1 suffering
2 suffering
suffering страдать страдание см. также suffer -
3 suffering
1. сущ. страдание to alleviate suffering, to ease suffering, to relieve suffering ≈ облегчать страдания to bear suffering, to endure suffering ≈ терпеть боль, терпеть страдания to inflict suffering on ≈ причинять страдания chronic suffering ≈ ужасные страдания great suffering, incalculable suffering, intense suffering, untold suffering ≈ невыразимые страдания
2. прил. страдающий страдание;
мука - to alleviate human *s облегчать человеческие страдания - she recited her own *s at full length она со всеми подробностями рассказывала о своих мучениях страдающий pain and ~ боль и страдание suffering pres. p. от suffer ~ страдание ~ страдающийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > suffering
4 suffering
5 suffering
['sʌf(ə)rɪŋ] 1. сущ.страдание, боль, мукаto alleviate / ease / relieve suffering — облегчать страдания
to bear / endure suffering — терпеть боль, терпеть страдания
to inflict suffering on smb. — причинять кому-л. страдания
2. прил.great / incalculable / intense / untold suffering — невыразимые страдания
страдающий, мучающийся••suffering cat(s)!, the suffering Moses! — чёрт! вот ведь! (восклицание, выражающее досаду, удивление)
6 suffering
['sʌf(ə)rɪŋ]nстрадание, боль, мука- great suffering
- alleviate suffering
- bear suffering
- give much suffering
- speak of one's sufferings
- inflict suffering on smb -
7 suffering
1. n страдание; мука2. a страдающийСинонимический ряд:1. afflicted (adj.) afflicted2. discomfort (noun) affliction; agony; anguish; anxiety; discomfort; distress; dolor; heartache; pain; passion; torment; torture3. misery (noun) misery; unhappiness; woe; wretchedness4. bearing (verb) abiding; accepting; bearing; brooking; digesting; enduring; going; lumping; standing; sticking out; stomaching; supporting; sustaining; swallowing; sweating out; taking5. having (verb) experiencing; go through; having; knowing; meet with; seeing; sustaining; tasting; undergoing6. letting (verb) allowing; leaving; letting; permitting; tolerating7. suffering (verb) grieving; lamenting; mourning; sorrowing; suffering -
8 suffering
[ˈsʌfərɪŋ]pain and suffering боль и страдание suffering pres. p. от suffer suffering страдание suffering страдающий -
9 suffering
страдание; страдающий; переносящий -
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1. [ʹsʌf(ə)rıŋ] nстрадание; мука2. [ʹsʌf(ə)rıŋ] ashe recited her own sufferings at full length - она со всеми подробностями рассказывала о своих мучениях
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ˈsʌfərɪŋгоре, страдание -
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[`sʌf(ə)rɪŋ]страдание, боль, мукастрадающий, мучающийсяАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > suffering
16 suffering
1. present participle of suffer2. nounстрадание3. adjectiveстрадающий* * *(n) страдание* * *страдание, боль, мука* * *['suf·fer·ing || 'sʌfərɪŋ] n. страдание* * *горестраданиестраданиястрадающий* * *1. сущ. страдание 2. прил. страдающий -
17 suffering
18 suffering
19 suffering
страдающий; страдание; мука -
20 suffering
страда́ние с
См. также в других словарях:
suffering — index adversity, discipline (punishment), distress (anguish), hardship, misfortune, pain, prostra … Law dictionary
Suffering — Suf fer*ing, n. The bearing of pain, inconvenience, or loss; pain endured; distress, loss, or injury incurred; as, sufferings by pain or sorrow; sufferings by want or by wrongs. Souls in sufferings tried. Keble. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Suffering — Suf fer*ing, a. Being in pain or grief; having loss, injury, distress, etc. {Suf fer*ing*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suffering — patient enduring of hardship, mid 14c.; undergoing of punishment, affliction, etc., late 14c., from prp. of SUFFER (Cf. suffer) (v.) … Etymology dictionary
suffering — *distress, misery, agony, dolor, passion Analogous words: affliction, tribulation, *trial, visitation: adversity, *misfortune: *sorrow, grief, anguish, woe, heartache, heartbreak … New Dictionary of Synonyms
suffering — [n] pain, agony adversity, affliction, anguish, difficulty, discomfort, distress, dolor, hardship, martyrdom, misery, misfortune, ordeal, passion, torment, torture; concept 728 Ant. happiness, health, joy … New thesaurus
suffering — [suf′ər iŋ, suf′riŋ] n. 1. the bearing or undergoing of pain, distress, or injury 2. something suffered; pain, distress, or injury SYN. DISTRESS … English World dictionary
Suffering — This article is about suffering or pain in the broadest sense. For physical pain, see Pain. For other uses, see The Suffering. Tragic mask on the façade of the Royal Dramatic Theatre in Stockholm Suffering, or pain in a broad sense,[1] is … Wikipedia
SUFFERING — The presence of suffering in the world poses a problem for religion insofar as it seems to contradict the notion of an all powerful benevolent God. It would seem that if God were good, He would not want His creatures to suffer, and if, all… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
suffering — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ enormous, great, immense, intense, massive, real, terrible, unbearable, unimaginable, untold ▪ … Collocations dictionary
suffering — For both Judaism and Christianity belief in the goodness of God has made the universal experience of suffering the supreme problem for theology. Broadly, two kinds of suffering are recognized in the Bible: that which comes upon us because of our… … Dictionary of the Bible