1 storage failure rate
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > storage failure rate
2 storage failure rate
интенсивность отказов при храненииБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > storage failure rate
3 storage failure rate
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > storage failure rate
4 storage failure rate
1) Нефть: интенсивность отказов при хранении2) Космонавтика: частота появления неисправностей при хранении -
5 storage failure rate
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > storage failure rate
6 rate
1. норма; ставка; тариф; расценка; цена; стоимость; оценка || исчислять; оценивать2. степень3. разряд; сорт; класс || классифицировать4. темп, скорость, быстрота протекания какого-нибудь процесса5. величина, расход6. производительность, номинальные рабочие данные машины7. отношение; пропорция9. определять, измерять; устанавливать, подсчитывать; фиксировать ( значение величины)rate of water injection — скорость нагнетания [подачи] воды
* * *
1. скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2. норма3. стоимость; оценка
* * *
1. норма; скорость, темп, производительность2. размер, мера, масштаб3. цена, стоимость; тариф
* * *
быстрота; частота; скорость; интенсивность; оценка; норма
* * *
1) скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2) норма3) стоимость; оценка•- rate of advance
- rate of aeration
- rate of angle increase
- rate of attack
- rate of crack propagation
- rate of deformation
- rate of delivery
- rate of development
- rate of deviation change
- rate of dilution
- rate of divergence
- rate of feed
- rate of flow
- rate of formation influx
- rate of grout
- rate of hole angle charge
- rate of hole deviation change
- rate of inspection
- rate of linkage
- rate of net drilling
- rate of oil recovery
- rate of penetration
- rate of percolation
- rate of piercing
- rate of pressure rise
- rate of rise
- rate of sedimentation
- rate of setting
- rate of sinking
- rate of solidification
- rate of throughput
- rate of travel
- rate of wear
- rate of yield
- abort rate
- absolute drilling rate
- accelerated failure rate
- acceptable degradation rate
- acceptable failure rate
- acceptable hazard rate
- acceptable malfunction rate
- admissible flow rate
- admissible production rate
- age-specific failure rate
- age-wear-specific failure rate
- air rate
- allowable flow rate
- allowable production rate
- anticipated failure rate
- assessed failure rate
- average daily flow rate
- average daily production rate
- average injection rate
- average monthly flow rate
- average monthly production rate
- average penetration rate
- average well monthly production rate
- basic failure rate
- bathtub hazard rate
- block rate
- blowout rate
- build rate
- burn-in hazard rate
- catalyst circulation rate
- catastrophic failure rate
- chance failure rate
- change rate
- circulation rate
- collective failure rate
- complaint rate
- component failure rate
- condensate production rate
- conditional failure rate
- constant rate
- constant failure rate
- constant production rate
- corrosion rate
- counting rate
- crack growth rate
- critical production rate
- cumulative failure rate
- current production rate
- cutting rate
- daily flow rate
- daily production rate
- damage rate
- decline rate
- decreasing failure rate
- decreasing hazard rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- degradation failure rate
- depletion rate
- deterioration rate
- discharge rate
- dormant failure rate
- drill penetration rate
- drilling rate
- efficient production rate
- engineering maximum efficient rate
- estimated flow rate
- estimated production rate
- failure rate
- far count rate
- fault rate
- feed rate
- feed-out rate
- field rate
- field-usage failure rate
- fieldwide rate of production
- fieldwide rate of recovery
- film-drainage rate
- filtration rate
- final flow rate
- final production rate
- flame jet cutting rate
- flat rate
- flaw rate
- flexible rates
- flooding rate
- flow rate
- flowing production rate
- fluid-flow rate
- flush production rate
- forced outage rate
- formation fluid withdrawal rate
- gas flow rate
- gas leak rate
- gas-free production rate
- general failure rate
- hazard rate
- improvement rate
- in-commission rate
- in-service failure rate
- incentive rate
- increasing failure rate
- initial rate
- initial failure rate
- initial flow rate
- initial production rate
- injection rate
- input rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- interval rate of production
- levelized rate
- limiting failure rate
- log-data rate
- long-spacing detector counting rate
- low production rate
- maintenance action rate
- maintenance downtime rate
- malfunction rate
- mass rate
- maximum efficiency rate
- maximum efficient rate
- maximum permissible rate
- maximum recovery rate
- mean failure rate
- median failure rate
- metered rate
- monotone failure rate
- near count rate
- negotiated rate
- nominal failure rate
- norm rate
- normalized failure rate
- observed defect rate
- observed failure rate
- oil flow rate
- oil production rate
- optimum failure rate
- optimum flow rate
- optimum production rate
- outage replacement rate
- pellet rate
- pipeline rate
- potential production rate
- predicted failure rate
- preventive maintenance rate
- production rate
- production decline rate
- productive rate
- pump rate
- pump stroke rate
- pumping rate
- ready rate
- receiving rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduced rate
- reliability rate
- reservoir voidage rate
- residential rate
- retail rate
- rig day rate
- sampling rate
- search rate
- seasonal rate
- settled production rate
- settling rate
- shear rate
- shooting rate
- short-spacing detector counting rate
- stable flow rate
- stable production rate
- standard failure rate
- steady production rate
- step rate
- storage failure rate
- straight fixed variable rate
- subsequent production rate
- system failure rate
- tanker loading rate
- target failure rate
- threshold flow rate
- total failure rate
- total production rate
- unacceptable failure rate
- unit rate of flow
- unit dimensionless production rate
- unit production rate
- unmetered rate
- unpowered failure rate
- unsteady production rate
- upper critical failure rate
- utilization rate
- variable production rate
- voidage rate
- volume flow rate
- water-free production rate
- water-influx rate
- water-injection rate
- water-intake rate
- wear-out failure rate
- welding rate
- well flow rate
- well production rate
- withdrawal rate* * *• 1) норма; 2) скорость• глубина• измерять• ставка• темп -
7 rate
3) частота4) расход5) норма || нормировать6) тариф || тарифицировать7) степень8) отношение; коэффициент10) оценка || оценивать11) определять; устанавливать; подсчитывать; рассчитывать (напр. мощность, несущую способность)•rates to consumers — тарифы на отпуск (напр. электроэнергии) потребителям-
absolute disintegrate rate
absorbed dose rate
acceptance rate
accident rate
adiabatic lapse rate
advance rate
aging rate
allowable leak rate
angular rate
annual depletion rate
application rate
area rate
arrival rate
ascensional rate
assessed failure rate
attenuation rate
autoconvective lapse rate
base wage rate
baud rate
bearer rate
beating rate
bit rate
bit-error rate
bit-transfer rate
block meter rate
block-error rate
boiling rate
boil-up rate
bonus rate
break flow rate
breeding rate
burning rate
calling rate
capture rate
carbonization rate
cargo rate
carrier-ionization rate
casting rate
catalyst circulation rate
charging rate
chipping rate
chip rate
chopping rate
circulation rate
class rate
climb rate
clock rate
closed rate
closure rate
coke rate
cold storage rates
collision rate
combustion rate
completion rate
concentration rate
containment leak rate
continuous rate
controlled rate
convective expansion rate
conversion rate
conveyance rate
cooling rate
core heat generation rate
corrosion rate
counting rate
crack growth rate
creep rate
crosshead rate
cure rate
cutter wear rate
daily consumptive use rate
data-transfer rate
data rate
decay rate
decompression rate
deflection rate
deionization rate
delivery rate
demand cost rate
demand rate
deposition rate
descent rate
development rate
deviation rate
differential rate
differentiated electricity rates
diffusion rate
directional rate
discharge rate
disposal rate
distance rate
dither rate
dosage rate
downtime rate
drainage rate
drawing rate
drift rate
drilling rate
droop rate
dry adiabatic lapse rate
electricity rate
electric rate
energy fluence rate
energy release rate
entropy production rate
entropy rate
erasing rate
erosion rate
error rate
etching rate
etch rate
evacuation rate
evaporating rate
excitation rate
exposure rate
failure rate
failure-per-mile rate
false alarm rate
fatal accident frequency rate
fatality rate
fault rate
feed rate
field germination rate
field-repetition rate
fieldwide rate of recovery
film rate
filtering rate
finishing rate
fire-propagation rate
firing rate
fission rate
flat rate
flexible rates
flicker rate
flooding rate
flotation rate
flour extraction rate
flow rate
flush production rate
flutter rate
forced outgage rate
frame rate
frame-repetition rate
freezing rate
freight rate
freight-all-kinds rates
frequency-sweep rate
frequency-tuning rate
fuel rate
functional throughput rate
gas leak rate
gathering rate
generation rate
grinding rate
growth rate
gyro drift rate
half-clock rate
hardening rate
heat absorption rate
heat dissipation rate
heat generation rate
heat rate
heat-flow rate
heating rate
heat-transfer rate
hit rate
image refresh rate
impact wear rate
in-commission rate
infiltration rate
information rate
injection rate
instantaneous failure rate
intermittent rate
ionization rate
irrigation rate
iso-wear rates
job rates
kerma rate
keying rate
lapse rate
leakage rate
linear wear rate
line-of-sight rate
line-repetition rate
liquid efflux rate
lubrication rate
maintenance rate
mass flow rate
mass wear rate
maximum efficiency rate
maximum permissible rate
maximum stepping rate
medium rate
melting rate
melt-off rate
metal-removal rate
modulation rate
moist-adiabatic lapse rate
NC programmed feed rate
negative flow rate
nucleation rate
Nyquist rate
obturation rate
off-peak power rate
operating rate
optimal feed rate
outgassing rate
output rate
overall drilling rate
oxidation rate
paging rate
peak power rate
penetration rate
percolation rate
phase generation rate
phase rate
picture-taking rate
pitch rate
plastic strain rate
positive flow rate
potential rate of evaporation
pouring rate
power rate
precipitation rate
predetermined rate
predicted failure rate
priming rate
printout rate
print rate
production decline rate
production rate
projection rate
proper feed rate
protection rate
pull rate
pulldown rate
pulse-recurrence rate
pulse rate
radiation rate
radioactive decay rate
range rate
rapid air cut feed rate
rapid return rate
rate of acceleration
rate of angular motion
rate of attack
rate of blowing
rate of braking
rate of carbon drop
rate of convergence
rate of crack propagation
rate of deformation
rate of dilution
rate of discharge
rate of dive
rate of energy input
rate of exchange
rate of exposure
rate of fall
rate of film movement
rate of gain
rate of hole deviation change
rate of lancing
rate of linkage
rate of loading
rate of opening
rate of plant depreciation
rate of pulse rise
rate of rainfall
rate of rise
rate of roll
rate of sedimentation
rate of shear
rate of slope
rate of stirring
rate of surface runoff
rate or carbon oxidation
reactivity insertion rate
reading rate
read rate
recovery rate
recycle rate
reflood rate
refresh rate
refrigeration rate
repetition rate
reset rate
residential rate
respiration rate
retail charter rate
retail rate
retention rate
rigidity rate
rolling rate
runout rate
sample rate
saturated-adiabatic lapse rate
saturation rate
scrap generation rate
scrap rate
secondary creep rate
sectorial rate
self-discharge rate
setting rate
settled production rate
settling rate
signaling rate
silicon pulling rate
slew rate
snowmelt inflow rate
solidification rate
sparking rate
specific commodity rate
specific heat flow rate
specific rate of flow
specific rate of sediment transport
specific wear rate
spreading rate of jet
spring rate
squeeze rate
standard rate
starting rate
steam rate
stepping rate
stock removal rate
strain rate
stress rate
sub-Nyquist rate
success rate
superadiabatic lapse rate
supply rate
survival rate
sweep rate
taking rate
tariff rate
temperature lapse rate
testing rate
thermal transfer rate
through rate
throughput rate
time rate of change
time rate
time-of-day electricity rate
time-of-day rate
tool-wear rate
total mass rate
tracking rate
traffic flow rate
transfer rate
transmission rate
transport rate
turn rate
turnover rate
twenty-five ampere rate
undetected error rate
uniform quench rate
unit rate
unloading rate
update rate
vaporizing rate
vitrification rate
voidage rate
voltage recovery rate
volume erosion rate
volume wear rate
volumetric flow rate
volumetric rate
vulcanization rate
water application rate
water consumption rate
water use rate
wear rate
weft insertion rate
weight rate
wheel removal rate
wholesale charter rate
wholesale rate
withdrawal rate
write writing rate
write rate
yawing rate
yaw rate
zero-crossing rate -
8 rate
число, количество; степень; скорость; темп; норма; коэффициент; квота; производить оценку; классифицировать; подразделять на категории; аттестовыватьtracking (barrel) elevating rate — скорость наводки (ствола) в вертикальной плоскости в режиме сопровождения (цели)
tracking (barrel) traversing rate — скорость наводки (ствола) в горизонтальной плоскости в режиме сопровождения (цели)
— alert readiness rate— climbing rate— hit rate— jamming suppression rate— pitching rate— reinforcement build-up rate— replacement support rate— rolling rate— war rate— yawing rate -
9 rate
1) норма
2) такса
3) тариф
4) интенсивность
5) скорость
6) отношение
7) коэффициент
8) оценивать
9) процент
10) режим
11) ставка
12) темп
13) оценка
14) степень
15) класс
16) сорт
– accident rate
– at any rate
– bit error rate
– charging rate
– clock rate
– coke rate
– combustion rate
– counting rate
– daily rate
– data rate
– death rate
– discount rate
– distance rate
– dosage rate
– dose rate
– downtime rate
– driving rate
– drying rate
– emission rate
– entropy rate
– evaporation rate
– evaporative rate
– exchange rate
– exposure rate
– failure rate
– feed rate
– finishing rate
– fission rate
– floating rate
– flotation rate
– flow rate
– fuel rate
– graduated rate
– group rate
– heat rate
– interest rate
– irrigation rate
– lapse rate
– memory rate
– modulation rate
– operation rate
– rate action
– rate equation
– rate feedback
– rate governor
– rate gyro
– rate lag
– rate meter
– rate of application
– rate of climb
– rate of cooling
– rate of descent
– rate of exchange
– rate of fading
– rate of flow
– rate of gaining
– rate of growth
– rate of heating
– rate of increase
– rate of inflow
– rate of losing
– rate of profit
– rate of sink
– rate of usage
– rate on
– rate process
– rate response
– rate station
– raw data rate
– recurrence rate
– refusal rate
– rejection rate
– roll rate
– sampling rate
– seeding rate
– sickness rate
– sink rate
– spring rate
– steam rate
– strain rate
– sure rate
– suspension rate
– tire rate
– tuning rate
– water use rate
adiabatic lapse rate — <meteor.> перепад температур адиабатический
field reject rate — частота обнаружения неработоспособных кристаллов в системе
field repetition rate — <phot.> частота полукадров
information display rate — скорость воспроизведения информации
message rate subscription — абонемент с поразговорной оплатой
pulse train rate — <commun.> частота посылок
rate of evaporation per surface — интенсивность парообразования
10 rate
1) размер; норма2) ставка; ставка таможенной пошлины; учётная ставка; такса3) курс; цена; оценка || оценивать; расценивать4) темп; скорость5) пропорция; процент6) коэффициент; показатель; степень7) местный налог; коммунальный налог || облагать налогом8) брит. налог на землю, поземельный налог9) интенсивность, мощность10) разряд, сорт; класс || классифицировать, устанавливать категорию11) уст. паёк, порция12) тариф || тарифицировать, определять тариф13) плата за перевозку14) величина; уровень- age rate- day rate- job rate- tax rate -
11 rate
1. n1) норма; размер2) ставка, тариф; такса; расценка3) курс (валюты, ценных бумаг); цена4) скорость, темп5) процент, доля; коэффициент6) разряд, сорт7) местный налог; коммунальный налог
- accident rate
- accident frequency rate
- accounting rate
- accumulated earnings tax rate
- accumulated profits tax rate
- actuarial rate
- administered rate
- ad valorem
- advertising rate
- advertisement rate
- agreed rate
- air freight rates
- all-commodity rate
- all-in rate
- amortization rate
- annual rate
- annual average growth rate
- annual interest rate
- annualized rate of growth
- annual percentage rate
- annual production rate
- anticipated rate of expenditures
- any-quantity rate
- applicable rate
- area rate
- average rate
- average rate of return
- average annual rate
- average growth rate
- average tax rate
- average weighted rate
- backwardation rate
- baggage rate
- bank rate
- bank discount rate
- bank's repurchase rate
- base rate
- base lending rate
- basic rate
- rate rate of charge
- basing rate
- basis rate
- benchmark rate
- benchmark overnight bank lending rate
- berth rate
- bill rate
- birth rate
- blanket rate
- blended rate
- bond rate
- bonus rates
- borrowing rate
- bridge rate
- broken cross rates
- broker loan rate
- bulk cargo rate
- burden rate
- buyer's rate
- buying rate
- cable rates
- call rate
- call loan rate
- call money rate
- capacity rate
- capital gain rate
- capitalization rate
- carload rate
- carrier rate
- carrying over rate
- cash rate
- ceiling rate
- central rate
- cheque rate
- check rate
- class rate
- clearing rate
- closing rate
- collection rate
- column rate
- combination rate
- combination freight rate
- combination through rate
- combined rate
- commercial bank lending rates
- commission rate
- commitment rate
- commodity rate
- common freight rate
- compensation rate
- compound growth rate
- composite rate
- concessionary interest rate
- conference rate
- consumption rate
- container rate
- contango rate
- conventional rate
- conventional rate of interest
- conversion rate
- cost rate
- coupon rate
- credit rates
- cross rate
- cross-over discount rate
- crude rate
- curb rate
- currency rate
- current rate
- current rate of exchange
- customs rate
- cutback rate
- daily rate
- daily wage rate
- day rate
- death rate
- deck cargo rate
- default rate
- demand rate
- demurrage rate
- departmental overhead rate
- deposit rate
- deposit interest rate
- depreciation rate
- discharging rates
- discount rate
- dispatch rate
- distress rate
- dividend rate
- double exchange rate
- downtime rate
- drawdown rate
- drawing rate
- dual rate
- duty rate
- earned rate
- earning rate
- economic expansion rate
- economic growth rate
- effective rate
- effective rate of return
- effective annual rate
- effective exchange rate
- effective tax rate
- employment rate
- enrollment rate
- equalizing discount rate
- equilibrium exchange rate
- equilibrium growth rate
- estimated rate
- euro-dollar exchange rate
- evaluated wage rate
- exchange rate
- exchange rate to the dollar
- existing rates
- exorbitant rate
- exorbitant interest rate
- expansion rate
- expenditure rate
- export rate
- express rate
- extraction rate
- face interest rate
- failure rate
- fair rate of exchange
- favourable rate
- final rate
- financial internal rate of return
- fine rate
- first rate
- fixed rate
- fixed rate of exchange
- fixed rate of royalty
- fixed interest rate
- flat rate
- flexible exchange rate
- floating rate
- floating exchange rate
- floating interest rate
- floating prime rate
- floor rate of exchange
- fluctuant rate
- fluctuating rate
- forced rate of exchange
- foreign rate
- foreign exchange rate
- forward rate
- forward exchange rate
- free rate
- free exchange rate
- freight rate
- future rate
- general rates
- general rate of profit
- general cargo rates
- going rate
- going market rate
- going wage rates
- goods rate
- graduated rate
- group rate
- growth rate
- guaranteed wage rate
- handling rate
- high rate
- high rate of exchange
- high rate of productivity
- higher rate
- hiring rate
- hotel rates
- hourly rate
- hourly wage rate
- hurdle rate
- illness frequency rate
- import rate
- incidence rate
- income tariff rates
- increment rate
- individual tax rate
- inflation rate
- info rate
- inland rate
- insurance rate
- insurance premium rate
- interbank rate
- interbank overnight rate
- interest rate
- interest rate on loan capital
- internal rate of return
- job rates
- jobless rate
- key rates
- labour rates
- leading rate
- legal rate of interest
- lending rate
- less-than-carload rate
- liner rates
- liner freight rates
- loading rates
- loan rate
- loan-recovery rate
- local rate
- Lombard rate
- London Interbank Offered Rate
- London money rate
- long rate
- low rate
- lower rate
- margin rate
- marginal rate
- marginal tax rate
- marine rate
- marine transport rate
- market rate
- market rate of interest
- maximum rate
- maximum individual tax rate
- mean rate of exchange
- mean annual rate
- measured day rate
- members rate
- merchant discount rate
- minimum rate
- mixed cargo rate
- minimum lending rate
- minimum tax rate
- mobilization rate
- moderate rate
- monetary exchange rate
- money rate of interest
- money market rate
- monthly rate
- monthly rate of remuneration
- mortgage rate
- mortgage interest rate
- multiple rate
- multiple exchange rate
- municipal rates
- national rate of interest
- natural rate of growth
- natural rate of interest
- negative interest rate
- net rate
- New York interbank offered rate
- nominal interest rate
- nonconference rate
- nonresponse rate
- obsolescence rate
- occupational mortality rate
- offered rate
- official rate
- official rate of discount
- official exchange rate
- one-time rate
- opening rate
- open-market rates
- operating rate
- operation rate
- option rate
- ordinary rate
- output rate
- outstripping growth rate
- overdraft rate
- overhead rate
- overnight rate
- overtime rate
- paper rate
- parallel rate
- parcel rate
- par exchange rate
- parity rate
- par price rate
- part-load rate
- passenger rate
- pay rates
- pegged rate
- pegged exchange rate
- penalty rate
- penalty interest rate
- percentage rate of tax
- per diem rates
- personal income tax rate
- piece rate
- piecework rate
- port rates
- postal rate
- posted rate
- power rate
- preferential rate
- preferential railroad rate
- preferential railway rate
- present rate
- prevailing rate
- prime rate
- priority rates
- private rate of discount
- private market rates
- production rate
- profit rate
- profitability rate
- profitable exchange rate
- progressive rate
- proportional rate
- provisional rate
- purchase rates
- purchasing rate of exchange
- quasi-market rate
- rail rates
- railroad rates
- railway rates
- real economic growth rate
- real effective exchange rate
- real exchange rate
- real interest rate
- reciprocal rate
- redemption rate
- rediscount rate
- reduced rate
- reduced tax rate
- reduced withholding tax rate
- reference rate
- refinancing rate
- reject frequency rate
- remuneration rate
- renewal rate
- rental rate
- repo rate
- response rate
- retention rate
- retirement rate of discount
- royalty rate
- ruling rate
- sampling rate
- saving rate
- scrap frequency rate
- seasonal rates
- second rate
- sellers' rate
- selling rate
- settlement rate
- shipping rate
- short rate
- short-term interest rate
- sight rate
- single consignment rate
- soft lending rate
- space rate
- special rate
- specified rate
- spot rate
- stable exchange rate
- standard rate
- standard fixed overhead rates
- standard variable overhead rates
- standard wage rate
- statutory tax rate
- steady exchange rate
- step-down interest rate
- stevedoring rates
- stock depletion rate
- straight-line rate
- subsidized rate
- survival rate
- swap rate
- tariff rate
- tax rate
- taxation rate
- tax withholding rate
- telegraphic transfer rate
- temporary rate
- third rate
- through rate
- through freight rate
- time rate
- time wage rate
- today's rate
- top rate
- total rate
- trading rate
- traffic rate
- tramp freight rate
- transit rate
- transportation rate
- treasury bill rate
- turnover rate
- two-tier rate of exchange
- unacceptable rate
- unemployment rate
- uniform rates
- uniform business rate
- unofficial rate
- unprecedented rate
- utilization rate
- variable rate
- variable interest rate
- variable repo rate
- volume rate
- wage rate
- wage rate per hour
- wastage rate
- wear rate
- wear-out rate
- wholesale rate
- worker's rate
- year-end exchange rate
- zero interest rate
- zone rate
- rate for advances against collateral
- rate for advances on securities
- rate for cable transfers
- rate for a cheque
- rates for credits
- rates for currency allocations
- rate for loans
- rate for loans on collateral
- rate for mail transfers
- rate for telegraphic transfers
- rate in the outside market
- rate of accumulation
- rates of allocation into the fund
- rate of allowance
- rate of assessment
- rate of balanced growth
- rates of cargo operations
- rate of change
- rate of charge
- rate of commission
- rate of compensation
- rate of competitiveness
- rate of conversion
- rate of corporate taxation
- rate of cover
- rate of currency
- rates of currency allocation
- rate of the day
- rate of demurrage
- rate of dependency
- rate of depletion
- rate of deposit turnover
- rate of depreciation
- rate of development
- rate of discharge
- rate of discharging
- rate of discount
- rate of dispatch
- rate of duty
- rate of exchange
- rate of expenditures
- rate of expenses
- rate of foreign exchange
- rate of freight
- rate of full value
- rate of growth
- rate of increase
- rate of increment
- rate of inflation
- rate of input
- rate of insurance
- rate of interest
- rate of interest on advance
- rate of interest on deposits
- rate of investment
- rate of issue
- rates of loading
- rates of loading and discharging
- rate of natural increase
- rates of natural loss
- rate of option
- rate of pay
- rate of premium
- rate of price inflation
- rates of a price-list
- rate of production
- rate of profit
- rate of profitability
- rate of reduction
- rate of remuneration
- rate of return
- rate of return on capital
- rate of return on the capital employed
- rate of return on net worth
- rate of royalty
- rate of securities
- rate of stevedoring operations
- rates of storage
- rate of subscription
- rate of surplus value
- rate of taxation
- rate of turnover
- rate of unloading
- rate of use
- rate of wages
- rate of work
- rates on credit
- rate on the day of payment
- rate on the exchange
- rate per hour
- rate per kilometre
- at the rate of
- at the exchange rate ruling at the transaction date
- at a growing rate
- at a high rate
- at a low rate
- at present rates
- below the rate
- accelerate the rate
- advance the rate of discount
- align tax rates
- apply tariff rates
- boost interest rates
- boost long-term interest rates
- boost short-term interest rates
- charge an interest rate
- cut rates
- cut interest rates by a quarter point
- determine a rate
- establish a rate
- fix a rate
- grant special rates
- increase rates
- maintain high interest rates
- levy rates
- liberalize interest rates
- liberalize lending rates
- lower the rate of return
- mark down the rate of discount
- mark up the rate of discount
- prescribe rates
- quote a rate
- raise a rate
- reduce a rate
- reduce turnover rates of staff
- revise rates
- set rates
- slash interest rates
- step up the rate of growth
- suspend a currency's fixed rate
- upvalue the current rate of banknotes
- slow down the rate2. v1) оценивать, определять стоимость, устанавливать цену
- rate local and offshore funds -
12 period
1) период, промежуток, интервал2) цикл3) продолжительность, длительность4) полигр., вчт. точка5) матем. период•-
acceleration period
admission period
afterblowing period
aircraft service period
base period
blocking period
brake-in period
braking period
building-up period
bum-back period
bum-in period
calibration period
choke-on period
clock period
coasting period
color Durst period
combustion period
commutating period
conducting period
constant failure-rate period
contact period
cooling-down period
cranking period
crew rest period
curing period
cutoff period
cutting period
cycle-slip period
damping period
debugging period
delay period
demonstration period
deoxidation period
depreciation period
development period
digit period
domain period
drilling rig on-stream period
dwell period
early failure period
eclipse period
electrocarbonization period
electrolinking period
emergency period
encounter period
exhaust period
fading periods
fading period
field blanking period
field period
field-scanning period
film advancing period
film dwell period
flash period
flashing period
flight duty period
flood period
flush-off period
forecast period
frame-scanning period
frame period
free period
free-running period
freezing period
fringe period
frost-free period
fuel-off period
half-decay period
half-life period
half-value period
heat deficit period
heat surplus period
heat utilization period
heating period
heating-up period
heaving period
high-water period
holding period
holdover period
horizontal scanning period
horizontal period
hunting period
ice-free period
idle period
ignition delay period
infant mortality period
initial storage period
injection period
intake period
interstep period
inverse period
killing period
latency period
limiting storage period
line-scanning period
line period
loading period
look-ahead period
low-flow period
natural heaving period
natural period
natural pitching period
natural rolling period
natural synoptic period
obscuring period
off period
off-peak period
on period
one-half period
on-off period
operating period
oscillation period
overshoot period
patent period
peak-load period
peak period
period of decimal
period of flame drop
period of flood and ebb
period of oscillation
period of validity
picture period
pitching period
pitch period
plugging period
preheating period
prerefining period
presetting period
presteaming period
process period
pulldown period
pulse repetition period
pumping period of well production
rainless period
reactor period
recession period
recovery period
refining period
refrigerating period
regeneration period
reverberation period
rolling period
roll period
rotation period
run period
running-in period
runoff period
sampling period
scavenge period
service life period
service maintenance period
settled production period
shaping-up period
shifting period
slack period
snowmelt period
soaking period
soak period
standing period
starting period
start-up period
storage cycle period
storage period
switching period
taking-down period
tap-to-tap period
test period
thousands period
timing period
transient period
unit period
unloading period
vertical scanning period
vertical scan period
vibration period
video frame-suppression period
warm-up period
warranty period
wave period
wear-out failure period
window period -
13 level
1) уровень || устанавливать (регулировать) уровень3) энергетический уровень, уровень энергии4) степень5) градация10) нивелир || нивелировать11) уровень, ватерпас || устанавливать по уровню13) значение ( расчётного параметра)15) планировать, производить планировку ( грунта); разравнивать16) выравнивать(ся) ( о цвете)17) ровно ложиться ( о краске); растекаться с образованием ровной поверхности ( о краске или лаке)19) связь, радио громкость21) горизонтальный полёт || лететь горизонтально•to level off — 1. достигать равновесия; стабилизировать(ся) 2. выпрямлять ( кривую) 3. выравнивать ( положение воздушного судна) 4. приближаться к предельному значению 5. планировать; разравнивать 6. устанавливаться на постоянном уровне;to remain level — выдерживать горизонтальное положение;to reverse a level end-for-end — менять местами концы уровня;-
actuation level
addressing level
adit level
aerodrome level
air level
alert level
allowable level
ambient light level
ambient noise level
amplitude levels
amplitude-modulation noise level
approach noise level
ash level
atomic energy level
atomic level
audio-signal output level
average picture level
average sidelobe level
background level
background noise level
backlobe level
backup water level
band level
band-gap level
base level
basic impulse level
behavioral level
benchmark level
bin-filling level
binocular level
black level
blacker-than-black level
black-out level
bound level
breath sample level
bubble level
builder's level
bulk trap level
burden level
calibration level
carpenter's level
carrier level
carrier noise level
certificated noise level
charge level
charge-storage level
chroma level
circuit noise level
cleanliness level
cloud level
commanded speed level
concentration level
condemnation level
condensation level
confidence level
constraint level
contamination level
control program level
conversion level
corona level
cracking level
crosscut level
cross-product level
cruising level
crusher level
curb level
cutoff level
dam crest level
datum level
decision level
deep-lying level
deep level
defect level
derating level
device level
direct current level
direct sound level
donor level
doping level
downstream water level
drainage level
drawdown level
drive level
dumpy level
dust level
Egault level
electrical level of vacancy
electromagnetic interference level
energy level
engineer's level
equilibrium-xenon level
excitation level
exploration level
failure rate level
failure level
Fermi characteristic energy level
Fermi level
first-order level
flight level
float level
flood-control storage level
fluid level
foreplate level
formation level
foundation level
free energy level
freezing level
fuel irradiation level
geodetic level
geostrophic wind level
glass level
grade level
gray level
ground level
ground vibrational level
groundwater level
gyro level
half-tide level
hand level
haulage level
headwater level
heat-treated strength level
high injection level
highest water level
high-water level
hum level
illumination level
impounded water level
impulse insulation level
impurity level
injection level
input level
insulation level
integration level
intensity level
interference level
internal surge level
interrupt level
intrinsic level
invert level
inverted level
light level
line level
loadout level
local level
logical level
loudness level
lower level
low-pressure level
low-water level
luminance level
main level
manning level
mantle level
masking level
mason's level
mass activity cleanliness level
maximum controllable level
maximum flood level
maximum operating level
maximum rated sound-power level
maximum recording level
maximum water level
mean annoyance level
measurement level
mechanic's level
meniscus level
metal level
metastable level
mezzanine level
minimum drawdown level
mining level
multiplet level
nesting level
neutron level
no activity cleanliness level
noise equivalent level
noise level
normal level
normal maximum operating level
normal pool level
normaltopwater level
normalwater level
nose swab level
occupational level
occupied level
octane level
oil level
operating level
operational cleanliness level
output level
overload level
particulate level
peak level
peak recording level
peak signal level
peak white level
pedestal level
pendulum level
perceived noise level
permissible level
phonon level
plumb level
pollution level
power level
power monitoring level
power spectrum level
PPM level
precise level
predetermined level
pressure level
priority level
production level
protective level
pumping level
quantization level
quieting level
radiation level
reactor power level
received signal level
recording level
redundancy level
reference fare level
reference level
reliability level
resonance level
response level
reverberant sound level
river-bed level
safe-health level
saturation level
sea level
self-leveling level
sensation level
sidelobe level
siege level
significance level
slack level
slag level
snorkel level
solar flux level
sound pressure level
sound level
speech level
spirit level
stage level
staggered flight levels
standard isobaric level
static level
steady-state noise level
stress intensity level
striding level
summer oil level
surface level
susceptibility level
switching surge level
switching-surge protective level
sync level
tailwater level
target level of safety
testing level
thermal noise level
threshold level
tilting level
toxicity level
transition level
transmission level
trigger level
upper level
upstream level
user level
vacuum level
variable quantizing level
ventilation level
vibration level
voltage level
volume units level
water level
white level
winter oil level
working level
wye level
zero level
zero transmission level -
14 period
1) периода) интервал; промежутокб) промежуток времени, охватывающий все стадии процесса или событияв) пространственный период (напр. функции); длина волны; шагг) временной период (напр. функции); тактд) период дроби2) точка (1. знак препинания 2. символ.) || ставить точку; использовать символ.•- base periodperiod of grating — период дифракционной решётки, шаг дифракционной решётки
- blocking period
- building-up period
- burn-in period
- clock period
- constant failure rate period
- contention period
- debugging period
- digit period
- domain period
- early-failure period
- error-free running period
- estimation period
- field period
- field blanking period
- flyback period
- forward period
- frame period
- free period
- full period
- guard period
- half-line period
- holding period
- horizontal blanking pulse period
- hunting period
- idle period
- infant mortality period
- instrument period
- inverse period
- latent period
- line period
- lingering period
- natural period
- normal-failure period
- normal operating period
- off period
- on period
- one-half period
- order period
- picture period
- positive nonconducting period
- primitive period
- pulse-repetition period
- quiescent period
- read period
- recording period
- recovery period
- refractory period
- regeneration period
- reorder period
- retention period
- reverberation period
- reverse period
- sampling period
- scan period
- silent period
- spatial period
- storage cycle period
- transient period
- vertical blanking pulse period
- vertical retrace period
- wave period
- wear-out failure period
- write period -
15 period
1) периода) интервал; промежутокб) промежуток времени, охватывающий все стадии процесса или событияв) пространственный период (напр. функции); длина волны; шагг) временной период (напр. функции); тактд) период дроби2) точка (1. знак препинания 2. символ.) || ставить точку; использовать символ.•- base period
- blocking period
- building-up period
- burn-in period
- clock period
- constant failure rate period
- contention period
- debugging period
- digit period
- domain period
- early-failure period
- error-free running period
- estimation period
- field blanking period
- field period
- flyback period
- forward period
- frame period
- free period
- full period
- guard period
- half-line period
- holding period
- horizontal blanking pulse period
- hunting period
- idle period
- infant mortality period
- instrument period
- inverse period
- latent period
- line period
- lingering period
- natural period
- normal operating period
- normal-failure period
- off period
- on period
- one-half period
- order period
- period of grating
- picture period
- positive nonconducting period
- primitive period
- pulse-repetition period
- quiescent period
- read period
- recording period
- recovery period
- refractory period
- regeneration period
- reorder period
- retention period
- reverberation period
- reverse period
- sampling period
- scan period
- silent period
- spatial period
- storage cycle period
- transient period
- vertical blanking pulse period
- vertical retrace period
- wave period
- wear-out failure period
- write periodThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > period
16 function
1) функция, назначение || функционировать, действовать2) матем. функция•- abnormal function
- access function
- additive function
- address function
- adherence function
- aggregate function
- analog function
- AND function
- AND-to-OR function
- antihyperbolic function
- antitrigonometric function
- arbitrary Boolean function
- arc hyperbolic function
- arc trigonometric function
- array element successor function
- assumed function
- autocorrelation function
- band-limited function
- basis function
- belief function
- blending function
- Boolean function
- buffer function
- built-in function
- characteristic function
- circuit function
- closed function
- collate function
- completely defined function
- composite function
- computable function
- computer function
- concave function
- continuous function
- control function
- convex function
- correlation function
- course-of-value function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function
- curried function
- dagger function
- damped function
- decision function
- decreasing function
- degate function
- delta function
- demand function
- describing function
- difference function
- discrete finite-valued function
- distribution function
- driving function
- EITHER-OR function
- elliptic function
- entire function
- entire rational function
- entity-to-entity function
- enumerative function
- error function
- essential functions
- evaluation function
- even function
- except function
- exclusive OR function
- executive function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- exponent function
- exponentially decreasing function
- external function
- failure density function
- failure rate function
- feedback function
- finite discrete-valued function
- finite-valued function
- fitted function
- frequency function
- general function
- generalized function
- generating function
- generic function
- hashing function
- hash function
- ill-behaved function
- ill-defined function
- illegal function
- implicit function
- inclusive OR function
- infinite-valued function
- infrared function
- inhibit function
- internal function
- intrinsic function
- inverse function
- joint distribution function
- jump function
- key function
- K-out-of-N function
- library function
- list function
- logical function
- logic function
- logical addition function
- logical multiplication function
- logistic function
- majority function
- membership function
- merit function
- mixed-radix function
- moment-generating function
- morphic Boolean function
- morphic function
- multioutput function
- multiple-valued function
- noncomputable function
- normal function
- NOT function
- nullary function
- objective function
- odd function
- one-valued function
- onto function
- open function
- OR function
- OR-ELSE function
- output function
- partial function
- payoff function
- Peirce function
- penalty function
- piece linear function
- piece regular function
- piecewise continuous function
- positive definite function
- power function
- predefined function
- primitive function
- processing function
- propositional function
- ramp function
- random function
- ranking function
- reckonable function
- recursive function
- remainder function
- response function
- risk function
- safety-related function
- scalar function
- service function
- Sheffer stroke function
- Sheffer function
- shifting function
- shuffle function
- signal function
- signum function
- single-output function
- single-valued function
- smoothed function
- spectral function
- staircase function
- standard function
- statement function
- step function
- storage function
- strictly increasing function
- successor function
- support function
- switching function
- syntactic function
- table function
- testing function
- threshold function
- transfer function
- transition function
- traversal function
- unate function
- unit-impulse function
- universal function
- utility function
- vector function
- weight function
- weighted sum objective function
- weighting functionEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > function
17 cumulative
накопленный (напр. о погрешности); кумулятивный; совокупный; суммарный (о зоне касания)- cumulative base pitch error - cumulative breakdown - cumulative burnup - cumulative changes - cumulative contact area - cumulative contact marking - cumulative damage - cumulative damages - cumulative data - cumulative discount - cumulative failure rate - cumulative fatige damage - cumulative flow - cumulative gear pitch error - cumulative hazard - cumulative injected fuel volume - cumulative jet - cumulative oil pumping - cumulative part training - cumulative pitch error of ķ pitches of the rack - cumulative pitch error of ķ pitches of the worm - cumulative pitch variation - cumulative pulse - cumulative scale of forces and power - cumulative storage life - cumulative time of engine running - cumulative time test - cumulative tolerance - cumulative tyre wear -
18 system
система; установка; устройство; ркт. комплекс"see to land" system — система посадки с визуальным приземлением
A.S.I. system — система указателя воздушной скорости
ablating heat-protection system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
ablating heat-shield system — аблирующая [абляционная] система тепловой защиты
active attitude control system — ксм. активная система ориентации
aft-end rocket ignition system — система воспламенения заряда с задней части РДТТ [со стороны сопла]
aircraft response sensing system — система измерений параметров, характеризующих поведение ЛА
air-inlet bypass door system — дв. система перепуска воздуха на входе
antiaircraft guided missile system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
antiaircraft guided weapons system — ракетная система ПВО; зенитный ракетный комплекс
attenuated intercept satellite rendez-vous system — система безударного соединения спутников на орбите
attitude and azimuth reference system — система измерения или индикации углов тангажа, крена и азимута
automatic departure prevention system — система автоматического предотвращения сваливания или вращения после сваливания
automatic drift kick-off system — система автоматического устранения угла упреждения сноса (перед приземлением)
automatic hovering control system — верт. система автостабилизации на висении
automatic indicating feathering system — автоматическая система флюгирования с индикацией отказа (двигателя)
automatic mixture-ratio control system — система автоматического регулирования состава (топливной) смеси
automatic pitch control system — автомат тангажа; автоматическая система продольного управления [управления по каналу тангажа]
B.L.C. high-lift system — система управления пограничным слоем для повышения подъёмной силы (крыла)
backpack life support system — ксм. ранцевая система жизнеобеспечения
beam-rider (control, guidance) system — ркт. система наведения по лучу
biowaste electric propulsion system — электрический двигатель, работающий на биологических отходах
buddy (refueling, tank) system — (подвесная) автономная система дозаправки топливом в полете
closed(-circuit, -cycle) system — замкнутая система, система с замкнутым контуром или циклом; система с обратной связью
Cooper-Harper pilot rating system — система баллов оценки ЛА лётчиком по Куперу — Харперу
deployable aerodynamic deceleration system — развёртываемая (в атмосфере) аэродинамическая тормозная система
depressurize the fuel system — стравливать избыточное давление (воздуха, газа) в топливной системе
driver gas heating system — аэрд. система подогрева толкающего газа
dry sump (lubrication) system — дв. система смазки с сухим картером [отстойником]
electrically powered hydraulic system — электронасосная гидросистема (в отличие от гидросистемы с насосами, приводимыми от двигателя)
exponential control flare system — система выравнивания с экспоненциальным управлением (перед приземлением)
flywheel attitude control system — ксм. инерционная система ориентации
gas-ejection attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
gas-jet attitude control system — ксм. газоструйная система ориентация
ground proximity extraction system — система извлечения грузов из самолёта, пролетающего на уровне земли
hot-air balloon water recovery system — система спасения путем посадки на воду с помощью баллонов, наполняемых горячими газами
hypersonic air data entry system — система для оценки аэродинамики тела, входящего в атмосферу планеты с гиперзвуковой скоростью
igh-temperature fatigue test system — установка для испытаний на выносливость при высоких температурах
interceptor (directing, vectoring) system — система наведения перехватчиков
ion electrical propulsion system — ксм. ионная двигательная установка
isotope-heated catalytic oxidizer system — система каталитического окислителя с нагревом от изотопного источника
jet vane actuation system — ркт. система привода газового руля
laminar flow pumping system — система насосов [компрессоров] для ламинаризации обтекания
launching range safety system — система безопасности ракетного полигона; система обеспечения безопасности космодрома
leading edge slat system — система выдвижных [отклоняемых] предкрылков
low-altitude parachute extraction system — система беспосадочного десантирования грузов с малых высот с использованием вытяжных парашютов
magnetic attitude control system — ксм. магнитная система ориентации
magnetically slaved compass system — курсовая система с магнитной коррекцией, гироиндукционная курсовая система
mass-expulsion attitude control system — система ориентации за счёт истечения массы (газа, жидкости)
mass-motion attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
mass-shifting attitude control system — ксм. система ориентации за счёт перемещения масс
monopropellant rocket propulsion system — двигательная установка с ЖРД на унитарном [однокомпонентном] топливе
nucleonic propellant gauging and utilization system — система измерения и регулирования подачи топлива с использованием радиоактивных изотопов
open(-circuit, -cycle) system — открытая [незамкнутая] система, система с незамкнутым контуром или циклом; система без обратной связи
plenum chamber burning system — дв. система сжигания топлива во втором контуре
positioning system for the landing gear — система регулирования высоты шасси (при стоянке самолёта на земле)
radar altimeter low-altitude control system — система управления на малых высотах с использованием радиовысотомера
radar system for unmanned cooperative rendezvous in space — радиолокационная система для обеспечения встречи (на орбите) беспилотных кооперируемых КЛА
range and orbit determination system — система определения дальностей [расстояний] и орбит
real-time telemetry processing system — система обработки радиотелеметрических данных в реальном масштабе времени
recuperative cycle regenerable carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с регенерацией поглотителя, работающая по рекуперативному циклу
rendezvous beacon and command system — маячно-командная система обеспечения встречи («а орбите)
satellite automatic terminal rendezvous and coupling system — автоматическая система сближения и стыковки спутников на орбите
Schuler tuned inertial navigation system — система инерциальной навигации на принципе маятника Шулера
sodium superoxide carbon dioxide removal system — система удаления углекислого газа с помощью надперекиси натрия
space shuttle separation system — система разделения ступеней челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
stellar-monitored astroinertial navigation guidance system — астроинерциальная система навигации и управления с астрокоррекцией
terminal control landing system — система управления посадкой по траектории, связанной с выбранной точкой приземления
terminal descent control system — ксм. система управления на конечном этапе спуска [снижения]
terminal guidance system for a satellite rendezvous — система управления на конечном участке траектории встречи спутников
test cell flow system — ркт. система питания (двигателя) топливом в огневом боксе
vectored thrust (propulsion) system — силовая установка с подъёмно-маршевым двигателем [двигателями]
water to oxygen system — ксм. система добывания кислорода из воды
wind tunnel data acquisition system — система регистрации (и обработки) данных при испытаниях в аэродинамической трубе
— D system -
19 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
20 risk
1. сущ. опасность, риск, угроза at one's own risk ≈ на свой страх и риск at owner's risk коммерч. ≈ на риск владельца, под ответственность владельца at the risk of being ridiculed ≈ рискуя быть осмеянным at the risk of one's life ≈ рискуя жизнью to assume, incur, face a risk ≈ рисковать, подвергаться риску to run the risk of being outvoted ≈ рисковать на выборах to take a calculated risk ≈ идти на обдуманный риск to take, run risks ≈ рисковать It was a risk to enter that area. ≈ Было опасно появляться в этом районе. He is a security risk. ≈ Он неблагонадежный человек. The advantages outweigh the risks. ≈ Преимущества перевешивают риск. calculated risk grave risk great risk high risk low risk security risk Syn: danger
2. гл.
1) рисковать (чем-л.) to risk one's health ≈ рисковать здоровьем He risked $50 on the horse race and lost it all. ≈ Он поставил 50 долларов на скачках и проиграл. She risked losing everything. ≈ Она рисковала потерять все.
2) отваживаться( на что-л.) to risk a stab in the back ≈ подставлять спину под удар risk failure Syn: venture риск - * appraisal /analysis/ оценка степени риска - * assets неликвидные активы - let's try, it's not much of a * попробуем, риск невелик - there is no * of your catching cold вы не рискуете простудится - to run a /the/ *, to take *s рисковать - I'll take the * я рискну - at one's own * на свой страх и риск - at the * of one's life рискуя жизнью - at owner's * (коммерческое) на риск владельца - it was a * of a thousand to one in my favour мои шансы составляли девятьсот девяносто девять из тысячи опасность, угроза - fire * пожарная опасность - to reduce the * of outbreak of nuclear war уменьшить опасность возникновения ядерной войны - at * в опасности, под ударом - that policy is now at * эта политика находится сейчас под угрозой объект риска( о человеке) - poor * ненадежный человек - good * человек, на которого можно положиться /делать ставку и т. п./ - security * неблагонадежный человек страховая сумма застрахованное лицо;
застрахованная вещь рисковать (чем-л.) - to * one's life рисковать жизнью - I'd * my life on his honesty за его порядочность я ручаюсь головой отваживаться (на что-л.) - to * a battle отваживаться на битву - I can't * failure я не могу идти на (заведомый) провал - he *ed breaking his neck он чуть не сломал шею, он вполне мог сломать шею abnormal ~ чрезвычайный страховой риск accident ~ вероятность наступления несчастного случая accident ~ риск несчастного случая accident ~ риск случайности accumulation ~ страх. кумулирующийся риск accumulation ~ суммарный риск asset price ~ курсовой риск активов assume a ~ брать на себя риск ~ риск;
at one's own risk на свой страх и риск;
at the risk of one's life рискуя жизнью at one's own ~ на собственный риск to take (или to run) ~s рисковать;
at owner's risk ком. на риск владельца ~ риск;
at one's own risk на свой страх и риск;
at the risk of one's life рискуя жизнью at your own ~ на ваш собственный риск audit ~ страховой риск ревизии aviation ~ авиационный страховой риск basic ~ базисный риск basis ~ основной риск carry a ~ рисковать catastrophe ~ страх. риск катастрофы civil ~ гражданский риск collection ~ риск при инкассировании commercial ~ коммерческий риск constant ~ постоянный риск contractor's ~ риск подрядчика contractual ~ договорный риск conversion ~ риск конверсии country ~ риск при ведении дел с данным государством craft ~ риск во время доставки груза на портовых плавучих средствах credit ~ кредитный риск credit ~ риск неплатежа по кредиту currency ~ валютный риск death ~ страх. риск смерти default ~ риск невыполнения обязательств delinquency ~ риск просрочки платежа distribute the ~ распределять риск domestic ~ страх. риск на внутреннем рынке entail ~ быть рискованным entail ~ быть связанным с риском entrepreneurial ~ риск предпринимателя environmental ~ экологический риск event ~ риск происшествия exceptional ~ страх. исключительный риск exchange rate ~ валютный риск exchange ~ валютный риск exchange ~ риск валютной операции fire ~ риск пожара flight ~ риск воздушной перевозки flying ~ риск полета funding ~ риск при консолидировании долга impaired ~ ослабленный риск impaired ~ уменьшенный риск incur a ~ подвергаться риску industrial ~ производственный риск industrial ~ риск предпринимателя insurable ~ риск, могущий быть застрахованным interest rate ~ процентный риск investment ~ инвестиционный риск liability for ~ ответственность за риск liquidity ~ риск ликвидности loss ~ риск потери mismatch ~ риск расхождения в сроках уплаты процентов по активам и пассивам mortality ~ риск смертности negligible ~ пренебрежимо малый риск neighbouring ~ сопутствующий риск nondomestic ~ небытовой страховой риск nonpayment ~ риск неплатежа nuclear radiation ~ риск радиоактивного облучения nuclear ~ риск радиоактивного облучения off-balance sheet ~ внебалансовый риск operational ~ производственный риск own ~ собственный риск political ~ политический риск price ~ ценовой риск risk вероятность ~ возможность ~ застрахованная вещь ~ застрахованное лицо ~ опасность ~ отваживаться (на что-л.) ;
to risk failure не бояться поражения;
to risk a stab in the back подставлять спину под удар ~ ответственность страховщика ~ риск;
at one's own risk на свой страх и риск;
at the risk of one's life рискуя жизнью ~ риск ~ рисковать (чем-л.) ;
to risk one's health рисковать здоровьем ~ рисковать ~ степень неопределенности ~ страховая сумма ~ страховой риск ~ отваживаться (на что-л.) ;
to risk failure не бояться поражения;
to risk a stab in the back подставлять спину под удар ~ отваживаться (на что-л.) ;
to risk failure не бояться поражения;
to risk a stab in the back подставлять спину под удар ~ for own account риск на собственной ответственности ~ of contamination риск загрязнения ~ of default риск невыполнения обязательств ~ of loss риск потери ~ of the budget's running out of control риск потери контроля над сметой ~ of theft риск кражи ~ рисковать (чем-л.) ;
to risk one's health рисковать здоровьем ~ passes to риск переходит к road ~ риск при дорожном движении rubbing-off ~ риск истирания sea ~ морской риск selected ~ выборочный риск settlement ~ расчетный риск simple ~ простой риск social ~ социальный риск sovereign ~ риск, связанный с кредитом иностранному правительству special ~ особый риск spread the ~ распределять риск storage ~ риск при хранении substandard ~ риск ниже нормального to take (или to run) ~s рисковать;
at owner's risk ком. на риск владельца theft ~ риск кражи trade ~ торговый риск transfer ~ трансфертный риск transport ~ риск при транспортировке traveller's ~ риск путешественника undesirable ~ нежелательный риск uninsurable ~ риск, не подлежащий страхованию variable ~ переменный риск vicinity ~ риск соседства voyage ~ риск путешествия
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Rate of fire — is the frequency at which a specific weapon can fire or launch its projectiles. It is usually measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min), or per second (RPS or round/s). Contents 1 Overview 2 Measurement 2.1 Cyclic rate … Wikipedia
Failure theory (material) — v · d · e Materials failure modes Buckling · Corro … Wikipedia
Failure, adrenal — A condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the adrenal hormones that control important functions such as blood pressure. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenal is made up of an outer layer (the cortex) and … Medical dictionary
Out of Box Failure — The term Out of Box Failure usually refers to computer hardware. It describes a negative experience a user has when installing and/or performing initial configuration on a piece of hardware that exhibits an immediate failure mode.DefinitionsOut… … Wikipedia
Out of box failure — The term Out of Box Failure usually refers to computer hardware. It describes a negative experience a user has when installing and/or performing initial configuration on a piece of hardware that exhibits an immediate failure mode. Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Glycogen storage disease type I — DiseaseDisorder infobox Name = Glycogen storage disease type I ICD10 = ICD10|E|74|0|e|70 ICD9 = ICD9|271.0 ICDO = Caption = OMIM = 232200 MedlinePlus = 000338 eMedicineSubj = ped eMedicineTopic = 2416 DiseasesDB = 5284 Glycogen storage disease… … Wikipedia
Grid energy storage — is used to manage the flow of electrical energy. For large scale load levelling on an interconnected electrical system, electric energy producers send low value off peak excess electricity over the electricity transmission grid to temporary… … Wikipedia
Adrenal failure — A condition in which the adrenal glands do not produce enough of the adrenal hormones that control important functions such as blood pressure. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenal is made up of an outer layer (the cortex) and … Medical dictionary
интенсивность отказов при хранении — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN storage failure rate … Справочник технического переводчика
RAID — This article is about the data storage technology. For other uses, see Raid (disambiguation). RAID, an acronym for Redundant Array of Independent Disks (originally Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks),[1] is a storage… … Wikipedia
Hard disk drive — Hard drive redirects here. For other uses, see Hard drive (disambiguation). Hard disk drive Mechanical interior of a modern hard disk drive Date invented 24 December 1954 [1] … Wikipedia