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  • 1 stop

    [stop] 1. past tense, past participle - stopped; verb
    1) (to (make something) cease moving, or come to rest, a halt etc: He stopped the car and got out; This train does not stop at Birmingham; He stopped to look at the map; He signalled with his hand to stop the bus.) σταματώ
    2) (to prevent from doing something: We must stop him (from) going; I was going to say something rude but stopped myself just in time.) σταματώ,εμποδίζω
    3) (to discontinue or cease eg doing something: That woman just can't stop talking; The rain has stopped; It has stopped raining.) (αυτοπ.)σταματώ
    4) (to block or close: He stopped his ears with his hands when she started to shout at him.) κλείνω,βουλώνω
    5) (to close (a hole, eg on a flute) or press down (a string on a violin etc) in order to play a particular note.) παίζω νότα πνευστού οργάνου(με τρύπες)
    6) (to stay: Will you be stopping long at the hotel?) μένω
    2. noun
    1) (an act of stopping or state of being stopped: We made only two stops on our journey; Work came to a stop for the day.) στάση,σταμάτημα
    2) (a place for eg a bus to stop: a bus stop.) στάση
    3) (in punctuation, a full stop: Put a stop at the end of the sentence.) τελεία
    4) (a device on a flute etc for covering the holes in order to vary the pitch, or knobs for bringing certain pipes into use on an organ.) σαν τρύπα(φλάουτου),κλειδί(κλαρίνου)
    5) (a device, eg a wedge etc, for stopping the movement of something, or for keeping it in a fixed position: a door-stop.) πώμα,τάπα,τακάκι
    - stopper
    - stopping
    - stopcock
    - stopgap
    - stopwatch
    - put a stop to
    - stop at nothing
    - stop dead
    - stop off
    - stop over
    - stop up

    English-Greek dictionary > stop

  • 2 Stop

    v. trans.
    Put an end to: P. and V. παύειν, ναπαύειν, ποπαύειν (Plat. but rare P.), Ar. and P. καταπαύειν.
    Prevent: P. and V. κωλειν, ἐπικωλειν, εἴργειν, πείργειν, ἐξείργειν, Ar. and P. κατακωλύειν, διακωλύειν, P. ἀποκωλύειν, V. κατείργειν.
    Check: P. and V. ἐπέχειν, κατέχειν, Ar. and V. ἴσχειν (rare P.), V. ἐπίσχειν (rare P.), ἐρύκειν, ἐξερύκειν, ἐρητειν.
    Interrupt: Ar. and P. διαλύειν; interrupt.
    Cease from: P. and V. παύεσθαι (gen.), ναπαύεσθαι (gen.), νιέναι (acc. or gen.); see cease from.
    Delay: P. and V. ναβάλλεσθαι; see Delay.
    Stop the clock: P. ἐπίλαβε τὸ ὕδωρ (Lys. 166).
    Stop ( a person's) mouth: P. ἐμφράσσειν στόμα, Ar. ἐπιβειν στόμα; see Close.
    V. intrans.
    Cease: P. and V. παύεσθαι, ναπαύεσθαι, λήγειν (Plat.), ἐπέχειν (Dem. 1108), ἐκλείπειν, V. ἐκλιμπνειν, ἐκλήγειν, P. ἀπολήγειν (Plat.); see Cease.
    Halt: P. ἐφίστασθαι, P. and V. ἵστασθαι.
    Rest, remain: P. and V. μένειν; see Remain.
    Take rest: P. and V. ναπαύεσθαι, P. διαπαύεσθαι (Plat.).
    Lodge: Ar. and P. καταλειν, P. κατγεσθαι.
    Stop up ( a hole): Ar. βειν, ἐμβύειν, ἐπιβειν, πακτοῦν.
    Block up: P. and V. φράσσειν, κλῄειν, συγκλῄειν, ποκλῄειν, P. ἐμφράσσειν, ἀποφράσσειν, Ar. and P. κατακλῄειν.
    P. and V. παῦε, ἐπίσχες, Ar. and P. ἔχε, V. παῦσαι, ἴσχε, σχές.
    Cessation: P. and V. παῦλα, ἡ, νπαυλα, ἡ, διλυσις, ἡ, P. ἀνάπαυσις, ἡ.
    Delay: P. and V. μονή, ἡ, τριβή, ἡ, διατριβή, ἡ, P. ἐπιμονή, ἡ; see Delay.
    Halt: P. ἐπίστασις, ἡ (Xen.), ἐπίσχεσις, ἡ.
    Obstacle: P. κώλυμα, τό; see Obstacle.
    Put a stop to: use stop, v.

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Stop

  • 3 stop up

    (to block: Some rubbish got into the drain and stopped it up.) βουλώνω,φράζω

    English-Greek dictionary > stop up

  • 4 stop over

    to make a stay of a night or more: We're planning to stop over in Amsterdam (noun stop-over) κάνω ενδιάμεση στάση

    English-Greek dictionary > stop over

  • 5 stop at nothing

    (to be willing to do anything, however dishonest etc, in order to get something: He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants.) μετέρχομαι κάθε μέσο,δεν ορρωδώ προ ουδενός

    English-Greek dictionary > stop at nothing

  • 6 stop dead

    (to stop completely: I stopped dead when I saw him.) σταματώ απότομα,κοκαλώνω

    English-Greek dictionary > stop dead

  • 7 stop off

    (to make a halt on a journey etc: We stopped off at Edinburgh to see the castle.) κάνω στάση

    English-Greek dictionary > stop off

  • 8 non-stop

    (continuing without a stop: non-stop entertainment; Is this train non-stop?) αδιάκοπος,χωρίς(ενδιάμεσες)στάσεις

    English-Greek dictionary > non-stop

  • 9 bus stop

    (a place where buses stop to let passengers on or off.) στάση λεωφορείου

    English-Greek dictionary > bus stop

  • 10 put a stop to

    (to prevent from continuing: We must put a stop to this waste.) σταματώ,βάζω τέρμα σε

    English-Greek dictionary > put a stop to

  • 11 full stop

    (a written or printed point (.) marking the end of a sentence; a period.) τελεία

    English-Greek dictionary > full stop

  • 12 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) ξεκούραση: ανάπαυλα
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) ανάπαυση
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) στήριγμα
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) στάση, ακινησία
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) ξεκουράζω/-ομαι
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) αναπαύομαι, κοιμάμαι
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) στηρίζω/-ομαι, ακουμπώ
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) ησυχάζω
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) στηρίζω/-ομαι, εναποθέτω
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) εναπόκειμαι
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]

    English-Greek dictionary > rest

  • 13 halt

    [ho:lt] 1. verb
    (to (cause to) stop walking, marching, running etc: The driver halted the train; The train halted at the signals.) σταματώ
    2. noun
    1) (a complete stop: the train came to a halt.) στάση
    2) (a short stop (on a march etc).) στάση(σαν παράγγελμα)/αλτ
    3) (a small railway station.) μικρός σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός
    - call a halt to
    - call a halt

    English-Greek dictionary > halt

  • 14 choke

    [ əuk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) stop, or partly stop, breathing: The gas choked him; He choked to death.) πνίγω
    2) (to block: This pipe was choked with dirt.) φράζω
    2. noun
    (an apparatus in a car engine etc to prevent the passage of too much air when starting the engine.) `τσοκ` του καρμπιρατέρ

    English-Greek dictionary > choke

  • 15 cut out

    1) (to stop working, sometimes because of a safety device: The engines cut out (noun cut-out).) σταματώ
    2) (to stop: I've cut out smoking.) κόβω, σταματώ

    English-Greek dictionary > cut out

  • 16 forgive

    past tense - forgave; verb
    1) (to stop being angry with (someone who has done something wrong): He forgave her for stealing his watch.) συγχωρώ
    2) (to stop being angry about (something that someone has done): He forgave her angry words.) παραβλέπω
    - forgiving

    English-Greek dictionary > forgive

  • 17 give up

    1) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) σταματώ
    2) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) παρατώ
    3) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) παραδίδω/-ομαι
    4) (to devote (time etc) to doing something: He gave up all his time to gardening.) αφιερώνω
    5) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) θεωρώ χαμένο, ξεγράφω

    English-Greek dictionary > give up

  • 18 go wrong

    1) (to go astray, badly, away from the intended plan etc: Everything has gone wrong for her in the past few years.) πάω στραβά
    2) (to stop functioning properly: The machine has gone wrong - I can't get it to stop!) χαλώ
    3) (to make a mistake: Where did I go wrong in that sum?) σφάλλω, κάνω λάθος

    English-Greek dictionary > go wrong

  • 19 hold on

    1) ((often with to) to keep (a grip on) (something): She held on to me to stop herself slipping; I couldn't hold on any longer, so I let go of the rope.) βαστιέμαι
    2) (to stop or wait: Hold on - I'm not quite ready yet; The operator asked the caller to hold on while she connected him.) περιμένω

    English-Greek dictionary > hold on

  • 20 hold up

    1) (to stop or slow the progress of: I'm sorry I'm late - I got held up at the office.) καθυστερώ
    2) (to stop and rob: The bandits held up the stagecoach.) ληστεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > hold up

См. также в других словарях:

  • stop — stop …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • stop — [ stɔp ] interj. et n. m. • 1792 mar.; mot angl. « arrêt » A ♦ Interj. 1 ♦ Commandement ou cri d arrêt. Il « arrêta la nage en criant : “Stop !” » (Maupassant). Fig. Stop au gaspillage ! ⇒ halte. 2 ♦ Mot employé dans les télégrammes pour séparer… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stop — interj., (2, 3) stopuri s.n. 1. interj. Stai! Opreşte! ♦ (În telegrame, ca termen convenţional pentru a marca sfârşitul unei fraze) Punct! 2. s.n. Oprire bruscă a mingii, a pucului la unele jocuri sportive. 3. s.n. Semafor care reglează… …   Dicționar Român

  • stop — or [stäp] vt. stopped, stopping [ME stoppen < OE stoppian (in comp.) < WGmc stoppōn < VL * stuppare, to stop up, stuff < L stuppa < Gr styppē, tow < IE * stewe , to thicken, contract > Gr styphein, to contract, Sans stuka,… …   English World dictionary

  • Stop — Stop, n. 1. The act of stopping, or the state of being stopped; hindrance of progress or of action; cessation; repression; interruption; check; obstruction. [1913 Webster] It is doubtful . . . whether it contributed anything to the stop of the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stop — stop; stop·er; stop·less; stop·pa·ble; stop·page; stop·per·less; stop·per·man; stop·ping; un·stop; back·stop; non·stop; stop·per; stop·ple; stop·less·ness; un·stop·pa·bly; …   English syllables

  • stop by — stop off, stop over, stop in or (N American) stop by To break one s journey, pay a visit to (usu with at) • • • Main Entry: ↑stop * * * ˌstop ˈby [intransitive/transitive] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop in — stop off, stop over, stop in or (N American) stop by To break one s journey, pay a visit to (usu with at) • • • Main Entry: ↑stop * * * ˌstop ˈin [intransitive] [ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stop-go — ˌstop ˈgo adjective stop go policy/​approach etc ECONOMICS a way of controlling the economy by deliberately restricting government spending for a period of time and then increasing it for a time: • The uncertainty of such stop go policies reduced …   Financial and business terms

  • stop — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. u, Mc. stoppie {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} substancja metaliczna otrzymywana przeważnie przez stopienie dwóch lub więcej metali (niekiedy z domieszką niemetali), wytwarzana w celu uzyskania lepszych właściwości… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • stop — ► VERB (stopped, stopping) 1) come or bring to an end. 2) prevent from happening or from doing something. 3) cease or cause to cease moving or operating. 4) (of a bus or train) call at a designated place to pick up or set down passengers. 5) Brit …   English terms dictionary

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