1 stringent
2 kieskeurig
adj. picky, choosy, selective; fastidious, meticulous, stringent--------adv. meticulously, exactingly; methodically; scrupulously; carefully -
3 scherp
adj. sharp, long, narrow, argute, trenchant, edgy, precise, tart, well turned, cutting, caustic, acid, peppery, acrid, acrimonious, biting, mordant, mordacious, severe, shrewd, shrill, stringent, waspish, pungent, poignant, pointed, acuminate, peaked--------adv. stringently, pungently, sharp, sharply, precisely, acidly, poignantly--------n. razor edge -
4 strikt
adj. strict, stringent, rigorous, dour--------adv. strictly, stringently -
5 wettig
adj. lawful, rigorous, stringent, legitimate, legal, licit--------adv. stringently -
6 hoge eisen
• severe requirements• strict requirements• stringent requirements -
7 scherp
• acute• fierce• highly discriminating• highly selective• keen• sharp• strict• stringent -
8 straf
• penalty• severe• strict• stringent -
9 streng
• austere. skein• severe• strand• strict• stringent -
10 zware eisen
• exacting requirements• severe requirements• stringent requirements -
11 aan onze vertegenwoordigers stellen wij hoge eisen
aan onze vertegenwoordigers stellen wij hoge eisenVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > aan onze vertegenwoordigers stellen wij hoge eisen
12 eis
♦voorbeelden:aan onze vertegenwoordigers stellen wij hoge eisen • our representatives have to meet stringent requirementsaan de (gestelde) eisen voldoen • meet the requirementsde eis stellen dat … • require that …de remmen moeten aan de strengste eisen voldoen • the brakes must comply with the strictest requirementszijn eisen naar voren brengen • assert one's claimszijn eisen matigen • moderate one's demands4 volgens de eisen van de betamelijkheid … • decency requires (that) …aan de eisen des tijds voldoen • conform to modern standardsiemand zijn eis ontzeggen • dismiss someone's claimiemand zijn eis toewijzen • allow someone's claimtegen iemand een eis tot schadevergoeding instellen • bring a claim for damages against someone -
13 streng
streng1〈de〉2 [met betrekking tot een touw/DNA] strand♦voorbeelden:uit drie strengen gedraaid touw • three-ply rope————————streng22 [strak, hard] severe ⇒ strict, stringent 〈 bepaling, regel〉, rigid 〈 bepaling, regel〉, 〈 zeer〉 harsh♦voorbeelden:1 een strenge winter • a severe/hard/vicious winterhet vriest streng • there's a sharp froststrenge eisen • stern demandseen strenge onderwijzer • a stern/strict teachereen strenge opvoeding • a rigorous/strict upbringingde strenge schoonheid van romaanse kerken • the austere/severe beauty of Norman churcheseen strenge vader • a strict fatherde voorschriften zijn strenger/minder streng geworden • the regulations have been tightened/relaxedstreng orthodox • strictly orthodoxstreng de orde handhaven • rigidly enforce the law, rule with a rod of irondat is ten strengste verboden • that is strictly forbidden/prohibitedstreng toezien op de naleving van iets • ensure that a regulation is complied with to the letter -
14 strikt
♦voorbeelden:1 in de strikte zin des woords • in the strict/narrow sense of the wordstrikt vertrouwelijk • strictly confidentialstrikt genomen • strictly speakingalleen het strikt nodige doen • do only what is strictly necessary -
15 stringente bepalingen
stringente bepalingenstringent/severe regulationsVan Dale Handwoordenboek Nederlands-Engels > stringente bepalingen
См. также в других словарях:
stringent — strin‧gent [ˈstrɪndʒənt] adjective 1. stringent rule/control/test a rule, control etc that is very strict and must be obeyed: • Stringent air quality standards will be imposed on oil companies. 2. ECONOMICS stringent economic conditions exist… … Financial and business terms
stringent — STRINGÉNT, Ă, stringenţi, te, adj. (livr.) Care trebuie să fie luat neapărat în seamă, care se impune în mod imperios, care nu suferă amânare. – Din it. stringente. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 STRINGÉNT adj., adv. 1. adj.… … Dicționar Român
Stringent — Strin gent (str[i^]n jent), a. [L. stringens, entis, p. pr. of stringere to draw or bind tight. See {Strain}.] Binding strongly; making strict requirements; restrictive; rigid; severe; as, stringent rules. [1913 Webster] They must be subject to a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stringent — [strin′jənt] adj. [L stringens, prp. of stringere, to draw tight: see STRICT] 1. rigidly controlled, enforced, etc.; strict; severe ☆ 2. tight in loan or investment money [a stringent money market] 3. compelling; convincing [stringent reason]… … English World dictionary
stringent — stringent:⇨folgerichtig stringent→stichhaltig … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
stringent — I adjective authoritative, binding, compelling, compulsory, despotic, dictatorial, draconian, exact, exacting, exigent, forceful, hard, harsh, inescapable, inflexible, ironhanded, precise, puritanical, rigid, rigorous, rough, stern, stiff, strait … Law dictionary
stringent — Adj strikt … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
stringent — (adj.) c.1600, astringent, especially with reference to taste, from L. stringentem (nom. stringens), prp. of stringere to compress, contract, bind or draw tight (see STRAIN (Cf. strain)). Of regulations, procedures, etc., 1846 … Etymology dictionary
stringent — *strict, *rigid, rigorous Analogous words: *severe, austere, stern: limiting, restricting, circumscribing, confining (see LIMIT vb): restraining, curbing (see RESTRAIN): exacting, oppressive, *onerous … New Dictionary of Synonyms
stringent — ↑ Prestige … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
stringent — [adj] rigid, tight acrimonious, binding, brick wall*, by the book*, by the numbers*, compelling, confining, convincing, dead set on*, demanding, draconian, drawing, dyedin the wool*, exacting, forceful, hard, hardnosed*, harsh, inflexible,… … New thesaurus