Перевод: с английского на болгарский

с болгарского на английский


  • 1 company

    1. общество, компания, познанство, приятели, другари
    in COMPANY with заeдно с
    to bear/keep someone COMPANY правя компания на/придружавам някого, дружа/общувам с/ухажвам някого
    to keep good/bad COMPANY дружа с добри/лоши другари
    to part COMPANY with скъсвам връзките си/разделям се с, напускам
    a man is known by the COMPANY he keeps поcл. кажи ми с кого дружиш, да ти кажа какъв си
    2. гост (и), посетител (и)
    to put on one's COMPANY manners държа се крайно любезно като пред гости
    3. търг. дружество, компания
    joint COMPANY акционерно дружество
    holding COMPANY акционерно дружество, владеещо и контролиращо акциите на други фирми
    COMPANY union нечленуващ в профсъюзите съюз на работещите в дадено предприятие/фирма
    4. театр. трупа
    stock COMPANY постоянен състав
    5. воен. рота
    ship's COMPANY целият екипаж на кораб
    * * *
    {'k^mpъni} n 1. общество, компания; познанство; приятели, дру
    * * *
    фирма; трупа; рота; общество; посетител; гости; гост; дружество; екипаж; компания;
    * * *
    1. a man is known by the company he keeps поcл. кажи ми с кого дружиш, да ти кажа какъв си 2. company union нечленуващ в профсъюзите съюз на работещите в дадено предприятие/фирма 3. holding company акционерно дружество, владеещо и контролиращо акциите на други фирми 4. in company with заeдно с 5. joint company акционерно дружество 6. ship's company целият екипаж на кораб 7. stock company постоянен състав 8. to bear/keep someone company правя компания на/придружавам някого, дружа/общувам с/ухажвам някого 9. to keep good/bad company дружа с добри/лоши другари 10. to part company with скъсвам връзките си/разделям се с, напускам 11. to put on one's company manners държа се крайно любезно като пред гости 12. воен. рота 13. гост (и), посетител (и) 14. общество, компания, познанство, приятели, другари 15. театр. трупа 16. търг. дружество, компания
    * * *
    company[´kʌmpəni] n 1. търг. компания, фирма, дружество; an insurance \company застрахователна компания; joint-stock \company акционерно дружество; holding \company акционерно тяло, което владее акциите на други фирми и ги контролира, холдинг; John C. ист. Източноиндийска компания; bubble \company съмнително (мошеническо) предприятие; \company gunmen ( thugs) ам. sl охрана на предприятие; \company store лавка (бюфет) при фабрика (предприятие); 2. общество, компания; познанство; in \company with заедно с; present \company excepted разг. присъстващите правят изключение; to keep s.o. \company правя компания (на), придружавам някого; дружа, другарувам; ухажвам; to keep good ( bad) \company дружа с добри (лоши) хора; to fall into \company with s.o. запознавам се случайно с някого; to part \company with прекратявам връзките си, разделям се с някого, скъсвам с някого; to be in good \company не съм единствен; и други (далеч по-влиятелни) хора са правили същата грешка; a man is known by the \company he keeps кажи ми кои са ти приятелите, за да ти кажа какъв си; 3. гост, гости; посетител; to put on o.'s \company manners държа се като за пред гости; 4. театр. трупа; stock \company постоянен състав, трупа; 5. мор. екипаж; ship's \company екипаж на кораб; 6. военна рота.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > company

См. также в других словарях:

  • stock control — the method of determining how much stock should be held and how much needs to be reordered and when, with the aim of controlling stock holding costs while maintaining efficient operation of the business. Glossary of Business Terms * * * stock… …   Financial and business terms

  • holding company — noun a company with controlling shares in other companies • Hypernyms: ↑company • Hyponyms: ↑bank holding company * * * noun, pl ⋯ ies [count] business : a company whose main business is owning more than half of another company s stock * * *… …   Useful english dictionary

  • holding company — see company Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. holding company …   Law dictionary

  • stock — n 1 a: the equipment, materials, or supplies of a business b: a store or supply accumulated; esp: the inventory of the goods of a merchant or manufacturer 2: the ownership element in a corporation usu. divided into shares and represented by… …   Law dictionary

  • Holding gains — ( losses ) are generally defined as increases ( decreases ) in the replacement costs of the assets held during a given period. Fact|date=February 2007 Holding gains and losses accrue to the owners of assets and liabilities purely as a result of… …   Wikipedia

  • Stock selection criteria — is a strategy in which an analyst or investor uses a systematic form of analysis to determine if a particular stock constitutes a good investment which should be added to their portfolio. The objective of stock selection criteria is maximizing… …   Wikipedia

  • holding — hold·ing 1 n 1: a ruling of a court upon an issue of law raised in a case: the pronouncement of law supported by the reasoning in a court s opinion compare decision, dictum, disposition …   Law dictionary

  • stock warrant — A certificate issued by a corporation that entitles the person holding it to buy a certain amount of stock in the corporation, usually at a specified time and price. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. stock warrant …   Law dictionary

  • holding — hold‧ing [ˈhəʊldɪŋ ǁ ˈhoʊl ] noun [countable] FINANCE 1. an amount of a particular type of investment owned by a person or organization: holding of • He has doubled his usual holdings of government securities to more than $10 billion. • Itsreal… …   Financial and business terms

  • Holding — Hold‧ing [ˈhəʊldɪŋ ǁ ˈhoʊl ] also Holdings noun used in the name of holding companies: • Glaxo Holdings PLC * * * holding UK US /ˈhəʊldɪŋ/ noun [C] FINANCE ► assets such as property, shares, or cash that a government, company, or person owns …   Financial and business terms

  • stock split — n: the division of the outstanding shares of a corporation into a larger number of shares thereby reducing the value of each share but not the total value of each holding compare reverse stock split ◇ The purpose of a stock split is to make the… …   Law dictionary

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