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См. также в других словарях:

  • Subscriber trunk dialling — (STD, also known as subscriber toll dialling) is a term for the UK telephone system allowing subscribers to dial trunk calls without operator assistance. Terminology The term subscriber trunk dialling is used in other countries such as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Line Sharing — Line Sharing, oder auch Leitungsteilung, bezeichnet ein Verfahren, mit dem herkömmliche Festnetz Dienste (Analoganschluss/ISDN) und ADSL basierte Datendienste von unterschiedlichen Anbietern über dieselbe Telefonleitung (TAL) angeboten werden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • subscriber — sub‧scrib‧er [səbˈskraɪbə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. someone who pays money regularly in order to have a newspaper or magazine sent to them, or to receive telephone, television or Internet service: • Country Music Television currently has 15… …   Financial and business terms

  • Subscriber Loop Carrier — refers to equipment providing central office like telephone interface functionality. The SLC RT is typically located in a remote (from the telephone company central office) area with a high density of telephone service such as a residential… …   Wikipedia

  • Line-Sharing — Line Sharing, oder auch Leitungsteilung, bezeichnet ein Verfahren, mit dem herkömmliche Festnetz Dienste (Analoganschluss/ISDN) und ADSL basierte Datendienste von unterschiedlichen Anbietern über dieselbe Telefonleitung (TAL) angeboten werden… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Line card — A Western Electric 500G line card for 1A2 Systems A line card or Digital Line Card is a modular electronic circuit on a printed circuit board, the electronic circuits on the card interfacing the telecommunication lines coming from the subscribers …   Wikipedia

  • subscriber line — noun a telephone connection • Syn: ↑telephone line, ↑phone line, ↑telephone circuit, ↑line • Hypernyms: ↑connection, ↑connexion, ↑connector, ↑connecter, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Subscriber Identity Module — SIM Karten Die SIM Karte (Subscriber Identity Module) ist eine Chipkarte, die in ein Mobiltelefon eingesteckt wird und zur Identifikation des Nutzers im Netz dient. Mit ihr stellen Mobilfunkanbieter Teilnehmern mobile Telefonanschlüsse und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • line — line1 linable, lineable, adj. lineless, adj. linelike, adj. /luyn/, n., v., lined, lining. n. 1. a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface: a line down the middle of the page. 2. Math. a …   Universalium

  • subscriber line —    Telephone line that connects the local telephone company to the subscriber s telephone system or medium …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • subscriber — n. 1 a person who subscribes. 2 a person paying for the hire of a telephone line. Phrases and idioms: subscriber trunk dialling Brit. the automatic connection of trunk calls by dialling without the assistance of an operator …   Useful english dictionary

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