Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

submucous plexus

См. также в других словарях:

  • submucous plexus — see Meissner s plexus …   Medical dictionary

  • submucous plexus — Meissner s plexus …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • plexus submucosus — [TA] submucous plexus submucosal plexus: the part of the enteric plexus that is situated in the submucosa …   Medical dictionary

  • Сплетение Мейсснера (Meissner'S Plexus), Сплетение Подслизистое (Submucous Plexus) — хорошо различимая сеть парасимпатических нервных волокон, расположенная в подслизистой основе стенки пищеварительного тракта и иннервирующая ее мышцы и слизистую оболочку. Источник: Медицинский словарь …   Медицинские термины

  • plexus — A network or interjoining of nerves and blood vessel s or of lymphatic vessels. [L. a braid] abdominal aortic (nervous) p. [TA] an autonomic p. surrounding the abdominal aorta, directly continuous with the thoracic aortic p. superiorly and …   Medical dictionary

  • Meissner's plexus — submucous plexus a fine network of parasympathetic nerve fibres in the wall of the alimentary canal, supplying the muscles and mucous membrane [Meissner (1829–1905), German physiologist] …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Meissner's plexus — Nerve: Meissner s plexus The plexus of the submucosa from the rabbit. X 50. LAYERS: serosa longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus circ …   Wikipedia

  • digestive nerve plexus — ▪ physiology       intricate layers of nervous tissue that control movements in the esophagus, stomach, and intestines. The mechanics of the nervous system s regulation of digestive functions is not fully known. Two major nerve centres are… …   Universalium

  • Auerbach's plexus — Nerve: Auerbach s plexus The myenteric plexus from the rabbit. X 50. LAYERS: serosa longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus circular muscle submu …   Wikipedia

  • Meissner's plexus — n a plexus of ganglionated nerve fibers lying between the muscular and mucous coats of the intestine compare MYENTERIC PLEXUS * * * (submucous plexus) a fine network of parasympathetic nerve fibres in the wall of the alimentary canal, supplying… …   Medical dictionary

  • intestinal plexus submucous — p. submucosus …   Medical dictionary

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