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sulphite liquor

См. также в других словарях:

  • Pulp mill — or non bleached, depending on the customer requirements.Wood and other plant materials used to make pulp contain three main components (apart from water): cellulose fibres (desired for papermaking), lignin (a three dimensional polymer that binds… …   Wikipedia

  • sulfite process — Chem. a process for making wood pulp by digesting wood chips in an acid liquor consisting of sulfurous acid and a salt, usually calcium bisulfite. [1900 05] * * * ▪ wood industry sulfite also spelled  Sulphite,         chemical process for the… …   Universalium

  • Kapuskasing, Ontario — Infobox City official name = Town of Kapuskasing other name = native name = nickname = motto = imagesize = image caption = Kapuskasing Inn on the Kapuskasing River. flag size = image seal size = image shield = shield size = image blank emblem =… …   Wikipedia

  • George Z. Erwin — George Zalmon Erwin (January 15, 1840 Madrid, St. Lawrence County, New York January 16, 1894) was an American politician.LifeHe was educated at St. Lawrence Academy at Potsdam, New York. He graduated from Middlebury College in August, 1865. He… …   Wikipedia

  • Organosolv — is a pulping technique that uses an organic solvent to solubilise lignin and hemicellulose. It has been considered in the context of both pulp and paper manufacture and biorefining for subsequent conversion of cellulose to fuel ethanol. The… …   Wikipedia

  • основание в сульфитном варочном растворе — основание Катион соли в сульфитном варочном растворе. Примечание Различают нерастворимое основание кальциевое, полурастворимое основание магниевое, растворимые основания натриевое и аммониевое, а также смешанные основания. [ГОСТ 17401 80]… …   Справочник технического переводчика

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