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  • 101 EIGA

    * * *
    (á, átta, áttr), v.
    1) to own, possess (Starkaðr átti hest góðan);
    2) to have (eiga börn, föður, móður, vin);
    hann átti Gró, he was married to G.;
    hann gekk at eiga Þóru, he took Th. for his wife, he married Th.;
    enga vil ek þessa eiga, I will not marry any of these;
    eiga heima, to have a home, to live (þeir áttu heima austr í Mörk);
    eiga sér e-t = eiga e-t (Höskuldr átti sér dóttur, er Hallgerðr hét);
    eiga ván e-s, to have hope of a thing, to reckon upon;
    eiga hlut at or í e-u, to have a share in a thing, to be concerned in;
    eiga vald á e-u, to have within one’s power;
    3) to be under obligation, be obliged, have to do a thing;
    tólf menn, þeir er fylgð áttu með konungi, who were bound to attend the king’s person;
    á ek þar fyrir at sjá, I am bound (I have) to see to that;
    átti Hrútr för í Vestfjorðu, H. had to go to the V.;
    4) to have a right (claim) to, be entitled to (eiga högg ok höfn í skóginum);
    eiga mál í e-m, to have a charge against one;
    5) to keep, hold;
    eiga fund, þing, samkvámu, stefnu, to hold a meeting;
    eiga kaupstefnu, to hod a market;
    eiga orrustu við e-n, to fight a battle with one;
    eiga högg við e-n, to exchange blows with one;
    eiga illt við e-n, to quarrel with;
    eiga tal (or mál) við e-n, to speak, converse with one;
    6) as an auxiliary with pp. = hafa (þat er við áttum mælt);
    eiga skilit, to have stipulated;
    7) to have to (skal Þ. eigi at því eiga at spotta);
    eiga hendr sínar it verja, to have to act in self-defence;
    eiga um vandræði at halda, to be in a strait;
    8) eiga e-m e-t, to owe to one (mun æ, hvat þú átt þeim er veitir);
    þat muntu ætla, at ek mun eiga hinn bleika uxann, that the fawn-coloured ox means me;
    10) with preps.:
    eiga e-t at e-m, to have something due from one, to expect from one (þat vil ek eiga at þér, at þú segir mér frá ferð þinni);
    to deserve from one (ok á ek annat at þér);
    þeir er mikit þóttust at sér eiga, had much in their power;
    eiga e-t eptir, to have to do yet, to have left undone (þat áttu eptir, er erfiðast er, en þat er at deyja);
    to leave behind one (andaðist ok átti eptir tvá sonu vaxna);
    eiga e-t saman, to own in common;
    eiga skap saman, to agree well, be of one mind;
    eigi veit ek, hvárt við eigum heill saman, whether we shall live happy together;
    eiga saman, to quarrel, = eiga deild saman;
    eiga um við e-n, to have to deal with (við brögðótta áttu nú um);
    þar sem við vini mína er um at eiga, where my friends are concerned;
    eiga e-t undir e-m, to have in another’s hands;
    Njáll átti mikit fé undir Starkaði ok í Sandgili, N. had much money out at interest with St. and at Sandgil, er sá eigi vel staddr, er líf sitt á undir þinum trúnaði, whose life depends on thy good faith;
    eiga mikit (lítit) undir sér, to have much (little) in one’s power;
    far þú við marga menn, svá at þú eigir allt undir þér, that the whole matter rests in thy own hands;
    hann sá, at hann átti ekki undir sér, that he had no influence;
    eiga við e-n, to have to do with, fight with (brátt fundu þeir, at þeir áttu þar ekki við sinn maka);
    ekki á ek þetta við þik, this is no business between thee and me;
    eiga gott (illt) við e-n, to be on good (bad) terms with one;
    eiga við konu, to have intercourse with, = eiga lag (samræði) við konu;
    recipr., eigast við, to deal with one another; fight, quarrel;
    eigast við deildir, to be engaged in strife;
    áttust þeir höggvaskipti við, they exchanged blows with one another.
    kasta sinni eigu, leggja sína eigu, í e-t, to take possession of;
    * * *
    pret. átti; pret. subj. ætti, pres. eigi; pres. ind. á, 2nd pers. átt (irreg. eigr, Dipl. v. 24), pl. eigum, 3rd pers. pl. old form eigu, mod. eiga; imperat. eig and eigðu; sup. átt; with suffixed neg. pres. ind. 1st pers. á’k-at, 2nd pers. átt-attu; pret. subj. ættim-a: [Gr. ἔχω; Goth. aigan; A. S. âgan; Hel. êgan; O. H. G. eigan; Swed. äga; Dan. eje; Engl. to owe and own, of which the former etymologically answers to ‘eiga,’ the latter to ‘eigna’]:—to have, possess.
    A. ACT.
    I. denoting ownership, to possess:
    1. in a proper sense; allt þat góz sem þeir eiga eðr eigandi verða, D. N. i. 80; hann eigr hálfa jörðina, Dipl. v. 24; Björn hljóp þá á skútu er hann átti, Eb. 6; Starkaðr átti hest góðan, Nj. 89; þau áttu gnótt í búi, 257; hón á allan arf eptir mik, 3; átti hón auð fjár, Ld. 20; ef annarr maðr ferr með goðorð en sá er á, Grág. i. 159; annat vápnit, ok á þat Þorbjörn, en Þorgautr á þetta, Ísl. ii. 341; eignir þær er faðir hans hafði átt, Eb. 4; í ríki því er Dana konungar höfðu átt þar lengi, Fms. xi. 301, Rb. 494, Eb. 54, 118, 256, 328, Sturl. ii. 60, Eg. 118; e. saman, to own in common, Grág. i. 199; ef tveir menn eigo bú saman, ii. 44; e. skuld (at e-m), to be in debt, Engl. to owe; en ef hann átti engar skuldir, if he owed no debts, i. 128; þar til átti honum ( owed him) meistari Þorgeirr ok þá mörk, D. N. iv. 288 (Fr.); e. fé undir e-m, to be one’s creditor, Nj. 101; in mod. usage, e. fé hjá e-m, or ellipt., e. hjá e-m.
    2. in a special sense;
    α. eiga konu, to have her to wife; hann átti Gró, Eb. 16; hann átti Ynghvildi, 3; Þorgerðr er (acc.) átti Vigfúss, … Geirríðr er (acc.) átti Þórólfr, 18; hann gékk at eiga Þóru, he married Thora, id.; Þuríði hafði hann áðr átta, Thorida had been his first wife, 42; enga vil ek þessa e., I will not marry any of these, Nj. 22; Björn átti þá konu er Valgerðr hét, 213, 257; faðir Hróðnýjar er átti Þorsteinn, Landn. 90; Ásdísi átti síðar Skúli, S. was A.’s second husband, 88; Þorgerðr er átti Önundr sjóni, 89; Vigdís er átti Þorbjörn enn digri, 87; Árnþrúðr er átti Þórir hersir, 66; Húngerð er átti Svertingr, 6l, 86, and in numberless passages: old writers hardly ever say that the wife owns her husband—the passages in Edda 109 (vide elja) and Nj. 52 (til lítils kemr mér at eiga hinn vaskasta mann á Íslandi) are extraordinary—owing to the primitive notion of the husband’s ‘jus possessionis’ (cp. brúðkaup); but in mod. usage ‘eiga’ is used indiscriminately of both wife and husband; Icel. even say, in a recipr. sense, eigast, to own one another, to be married: þau áttust, they married; hann vildi ekki at þau ættist, hann bannaði þeim að eigast, he forbade them to marry:—to the ancients such a phrase was almost unknown, and occurs for the first time in K. Á. 114.
    β. eiga börn, to have children, of both parents; áttu þau Jófriðr tíu börn, J. and her husband had ten bairns, Eg. 708; hann átti dóttur eina er Unnr hét, Nj. 1; þau Þorsteinn ok Unnr áttu son er Steinn hét, Eb. 10, Nj. 91, 257; áttu þau Þórhildr þrjá sonu, 30; e. móður, föður, to have a mother, father, Eb. 98; vænti ek ok, at þú eigir illan föður, id.
    γ. the phrase, e. heima, to have a home; þeir áttu heima austr í Mörk, Nj. 55; því at ek tek eigi heim í kveld, þar sem ek á heima út á Íslandi, 275; in mod. usage = to live, abide, in regard to place, cp. the questions put to a stranger, hvað heitir maðrinn? hvar áttu heima? used in a wider sense than búa.
    δ. eiga sér, to have, cp. ‘havde sig’ in Dan. ballads; Höskuldr átti sér dóttur er Hallgerðr hét, Nj. 3; ef hann á sér í vá veru, Hm. 25, (freq. in mod. use.)
    3. without strict notion of possession; e. vini, óvini, to have friends, enemies, Nj. 101; hverja liðveizlu skal ek þar e. er þú ert, what help can I reckon upon from thee? 100; e. ván e-s, to have hope of a thing, to reckon upon, 210; e. til, to have left; ekki eigu it annat til ( there is nothing left for you) nema at biðja postulann. Jóh. 623. 22: in mod. usage e. til means to own, to have left; hann á ekkert til, he is void of means, needy; eiga góða kosti fjár, to be in good circumstances, Ísl. ii. 322; e. vald á e-u, to have within one’s power, Nj. 265; the phrase, e. hlut at e-u, or e. hlut í e-u, to have a share, be concerned with; eptir þat átti hann hlut at við mótstöðumenn Gunnars, 101, 120; þar er þú ættir hlut at, where thou wast concerned, 119; mik uggir at hér muni eigi gæfu-menn hlut í e., 179: hence ellipt., e. í e-u, to be engaged in, chiefly of strife, adversity, or the like; thus, e. í stríði, fátaekt, baráttu, to live, be deep in struggle, want, battle, etc.
    II. denoting duty, right, due, obligation:
    1. to be bound, etc.; þeir menn er fylgð áttu með konungi, the men who owed following to (i. e. were bound to attend) the king’s person, Fms. vii. 240; á ek þar fyrir at sjá, I am bound to see to that, Eg. 318; Tylptar-kviðr átti um at skilja, Eb. 48; þeir spurðu hvárt Njáli þætti nokkut e. at lýsa vígsök Gunnars, Nj. 117; nú áttu, Sigvaldi, now is thy turn, now ought thou, Fms. xi. 109, Fs. 121; menn eigu ( men ought) at spyrja at þingfesti, Grág. i. 19; þá á þann kvið einskis meta, that verdict ought to be void, 59; ef sá maðr á ( owns) fé út hér er ómagann á ( who ought) fram at færa, 270; nú hafa þeir menn jammarga sem þeir eigu, as many as they ought to have, ii. 270; tíunda á maðr fé sitt, … þá á hann þat at tíunda, … þá á hann at gefa sálugjafir, i. 202:—‘eiga’ and ‘skal’ are often in the law used indiscriminately, but properly ‘ought’ states the moral, ‘shall’ the legal obligation,—elska skalt þú föður þinn og móður, þú skalt ekki stela, where ‘átt’ would be misplaced; sometimes it is merely permissive, gefa á maðr vingjafir at sér lifanda, ef hann vill, a man ‘may’ whilst in life bequeath to his friends, if he will, id.; maðr á at gefa barni sínu laungetnu tólf aura, ef hann vill, fyrir ráð skaparfa sinna, en eigi meira nema erfingjar lofi, a man ‘may’ bequeath to the amount of twelve ounces to his illegitimate child without leave of the lawful heir, etc., 203; ef þat á til at vilja, if that is to happen, Fas. i. 11.
    2. denoting claim, right, to own, be entitled to, chiefly in law phrases; e. dóm, sakir, to own the case, i. e. be the lawful prosecutor; ok á sá þeirra sakir, er …, Grág. i. 10; eðr eigu þeir eigi at lögum, or if they be not entitled to it, 94; e. mál á e-m, to have a charge against one, Nj. 105; e. rétt á e-u, to own a right; sá sem rétt á á henni, who has a right to her, K. Á. 16; þeir sögðu at þeim þótti slíkr maðr mikinn rétt á sér e., such a man had a strong personal claim to redress, Nj. 105; hence the phrase, eiga öngan rétt á sér, if one cannot claim redress for personal injury; þá eigu þeir eigi rétt á sér, then they have no claim to redress whatever, Grág. i. 261; e. sök, saka-staði á e-u, to have a charge against; þat er hann átti öngva sök á, Nj. 130; saka-staði þá er hann þótti á eiga, 166; kalla Vermund eigi ( not) eiga at selja sik, said V. had no right to sell them, Eb. 116: hence in mod. usage, eiga denotes what is fit and right, þú átt ekki að göra það, you ought not; eg ætti ekki, I ought not: in old writers eiga is seldom strictly used in this sense, but denotes the legal rather than the moral right.
    β. eiga fé at e-m (mod. e. hjá e-m), to be one’s creditor, Grág. i. 90, 405, Band. 1 C: metaph. to deserve from one, ok áttu annat at mér, Nj. 113; e. gjafir at e-m, 213; in a bad sense, kváðusk mikit e. at Þráni, they had much against Thrain, 138.
    γ. the law phrase, e. útkvæmt, fært, to have the right to return, of a temporary exile, Nj. 251: at hann skyli eigi e. fært út hingat, Grág. i. 119; ok á eigi þingreitt, is not allowed to go to the parliament, ii. 17; e. vígt, Grág., etc.
    III. denoting dealings or transactions between men (in a meeting, fight, trade, or the like), to keep, hold; þætti mér ráðliga at vér ættim einn fimtardóm, Nj. 150; e. orrustu við e-n, to fight a battle, Fms. i. 5, Eg. 7; e. högg við e-n, to exchange blows, 297; e. vápna-viðskipti, id., Fms. ii. 17; eiga handsöl at e-u, to shake hands, make a bargain, x. 248; e. ráð við e-n, to consult, hold a conference with, Nj. 127; e. tal við e-n, to speak, converse with one, 129; e. mál við e-n, id., Grág. i. 10; e. fund, to hold a meeting, Nj. 158; e. þing, samkvámu, stefnu, to hold a meeting, Eg. 271; þetta haust áttu menn rétt (a kind of meeting) fjölmenna, Eb. 106; e. kaupstefnu, to hold a market, exchange, 56; e. féránsdóm, Grág. i. 94; e. gott saman, to live well together, in peace and goodwill, Ld. 38; e. illt við e-n, to deal ill with, quarrel with, Nj. 98; e. búisifjar, q. v., of intercourse with neighbours, Njarð. 366; e. drykkju við e-n, to be one’s ‘cup-mate,’ Eg. 253; e. við e-n, to deal with one; ekki á ek þetta við þik, this is no business between thee and me, Nj. 93; gott vilda ek við alla menn e., I would live in goodwill with all, 47; e. við e-n, to fight one; eigum vér ekki við þá elligar (in a hostile sense), else let us not provoke them, 42; eðr hvárt vili it Helgi e. við Lýting einn eðr bræðr hans báða, 154; brátt fundu þeir, at þeir áttu þar eigi við sinn maka, Ld. 64; Glúmr kvað hann ekki þurfa at e. við sik, G. said he had no need to meddle with him, Glúm. 338; e. um að vera, to be concerned; ekki er við menn um at e., Nj. 97; þar sem við vini mína er um at e., where my friends are concerned, 52; við færi er þá um at e., ef Kári er einn, there are fewer to deal with, to fight, if K. be alone, 254; við brögðótta áttu nú um, Fms. v. 263; ætla ek at oss mun léttara falla at e. um við Svein einn, iv. 80; Sveinn svarar, at þeir áttu við ofrefli um at e., that they had to deal with odds, 165.
    β. almost as an auxiliary verb; e. skilt (skilit), to have stipulated; hafa gripina svá sem hann átti skill, Fms. vi. 160; þat átta ek skilit við þik, ii. 93; sem Hrani átti skilt, iv. 31; e. mælt, of oral agreement; sem vit áttum mælt með okkr, xi. 40; þá vil ek þat mælt e., 124: in mod. usage e. skilit means to deserve, eg á ekki þetta skilit af hér, etc.
    γ. sometimes used much like geta; við því átti Búi eigi gert, B. could not guard against that, Fms. i. 117, cp. xi. 109:—also, e. bágt, to be in a strait, poor, sickly; e. heimilt, to have at one’s disposal, Eb. 254.
    IV. to have to do; skal Þorleifr eigi ( not) e. at því at spotta, Eb. 224; e. hendr sínar at verja, to have to defend one’s own hands, to act in self-defence, Nj. 47; e. e-m varlaunað, to stand in debt to one, 181; e. um vandræði at halda, to be in a strait, Eb. 108; e. erindi, to have an errand to run, 250; en er þeir áttu um þetta at tala, when they had to talk, were talking, of this, Stj. 391; e. ríkis at gæta, to have the care of the kingdom, Nj. 126; en þó á ek hverki at telja við þik mægðir né frændsemi, i. e. I am no relation to thee, 213; ok ætti þeir við annan at deila fyrst, 111; e. mikið at vinna, to be much engaged, hard at work, 97; e. e-t eptir, to have left a thing undone, 56; e. för, ferð, to have a journey to take, 11, 12; hann átti þar fé at heimta, 261; e. eptir mikit at mæla, 88.
    2. metaph. in the phrases, e. mikit (lítið) ‘at’ ser, or ‘undir’ sér, to have much (or little) in one’s power; margir menn, þeir er mikit þóttusk at sér e., Sturl. i. 64; far þú við marga menn, svá at þú eigir allt undir þér, go with many men, so that thou hast the whole matter in thy hands, Ld. 250; en ávalt átta ek nokkuð undir mér, Vígl. 33; kann vera at hann eigi mikit undir sér, Fas. i. 37; eigum heldr undir oss ( better keep it in our own hands), en ganga í greipar þeim mæðginum, Fs. 37; sem þeir, er ekki eigu undir sér, who are helpless and weak, Þorst. St. 55; e. þykisk hann nokkut undir sér, i. e. he bears himself very proudly, Grett. 122; þetta ráð vil ek undir sonum mínum e., I will leave the matter in my sons’ hands, Valla L. 202; e. líf sitt undir e-m, to have one’s life in another’s hands, Grett. 154; mun ek nú senda eptir mönnum, ok e. eigi undir ójöfnuði hans, and trust him not, 110: hence in mod. usage, e. undir e-u, to risk; eg þori ekki að e. undir því, I dare not risk it: e. saman, to have or own in common; the saying, það á ekki saman nema nafnið, it has nothing but the name in common; rautt gull ok bleikt gull á ekki saman nema nafn eitt, Fms. v. 346: the proverb, þeygi á saman gamalt og ungt, Úlf. 3. 44; e. skap saman, to agree well; kemr þú þér því vel við Hallgerði, at it eigit meir skap saman, you are quite of one mind, Nj. 66; eigi veit ek hvárt við eigum heill saman, I know not whether we shall have luck, i. e. whether we shall live happy, together, 3.
    β. to deal with one another (sam-eign); er vér skulum svá miklu úgæfu saman e., that we are to have so much mischief between us, Nj. 201; e. e-t yfir höfði, to have a thing hanging over one’s head, Sks. 742.
    V. to agree with, to fit, to suit one:
    1. with acc., það á ekki við mig, it suits me not, it agrees not with me.
    2. with dat., medic. to agree, heal, the sickness in dat., thus the proverb, margt á við mörgu, cp. ‘similia similibus curantur,’ Vidal. ii. 109.
    3. absol. to apply to; at hann skyldi eigi trúa lágum manni rauðskeggjuðum, því at meistarinn átti þetta, the description suited to the master, Fms. xi. 433; þat muntu ætla, at ek muna e. hinn bleika uxann, that the dun ox means me, Vápn. 21.
    B. REFLEX., in a reciprocal sense, in the phrase, eigask við, to deal with one another, chiefly to fight; en er þeir höfðu langa hríð við átzk, when they had fought a long time, Eb. 238, 74; eigask við deildir, to be engaged in strife, 246; áttusk þeir höggva-viðskipti við, they came to a close fight, Fms. i. 38; áttusk þeir fá högg við, áðr …, they had a short fight before …, Eg. 297; fátt áttusk þeir við Þjóstólfr ok Þorvaldr, Thostolf and Thorwald had little to do with one another, kept aloof from each other, Nj. 18; var nú kyrt þann dag, svá at þeir áttusk ekki við, tbat day passed quietly, so that they came not to a quarrel, 222.
    β. to marry, vide above (A. I. 2).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > EIGA

  • 102 ERGI

    1) lewdness, lust;
    2) wickedness, devilry (með allri ergi ok skelmisskap);
    3) unmanliness, unwarrior-like behavior with a strong connotation of effeminacy and passive homosexuality.
    * * *
    f. [argr], lewdness, lust; ergi, æði ok óþola, Skm. 36, Fas. iii. 390; e. keisara dóttur, Bær. 15, El. 10; ílsku ok e. ok hórdóm, Barl. 138: wickedness, með e. ok skelmisskap, Gísl, 31, Yngl. S. ch. 7: in mod. usage ergja, f., means greediness for money or the like; the rare sense of moodiness is quite mod., and borrowed from Germ. through Dan.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ERGI

  • 103 FALDA

    * * *
    (feld; félt, féldura; faldinn), v. to array with a woman’s hood (f. e-n or e-m e-u, or með or við e-u); f. sik motri, með or við motri, to hood oneself with a motr; Brandr var faldinn, Brand had on a woman’s headgear; hjálmi faldinn, wearing a helmet.
    (að), v.
    1) to hood (see prec.);
    2) to fold; fá mer skyrtu þína, en ek skal f. hana saman, I shall fold it up; falda aptr, to unfold.
    * * *
    in old writers this word (if used in sense II) always follows the strong form and is declined like halda, viz. pret. félt, Landn. 166, vide Lex. Poët. passim, pl. féldu; pres. sing. feld; imperat. falt; pret. subj. féldi, Orkn. (in a verse); part, faldinn; but in signf. I ( to fold) it is weak (faldar, faldaði), though it seldom occurs in old writers in this sense: in mod. usage the weak form only is used: [Ulf. falþan = πτύσσειν in Luke iv. 20. to fold or close the book; A. S. fealdan; Engl. to fold; Germ. falten; Dan. folde; Swed. fålla; Fr. fauder; cp. Lat. plicare]:—to fold, with acc.:
    I. gener. to fold; ek skal f. hana saman, I shall fold her up, Str. 9; tók hón þá skyrtuna ok faldaði saman, id.; sem hón hafði saman faldat, id.; f. fald eptir, to unfold a fold, id.; at engi mundi þann fald aptr f., id.; ef hón gæti aptr faldat skyrtu þína, 13.
    β. to hem; falda dúk, klút, etc., to hem a towel, kerchief, or the like; cp. faldaðr, ófaldaðr.
    II. esp. to hood or cover the head, chiefly used of ladies wearing the fald, q. v.:
    α. with acc. of the person, dat. of the dress; ek mun falda þik með höfuðdúki, Nj. 201; at hón hefði nú faldit sik við motrinum, Ld. 210; Brandr var faldinn, B. was hooded as a lady, Fs. 109; Hildr Eyvindar-dóttir félt honum, H. hooded him, 194 (Ed. fylgði wrongly); at hón hefði nú faldit (Ed. wrongly faldat) sik við motrinum, that she had hooded herself with the motr, Ld. 210; mundi Guðrún ekki þurfa at falda sik motri til þess, at sama betr en allar konur aðrar, id.; hennar höfut er faldit þremr skautum, her head is hooded in three sheets (hence skauta-faldr), Mar. 48 (Fr.)
    β. with dat. of the person; þá segir Hrefna, at hón vill falda sér við motrinn (better motrinum), Ld. 192; ef maðr feldr sér til vélar við konu, eðr ferr hann í kvennklæði, if a man hoods his head wilily mocking a woman, Grág. i. 338 (liable to the lesser outlawry); f. þér við höfuðdúki, Nj. l. c., v. l.; aldri hefi ek frétt at konur féldi höfuðdúkum, Orkn. (in a verse); ek félt hjálmi, I covered my head in a helmet, Sighvat.
    γ. the phrases, falda sítt, to hood the head so that the eyes and face cannot be seen; far á meðal kvenna, ok falt þér sítt, at ekki verðir þú kend, Post. 656 B. 11; brúðirnar falda sítt, svá at úgerla má sjá þeirra yfirlit, Fms. xi. 106; enn fyrsta aptan hafa brúðirnar síð-faldit, Jv. 29 (Ed. 1824); sú (kona) hafði sítt faldit, Fms. vii. 161, cp. Gen. xxxviii. 14; falda hátt, to wear a tall fald, cp. Eb. 136 (in a verse); falda blá, or svörtu, to hood the head in black, to mourn, Ísl. ii. 351 (in a verse): the metaph. phrase, f. rauðu, to hood the head in red, to die a bloody death, Landn. l. c.
    2. part. faldinn, used as adj. hooded, mod. faldaðr, hooded, bordered, hemmed, etc., in compds, eld-faldinn, hooded with flames, poët. epithet of the foaming waves, Lex. Poët.; hjálmi faldinn, hooded with a helmet (poët.), Hkv. 1. 47; járn-faldinn, iron-hooded, helmed, Eb. 208 (in a verse): hag-faldin, hooded with hedges, poët. epithet of the goddess Earth, Fms. vi. 140 (in a verse); hvít-faldin, white-hooded, of glaciers or foaming waves, Snót 12, 16.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FALDA

  • 104 fast-ligr

    adj. fast, firm, strong, Stj. 26, Sturl. iii. 140, Bs. i. 517.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fast-ligr

  • 105 fast-lyndr

    adj. strong-minded, Finnb. 210.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fast-lyndr

  • 106 FASTR

    1) fast, firm, sticking fast to the spot; hrútr f. (held fast, entangled) á meðal viða; f. á velli, standing fast (in battle); standa f. fyrir, to stand fast (firm);
    2) close, close-fisted; f. ok fégjarn, close and covetous; f. af e-u, sparing of (f. af drykk);
    3) of a meeting: þá er sóknarþing er fast, during the session;
    4) firm, faithful (fast heit, loforð, föst trú); fullr ok f., definitive, permanent (þessi grið skulu vera full ok föst);
    5) strong, hard (f. bardagi); fast atkvæði, hard syllable (ending in a double consonant);
    6) til fasta, fast, firmly; ráða, mæla, heita til fasta, to make a firm agreement.
    * * *
    adj. [wanting in Ulf., who renders βέβαιος etc. by tulgus; but common to all other Teut. idioms; A. S. fæst; Engl. fast; O. H. G. fasti; Germ. fest; Swed.-Dan. fast]:—fast, firm, esp. with the notion of sticking fast to the spot; hrútr f. (held fast, entangled) á meðal viða, 655 vii. 2; fastr á velli, standing fast, e. g. in a battle, Fms. xi. 246; vera, standa f. fyrir, to stand fast, Þorst. St. 53; f. á fótum, of a bondsman whose feet are bound fast to the soil, Grág. ii. 192, Nj. 27: grið-fastr, home-bound, of a servant: the phrase, e-t er fast fyrir, a thing is hard to win, difficult, Lv. 94, Fms. xi. 32, Ld. 154.
    β. fast, close; f. í verkum, hard at work, Grág. i. 135 (Ed. 1853); þeir menn allir er í dómi sitja eðr í gögnum eru fastir, engaged, 488; fastr ok fégjarn, close and covetous, Fms. x. 420; f. af drykk, Sturl. iii. 125.
    γ. of a meeting; þá er sóknar-þing er fast, i. e. during the session, Grág. i. 422: sam-fastr, fast together, continuous, 156; á-fastr, q. v.
    δ. firm; metaph., fast heit, loforð, etc., a fast, faithful promise, word, Eg. 29; föst trú, fast faith, cp. stað-f., steadfast; geð-f., trú-f., vin-f., etc.
    ε. bound to pay; at aurum eigi meirum en hann var fastr, to the amount of his debt, N. G. L. i. 36.
    ζ. gramm., fast atkvæði, a hard syllable ending in a double consonant, Skálda 171.
    2. neut. in various phrases; sitja fast, to sit fast, Sks. 372; standa fast, to stand fast, Edda 33; halda f., to hold fast, Fms. i. 159; binda fast, to bind fast, Ísl. ii. 103, Fas. i. 530; liggja fast, to be fast set, steadfast, of the eyes, Sturl. ii. 189; drekka fast, to drink hard, Fms. ii. 259; sofa fast, to be fast asleep, i. 9; þegja fast, to be dumb, not say a word, 655 xxxi A. 4; leita fast eptir, to urge, press hard, Ld. 322; fylgja fast, to follow fast, Dropl. 26, Fas. ii. 505; eldask fast, to age fast, Eb. 150; ryðjask um fast, to make a hard onslaught, Nj. 9; leggja fast at, to close with one in a sea-fight, Fms. ii. 312, hence fastr bardagi, a close engagement, Róm. 272; telja fast á e-n, to give one a severe lesson, Fms. ii. 119.
    β. as adv., hyrndr fast, very much horned, Lv. 69.
    γ. the phrase, til fasta, fast, firmly; ráða, mæla, heita til f., to make a firm agreement, Bjarn. 61, Band. 20, Fms. ii. 125; cp. the mod. phrase, fyrir fullt ok fast, definitively.
    n. the prey of a bear which he drags into his lair; cp. Ivar Aasen s. v. fastra, of a bear, to drag a carcase into his lair (Norse); hence the phrase, liggja á fasti, of a wild beast devouring its prey, Landn. 235 (of a white bear). Icel. now say, liggja á pasti, and in metaph. sense pastr, vigour, energy; pastrs-lauss, weak, feeble, etc.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FASTR

  • 107 fast-ríki

    n. a strong, fast rule, Ver. 54.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fast-ríki

  • 108 fár-ramr

    adj. awfully strong, Fs. 7.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fár-ramr

  • 109 FELLA

    * * *
    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to fell, make fall; fella víð, to fell timber; fella segl, to take down sails;
    2) to kill, slay (in battle); fella e-n frá landi, to slay or dethrone (a king); fella fénað sinn, to lose one’s sheep or cattle from cold or hunger;
    3) to cause to cease, abolish (fella blót ok blótdrykkjur); fella rœðu sína, to close one’s speech; fella niðr, to put an end to, abandon, give up (fella niðr þann átrúnað);
    4) fella heitstrenging á sik, to bring down on one’s head the curse of a broken vow;
    5) to tongue and groove, to fit; fella stokk á horn, to put a board on the horns of a savage bull;
    6) fig., fella ást (hug) til e-s, to turn one’s mind (love) towards one, to fall in love with; fella bœn at e-m, to address prayer to one, to beg of one; fella sik við e-t, to fit oneself to a thing: fella sik mjök við umrœðuna, to take a warm parl in the debate.
    1) framework, a framed board;
    * * *
    d, a weak causal verb, answering to the strong neuter form falla; [absent in Goth.; A. S. fellan; Engl. fell; Germ. fällen; O. H. G. fallian; Swed. fälla; Dan. fælde.]
    A. [Answering to falla A], to fell, make fall; fella við, to fell timber, Fms. ii. 84; fella mann, to fell a man, defined in the law, Grág. Vsl. ch. 3, cp. ch. 31; fella tár, to let tears fall, Sighvat; fella mel-dropa, to let the drops fall, Vþm. 14; fella segl, to take down sails, Bárð. 14; fella jörð undir e-m, to make the earth slip under one (by means of sorcery), Bs. i. 12; fella vatn í fornan farveg, to make the stream flow in its old bed, Grág. ii. 281.
    2. to fell or slay, in battle, Eg. 80, 296, 495; Bróðir felldi Brján, Nj. 275; fella e-n frá landi, to slay or dethrone a king; hann hafði fellt hinn helga Ólaf konung frá landi, Orkn. 82; var felldr frá landi Haraldr Gráfeldr, H. Graycloak was slain, Fær. 38; síðan felldu þeir frá landi Hákon bróður minn, Fms. viii. 241, v. l.; fella her, val, etc., to make havoc, slaughter, (val-fall, strages), Lex. Poët.
    β. to lose sheep or cattle from cold or hunger (v. fellir); var vetr mikill ok felldu menn mjök fé sitt, Sturl. iii. 297.
    II. to make to cease, abolish; hann felldi blót ok blótdrykkjur, Fms. x. 393; f. niðr, to drop, put an end to, abandon; var hans villa svá niðr felld, Anecd. 98; þat felldi hann allt niðr, Fms. vii. 158; ef þú fellir niðr ( gives up) þann átrúnað, ii. 88: to drop a prosecution, a law term, at konungr mundi þetta mál ekki niðr fella, vii. 127 (cp. niðr-fall at sökum); fella ræðu sína, to close one’s speech, ix. 331; þar skal niðr f. þrjá-tigi nátta, there shall [ they] let drop thirty nights, i. e. thirty nights shall not be counted, Rb. 57; fella boð, f. herör, to drop the message, not let the arrow pass, N. G. L. i. 55, Gþl. 83 (vide boð, p. 71); fella skjót, to fail in supplying a vehicle, K. Á. 22.
    2. to lower, diminish; fella rétt manns, fella konungs sakar-eyri, Gþl. 185; hann skal fella hálfri mörk, [ they] shall lower it, i. e. the value shall be lowered by half a mark, Grág. ii. 180.
    3. the phrases, fella heitstrenging (eið) á sik, to bring down on one’s head the curse for a breach of faith (vow, oath, etc.), Hrafn. 8.
    4. fella hold af, to starve so that the flesh falls away, K. Á. 200, K. Þ. K. 130; hence fella af, absol. ellipt. to become lean, starved; cp. af-feldr: the phrase, f. blótspán, q. v., p. 71; fella dóm, to pass sentence, is mod., borrowed from Germ.
    B. [Answering to falla B], to join, fit:
    I. a joiner’s term, to frame, tongue and groove; fella innan kofann allan ok þilja, Bs. i. 194; felld súð, a framed board, wainscot, Fms. vi. (in a verse), hence fellisúð; fella stokk á horn, to put a board on the horns of a savage bull, Eb. 324; eru fastir viðir saman negldir, þó eigi sé vel felldir, the boards are fast when nailed together, they are not tongued and grooved, Skálda 192 (felling); fella stein í skörð, to fit a stone to the crevice, Róm. 247: metaph., fella lok á e-t, to bring to an end, prop. to fit a cover to it, Grág. i. 67: also a blacksmith’s term, fella járn, to work iron into bars, Þiðr. 79.
    II. metaph. in the phrases, fella ást, hug, skilning, etc., til e-s, to turn one’s love, mind, etc., towards one; fellim várn skilning til einskis af öllum þeim, Stj. 4; Geirmundr felldi hug til Þuríðar, G. fell in love with Th., Ld. 114; Þórðr bar eigi auðnu til at fellasvá mikla ást til Helgu, sem vera átti, i. e. they did not agree, Sturl. i. 194; fella bæn at e-m, to apply prayer to one, beg of him, Ísl. ii. 481; fella sik við e-t, to fit oneself to a thing; ek hefi byrjað þitt erindi, ok allan mik við fellt, and have done my best, 655 xxxii. 13; felldi Þorkell sik mjök við umræðuna, Th. took a warm part in the debate, Ld. 322; hence such phrases as, fella sig (eigi) við e-t, to take pleasure (or not) in a thing; fella saman orð sín, to make one’s words agree, Grág. i. 53: to appropriate, fellir hann með því dalinn sér til vistar, Sd. 137.
    III. part. felldr, as adj. = fallinn; svá felldr, so fitted, such; með svá felldum máta, in such a way, Rb. 248; vera vel (illa etc.) felldr til e-s, to be well ( ill) fitted for a thing, Fms. xi. 76; gamall ok þó ekki til felldr, Bs. i. 472, Fms. iii. 70; Hallgerðr kvað hann sér vel felldan til verkstjóra, H. said he was well fitted to be her steward, Nj. 57, v. l.: neut., þér er ekki fellt ( it is not fit for thee) at ganga á greipr mönnum Haralds, Fms. vi. 210; svá lízt oss sem slíkum málum sé vel fellt at svara, such cases are well worth consideration, Ld. 90; ekki héldu þeir vel lög þau nema þat er þeim þótti fellt, they observed not the rules except what seemed them fit, Hkr. i. 169; þeirrar stundar er honum þótti til fellt, the time that seemed him fit, Bs. i. 161: in many compds, geð-felldr, skap-f., hug-f., pleasant, agreeable; hag-felldr, practical; sí-felldr, continuous.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FELLA

  • 110 feta

    (fet, fat, —), v.
    1) to step, find one’s way (f. leið, heim);
    2) poet. with infin., hve ek yrkja fat, how I managed to make my poem.
    * * *
    in old writers strong, pret. fat, pl. fátu; in mod. usage weak, fetaði, and so in paper MSS., Fas. iii. 492; fötuðu, Bs. i. 291, is undoubtedly an error for fátu:
    I. to step, with the notion to find one’s way, of one walking in a fog or darkness,
    α. act. with acc.; feta braut, Eb. 208 (in a verse); feta leið (acc.), Grág. ii. 44; feta veg sinn, Bs. l. c.; menn fátu trautt leið sína í sumum stöðum, Ann. 1300, cp. Bs. i. 804.
    β. absol., feta burt ór völundar húsi, to find the way out of a labyrinth, Lil. 91; en svá fjarri ferr at ek feta (subj.) þangat, Fas. ii. 284; blindr ok fat eigi til dyranna, Orkn. 192; var ok svá at hann fat af því heim, Grett. 46 new Ed.; fátu þeir eigi heim, Fb. i. 97; ætlaði at hann mundi feta til síðarr, Landn. 146; ok fátu hvergi, and could not find the way, Fas. iii. 401.
    II. as an auxiliary verb with an infin.; hve ek yrkja fat, how I did make my poem, Höfuðl. 19; hve ek þylja fat, how I did speak, 3; faztú at árna, thou didst earn, Sighvat; ek fet smíða, I do ( can) work, Fms. vi. 170; hann fat gerða, he did gird, Fagrsk. 48; ek fat kjósa, I did choose, Edda 229 (App.); ek fet inna, I do record, Rekst. 29, v. l.; this use, however, although freq. in the poets of the 10th century, became obsolete, and is never met with in prose.
    β. in mod. usage, to step, esp. in the phrase, feta í fótspor e-s, to step in one’s foot-prints; þó eg feginn feta vildi fótspor þín, Pass. 30. 10.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > feta

  • 111 físa

    a strong verb, pret. feis, [Swed. fisa; Dan. fise; akin to Lat.], pedere, Hbl. 26; en hann feis við, Ísl. ii. 177.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > físa

  • 112 FLÝJA

    * * *
    (flý; flýða; flýiðr, flýðr), v.
    1) to flee, take flight (flýja á land upp);
    flýja undan e-m, to flee from one pursuing;
    2) with acc., flýja land, to flee the country;
    úhœgt mun forlögin at flýja, it will be hard to avoid what is fated.
    * * *
    pres. flý; pret. flýði; sup. flýð; part. flýiðr: mod. flúa, pret. flúði, part. flúinn, pres. flý; an older form with œflœja, pres. flœ, pret. flœði—occurs in poetry and old prose; skœðr and flœði rhyme even in Pd. 47 (of the 12th century): this older form is rightly formed from the part. fló; sup. flýit, Fms. i. 26; flœr (pres.), 623. 26; flœðu (pret.), Bret. 74; but flýðu, 40; flyiðr (part.), Edda 154 (pref.): flœja (inf.), Sdm. 21, 677. 10, 655 xiv. A. 1, 623. 16; fleoði—flœði, Hom. (St.) 3; pret. indin. flœðu ( fugisse), Ód. 9; pret. subj. flœðim ( fugeremus) Fms. ii. 181 (in a verse): [cp. Ulf. þljûhan; A. S. fleon; O. H. G. fliûhan, mod. fliehen; Engl. flee; no strong verb corresponding to this occurs in the Scandin., except fljúga, which in very old times served for both fugere and volare, vide s. v.]:—to flee, Lat. fugere; þeir flýðu til Upplanda, Fms. i. 19; víst vil ek eigi flýja, x. 348; Kjötvi hinn auðgi flyði, Eg. 33, Sks. 716 B; þá er Eirekr hafði brott flýit, Fms. i. 26: landsmenn féllu ok flýðu, Bret. 40; Tyrkir vóru flyðir í borgina, 88; flýja undan, to flee from one pursuing, Eg. 269; or, flyja undan e-m, 623. 16; flýja undan banvænligu höggi, Edda 154.
    2. adding acc., flýja land, to flee the land, Fms. i. 1, Ld. 4; flýðu margir göfgir menn óðul sín, Eb. 3, Fs. 123: to flee from, shun, úhægt mun forlögin at flýja, to shun fate, 20; flýja hvárki eld né járn, Edda 82; ek flýða banann, I shunned death, Bret. 90; þá er sá bani, er þing flýr, one who shuns the meeting, i. e. appears not, N. G. L. i. 62.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FLÝJA

  • 113 forátta

    f. pretext; finna e-t til foráttu, to plead as one’s excuse.
    * * *
    u, f., an older form forurtir, contr. foróttir, f. pl. occurs,—forutta-laust, Grág. i. 329, 377 (Kb. ii. 42 forótta-laust), 468; forátta-laust, Kb. i. 133, 136; but forátta, Nj. 15, Eb. 40: [Ulf. fra-waurhts = ἁμαρτιά; the etymology of the word seems to be ‘for’ in a privative sense, and ‘verk,’ cp. A. S. forwyrht = peccatum; in the Icel. it is used as a law term]:—a cause of forfeiture, an act whereby the other party has ‘forfeited’ his right, but it is not used in a criminal sense = Germ. verbrechen; ef honum þykkja forurtir til þess, Grág. l. c.: the phrase, forótta-laust or forurta-laust (foryfta-laust, N. G. L. i. 29, is a false reading), sine causa legali, Grág. l. c.: chiefly in divorce cases, the phrase, finna til foráttu, to plead as an excuse, Nj., Eb. l. c.
    II. in mod. usage = forað; foráttu-brim, foráttu-veðr, n. a heavy surf, strong gale, etc.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > forátta

  • 114 frost-brestir

    m. pl. ‘frost-cracks’ in ice, such as are heard during a strong frost.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > frost-brestir

  • 115 FRÆNDI

    * * *
    (pl. frændr), m. kinsman (also used of a brother and a son); yðrir fyrri frændr, your ancestors.
    * * *
    an irreg. part. of the obsolete frjá, pl. frændr. gen. frænda, dat. frændum, [Ulf. renders φίλος by frijonds; A. S. freond; Engl. friend; Hel. friund; O. H. G. friunt; Germ. freund; all of them meaning friend = Lat. amicus; whereas in the Scandin. languages, Icel. as well as mod. Swed. and Dan., it is only used in a metaph. sense; Dan. frænde; Swed. frände]:—a kinsman; not a single instance is on record of the word having ever been used in another sense, unless an exception be allowed in the allit. phrase, sem frændr en eigi sem fjándr, in the old Griðamál, Grág. (Kb.) i. 170:—the same usage prevails in the oldest poems, e. g. Hm.,—deyr fé, deyja frændr, 75; sumr er af senum sæll sumr af frændum, 68; and Dags frændr, the kinsmen ( great grandsons) of Dag, Ýt. 10. This change in the sense of the word is very curious and characteristic of the Scandinavians, with whom the bonds of kinship and brotherhood were strong, and each family formed a kind of confederacy or fellowship equally bound in rights and in duties; cp. such phrases as, frænd-bálkr, frænd-garðr: frændr often denotes kinsmen in a narrower sense = brethren; yet sons and frændr are distinguished in Hm. 68; but generally frændr is a collective word, Nj. 4; of a brother, Fs. 57; frændi, my son, Nj. 143, cp. Fms. vii. 22, 315, the laws and Sagas passim; ná-frændi, a near kinsman.
    COMPDS: frændaafli, frændabálkr, frændagengi, frændagipta, frændalát, frændalið, frændaráð, frændaróg, frændaskömm, frændastyrkr, frændatjón.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FRÆNDI

  • 116 FURÐA

    (-að), v.
    2) to forebode, with dat.; illu mun f., ef, it will bode ill, if.
    1) foreboding, omen; góðs (ills) f., good (bad) omen;
    2) strange (wonderful) thing; ekki er þetra nein f., ’tis nothing strange.
    * * *
    u, f. a spectre, ominous appearance; víst man þetta f. þín vera, Ísl. ii. 351, Eb. 262; góðs furða (góð f.), a good omen, Fs. 172, Fms. viii. 91; ílls f., a bad omen, Sturl. iii. 59, Ísl. ii. 10.
    2. metaph. a strange, wonderful thing; nú er furða mikil um Egil, Eg. 345; ekki er þetta f. nein, … at þat væri nein f., ‘tis nothing strange, Ísl. ii. 337; þótti öllum mönnum er sá, mikil furða, Fms. vi. 183; orrosta svá hörð at f. var at, x. 359; mesta f., Sks. 207, Fas. i. 260, Ó. H. 115, Gísl. 71: in COMPDS furðu-, wonderfully, very; furðu-djarfr, adj. very insolent, Fms. i. 3; furðu-góðr, adj. very good, Ó. H. 115; furðu-hár, adj. exceeding high; furðu-heimskr, adj. very foolish, Eg. 218; furðu-sterkr, adj. very stark or strong, Edda; furðu-vel, adv. wonderfully well, Nj. 230: freq. in mod. usage in this sense, but obsolete in the former sense. A local name, Furðu-strandir, f. pl. Wonder-shore, the ancient name of Labrador. A. A. furðu-verk, n. pl. wonderful works, miracles.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FURÐA

  • 117 fúinn

    a. rotten, decayed.
    * * *
    part. adj. of a lost strong verb analogous to búinn, hence feyja (q. v.), rotten, esp. of a tree, also of clothes, but without the notion of stinking, Jón. 19; graut-fúinn, mauk-f., fót-f., ú-fúinn, al-fúinn.
    adj. rotten. Mar. 378.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > fúinn

  • 118 færi-ligr

    and fær-ligr, adj. practicable, easy to do, Fms. vii. 335, viii. 33:—færiligr hestr, a strong, serviceable horse, Ld. 276.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > færi-ligr

  • 119 GNAGA

    (að), v. to gnaw (hestar gnöguðu beizlin).
    * * *
    að, mod. naga, but in allit. and old writers with g, as ok um grjót gnaga, Hm. 106: it was originally a strong verb, pret. gnóg, as ala ól, and is still used so in some provincial dialects of Norway, vide Ivar Aasen; hence part. gnagit, Barl. 56 (Norse); in old Icel. writers it only remains in poetry, viz. pres. gnegr, Fms. vi. 310 (in a verse of the 11th century); gengr, i. e. gnegr, Edda (A. M.) i. 68, note 12: [Engl. gnaw; Swed. gnaga; Dan. gnave]:—to gnaw; en Níðhöggr gnagar neðan rótina, Edda 10, Gm. 33; hestar gnöguðu beizlin, Karl. 376; þeir gnöguðu skjaldar-rendr, Fas. i. 425; mýss tvær gnagaðu um rætr trésins, Barl. 56.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GNAGA

  • 120 GRAMR

    a. wroth, angry (gramr e-m).
    (-s, -ir), m. king, warrior.
    * * *
    adj. [mid. H. G. gram; Dan. gram; gramr and grimmr (q. v.) are kindred words from a lost strong verb, grimman, gramm]:—wrath, esp. of the gods, in the heathen oath formula, sé mér goð holl ef ek satt segi, gröm ef ek lýg, whence the Christian, Guð sé mér hollr ef ek satt segi, gramr ef ek lýg, N. G. L. ii. 397, 398, (cp. the Engl. so help me God); goð gramt, Grág. i. 357: esp. in poetry, gramr er yðr Óðinn, Fas. i. 501; mér skyli Freyr gramr, Fs. 95; Dönum vóru goð gröm, Fms. vi. 385.
    II. gramir or gröm, n. pl. used as subst., fiends, demons; deili gröm við þik, Hkv. Hund. 1. 40; taki nú allir (allar MS.) gramir við honum! (a curse), Fs. 147; gramir munu taka þik, segir hann, er þú gengr til banans, Mork. 43; farþú nú, þars þik hafi allan gramir, Hbl. (fine); mik taki hár gálgi ok allir gramir ef ek lýg, Fas. i. 214; hence gramendr, f. pl., qs. grama hendr: farið ér í svá gramendr allir! Dropl. 23, (vide tröll, tröllendr); glama með grömum, Hm. 30.
    III. in poetry, gramr means a king, warrior, Edda 104, Hkr. i. 25, Lex. Poët.: name of a mythical sword, Edda.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GRAMR

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