101 полный человек
General subject: stout -
102 полный, тучный человек
General subject: stoutУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > полный, тучный человек
103 пополнеть
1) General subject: grow stout, pick up flesh, put on flesh, put on weight, pick up flesh, put on flesh, put on weigh2) Colloquial: flesh -
104 преданное сердце
General subject: stout heart -
105 прочная бумага
1) Polygraphy: tough paper2) Makarov: cartridge (разного назначения), resistant paper, rope wrapping (бурая обёрточная), self-supporting hand sheets (ручного отлива), stout paper, strong paper -
106 прочная подмётка подошва
General subject: stout soleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > прочная подмётка подошва
107 прочное судно
General subject: stout ship -
108 прочный
1) General subject: abiding, antitypous, bred in the bone, bred-in-the-bone, colour fast, colour-fast (о краске), durable, endurable, enduring, everlasting, fail safe, fail-safe, fast, firm, holeproof, indissoluble, lasting, longwearing, pucka, pukka, reliable, resistant, rooted, rugged, secure, serviceable, solid, sound, stable, stanch, standfast, staunch, steadfast, steady, stout, strong, substantial, tenable (о позиции), tough, unprecarious2) Medicine: stabile3) Engineering: ruggedized4) Automobile industry: sturdy5) Mining: robust6) Diplomatic term: settled7) Metallurgy: consistent8) Psychology: substantive9) Textile: long-wearing, persistent, resisting10) Oil: competent, roughneckproof, sound (прочные отношения, прочная дружба и т.п.)11) Business: damage-proof, weather-resistant12) Drilling: tight, time-proof14) Automation: hard15) Quality control: robust (о конструкции), service-strong, (механически) strong16) Robots: stiff17) Makarov: competent (о слое, пласте), fast (о краске), hard-grained (о кристалле сахара), heavy, holeproof (о ткани и т.п.), intractable, robust (о приборах и конструкциях), service, tenacious (механически)18) Archaic: insoluble19) Gold mining: coherent20) Phraseological unit: built like a tank (Sturdy; well constructed.) -
109 прус оазисный
Entomology: Calliptamus italicus, Italian locust (лат. Calliptamus italicus), stout-bodied grasshopper (лат. Calliptamus italicus) -
110 решительный
1) General subject: absolute, all-out, all-outer, cataclysmic, categorical, crisp (об ответе, нраве), decided, decisive (о характере, человеке), definite, definitive, determinate, determined, drastic, fateful (по последствиям), feisty, firm, flat footed, flat-footed, forthright, hard set, manful, on (one's) toes, out front, out-front, overwhelming (о победе), pight, plucky, plump, point blank, point-blank, purposeful, purposive, resolute, resolved, set, smash, soldierly, stable, stalwart, stanch, staunch, stiff, stout, strong, strong minded, strong willed, strong-minded, strong-willed, two fisted, unfaltering, unflinching, unhesitating, vehement, smashing, square, sweeping, unwavering (AD), vigorous, vaulting, staunchest, assertive2) Colloquial: gritty, can-do (Americans' drive and can-do approach)3) American: ballsy4) Poetical language: stark5) Military: aggressive6) Mathematics: irreversible, irrevocable7) Diplomatic term: stubborn, sturdy, unqualified8) Psychology: categoric9) Jargon: sudden death10) Makarov: apocalyptic, backboned, drastic (о мерах), flush, grim, hard-set, stiff in the back (о человеке), vigorous (о действиях)11) Emotional: two-fisted -
111 саранча итальянская
1) Biology: Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus)2) Entomology: Calliptamus italicus, Italian locust (лат. Calliptamus italicus), stout-bodied grasshopper (лат. Calliptamus italicus)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > саранча итальянская
112 сильный
1) General subject: acute (acute eyesight - острое зрение), athletic, bad (о холоде, боли и т. п.), bauld, beefy, biddable (о картах), bitter, bold, brawny, bull, cordial, deep, driving, energetic, exquisite, exquisite (об ощущении), fierce (о буре, жаре), fit, forceful, freck, fresh (о ветре), full blooded, good, great, gush, hard (hard blow - сильный удар), hard fisted, hard hitting, hard-fisted, hard-hitting, heavy (о буре, дожде, росе и т. п.), high, high powered, intense, iron, keen (о чувствах), lively, long (в чем-л.), lusty, main, masculine, massive, mighty, muscular, nervous, nervy, panting, penetrating, pithy, potent, power, powerful, prepotent, punchy, rich (о запахе), robust, robustious, ropey, ropy, rousing (об огне), rude (о звуке), rugged, rushing, sappy, sevenfold, sevenfold (и т.п.), severe, shrewd (о боли, холоде), sinewed, sinewy, slapping, slashing, slogging, sluicy, smacking, smart, sound, splitting (о головной боли), stalwart, stark, stiff (о ветре), stout, strapping, strenuous, strong, sturdy, swingeing (об ударе), telling, tough, two fisted, two handed, vigorous, (физически) vigorous of body, violent, virile, virtued, wally, warm, wight, sharp, vehement, strong force (This new Codemasters title has strong force feedback.), stable4) Colloquial: healthy, husky, loud (о запахе, привкусе), mortal, rattling (о ветре), spanking, ferocious, a bitch of5) American: some6) Military: entrenched7) Bookish: hale (особ. о стариках), marrowy9) Railway term: drastic10) Psychology: important11) Scottish language: pretty13) Oil: terrible15) Sublime: puissant16) Metrology: heavy (например, об обратной связи)17) Ecology: significant (о воздействии загрязнителя)18) Business: forcible19) Polymers: severe (о коррозии)20) Makarov: brisk (о ветре), dramatic, elemental, energetical, full-blood, full-blooded, hearty, potent (могущественный), potent (сильнодействующий), potent (убедительный), profound, racy (о наслаждении), searching, severe (напр. о простуде), severe (напр., о простуде), severe (о болезни), severe (о простуде), smacking (о ветре), solid, thick, vigorous of body (физически), virtuous21) Emotional: raging, two-fisted22) Taboo: fresh as a new-born turd -
113 сладкий стаут
Beer production: cream stout (сорт пива) -
114 смелый человек
1) General subject: a stout heart, heart of oak2) Literal: Trojan3) Jargon: ring-tail snorter, ring-tailed snorter, fire-eater4) Makarov: buck5) Taboo: bad-ass nigger, bad-assed nigger -
115 смесь для стаута
Food industry: stout sugar -
116 стаут
General subject: stout -
117 стойкий противник
General subject: stout opponent -
118 стойко оборонять
Military: put up a (stout) defense (ся) -
119 толстая снасть
Naval: stout rope -
120 толстая стена
General subject: stout wall
См. также в других словарях:
stout — stout … Dictionnaire des rimes
stout — [ staut; stut ] n. m. ou f. • 1844; mot angl. « épais » ♦ Bière brune, épaisse et forte, d origine britannique ou irlandaise, voisine du porter. « Ils ronflent même certains [...] c est la fatigue et puis la fumée et la Stout qu est assoupissante … Encyclopédie Universelle
Stout — (stout), a. [Compar. {Stouter} (stout [ e]r); superl. {Stoutest}.] [D. stout bold (or OF. estout bold, proud, of Teutonic origin); akin to AS. stolt, G. stolz, and perh. to E. stilt.] 1. Strong; lusty; vigorous; robust; sinewy; muscular; hence,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stout´ly — stout «stowt», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. fat and large: »a stout body. That boy could run faster if he weren t so stout. SYNONYM(S): stocky, plump, portly. See syn. under fat. (Cf. ↑fat) 2. strongly built; firm; … Useful english dictionary
Stout — 〈[ staʊt] m. 6 oder n. 15〉 dunkles, bitteres engl. Bier [engl.; zu stout „stark, kräftig, dauerhaft“] * * * Stout [staʊt ], der; [s], s [engl. stout, aus dem Germ.]: engl. Bez. für ein stark gehopftes, dunkles, obergäriges Bier mit hohem… … Universal-Lexikon
STOUT (G. F.) — STOUT GEORGE FREDERICK (1860 1944) Auteur d’une théorie des actes mentaux qui exerça une influence considérable sur le développement de la psychologie en Grande Bretagne. Stout fit ses études à l’université de Cambridge, surtout sous la direction … Encyclopédie Universelle
stout — stout·en; stout·ish; stout·ly; stout·ness; stout; … English syllables
Stout & Co. — Stout & Co. (Амстердам,Нидерланды) Категория отеля: Адрес: Hoogte Kadijk 71, Амстердам центр горо … Каталог отелей
stout — stout, n. A strong, dark malt brew having a higher percentage of hops than porter; strong porter; a popular variety sold in the U. S. is {Guinness stout}. Swift. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stout — Stout, IA U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 217 Housing Units (2000): 77 Land area (2000): 0.311199 sq. miles (0.806001 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.311199 sq. miles (0.806001 sq. km)… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Stout, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 217 Housing Units (2000): 77 Land area (2000): 0.311199 sq. miles (0.806001 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 0.311199 sq. miles (0.806001 sq. km) FIPS code:… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places