121 VA
1) Общая лексика: острота зрени2) Компьютерная техника: View Attributes, vertical alignment3) Американизм: The Veteran's Administration, Virtual Airline4) Спорт: Virtual Arcade5) Военный термин: Vice Admiral, Volunteer Army, visual aid, vital area, vulnerable area, штурмовая эскадрилья, Veterans Administration (now DVA)6) Техника: vibroacoustics, voltammeter, volt-ammeter, voucher attached, value add time7) Шутливое выражение: Various Anime, Vindictive Amazons8) Химия: Volume Analyzer9) Метеорология: Volcanic Ash10) Юридический термин: Department of Veterans Affairs, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Abuser11) Грубое выражение: Virgin Alarm12) Оптика: voltampere13) Сокращение: Veterans Administration (USA), Veterans Administration, Vicar Apostolic, Vice-Admiral, Video Amplifier, Virginia (US state), Virginia, value, volt-ampere (electrical power), volt-ampere, voltammeter, Holy See (Vatican City State), (Order of) Victoria and Albert, Aircraft speed, Department of Veterans Affairs (US), Fixed Wing, Heavier Than Air Aircraft, Attack (US Navy), Maximum-Design Maneuvering Velocity, Vacation Absence, Vaginal Atrophy, Valor Award (Australian police award), Value Added, Value Analysis, Vanadium, Vanaf (Dutch: From, used in pricing), Varese (Lombardia, Italy), Variable Account, Variable Annuity, Variant Armour (gaming), Variational Approximation, Various Artists, Vatican City State (top level domain), Ve'rification d'Aptitude (Informatique), Vehicle Analysis, Velocity Analysis, Ventanas Alemanas (Guatemala), Ventricular Atrial, Verkaufsagent (German: Selling Agent; Ebay), Vermont American, Inc., Vertex Array (game programming), Vertical Accelerator, Vertical Angle, Veterans Affairs, Veterans Agency (UK government), Vibration Analysis, Vices Agens (Latin: Acting in Place Of, epigraphy), Vickers-Armstrong (British gun manufacturer), Victoria and Albert Order (British), Vietnamese Airlines, View Askew (gaming, Counter Strike), Viral Arthritis, Virtual Address, Virtual Airlines, Virtual Analog, Virtual Assistant, Viscosity Agent (concrete), VisionAIR, Inc (Atlanta, GA public safety software manufacturer), Visual Accounting, Visual Arts, Viterbi Algorithm, Vivaldi, Vixit Annos (Latin: He Lived (insert number) Years, epigraphy), Voice Actor, Voir Aussi (French: See Also), Volcanic Ash (METAR obscuration), Votre Altesse (French: Your Highness), Vulnerability Analyzer (information security)14) Университет: Voice Acting15) Физиология: Vacuum aspiration, Vertebral Artery, Volume Of Alveolar, alveolar capacity, alveolar space volume16) Электроника: Volt Ammeter17) Вычислительная техника: vertically aligned18) Нефть: variable-area19) Кардиология: ventricular arrhythmia (желудочковая аритмия), ventriculoatrial20) Транспорт: Vector For All21) Парфюмерия: винилацетат22) Фирменный знак: Varian, Vayu Air, Virtual Access (Company)23) СМИ: Virtual Acoustic24) Деловая лексика: Vendor Alias25) Полимеры: vinyl acetate26) Программирование: Valid Again, Variable Argument, Variable Arguments, Vector Accumulate27) Автоматика: voltamperemeter28) Пластмассы: Vinyl Asbestos29) Сахалин Ю: value awareness (Approval Team)30) Кабельные производство: вольт-ампер31) Химическое оружие: vulnerability assessment32) Авиационная медицина: visual acuity33) Расширение файла: Visual Age (IBM)34) Нефть и газ: virtual analyzer35) Молекулярная биология: вирус-ассоциированный ( например, о РНК) (virus-associated)36) Должность: Very Artistic37) Единицы измерений: Volt Amperes -
122 Va
1) Общая лексика: острота зрени2) Компьютерная техника: View Attributes, vertical alignment3) Американизм: The Veteran's Administration, Virtual Airline4) Спорт: Virtual Arcade5) Военный термин: Vice Admiral, Volunteer Army, visual aid, vital area, vulnerable area, штурмовая эскадрилья, Veterans Administration (now DVA)6) Техника: vibroacoustics, voltammeter, volt-ammeter, voucher attached, value add time7) Шутливое выражение: Various Anime, Vindictive Amazons8) Химия: Volume Analyzer9) Метеорология: Volcanic Ash10) Юридический термин: Department of Veterans Affairs, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Abuser11) Грубое выражение: Virgin Alarm12) Оптика: voltampere13) Сокращение: Veterans Administration (USA), Veterans Administration, Vicar Apostolic, Vice-Admiral, Video Amplifier, Virginia (US state), Virginia, value, volt-ampere (electrical power), volt-ampere, voltammeter, Holy See (Vatican City State), (Order of) Victoria and Albert, Aircraft speed, Department of Veterans Affairs (US), Fixed Wing, Heavier Than Air Aircraft, Attack (US Navy), Maximum-Design Maneuvering Velocity, Vacation Absence, Vaginal Atrophy, Valor Award (Australian police award), Value Added, Value Analysis, Vanadium, Vanaf (Dutch: From, used in pricing), Varese (Lombardia, Italy), Variable Account, Variable Annuity, Variant Armour (gaming), Variational Approximation, Various Artists, Vatican City State (top level domain), Ve'rification d'Aptitude (Informatique), Vehicle Analysis, Velocity Analysis, Ventanas Alemanas (Guatemala), Ventricular Atrial, Verkaufsagent (German: Selling Agent; Ebay), Vermont American, Inc., Vertex Array (game programming), Vertical Accelerator, Vertical Angle, Veterans Affairs, Veterans Agency (UK government), Vibration Analysis, Vices Agens (Latin: Acting in Place Of, epigraphy), Vickers-Armstrong (British gun manufacturer), Victoria and Albert Order (British), Vietnamese Airlines, View Askew (gaming, Counter Strike), Viral Arthritis, Virtual Address, Virtual Airlines, Virtual Analog, Virtual Assistant, Viscosity Agent (concrete), VisionAIR, Inc (Atlanta, GA public safety software manufacturer), Visual Accounting, Visual Arts, Viterbi Algorithm, Vivaldi, Vixit Annos (Latin: He Lived (insert number) Years, epigraphy), Voice Actor, Voir Aussi (French: See Also), Volcanic Ash (METAR obscuration), Votre Altesse (French: Your Highness), Vulnerability Analyzer (information security)14) Университет: Voice Acting15) Физиология: Vacuum aspiration, Vertebral Artery, Volume Of Alveolar, alveolar capacity, alveolar space volume16) Электроника: Volt Ammeter17) Вычислительная техника: vertically aligned18) Нефть: variable-area19) Кардиология: ventricular arrhythmia (желудочковая аритмия), ventriculoatrial20) Транспорт: Vector For All21) Парфюмерия: винилацетат22) Фирменный знак: Varian, Vayu Air, Virtual Access (Company)23) СМИ: Virtual Acoustic24) Деловая лексика: Vendor Alias25) Полимеры: vinyl acetate26) Программирование: Valid Again, Variable Argument, Variable Arguments, Vector Accumulate27) Автоматика: voltamperemeter28) Пластмассы: Vinyl Asbestos29) Сахалин Ю: value awareness (Approval Team)30) Кабельные производство: вольт-ампер31) Химическое оружие: vulnerability assessment32) Авиационная медицина: visual acuity33) Расширение файла: Visual Age (IBM)34) Нефть и газ: virtual analyzer35) Молекулярная биология: вирус-ассоциированный ( например, о РНК) (virus-associated)36) Должность: Very Artistic37) Единицы измерений: Volt Amperes -
123 as
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
124 pass
1) Компьютерная техника: Print Analyzer Savings Solutions3) Американизм: Post Approval Surveillance System, Procurement Automated Source System, Proof Of Age Standards Scheme5) Военный термин: PACOM ADP Server Site, PACOM IPAC Intelligence Computer System Analyst Support System, Photo Interpretation Analyst Support System, parked aircraft sentry system, passive aircraft surveillance system, patrol advanced surveillance system, penetration aids/strike system, position and surveying system, precision angulation and support system, pressurized air start system, prototype artillery subsystem6) Техника: Personal Alert Safety System, post-accident sampling system, precision auto collimating solar sensor, programmed access/security system7) Юридический термин: Peer Assistance Support Scheme8) Статистика: Power Analysis and Sample Size9) Автомобильный термин: personalized automotive security system10) Грубое выражение: Polite And So Sexy11) Радио: Pressures Applications Solenoids Sensors12) Сокращение: Passive & Active Sensor Subsystem, Postal Application and Scheduling System (2001, employment test system), passage, passenger, Personal Access Satellite System (NASA)13) Университет: Patron Satisfaction Survey, Program And Semester Switch14) Физиология: Post Abortion Stress Syndrome15) Школьное выражение: Princeton Alternative Secondary School16) Экология: Programmable Atmospheric Sampling Control17) Образование: Parents Assuring Student Success, Partners At School Sharing, Partnership For Achieving Student Success, Peer Assisted Study Session, Practice Assessment Strengthen Skills, Preparatory Academic Skills For Students, Preventing Alcohol Sales To Students, Profile Of Achievement And School Success, Program For Academic Skills And Success, Program For Academic Student Success, Project Attendance For Secondary Schools, Pull Aim Squeeze And Sweep18) Должность: Professional Airways System Specialist19) НАСА: Primary Avionics Software System -
125 va
1) Общая лексика: острота зрени2) Компьютерная техника: View Attributes, vertical alignment3) Американизм: The Veteran's Administration, Virtual Airline4) Спорт: Virtual Arcade5) Военный термин: Vice Admiral, Volunteer Army, visual aid, vital area, vulnerable area, штурмовая эскадрилья, Veterans Administration (now DVA)6) Техника: vibroacoustics, voltammeter, volt-ammeter, voucher attached, value add time7) Шутливое выражение: Various Anime, Vindictive Amazons8) Химия: Volume Analyzer9) Метеорология: Volcanic Ash10) Юридический термин: Department of Veterans Affairs, Verbal Abuse, Verbal Abuser11) Грубое выражение: Virgin Alarm12) Оптика: voltampere13) Сокращение: Veterans Administration (USA), Veterans Administration, Vicar Apostolic, Vice-Admiral, Video Amplifier, Virginia (US state), Virginia, value, volt-ampere (electrical power), volt-ampere, voltammeter, Holy See (Vatican City State), (Order of) Victoria and Albert, Aircraft speed, Department of Veterans Affairs (US), Fixed Wing, Heavier Than Air Aircraft, Attack (US Navy), Maximum-Design Maneuvering Velocity, Vacation Absence, Vaginal Atrophy, Valor Award (Australian police award), Value Added, Value Analysis, Vanadium, Vanaf (Dutch: From, used in pricing), Varese (Lombardia, Italy), Variable Account, Variable Annuity, Variant Armour (gaming), Variational Approximation, Various Artists, Vatican City State (top level domain), Ve'rification d'Aptitude (Informatique), Vehicle Analysis, Velocity Analysis, Ventanas Alemanas (Guatemala), Ventricular Atrial, Verkaufsagent (German: Selling Agent; Ebay), Vermont American, Inc., Vertex Array (game programming), Vertical Accelerator, Vertical Angle, Veterans Affairs, Veterans Agency (UK government), Vibration Analysis, Vices Agens (Latin: Acting in Place Of, epigraphy), Vickers-Armstrong (British gun manufacturer), Victoria and Albert Order (British), Vietnamese Airlines, View Askew (gaming, Counter Strike), Viral Arthritis, Virtual Address, Virtual Airlines, Virtual Analog, Virtual Assistant, Viscosity Agent (concrete), VisionAIR, Inc (Atlanta, GA public safety software manufacturer), Visual Accounting, Visual Arts, Viterbi Algorithm, Vivaldi, Vixit Annos (Latin: He Lived (insert number) Years, epigraphy), Voice Actor, Voir Aussi (French: See Also), Volcanic Ash (METAR obscuration), Votre Altesse (French: Your Highness), Vulnerability Analyzer (information security)14) Университет: Voice Acting15) Физиология: Vacuum aspiration, Vertebral Artery, Volume Of Alveolar, alveolar capacity, alveolar space volume16) Электроника: Volt Ammeter17) Вычислительная техника: vertically aligned18) Нефть: variable-area19) Кардиология: ventricular arrhythmia (желудочковая аритмия), ventriculoatrial20) Транспорт: Vector For All21) Парфюмерия: винилацетат22) Фирменный знак: Varian, Vayu Air, Virtual Access (Company)23) СМИ: Virtual Acoustic24) Деловая лексика: Vendor Alias25) Полимеры: vinyl acetate26) Программирование: Valid Again, Variable Argument, Variable Arguments, Vector Accumulate27) Автоматика: voltamperemeter28) Пластмассы: Vinyl Asbestos29) Сахалин Ю: value awareness (Approval Team)30) Кабельные производство: вольт-ампер31) Химическое оружие: vulnerability assessment32) Авиационная медицина: visual acuity33) Расширение файла: Visual Age (IBM)34) Нефть и газ: virtual analyzer35) Молекулярная биология: вирус-ассоциированный ( например, о РНК) (virus-associated)36) Должность: Very Artistic37) Единицы измерений: Volt Amperes -
126 team
расчет; команда; экипаж, группа; отряд; ( рабочая) бригада; взаимодействие; см. тж. detachment, group, party, crewAlfa team (Special Forces) — команда «Альфа» (войск специального назначения)
Delta team (Special Forces) — команда «Дельта» (войск специального назначения)
Special Forces team, Atlantic Fleet — группа сил специального назначения Атлантического флота
Special Forces team, Pacific Fleet — группа сил специального назначения Тихоокеанского флота
technical assistance (field) team — (полевая) группа оказания военно-технической помощи "
underwater demolition (swimmers) team — группа [команда] боевых пловцов-подрывников
— air-ground combat team— CIA team— FA team— FAC team— gas team— medical support team— NBC team— radiation detection team— raiding team— sniper spotter-firer team* * *• команда -
127 number
число, количество; номер; считать, насчитывать; производить расчет; нумероватьby twos, number! — на первый, второй — рассчитайсь! (команда)
128 angle
1. угол/ образовывать угол; располагаться под углом; иметь наклон2. уголок < металлический прокат>angle of attackangle of capillarityangle of climbangle of sideslipangle of trackangle off the noseangle off the tailangle to the tailangle to trimangle to turnangles of operating incidenceaerodynamic angleaerodynamic anglesaileron angleair-path azimuth angleair-path bank angleair-path climb angleair-path inclination angleair-path track angleaircraft anglesairfoil closing angleapproach angleaspect angleattach angleattachment angleattainable angle of attackattitude angleazimuth anglebank anglebasic local dihedral anglebasic local effective sweep anglebasic local sweep anglebeyond-stall angle of attackblade azimuth anglecamber angleclimb angleclimb-out pitch anglecollective anglecollective pitch anglecomplex angle of attackcone anglecone half angleconing anglecontrol anglecontrol-wheel angleconversion anglecourse anglecowl lip anglecrab anglecrack opening anglecritical angle of attackcruise angle of attackdecalage angledeflection angledelivery angledescent angledihedral angledive angledownwash angleeffective angle of attackeffective angle of incidenceeffective dihedral angleeffective sweep angleelastic angle of attackelevated angle of attackelevation angleelevator angleelevator angle per gEuler angleexhaust anglefin setting angleflap angleflapping angleflight path angleflight path anglesflight path azimuth angleflight path bank angleflight path elevation angleflight path heading angleflight path inclination anglefloating angle of elevatorflow turning angleforward sweep anglefree-floating angle of elevatorfuselage angle of attackfuselage reference anglegeometric angle of attackgeometric twist angleglide angleglidepath angleglideslope angleground limit angle in pitchground limit angle in rollground limit anglesground rotation anglehead angleheading angleimpact angleincidence angleincident angleinclination angleindicated angle of attackinduced angle of attackinflow anglejet anglelag anglelagging anglelateral flapping anglelead angleleading-edge sweep angleline-of-sight angle in azimuthline-of-sight angle in elevationlocal angle of attacklocal dihedral anglelocal effective dihedral anglelocal effective sweep anglelocal geometric twist anglelocal sweep anglelocal twist anglelongitudinal flapping angleMach anglemaneuvering angles of attackmaximum lift angle of attackminimum in-flight blade anglemisalignment anglenose anglenose-up anglenosewheel anglenozzle anglenozzle lip anglenozzle vector angleoff-boresight angleonset angleorientation angleperturbation angleperturbation angle of attackpitch anglepitch Euler anglepitch trim anglepitch attitude angleply anglepolar angleport ground limit anglepost-stall angle of attackpower lever anglePrandtl-Glauert anglePrandtl-Meyer angleprecone angleprelag anglepretwist blade angleprogrammed with angle of attackpusher angle of attackquarter-chord sweep anglerake anglereflection anglereverse pitch anglereverser azimuth angleroll angleroll Euler angleroot pitch anglerotation anglerudder angleseat angleseat back anglesemiapex anglesemivertex anglesetting anglesetting angle of the longitudinal axis with respect to the aircraft axisshaft angleshaft tilt angleshock anglesideslip anglesidewash anglesimulated angle of attacksolid anglespoiler anglestall anglestalling anglestarboard ground limit anglesteepest-climb anglesting-support anglestreamwise angle of attacksun anglesweep anglesweepback angleswirl angletab angletail angle of attacktail clearance angletail ground clearance angletail strike angletail-setting anglethrust anglethrust direction anglesthrust turning anglethrust vector angletrack angletrailing-edge angletrim angletrim angle of attacktrim coning angletrimmed angle of attacktrimmed pitch angletrue angle of attackturning angleturnover angletwist angleupflow angleupwash angleusable angle of attackvector anglevertical angle of attackviewing anglewake skew anglewedge anglewind angleswind azimuth anglewind direction angleswind elevation anglewind-off angle of attackwing root angle of attackwing skew anglewinglet toe out anglewingtip angle of attackyaw Euler anglezero-lift anglezero-lift downwash angle
См. также в других словарях:
Strike fighter — A strike fighter is a fighter aircraft which is also capable of attacking surface targets, including ships. It differs from an attack aircraft in that the aircraft remains a capable fighter. Previously, an airstrike on a ground target would… … Wikipedia
Strike Witches — Japanese light novel cover of Strike Witches volume 1 ストライクウィッチーズ Genre Military science fiction … Wikipedia
Strike series — Strike is the common name of a series of video games created by Mike Posehn, John Patrick Manley and Tony Barnes released between 1991 and 1997 by Electronic Arts for a number of video game systems. The games are multi directional shooters shown… … Wikipedia
Strike — may refer to:Refusal to work or perform* Strike action, also known as a Walkout, a work stoppage by a corporation or public institution * General strike, a strike action by a critical mass of the labor force in a city, region or country *Church… … Wikipedia
Strike Fighter Weapons School Pacific — (SFWSPAC) is the Pacific Fleet Strike Fighter School which duty is to safely teach graduate level tactics, techniques and procedures to Pacific Fleet Strike Fighter squadrons, it is based at NAS Lemoore, California. Its Atlantic Fleet equivalent… … Wikipedia
Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic — Command logo Strike Fighter Wing, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (SFWL) (aka Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic, SFWL, STRKFITWINGLANT) is the U.S. Navy s largest type wing with 18 squadrons flying more than 300 aircraft composed of six different variants of the… … Wikipedia
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association — Infobox Union| name= AMFA country= United States affiliation= Independent members= 3900 [cite web title=Membership work=Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association url=http://www.amfanatl.org/Pages/03 Membership/Membership2.html accessdate=2007 08… … Wikipedia
Strike Eagle — Dieser Artikel behandelt das moderne Kampfflugzeug F 15 Eagle. Für eine Beschreibung der F 15 Reporter aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg siehe Northrop P 61. McDonnell Douglas F 15 Eagle … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
strike — strikeless, adj. /struyk/, v., struck or (Obs.) strook; struck or (esp. for 31 34) stricken or (Obs.) strook; striking; n., adj. v.t. 1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit … Universalium
strike — 1 /straIk/ verb past tense and past participle struck /str k/ THINK/NOTICE 1 (transitive not in progressive) if a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly realize that it is important, interesting, surprising, bad etc: The funny side of the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English