Перевод: с итальянского на русский

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stop plate

См. также в других словарях:

  • stop plate — noun : a plate for stopping or limiting the travel of a part (as a rod or valve); specifically : a plate serving as an end bearing for the axle of a railroad car to prevent or limit end play …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stop bath — is the second of three chemical baths usually used in processing traditional black and white photographic films, plates, and paper. The sequence is: developer, stop bath, fixer. The purpose of the stop bath is to halt the development of the film …   Wikipedia

  • Stop sign — A stop sign is a traffic sign, usually erected at road junctions, that instructs drivers to stop and then to proceed only if the way ahead is clear.pecificationsStandard stop signs have a specified size of 75 cm (30 in) across opposite flats of… …   Wikipedia

  • stop — stopless, adj. stoplessness, n. /stop/, v., stopped or (Archaic) stopt; stopping; n. v.t. 1. to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running. 2. to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street. 3. to interrupt, arrest, or… …   Universalium

  • Plate detector (radio) — A plate detector is a vacuum tube detector circuit used in A.M. radios. This circuit employs a tube with an indirectly heated cathode, typically a medium mu triode, or a tetrode or pentode with a sharp cut off control grid. Rectification of R.F.… …   Wikipedia

  • stop — [[t]stɒp[/t]] v. stopped, stop•ping, n. 1) to cease from or discontinue: to stop running[/ex] 2) to cause to cease: to stop crime[/ex] 3) to interrupt or check 4) to cut off, intercept, or withhold: to stop supplies[/ex] 5) to restrain or prevent …   From formal English to slang

  • stop out — I. transitive verb 1. : to cover part of (a printing surface) with something that does not print or that prevents printing: as a. : to cover (areas on a negative being prepared for photoengraving) with an opaque substance to prevent light action; …   Useful english dictionary

  • plate·let — /ˈpleıtlət/ noun, pl lets [count] : a small, round, thin blood cell that helps blood to stop flowing from a cut by becoming thick and sticky called also blood platelet …   Useful english dictionary

  • NON-STOP-Anleger — Prinzip des Offsetdrucks Seitenansicht eines Druckwerkes Der Offsetdruck (engl. to set off bzw. offset für dt. absetzen bzw. Versatz) ist ein indirektes Flachdr …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • NON-STOP-Ausleger — Prinzip des Offsetdrucks Seitenansicht eines Druckwerkes Der Offsetdruck (engl. to set off bzw. offset für dt. absetzen bzw. Versatz) ist ein indirektes Flachdr …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Aluminum piano plate — A piano with an aluminum piano plate, called the Alumatone plate, was created in the late 1940s by Winter and Company, piano manufacturers, and Alcoa, a manufacturer of aluminum and aluminum products. The metal frame of a piano, often called the… …   Wikipedia

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