1 strain [work] hardening
• упрочнение n деформационное• наклёп m• нагартовка f -
2 strain (work) hardening/cold work
наклёп (вид предварительной механической обработки алюминия, наряду с отжигом), нагартовкаАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > strain (work) hardening/cold work
3 strain (work) hardening/cold work
наклёп (вид предварительной механической обработки алюминия, наряду с отжигом), нагартовкаАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > strain (work) hardening/cold work
4 cold work/strain (work) hardening
наклёп (вид предварительной механической обработки алюминия, наряду с отжигом), нагартовкаАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > cold work/strain (work) hardening
5 cold work/strain (work) hardening
наклёп (вид предварительной механической обработки алюминия, наряду с отжигом), нагартовкаАнгло-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > cold work/strain (work) hardening
6 work hardening value
показатель деформационного упрочнения
Характеристика прироста или темпа увеличения истинного напряжения.
[ http://www.manual-steel.ru/eng-a.html]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > work hardening value
7 work-hardening
наклёп, деформационное упрочнение, нагартовка; см. также cold deformation; cold hardening; cold work; cold-work strengthening; hardening; strain-hardeningАнгло-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > work-hardening
8 work-hardening range
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > work-hardening range
9 hardening
- hardening
- nтвердение; отверждение; упрочнение, повышение прочности; закалка
- hardening of concrete
- age hardening
- air hardening
- anisotropic hardening
- case hardening
- cold work hardening
- electrothermal hardening
- linear hardening
- strain hardening
- surface hardening
- work hardening
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 hardening
1) твердение, отверждение2) повышение прочности, упрочнение3) закалка4) дубление, задубливание6) закаливание ( мороженого)7) застывание ( студня)8) черствение ( хлеба)9) текст. свойлачивание•-
age hardening
air hardening
anisotropic hardening
autogenous hardening
bainitic hardening
beam hardening
bench hardening
box hardening
broken hardening
bulk oil hardening
case hardening
chill hardening
cloud burst hardening
cluster hardening
cold work hardening
compressive hardening
concrete hardening
continuous hardening
contour hardening
controlled hardening
cyanide case hardening
cyanide hardening
deep hardening
die hardening
dispersion hardening
elastic-plastic strain hardening
electric hardening
electrochemical hardening
electrolytic heating hardening
electron-beam hardening
flame hardening
full hardening
gas flame hardening
graduated hardening
grain boundary hardening
grain size hardening
heat hardening
induction surface hardening
intermittent surface hardening
interstitial hardening
isotropic hardening
kinematic hardening
laser hardening
linear hardening
localized flame hardening
martensitic hardening
mechanical hardening
metal-bath hardening
metal hardening
negative hardening
nitride hardening
nuclear hardening
order hardening
peen hardening
phase hardening
plain hardening
precipitation hardening
quench hardening
radiation hardening
scale-free hardening
self-tempering hardening
shock hardening
short-range hardening
simple hardening
strain age hardening
strain hardening
substitutional solution hardening
superlattice hardening
surface hardening
temper hardening
tensile hardening
transformation hardening
water hardening
work hardening -
11 hardening
1. закалка3. упрочнение4. твердение5. отверждениеage hardening — 1) упрочнение при старении 2) дисперсионное твердение
air hardening — 1) воздушная закалка 2) нормализация (нагрев стали выше верхней критической точки, выдержка при этой температуре и охлаждение на спокойном воздухе для придания ей однородной мелкозернистой структуры, повышающей её механические свойства)
bainitic hardening — закалка на бейнит, изотермическая закалка
broken hardening — прерывистая [ступенчатая] закалка, закалка в двух средах
carbon case hardening — цементация
carbonic-acid hardening — закалка в углекислоте
case hardening — 1) поверхностная закалка 2) цементация 3) поверхностное упрочнение
cyanide hardening — цианирование
cyanide case hardening — закалка в цианистых ваннах
cyclic hardening — циклическое упрочнение
discrete particle hardening — упрочнение дисперсными частицами
dispersion hardening — 1) дисперсионное твердение 2) упрочнение при старении
domain hardening — доменное упрочнение; упрочнение, связанное с образованием антифазных доменов
elevated-temperature hardening — упрочнение при повышенных температурах
explosive hardening — упрочнение взрывом
shock hardening — упрочнение взрывом
fatigue hardening — усталостное упрочнение
flame hardening — пламенная закалка
full hardening — полная закалка
gas hardening — газовая цементация, поверхностное науглероживание
graded hardening — ступенчатая [прерывистая] закалка
grain boundary hardening — упрочнение границ зёрен
heat hardening — термическая закалка
high-frequency hardening — высокочастотная закалка
high-frequency induction hardening — закалка с нагревом токами высокой частоты
induction hardening — высокочастотная [индукционная] закалка
irradiation hardening — радиационное упрочнение, упрочнение облучением
isothermal hardening — изотермическая закалка
liquid hardening — закалка ( охлаждением) в жидкости, жидкостная закалка
magnetic hardening — магнитное твердение
martensite hardening — закалка на мартенсит
matrix work hardening — деформационное упрочнение матрицы
mechanical hardening — наклёп, нагартовка, механическое [деформационное] упрочнение
metal hardening — патентирование, закалка с охлаждением в металлической ванне
negative hardening — ( низкий) отжиг
nitride hardening — азотирование
nitrogen hardening — азотирование
nitrogen case hardening — азотирование
oxide-dispersion hardening — упрочнение дисперсными частицами окисла
pack hardening — цементация
precipitation hardening — 1) дисперсионное твердение после закалки 2) структурное твердение 3) термообработка на твёрдый раствор
quenching hardening — закалочное упрочнение
radiation hardening — радиационное упрочнение, упрочнение облучением
salt-base hardening — закалка в соляной ванне
secondary hardening — приобретение вторичной твёрдости ( при отпуске)
shallow hardening — поверхностная закалка
shell hardening — цементация
shock hardening — 1) ударное упрочнение 2) упрочнение взрывом
solid solution hardening — термообработка [закалка] на твёрдый раствор
step hardening — ступенчатая [прерывистая] закалка
strain hardening — 1) деформационное [механическое] упрочнение, наклёп, нагартовка 2) деформационно-упрочняющийся
strain age hardening — дисперсионное твердение после наклёпа
stream hardening — закалка в струе жидкости
surface hardening — 1) поверхностное упрочнение 2) поверхностная закалка 3) цементация
temper hardening — 1) отпуск ( стали) 2) закалка с последующим отпуском 3) упрочнение при искусственном старении
through hardening — сквозная закалка
torch hardening — газопламенная закалка, закалка с нагревом газовым пламенем
unidirectional work hardening — однонаправленное механическое упрочнение
wear hardening — наклёп, нагартовка
work hardening — наклёп, нагартовка
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and space materials > hardening
12 hardening
1) закалка; твердение; упрочнение2) закалочный•- heating for hardening - rapid hardening of concrete - selective hardening - slow hardening of mortar - steel hardening - surface hardening* * *твердение; отверждение; упрочнение, повышение прочности; закалка- hardening of concrete
- age hardening
- air hardening
- anisotropic hardening
- case hardening
- cold work hardening
- electrothermal hardening
- linear hardening
- strain hardening
- surface hardening
- work hardening -
13 hardening
1) закалка2) упрочнение3) твердение•- electrodischarge hardening
- flame hardening
- high-speed continuous laser hardening
- induction hardening
- isothermal hardening
- laser hardening
- laser shock hardening
- laser transformation hardening
- local hardening
- localized hardening
- precipitation age hardening
- precipitation hardening
- selective shielding laser hardening
- shop hardening
- strain hardening
- superficial hardening
- surface hardening
- through hardening
- traversal laser hardening
- work hardeningEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > hardening
14 hardening
1) упрочнение2) отверждение; твердение3) отвердитель4) задубливание (напр. резиста)5) дубитель•- anisotropic hardening
- dispersion hardening
- kinematic hardening
- magnetic hardening
- nuclear hardening
- precipitation hardening
- radiation hardening
- strain hardening
- surface hardening
- work hardening -
15 hardening
1) упрочнение2) отверждение; твердение3) отвердитель4) задубливание (напр. резиста)5) дубитель•- anisotropic hardening
- dispersion hardening
- kinematic hardening
- magnetic hardening
- nuclear hardening
- precipitation hardening
- radiation hardening
- strain hardening
- surface hardening
- work hardeningThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > hardening
16 hardening
1. наклёп, упрочнение; см. также cold deformation; cold hardening; cold work; cold-work strengthening; strain-hardening; work-hardening2. закалкаАнгло-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > hardening
17 strain-hardening
деформационное упрочнение, наклёп, нагартовка; см. также cold deformation; cold hardening; cold work; cold-work strengthening; hardening; work-hardeningАнгло-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > strain-hardening
18 strain hardening value
показатель деформационного упрочнения
Характеристика прироста или темпа увеличения истинного напряжения.
[ http://www.manual-steel.ru/eng-a.html]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > strain hardening value
19 strain hardening
механическое упрочнение; деформационное упрочнениеEnglish-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > strain hardening
20 strain
I [streɪn]1) (weight) sforzo m. (on su); (from pulling) tensione f. (on di)to put a strain on — sottoporre a sforzo o sollecitazione [beam, bridge]; affaticare, sottoporre a sforzo [heart, lungs]
to take the strain — [beam, rope] reggere alle sollecitazioni
2) (pressure) (on person) tensione f., stress m.; (in relations) tensione f.mental o nervous strain tensione nervosa; to put a strain on mettere a dura prova [relationship, patience]; creare tensioni in [ alliance]; mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; to be under strain [ person] essere sotto pressione; [ relations] essere teso; he can't take the strain non regge alla tensione o allo stress; the strain (on him) was beginning to tell — erano visibili in lui i primi segni della fatica
3) (injury) strappo m. muscolare; distorsione f.II 1. [streɪn]to strain one's eyes — (to see) strizzare gli occhi
2) fig. mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; creare tensioni in seno a [ relationship]; mettere a dura prova [ patience]3) (injure)2.3.to strain at — tirare con forza [leash, rope]
III 1. [streɪn]to strain oneself — affaticarsi, fare sforzi
1) (breed) (of animal) razza f.; (of plant, seed) varietà f.; (of virus, bacteria) specie f.2) (recurring theme) vena f.3) (tendency) tendenza f. (of a)4) (style) tono m., stile m.2.to the strains of... — sul motivo o sulla melodia di
* * *I 1. [strein] verb1) (to exert oneself or a part of the body to the greatest possible extent: They strained at the door, trying to pull it open; He strained to reach the rope.)2) (to injure (a muscle etc) through too much use, exertion etc: He has strained a muscle in his leg; You'll strain your eyes by reading in such a poor light.)3) (to force or stretch (too far): The constant interruptions were straining his patience.)4) (to put (eg a mixture) through a sieve etc in order to separate solid matter from liquid: She strained the coffee.)2. noun1) (force exerted; Can nylon ropes take more strain than the old kind of rope?)2) ((something, eg too much work etc, that causes) a state of anxiety and fatigue: The strain of nursing her dying husband was too much for her; to suffer from strain.)3) ((an) injury especially to a muscle caused by too much exertion: muscular strain.)4) (too great a demand: These constant delays are a strain on our patience.)•- strained- strainer
- strain off II [strein] noun1) (a kind or breed (of animals, plants etc): a new strain of cattle.)2) (a tendency in a person's character: I'm sure there's a strain of madness in her.)3) ((often in plural) (the sound of) a tune: I heard the strains of a hymn coming from the church.)* * *strain (1) /streɪn/n.1 [cu] sforzo; strappo; tensione ( anche fig.): The chain broke under the strain, la catena si è spezzata sotto lo sforzo; He gave a great strain and lifted the rock, ha dato un grande strappo e ha sollevato il masso; The strain in our relations is increasing, la tensione nelle nostre relazioni è in aumento; (econ.) We must combat the strain due to the pressure of home demand, dobbiamo reprimere la tensione provocata dalla pressione della domanda interna; to crack under the strain, crollare per la tensione ( psicologica); to stand the strain, resistere alla tensione ( psicologica)2 [cu] (med.) tensione nervosa; esaurimento; stress; (fig.) logorio: the strain of business life, il logorio degli affari3 (med.) distorsione; slogatura; strappo muscolare: I have a strain in my leg, ho uno strappo muscolare alla gamba4 (ind. costr.) sollecitazione● (tecn.) strain gauge, estensimetro □ (metall.) strain hardening, incrudimento □ to be on the strain, esser teso all'estremo □ to put a great strain on sb., sottoporre q. a un grosso sforzo □ to be under great strain, essere sotto pressione ( per il lavoro, lo studio, ecc.) □ That is a great strain on my imagination, è uno sforzo eccessivo per la mia fantasia.strain (2) /streɪn/n.1 discendenza; lignaggio; schiatta; stirpe; razza; famiglia: He comes of a noble strain, discende da una famiglia nobile; This dog is of a good strain, questo cane è di (buona) razza4 indizio; segno; traccia; vena (fig.): There is a strain of ferocity [madness] in him, c'è in lui una vena di ferocia [di pazzia]5 (spesso al pl.) (poet., retor.) motivo musicale; ritmo; canto; melodia: the strains of the harp, le melodie dell'arpa; a moving strain, un motivo commovente♦ (to) strain /streɪn/A v. t.1 tendere ( anche fig.); sforzare; affaticare; ferire (fig.); mettere a dura prova; mettere (q.) sotto pressione: to strain the barbed wire of a fence, tendere il filo spinato di un recinto; to strain one's ears, tendere le orecchie; The sunlight was straining my eyes, la luce del sole mi feriva gli occhi; to strain one's eyes, affaticarsi la vista; to strain sb. 's patience, mettere a dura prova la pazienza di q.2 distorcere; storcere; slogare; forzare; stiracchiare (fig.); forzare il significato (o l'interpretazione) di: to strain the truth, distorcere la verità; svisare i fatti; He fell and strained his ankle, cadde e si storse (o si slogò) la caviglia; to strain the sense of a sentence [of other people's words], forzare il senso d'una frase [delle parole altrui]; to strain the law, stiracchiare la legge; forzarne l'interpretazione3 eccedere; oltrepassare; andare oltre; abusare di: to strain one's powers, eccedere i propri poteri; to strain one's authority, abusare della propria autorità4 danneggiare; deformare; sformare: The excessive weight has strained the springs, il peso eccessivo ha deformato le molleB v. i.1 sforzarsi; affaticarsi; arrancare; essere sotto sforzo: He was straining to win, si sforzava di vincere; straining horses, cavalli sotto sforzo, affaticati● (lett.) to strain every nerve, fare ogni sforzo; mettercela tutta □ (med.) to strain a muscle, prodursi uno strappo muscolare □ to strain oneself, sforzarsi, affaticarsi: (iron.) Don't strain yourself!, non ammazzarti di fatica!; non scomodarti! □ (fig.) to strain a point in sb. 's favour, fare uno strappo (alla regola) in favore di q. □ to strain one's voice, sforzare la voce.* * *I [streɪn]1) (weight) sforzo m. (on su); (from pulling) tensione f. (on di)to put a strain on — sottoporre a sforzo o sollecitazione [beam, bridge]; affaticare, sottoporre a sforzo [heart, lungs]
to take the strain — [beam, rope] reggere alle sollecitazioni
2) (pressure) (on person) tensione f., stress m.; (in relations) tensione f.mental o nervous strain tensione nervosa; to put a strain on mettere a dura prova [relationship, patience]; creare tensioni in [ alliance]; mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; to be under strain [ person] essere sotto pressione; [ relations] essere teso; he can't take the strain non regge alla tensione o allo stress; the strain (on him) was beginning to tell — erano visibili in lui i primi segni della fatica
3) (injury) strappo m. muscolare; distorsione f.II 1. [streɪn]to strain one's eyes — (to see) strizzare gli occhi
2) fig. mettere a dura prova, gravare su [ finances]; creare tensioni in seno a [ relationship]; mettere a dura prova [ patience]3) (injure)2.3.to strain at — tirare con forza [leash, rope]
III 1. [streɪn]to strain oneself — affaticarsi, fare sforzi
1) (breed) (of animal) razza f.; (of plant, seed) varietà f.; (of virus, bacteria) specie f.2) (recurring theme) vena f.3) (tendency) tendenza f. (of a)4) (style) tono m., stile m.2.to the strains of... — sul motivo o sulla melodia di
См. также в других словарях:
Work hardening — Work hardening, also known as strain hardening or cold working, is the strengthening of a metal by plastic deformation. This strengthening occurs because of dislocation movements within the crystal structure of the material.[1] Any material with… … Wikipedia
work hardening — noun The repeated plastic deformation of a material, causing a permanent distortion of its crystal structure, and an increase in its strength Syn: strain hardening … Wiktionary
work-hardening — /ˈwɜk hadnɪŋ/ (say werk hahdning) noun → strain hardening …
strain hardening — see work hardening … Mechanics glossary
Strain hardening exponent — The strain hardening exponent (also called strain hardening index), noted as n , is a materials constant which is used in calculations for stress strain behaviour in work hardening. In the formula σ = K ε n, σ represents the applied stress on the … Wikipedia
hardening — increasing the hardness of steel by heat treatment. This normally implies heating the steel to a required temperature and quenching in a suitable medium, e.g., oil or water. age hardening case hardening cyanide hardening flame hardening induction … Mechanics glossary
strain-hardening — /streɪn ˈhadnɪŋ/ (say strayn hahdning) noun an increase in the hardness of a metal resulting from the permanent change to its crystalline structure caused by cold working. Also, work hardening. –strain hardened, adjective …
Hardening (metallurgy) — In metallurgy, hardening describes techniques to increase the hardness of a material. There are five main hardening mechanisms: * Hall Petch hardening, a hardening that result due to a decrease in grain size. * Cold working, also called strain… … Wikipedia
Dynamic strain aging — Although sometimes dynamic strain aging is used interchangeably with the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect (or serrated yielding), dynamic strain aging refers specifically to the microscopic mechanism that induces the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect.… … Wikipedia
work (strain) hardening value — Смотри показатель деформационного упрочнения … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Viscoplasticity — Figure 1. Elements used in one dimensional models of viscoplastic materials. Viscoplasticity is a theory in continuum mechanics that describes the rate dependent inelastic behavior of solids. Rate dependence in this context means that the… … Wikipedia