1 strict branch
Лесоводство: прямая ветвь, прижатая к основной оси -
2 strict branch
прямая ветвь, прижатая к основной оси -
3 strict branch
прямая ветвь, прижатая к основной оси -
4 strict branch
прямая ветвь, прижатая к основной осиАнгло-русский словарь по деревообрабатывающей промышленности > strict branch
5 branch
axillary branch воздушный побегepicormic branch волчок, пасынок, водяной побегfruiting branch плодоносящая ветвьporrect branch (бот) ветвь, направленная кнаружи от главной осиside branch боковое ответвление (напр. цепи)strict branch (бот) прямая ветвь, прижатая к основной осиEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > branch
6 branch
1) ветвь, ветка; ветвиться3) ответвление•- epicormic branch
- flower-bearing branch
- fruiting branch
- lateral branch
- leading branch
- porrect branch
- primary branch
- scaffold branch
- secondary branch
- side branch
- strict branch* * *• ветвь -
7 bend
1. Ithe branch bent but didn't break ветка согнулась, но не сломалась2. IIbend in some manner bend easily (slightly forward, low, down, etc.) легко и т. д. гнуться /нагибаться, наклоняться/; the river (the road, the path. etc.) bends sharply реки и т.д. делает крутой поворот; bend somewhere the road bends here здесь дорога поворачивает3. IIIbend smth. bend a piece of wire (an iron rod, a stick, a, bow, one's arm, etc.) сгибать кусок проволоки и т. д.; bend the elbow согнуть руку в локте; bend the knee а) согнуть колено; 6) преклонить калеча4. XI1) be bent with (out of) smth. be bent with an"? (with grief, with pain, etc.) сгорбиться /согнуться/ от старости и т.д.; be bent out of shape погнуться, потерять форму2) be bent on smth. be bent on pleasure (on mischief. on instruction, on the project, etc.) думать только ни удовольствиях и т.д., стремиться к удовольствиям и т. д.; настроиться на развлечения и т. д.; be bent on doing smth. be bent on mastering Spanish (oil becoming a sailor, on reaching the North Pole, etc.) твердо решить /принять твердое решение/ овладеть испанским языком ч т. д.3) be bent on smb., smth. all eyes were bent on her (on tile picture, etc.) все взоры были устремлены на нее5. XVIbend under/beneath/ smth. bend under a heavy load (under the weight, under the strain, beneath a burden, etc.) сгибаться под тяжестью груза и т. д.; bend over smth., smb. bend over one's work (over one's books, over a pond, over the cradle. over the child. etc.) склоняться над работой и т. д.; bend before smb. bend [low] before him [низко] склониться перед ним: bend before /in/ smth. bend before /in/ the wind (in the storm, etc.) гнуться на ветру и т.д., согнуться от ветра и т.д.; bend in smth. bend in prayer (in worship, in a deep bow, etc.) склоняться в молитве и т. д.) bend to /towards/ smth. bend to the ground (to the right, towards the left, etc.) сгибаться /гнуться/ до земли и т. д.; bend to / before / smth., smb. bend to fate (to necessity, to smb.'s will, before the master, etc.) покоряться /подчиняться/ судьбе и т. d.6. XVIIbend without doing smth. bend without breaking гнуться, не ломаясь; bend without falling наклоняться, не потеряв равновесия7. XXI11) bend smth. into (at, out of, etc.) smth. bend a wire into a ring (a key into a U-shape, etc.) согнуть проволоку в кольцо и т. д.; bend a pipe at right angle согнуть трубу под прямым углем || bend smth. out of shape испортить ферму чего-л.; bend a key out of shape согнуть /погнуть/ ключ; bend one's head over a book (over a letter, etc.) склониться над книгой и т. д; bend smb. to one's will (to one's wishes, to strict discipline, etc.) подчинить кого-л. своей воле и т. д.2) bend smth. to /towards/ smth. bend one's efforts towards the aim (one's energies to the task, one's will to an end, one's humour to smth., one's rage towards smth., etc.) направлять [свой] усилия на достижение цели и т. д.: bend one's thoughts to the new job сосредоточить свои мысли /сосредоточиться/ на новой работе; bend one's mind to study думать только о занятиях3) bend smth. towards (on, upon, to, etc.) smth., smb. book. bend one's steps towards home направиться /направить свои стопы/ домой; bend one's eyes upon the earth опустить глаза; потупить взор; bend one's eyes on smb. направить взгляд на кого-л. -
8 economy
n1) экономика, (народное) хозяйство2) экономия, бережливость• -
9 line
[laɪn]n1) строка, строчка, линейкаThe pen moved on down to the next line. — Перо двигалось дальше к следующей строчке.
There isn't a dull line in the whole play. — Во всей пьесе нет ни одной скучной строки.
The article (the paragraph) was cut down to two or three lines. — Статья была сокращена (параграф был сокращен) до двух-трех строчек.
- top line- few lines
- witty lines
- line ten
- line frequency
- line test
- line spectrum
- second line from the top
- line three from the top of the page
- line of print
- line of a poem
- line of symbols
- page of twenty five lines
- above the line
- crowd many facts into a few lines
- drop smb a few lines
- expect a line from him
- jump a line
- jump from one line to another
- keep in line
- miss out a line
- read between the lines
- read every line
- run out a line into the margin
- set these lines in a smaller type2) линия, черта, очертание, стильThe two lines meet/join here. — Две линии здесь сходятся.
The old woman's face was covered with lines. — Лицо старушки было в морщинах.
She was fined for parking on a single yellow line. — Ее оштрафовали за то, что она оставила машину на желтой полосе.
The building has strong, noble lines. — Здание выдержано в строгом, благородном стиле/в строгих, благородных линиях.
- contour line- straight line
- broken line
- horisontal line
- curving lines
- dividing line
- divergent lines
- white line
- double yellow line
- soft lines
- pencil line
- forward line
- finish line
- foul line
- side line
- sharpened lines
- base line
- state line
- city line
- fight lines
- assemble line
- pipe lines
- sewage lines
- plumb line
- clogged fuel line
- straight lines of her dress
- hard savaged lines of his mouth
- line of sight
- lines of the hand
- line of life
- lines in a rock
- lines in the face
- lines of premature age
- remote line of the sea
- line of the mountains
- blue line of the horizon
- hand covered with fine dry lines
- beauty of line in an artist's work
- on goal line
- be the first over the line
- draw a line from A to B
- draw two lines along the margin
- draw a line with a ruler
- make a line
- mark with lines
- run a line on the map3) ряд, очередь, цепь, строй, шеренгаThere were two lines at the box office. — В кассу за билетами было две очереди.
The children were all in line. — Дети выстроились в ряд.
He got first in line. — Он оказался первым в очереди.
There was a long line of cars ahead of us. — Перед нами была вереница машин.
The lines of the enemy gave way. — Ряды противника дрогнули.
- piket line- two lines abreast
- line troops
- line battalion
- line training
- line of trees
- line of policemen
- line of mountains
- line of workers on strike
- prestigeous line of authors
- lines of infantry
- line between these countries
- line of demarkation
- line of defence
- line of march of an army
- line of advance
- line of retreat
- line of aim
- line of fire
- line of battle
- line of departure
- line of contact
- officers of the line
- ships of the line
- in the line of duty
- at the beginning of the line
- arrange smth in a line
- be the first in the line
- drop out of line
- go into line
- be in the front line
- be next in line for promotion
- be in line for action
- break up a picket line
- form into a line
- go up the line
- lay smth out in a line
- march in line
- plant trees in a line
- see whether the wheels are in line
- stand in line for smth
- stand in one line
- step out of line
- suffer defeat all along the line
- have seven men in the line4) линия родства, родословнаяHe is the last of the royal line. — Он последний представитель королевского рода.
He decend in an unbroken line from Bruce. — Он прямой потомок Брюса.
- male line- decendent in a direct line
- come of a good line
- inheritance will go on the female line5) линия связиHe is on the line now. — Он сейчас говорит по телефону. /Он сейчас на линии.
They took the wrong line on the underground. — Они сели не на ту линию метро.
The tickets are sold at all points on the line. — Билеты продаются на всех пунктах линии.
There was silence on the other end of the line. Then her voice came back on the line. — На том конце телефон замолчал, затем на линии опять зазвучал ее голос.
- telephone line- main line
- local line
- single line
- communication lines
- air line
- branch line
- commuter line
- municipal bus line
- outside line
- long-distance line
- fallen power line
- line communication
- line maintenance
- supply lines to enemy formations
- line of force
- last stop on the local bus line
- all along the line
- somewhere along the line
- be on a party line
- do repairs to the lines
- fall from the platform onto the lines
- instal telephone lines in the neighbourhood
- open a new steamship line
- run a line of mail boats
- tie up the bus lines- line is engaged- line has gone dead6) верёвка, канат, провод, леса (удочки)Is your line strong enough to hol (to land) a ten-pound fish? — Ваше леска достаточно крепка, чтобы выдержать (вытянуть) пятикилограммовую рыбу?
- thin line- clothes line
- wire lines
- harpoon lines
- fish line
- end of the line
- hang the laundry on the line
- tie in a slack line
- tie a fish line to a fishing-rod
- line broke7) текст роли, слова ролиThe books are written along the same line. — Эти книги одного плана. /Эти книги написаны в одном и том же стиле.
You have dealt with the subject on the right lines, but your essay is lacking in detail. — Вы правильно подошли к вопросу, но в вашем очерке не хватает подробностей.
In spite of these gaps the broad line of the story remains clear. — Несмотря на эти пропуски, основной сюжет рассказа остается ясным.
- actor's lines- main line of the story
- just a few lines to tell you we are here
- go over one's lines
- learn one's lines8) тенденция, принцип, направление, курс, область деятельностиHe managed to keep the whole party in line. — Ему удалось поддерживать единство всей группы.
You need very strict directions to keep you in line. — Вам нужны очень точные указания, чтобы не сбиться с пути.
- policy lineIt all happened along the line. — Это все произошло на пути/во время пути.
- old propoganda line
- party line
- main line of the plan
- main line of the situation
- something along those lines
- rice pudding or something in that line
- men in the same line
- pay on the line
- on commercial line
- agree with smb's statement down the line
- be on a line with smth
- be successful all along the line
- be in the grocery line
- be in line with the statement
- be on line
- come on line
- be in line
- bring the theory in line with the facts
- change the line of conduct
- come into line with the majority
- do smth on scientific lines
- govern on conservative lines
- increase people's incomes in line with rising prices
- keep in line with the rules
- keep in line with the terms of the agreement
- keep smth on top line
- live below the poverty line
- pass instruction down the line
- reach the end of the line
- get to the end of the line
- set up a commitee on the following
- take a strong line over smth
- follow a strong line over smth
- throw a good line
- one's job is on the line
- paying on the line is cheaper than on credit
- try to bring the whole commitee into line
- population is split along religious lines
- conversation ran along familiar lines
- target was in line with the sun•USAGE: -
10 order
1) заказ || заказывать2) наряд3) ордер4) приказ; распоряжение || приказывать; распоряжаться5) кратность6) очерёдность7) порядок || порядковый9) расстановка; расположение || располагать по порядку10) упорядоченность || упорядочивать11) вчт команда12) разряд числа•in a working order — в порядке, годный к работе
in order that [in order to] — для того чтобы
in the n-th order — мат. с точностью до членов n-го порядка
in the order of decreasing — мат. в порядке убывания
in the order of increasing — мат. в порядке возрастания
to arrange in the order of magnitude — располагать в порядке возрастания, располагать по возрастанию
to make to the order — делать на заказ; изготовлять по заказу
11 plane
1) плоскость || плоский3) уровень; горизонт4) горн. главная откаточная выработка; главный штрек5) рубанок || строгать рубанком6) шляхтхебель7) грань•to level a plane — авиац. выводить самолёт из крена
- ag plane
См. также в других словарях:
Olive Branch Petition — The Olive Branch Petition The Olive Branch Pettion was adopted by the Continental Congress in July 1775 in an attempt to avoid a full blown war with Great Britain. The petition affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain and entreated the king to… … Wikipedia
David Branch — For the American mixed martial arts fighter, see Dave Branch (fighter). David E. Branch (born November 27, 1948 in Bathurst, New Brunswick) has served as the Commissioner of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL) since September 15, 1979, and as the… … Wikipedia
Bernardine of Siena, Saint — born Sept. 8, 1380, Massa Marittima, Siena died May 20, 1444, L Aquila, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies; canonized 1450; feast day May 20 Franciscan priest and theologian. Born into a noble family but orphaned early, he entered the Observants (1402) … Universalium
Bernardino of Siena — Infobox Saint name=Saint Bernardine of Siena birth date=1380 death date=1444 feast day=May 20 venerated in=Roman Catholic Church imagesize=250px caption=Statue by Antonio Raggi birth place=Massa Marittima, Italy death place=Aquila, Italy titles=… … Wikipedia
Ximénes de Cisneros, Francisco — (1436 1517) Castilian friar, archbishop, cardinal, church reformer, and statesman; in mod ern Spanish, the patronymic is often spelled Jiménez. Born into an impoverished family of the lower nobility, he was early intended for the church.… … Historical Dictionary of Renaissance
Joseph, Father — orig. François Joseph le Clerc du Tremblay born Nov. 4, 1577, Paris, France died Dec. 18, 1638, Rueil French mystic and religious reformer. He joined the Capuchins in 1599. His fervent ambition to convert European Protestants to Roman Catholicism … Universalium
Mennonites — The Mennonites emerged in the 1540s to consolidate and carry on the tradition of the Swiss Brethren and the first generation of Anabaptists. The movement had been rocked by the martyrdom of most of its founders, the failed revolt led by Thomas … Encyclopedia of Protestantism
Trappists — Members of a strict branch of the Cistercian Order founded by A.J. le B. de Rancé in the seventeenth century … Who’s Who in Christianity
Capuchin — [ kapʊtʃɪn] noun 1》 a friar belonging to a strict branch of the Franciscan order. 2》 a cloak and hood formerly worn by women. 3》 (capuchin) a South American monkey with a cowl like cap of hair on the head. [Genus Cebus: four species.] 4》… … English new terms dictionary
Capuchin — ► NOUN 1) a friar belonging to a strict branch of the Franciscan order. 2) a cloak and hood formerly worn by women. 3) (capuchin) a South American monkey with a cowl like cap of hair on the head. ORIGIN from Italian cappuccino small hood , from… … English terms dictionary
conventual — adj. & n. adj. 1 of or belonging to a convent. 2 of the less strict branch of the Franciscans, living in large convents. n. 1 a member or inmate of a convent. 2 a conventual Franciscan. Etymology: ME f. med.L conventualis (as CONVENT) … Useful english dictionary