriness
    - waterborne
    - water-closet
    - water-colour
    - watercress
    - waterfall
    - waterfowl
    - waterfront
    - waterhole
    - watering-can
    - water level
    - waterlily
    - waterlogged
    - water main
    - water-melon
    - waterproof
    3. noun
    (a coat made of waterproof material: She was wearing a waterproof.) αδιάβροχο
    4. verb
    (to make (material) waterproof.) στεγανοποιώ, αδιαβροχοποιώ
    - water-skiing
    - water-ski
    - watertight
    - water vapour
    - waterway
    - waterwheel
    - waterworks
    - hold water
    - into deep water
    - in deep water
    - water down

    English-Greek dictionary > water

  • 2 supply

    1. verb
    (to give or provide: Who is supplying the rebels with guns and ammunition?; Extra paper will be supplied by the teacher if it is needed; The town is supplied with water from a reservoir in the hills; The shop was unable to supply what she wanted.) εφοδιάζω
    2. noun
    1) (the act or process of supplying.) εφοδιασμός
    2) ((often in plural) an amount or quantity that is supplied; a stock or store: She left a supply of food for her husband when she went away for a few days; Who will be responsible for the expedition's supplies?; Fresh supplies will be arriving soon.) προμήθεια

    English-Greek dictionary > supply

  • 3 water main

    (a large underground pipe carrying a public water supply.) κεντρικός αγωγός υδρεύσεως

    English-Greek dictionary > water main

  • 4 toilet

    ((a room containing) a receptacle for the body's waste matter, usually with a supply of water for washing this away; a lavatory: Do you want to go to the toilet?; Where is the ladies' toilet?; ( also adjective) a toilet seat.) τουαλέτα
    - toilet-roll
    - toilet-water

    English-Greek dictionary > toilet

  • 5 utility

    plural - utilities; noun
    1) (usefulness: Some kitchen gadgets have only a limited utility.) χρησιμότητα
    2) (a useful public service, eg the supply of water, gas, electricity etc.) υπηρεσία κοινής ωφέλειας

    English-Greek dictionary > utility

  • 6 drain

    [drein] 1. verb
    1) (to clear (land) of water by the use of ditches and pipes: There are plans to drain the marsh.) αποστραγγίζω
    2) ((of water) to run away: The water drained away/off into the ditch.) χύνομαι
    3) (to pour off the water etc from or allow the water etc to run off from: Would you drain the vegetables?; He drained the petrol tank; The blood drained from her face.) στραγγίζω,σουρώνω
    4) (to drink everything contained in: He drained his glass.) στραγγίζω
    5) (to use up completely (the money, strength etc of): The effort drained all his energy.) εξαντλώ
    2. noun
    1) (something (a ditch, trench, waterpipe etc) designed to carry away water: The heavy rain has caused several drains to overflow.)
    2) (something which slowly exhausts a supply, especially of one's money or strength: His car is a constant drain on his money.)
    - draining-board
    - drainpipe
    - down the drain

    English-Greek dictionary > drain

  • 7 sink

    [siŋk] 1. past tense - sank; verb
    1) (to (cause to) go down below the surface of water etc: The torpedo sank the battleship immediately; The ship sank in deep water.) βυθίζω/-ομαι,βουλιάζω
    2) (to go down or become lower (slowly): The sun sank slowly behind the hills; Her voice sank to a whisper.) χαμηλώνω
    3) (to (cause to) go deeply (into something): The ink sank into the paper; He sank his teeth into an apple.) εισδύω,χώνω/-ομαι
    4) ((of one's spirits etc) to become depressed or less hopeful: My heart sinks when I think of the difficulties ahead.) θλίβομαι
    5) (to invest (money): He sank all his savings in the business.) επενδύω
    2. noun
    (a kind of basin with a drain and a water supply connected to it: He washed the dishes in the sink.) νεροχύτης
    - be sunk
    - sink in

    English-Greek dictionary > sink

  • 8 hydrant

    (a pipe connected to the main water supply especially in a street, to which a hose can be attached in order to draw water off eg to put out a fire.) κρουνός υδροληψίας

    English-Greek dictionary > hydrant

  • 9 contaminate

    (to make impure: The town's water-supply has been contaminated by chemicals from the factory.) μολύνω

    English-Greek dictionary > contaminate

  • 10 irrigate

    (to supply water to (land), especially by canals or other artificial means.) αρδεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > irrigate

  • 11 main

    [mein] 1. adjective
    (chief, principal or most important: the main purpose; the main character in the story.) κύριος,κυριότερος
    2. noun
    ((also mains) the chief pipe or cable in a branching system of pipes or cables: The water's been turned off at the main(s); ( also adjective) the mains electricity supply.) κεντρικός αγωγός,κεντρική παροχή
    - mainland
    - mainspring
    - mainstream

    English-Greek dictionary > main

  • 12 peter out

    (to come gradually to an end: As the river dried up our water-supply petered out; Their enthusiasm gradually petered out.) εξαντλούμαι

    English-Greek dictionary > peter out

  • 13 pool

    [pu:l] I noun
    1) (a small area of still water: The rain left pools in the road.) λιμνούλα με νερό
    2) (a similar area of any liquid: a pool of blood/oil.) λιμνούλα
    3) (a deep part of a stream or river: He was fishing (in) a pool near the river-bank.) βαθύ σημείο ποταμού
    4) (a swimming-pool: They spent the day at the pool.) πισίνα,κολυμβητήριο
    II 1. noun
    (a stock or supply: We put our money into a general pool.) κοινό ταμείο
    2. verb
    (to put together for general use: We pooled our money and bought a caravan that we could all use.)
    - football pools
    - pools

    English-Greek dictionary > pool

См. также в других словарях:

  • Water supply — is the process of self provision or provision by third parties of water of various qualities to different users. Irrigation is covered separately. Global access to waterIn 2004 about 3.5 billion people worldwide (54% of the global population) had …   Wikipedia

  • Water heating — is a thermodynamic process using an energy source to heat water above its initial temperature. Typical domestic uses of hot water are for cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space heating. In industry, both hot water and water heated to steam have… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in India — continue to be inadequate, despite longstanding efforts by the various levels of government and communities at improving coverage. The situation is particularly inadequate for sanitation, since only one of three Indians has access to improved… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Yemen — is characterized by poor service quality and low levels of access, the latter being almost as low as in Sub Saharan Africa for sanitation. Yemen is both the poorest country and the most water scarce country in the Arab world. In addition, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Israel — is intricately linked to the historical development of Israel in the context of scarce water resources. Because the coastal plain of historical Palestine had few water resources, Theodor Herzl already envisioned the transfer of water from the… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Panama — is characterized by relatively high levels of access compared to other Latin American countries. However, challenges remain especially in rural areas. Access According to the [http://www.minsa.gob.pa/ Ministry of Health] , in 2006 97% had access… …   Wikipedia

  • Water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia — differs from most other countries in three significant aspects. First, it relies almost exclusively on two sources that are absent in most other countries: desalination and fossil water. Second, given the substantial oil wealth of the country,… …   Wikipedia

  • Water metering — is the process of measuring water use through water meters. Prevalence Water metering is common for residential and commercial drinking water supply in many countries, as well as for industrial self supply with water. However, it is less common… …   Wikipedia

  • Water tank — Towers, featured in Kuwait City Water tank used in Municipal W …   Wikipedia

  • water — [wôt′ər, wät′ər] n. [ME < OE wæter, akin to Ger wasser < IE * wodōr < * wed , to wet (< base * awed , to moisten, flow) > Gr hydōr, water, L unda, a wave, Russ voda, water, Ir uisce, water] 1. the colorless, transparent liquid… …   English World dictionary

  • Water resources management in Pakistan — Water resources= According to the United Nations World Water Development Report, the total actual renewable water resources decreased from 2,961 m³ per capita in 2000 to 1,420 m³ per capita in 2005. [cite journal last = United Nations Educational …   Wikipedia

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