61 joint AT helicopter/aircraft strike
English-Russian military dictionary > joint AT helicopter/aircraft strike
62 quick-strike reconnaissance aircraft
English-Russian military dictionary > quick-strike reconnaissance aircraft
63 tactical strike/reconnaissance aircraft
English-Russian military dictionary > tactical strike/reconnaissance aircraft
64 bird strike to an aircraft
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > bird strike to an aircraft
65 reconnaissance and strike control aircraft
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > reconnaissance and strike control aircraft
Сокращение: United Nations Specialized Agencies, Unmanned Naval Strike Aircraft (US Navy), Unmanned Naval Strike Aircraft -
67 ASA
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
68 Asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
69 LSA
1) Общая лексика: Library Support Assistant2) Американизм: Local System Authority3) Спорт: Light-Sport Aircraft4) Военный термин: LAN Systems Administrator, Labor Service Agency, Local Situational Awareness, Logistics Support Agency, Logistics Support Area, Lubricant, Small Arms, landing ship, assault, light strike aircraft, logistic support area, logistics support analysis, logistics support arrangement, logistics system analysis5) Техника: large space antenna, least-squares adjustment, limited space-charge accumulation, low cost solar array6) Шутливое выражение: Lost Souls Alliance7) Юридический термин: Louisiana Statutes Annotated8) Сокращение: Libre Service d'Affranchisement (French self service weighing & labeling machine), Linguistic Society of America, Loss of Situation Awareness, Link State Advertisement, Local Security Authority, International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code) (Международный кодекс по спасательным средствам)9) Университет: La Salle Academy10) Физика: Limited Speed Arouser11) Вычислительная техника: Lotus Solution Architecture (Lotus), Link State Advertisement (OSPF)12) Космонавтика: launch services agreement13) Образование: Learning Support Assistant14) Сетевые технологии: LAN security architecture, архитектура безопасности локальной сети, (Link State Advertisement) объявление о состоянии связей15) Программирование: Last Section Altered, (LAN Security Architecture) архитектура безопасности ЛВС (см. LAN Security Architecture)16) Сахалин Р: Life Saving Appliances, low specific activity17) Авиационная медицина: loss of situational awareness18) Расширение файла: Line Sharing Adapter, LAN and SCSI Adapter (IBM), Local Security Authority (Microsoft)19) Нефть и газ: НУА, низкая удельная активность20) Нефтеперерабатывающие заводы: Life Support Accommodation -
70 asa
1) Общая лексика: Air service agreements2) Компьютерная техника: Animate Singular Agent4) Медицина: acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), Американское общество анестезиологов5) Американизм: American Standards Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army6) Спорт: Aggressive Skater Association, Aggressive Skaters Association, All Softball Associations, Amateur Softball Association, American Sailing Association, American Softball Association, American Speed Association7) Военный термин: Allied Swat Agents, Ammunition Storage Area, Ammunition Supply Activity, Army Sailing Association, Army Satellite Communications Agency, Army School of Ammunition, Army Security Agency, Army Signal Association, Army Space Agency, Army Strategic Appraisal, Army seal of approval, Assistant Secretary of the Army, ASAF, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil Works, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Civil-Military Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Financial Management, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Installations and Logistics, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Assistant Secretary of the Army, Research and Development, Atomic Security Agency, advanced strike aircraft, advanced surveillance aircraft, advanced system avionics, area scanning alarm, army service area, automatic steerable antenna, automatic systems analysis, aviation supply annex, (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), (CW) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (I&L) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installation and Logistics8) Техника: Army Satcom Agency, abort sensor assembly, adaptive search algorithm, amplifier and switch assembly, annular slot antenna, automatic speech analyzer, azimuth servo assembly9) Сельское хозяйство: ammoniated superphosphoric acid10) Шутливое выражение: American Superhero Association, Anarchy Strikes America, Angry Stache Alliance11) Химия: Alkenyl Succinic Anhydride12) Математика: Angle Side Angle, Американская статистическая ассоциация (American Statistical Association)13) Религия: All Saints Association14) Страхование: American Surety Association, Associate in Society of Actuaries15) Музыка: The Acoustical Society of America16) Сокращение: Acetyl Salicylic Acid, Acoustical Society of America, Advanced Security Agency (USA), Advanced System Architecture, Aggiornamento del Sistema d'Arma (Weapon systems upgrade (Italy)), Air Security Agency, Amateur Swimming Association, American Sociological Association, American Statistical Association, American Surgical Association, Appropriate Superior Authority, Assistant Secretary of the Army (US Army), American Standard Association, Atomic Scientists' Association17) Театр: Art Service Association18) Университет: Adventist Students Association, African Students Association, Arizona Students Association, Art Scholarship Achievement, Asian Students Association19) Физика: Accessible Surface Area, Apparent Strength Of Adhesion20) Школьное выражение: Arizona School for the Arts21) Вычислительная техника: Advanced SCSI Architecture (SCSI), American Standards Association (organization, USA, ANSI, Vorlaeufer), Американская ассоциация по стандартизации, Американская ассоциация программного обеспечения22) Нефть: automatic spectrum analyzer, Американская ассоциация стандартов, Американская ассоциация стандартов (American Standards Association)23) Иммунология: антиспермальные антитела24) Космонавтика: Austrian Space Agency25) Транспорт: Automotive Service Association26) Фирменный знак: Advertising And Selling Association, American Spirit Arms27) Экология: air stagnation advisories28) Деловая лексика: Advertising Standards Authority, (сокр. от) Additional Services Authorization = разрешение (санкция) на дополнительные услуги30) Сетевые технологии: Active Server Application, Adaptive Server Anywhere, American Software Association, American Standards Association, Application Service Assurance, Automatic System Answer31) Пластмассы: Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate, Poly (Acrylic Styrene Acrylonitrile)32) Телефония: Average speed of answer33) Общая лексика: air signal attenuator34) Химическое оружие: automatic submerged arc, (FM) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management, (IL&E) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Logistics, and Environment, (RDA) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research, Development, and Acquisition35) Авиационная медицина: astronaut science advisor36) Безопасность: Adaptive Security Algorithm, After Security Advisory, Комплексная проверка безопасности (Advanced Safety Audit)37) Яхтенный спорт: Американское Самоа (Обозначения на парусах)38) Общественная организация: American Scientific Association, American Security Association, Autism Society of America39) Должность: Accredited Senior Appraiser, Alarm Systems Agent, Associate of the Society of Actuaries40) Чат: As Soon As41) NYSE. A S A, Ltd.43) НАСА: Australian Space Agency -
71 ASA
ASA, advanced strike aircraft————————ASA, advanced surveillance aircraft————————ASA, advanced system avionicsав БРЭО для усовершенствованных систем————————ASA, area scanning alarm————————ASA, Бр Army Sailing Association————————ASA, Army Satellite Communications Agency————————ASA, Бр Army School of Ammunition————————ASA, Army seal of approval————————ASA, Army Security Agencyармейская служба безопасности, управление службы безопасности СВ————————ASA, army service [support] area————————ASA, Army Signal Association————————ASA, Army Space Agency————————ASA, Assistant (to the) Secretary of the Army————————ASA, Atomic Security Agency————————ASA, automatic steerable antenna————————ASA, automatic systems analysis————————ASA, aviation supply annexEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ASA
72 IDS
IDS, imagery display system————————IDS, infrared detection system————————IDS, infrared discrimination system————————IDS, instrument development section————————IDS, integrated data system————————IDS, intelligence data system————————IDS, interdiction strike————————IDS, interdictor/strike (aircraft)————————IDS, interface data sheet————————IDS, intrusion detection systemсистема охранной сигнализации; разведывательно-сигнализационная система; система обнаружения проникновения к объекту————————IDS, ionization detector system————————IDS, item description sheetEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > IDS
73 SS
SS, satellite system————————SS, Secret Service————————SS, sector scanning————————SS, security service————————SS, security squadron————————SS, selective serviceвоинская повинность; срочная военная служба————————SS, sensing [sensor] system————————SS, service school————————SS, service squadronэскадрилья обслуживания; эскадра сил обслуживания————————SS, service supportтыловое обеспечение; материально-техническое обеспечение, МТО; обслуживание (войск)————————SS, sharpshooter————————SS, shelf stock————————SS, shell shock————————SS, ship stationместо [позиция] корабля————————SS, ship systemкорабельная [судовая] система————————SS, ship-to-shipкласса "корабль(корабль"————————SS, ship-to-shoreкласса "корабль(берег"————————SS, short service————————SS, shortstop————————SS, signal(s) security————————SS, Silver Star (Medal)орден "Серебряная звезда"————————SS, simulation [simulator] systemимитирующая система; система моделирования; имитатор; тренажер————————SS, single-seated (aircraft)————————SS, single-shotодноразовый, одноразового использования————————SS, smoke shell————————SS, sound system————————SS, source of supply————————SS, source selectionвыбор подрядчика [источника снабжения, финансирования]————————SS, space system————————SS, special serviceнестроевая служба; специальная служба; мн. специальное [культурно-бытовое] обслуживание (военнослужащих)————————SS, special staff————————SS, special strike (aircraft)————————SS, special studyспециальное исследование; специальная (исследовательская) разработка————————SS, spin-stabilized (rocket)ракета, стабилизируемая вращением————————SS, stabilized system————————SS, staff sergeant————————SS, staff specialist————————SS, staff surgeon————————SS, station supervision————————SS, steering system————————SS, stock statusсостояние [наличие] запасов (материальных средств)————————SS, strategic study(исследовательская) разработка по стратегическим вопросам; мн. стратегические исследования————————SS, submarineподводная лодка, ПЛ————————SS, submarine scout————————SS, subsystem————————SS, summary sheetпамятка; сводная таблица————————SS, supply sergeant————————SS, supply service————————SS, supply stationстанция [пункт] снабжения————————SS, support services————————SS, support shipгрузовой транспорт; корабль (огневой) поддержки (десанта)————————SS, support squadron————————SS, support systemсистема (тылового) обеспечения; система вспомогательного оборудования————————SS, surface-to-surfaceкласса "поверхность(поверхность"————————SS, surveillance stationстанция [пункт, пост] наблюдения————————SS, system sensitivity————————SS, system simulation————————SS, system specificationsхарактеристики [параметры] системEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > SS
Военный термин: accelerated strike aircraft program requirements -
1) Военный термин: Defense Production Sharing Arrangement, deep penetration strike aircraft2) Сокращение: Dual Polarized Sinuous Antenna3) Расширение файла: Data Processing Supplies Association -
1) Сокращение: Joint Services Survival, evasion, resistance & escape Agency, Joint Stealth Strike Aircraft (USA)2) Вычислительная техника: Japan Society for System Audits (organization, JIPDEC, Japan) -
77 TSA
1) Общая лексика: Thinking Skills Assessment, Transition Services Agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Test Suite Administration3) Медицина: триптиказо-соевый агар (tryptic soy agar)4) Спорт: Tempe Sports Authority5) Военный термин: Target Signature Array, Template For Specification Authoring, The Silent Assassins, Theater Storage Area, Training Services Agency, Transportation Service, Army, Transportation Standardization Agency, Troop Support Agency, tactical strike aircraft, target signature analysis, technical support activity, test site activation, test start approval, textbook of small arms, total scan area, total survey area, training situation analysis, Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement6) Техника: time series analysis, time-shared amplifier, time-slot assignment, track subsystem analyst7) Сельское хозяйство: total surface area8) Шутливое выражение: Talking Shit Again, Taxpayer Soaking Agency, Thousands Standing Around9) Химия: toluenesulfonic acid10) Юридический термин: Taking Scissors Away, They'll Steal Anything11) Автомобильный термин: Trailer Stability Assist12) Биржевой термин: Tax Sheltered Account, Tax Sheltered Annuity13) Грубое выражение: Tough Shit Administration, Tough Shit, Asshole14) Сокращение: Tourist Savings Association, Transmitter / Servo drive / Antenna, two-step antenna15) Университет: Technology Students Association, Technology Students Of America16) Физиология: Testicular Self Analysis17) Электроника: Tilt Sound Activated18) Вычислительная техника: terminate-and-stay-resident, Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS), Telecommunication Society of Australia (organization, Australien)19) Нефть: thermally sprayed aluminium20) Банковское дело: Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания; The Securities Association)21) Транспорт: Take Shoes Away, Taxiway Safety Area22) Пищевая промышленность: Tryptic Soy Agar23) Фирменный знак: Tech Support Associates, Tri- State Ambulance25) Деловая лексика: Time stamping authority (Государственная организация, которая имеет право удостоверять момент совершения электронной сделки. Термин из области электронной коммерции.), Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания, The Securities Association), Соглашение о техническом сотрудничестве (Technical Service Agreement)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: thermal sprayed aluminum27) Образование: Technology Student Association28) Инвестиции: The Securities Association29) Сетевые технологии: Technical Support Alliance, Time Stamping Authority, UNIX Target Service Agent, Объединение по техническому сопровождению30) Химическое оружие: Toxic storage area31) Молочное производство: Trypticase Soy Agar32) Золотодобыча: TSA screening, self-regenerating carbon adsorption system, temperature swing adsorber, регенеративная адсорбционная фильтрация с циклически изменяющейся температурой33) Расширение файла: Target Service Agent, Telephony Services Architecture34) Энергосистемы: Trading System Administrator, ATC, администратор торговой системы35) Общественная организация: Tourette Syndrome Association, Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance36) NYSE. The Sports Authority, Inc.37) Аэропорты: Sung Shan, Taiwan China38) НАСА: Transportation Security Administration -
78 tsa
1) Общая лексика: Thinking Skills Assessment, Transition Services Agreement2) Компьютерная техника: Test Suite Administration3) Медицина: триптиказо-соевый агар (tryptic soy agar)4) Спорт: Tempe Sports Authority5) Военный термин: Target Signature Array, Template For Specification Authoring, The Silent Assassins, Theater Storage Area, Training Services Agency, Transportation Service, Army, Transportation Standardization Agency, Troop Support Agency, tactical strike aircraft, target signature analysis, technical support activity, test site activation, test start approval, textbook of small arms, total scan area, total survey area, training situation analysis, Transpacific Stabilisation Agreement6) Техника: time series analysis, time-shared amplifier, time-slot assignment, track subsystem analyst7) Сельское хозяйство: total surface area8) Шутливое выражение: Talking Shit Again, Taxpayer Soaking Agency, Thousands Standing Around9) Химия: toluenesulfonic acid10) Юридический термин: Taking Scissors Away, They'll Steal Anything11) Автомобильный термин: Trailer Stability Assist12) Биржевой термин: Tax Sheltered Account, Tax Sheltered Annuity13) Грубое выражение: Tough Shit Administration, Tough Shit, Asshole14) Сокращение: Tourist Savings Association, Transmitter / Servo drive / Antenna, two-step antenna15) Университет: Technology Students Association, Technology Students Of America16) Физиология: Testicular Self Analysis17) Электроника: Tilt Sound Activated18) Вычислительная техника: terminate-and-stay-resident, Target Service Agent (Novell, Netware, SMS), Telecommunication Society of Australia (organization, Australien)19) Нефть: thermally sprayed aluminium20) Банковское дело: Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания; The Securities Association)21) Транспорт: Take Shoes Away, Taxiway Safety Area22) Пищевая промышленность: Tryptic Soy Agar23) Фирменный знак: Tech Support Associates, Tri- State Ambulance25) Деловая лексика: Time stamping authority (Государственная организация, которая имеет право удостоверять момент совершения электронной сделки. Термин из области электронной коммерции.), Ассоциация рынка ценных бумаг (Великобритания, The Securities Association), Соглашение о техническом сотрудничестве (Technical Service Agreement)26) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: thermal sprayed aluminum27) Образование: Technology Student Association28) Инвестиции: The Securities Association29) Сетевые технологии: Technical Support Alliance, Time Stamping Authority, UNIX Target Service Agent, Объединение по техническому сопровождению30) Химическое оружие: Toxic storage area31) Молочное производство: Trypticase Soy Agar32) Золотодобыча: TSA screening, self-regenerating carbon adsorption system, temperature swing adsorber, регенеративная адсорбционная фильтрация с циклически изменяющейся температурой33) Расширение файла: Target Service Agent, Telephony Services Architecture34) Энергосистемы: Trading System Administrator, ATC, администратор торговой системы35) Общественная организация: Tourette Syndrome Association, Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance36) NYSE. The Sports Authority, Inc.37) Аэропорты: Sung Shan, Taiwan China38) НАСА: Transportation Security Administration -
ASAPR, accelerated strike aircraft program requirementsEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ASAPR
DPSA, deep penetration strike aircraft————————DPSA, Defense Production Sharing ArrangementEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > DPSA
См. также в других словарях:
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Strike series — Strike is the common name of a series of video games created by Mike Posehn, John Patrick Manley and Tony Barnes released between 1991 and 1997 by Electronic Arts for a number of video game systems. The games are multi directional shooters shown… … Wikipedia
Strike — may refer to:Refusal to work or perform* Strike action, also known as a Walkout, a work stoppage by a corporation or public institution * General strike, a strike action by a critical mass of the labor force in a city, region or country *Church… … Wikipedia
Strike Fighter Weapons School Pacific — (SFWSPAC) is the Pacific Fleet Strike Fighter School which duty is to safely teach graduate level tactics, techniques and procedures to Pacific Fleet Strike Fighter squadrons, it is based at NAS Lemoore, California. Its Atlantic Fleet equivalent… … Wikipedia
Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic — Command logo Strike Fighter Wing, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (SFWL) (aka Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic, SFWL, STRKFITWINGLANT) is the U.S. Navy s largest type wing with 18 squadrons flying more than 300 aircraft composed of six different variants of the… … Wikipedia
Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association — Infobox Union| name= AMFA country= United States affiliation= Independent members= 3900 [cite web title=Membership work=Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association url=http://www.amfanatl.org/Pages/03 Membership/Membership2.html accessdate=2007 08… … Wikipedia
Strike Eagle — Dieser Artikel behandelt das moderne Kampfflugzeug F 15 Eagle. Für eine Beschreibung der F 15 Reporter aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg siehe Northrop P 61. McDonnell Douglas F 15 Eagle … Deutsch Wikipedia
Aircraft carrier — From bottom to top: Principe de Asturias, amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, USS Forrestal and light V/STOL carrier HMS Invincible, showing size differences of late 20th century carriers An aircraft … Wikipedia
strike — strikeless, adj. /struyk/, v., struck or (Obs.) strook; struck or (esp. for 31 34) stricken or (Obs.) strook; striking; n., adj. v.t. 1. to deal a blow or stroke to (a person or thing), as with the fist, a weapon, or a hammer; hit … Universalium
strike — 1 /straIk/ verb past tense and past participle struck /str k/ THINK/NOTICE 1 (transitive not in progressive) if a thought or idea strikes you, you suddenly realize that it is important, interesting, surprising, bad etc: The funny side of the… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English