1 stock fraud
Юридический термин: биржевое мошенничество -
2 stock fraud
3 stock fraud
4 stock fraud
5 fraud
обман; мошенничествоfraud by officer — должностной обман;
fraud in fact — фактически совершённый обман;
- actual fraudfraud in law — обман по правовой презумпции, подразумеваемый обман
- bank fraud
- business fraud
- commercial fraud
- constructive fraud
- consumer fraud
- contract fraud
- corporate fraud
- criminal fraud
- equitable fraud
- income tax fraud
- insurance fraud
- land fraud
- legal fraud
- mail fraud
- malicious fraud
- mortgage insurance fraud
- positive fraud
- securities fraud
- stock fraud
- tax fraud
- technical fraud -
6 fraud
• -
7 tax
1. nналог, сбор; пошлина
- accrued tax
- accumulated-earnings tax
- accumulated profits tax
- ad valorem tax
- advance tax
- advance corporate tax
- advertising tax
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic beverage tax
- amusement tax
- annual tax
- assessed tax
- average tax
- back tax
- bequest tax
- beverage tax
- bill tax
- bills of exchange tax
- budgeted taxes
- building tax
- business tax
- capital tax
- capital acquisition tax
- capital gains tax
- capital transactions tax
- capital transfer tax
- capital yield tax
- capitation tax
- car tax
- cargo tax
- cascade tax
- chain-store tax
- company income tax
- compensating tax
- complementary tax
- concession tax
- consumption tax
- conveyance tax
- corporate tax
- corporate income tax
- corporate profit tax
- corporation tax
- corporation income tax
- court taxes
- death tax
- death and gift tax
- defence tax
- deferred taxes
- deferred income taxes
- degressive tax
- delinquent tax
- direct tax
- discriminatory tax
- dividend withholding tax
- documentary stamp tax
- domestic tax
- donor's tax
- double tax
- earned income tax
- employment tax
- entertainment taxes
- environmental tax
- equalization tax
- estate tax
- excessive tax
- excess profits tax
- exchange tax
- excise tax
- export tax
- federal tax
- fixed assets tax
- flat tax
- flat rate tax
- foreign exchange tax
- foreign trade tax
- foreign withholding tax
- franchise tax
- gambling tax
- gasoline tax
- general property tax
- general sales tax
- gift tax
- graded tax
- graduated tax
- graduated income tax
- graduated poll tax
- green tax
- gross income tax
- gross profits tax
- gross receipts tax
- head tax
- hidden tax
- highway tax
- immovable property tax
- immovable property gains tax
- immovable property transfer tax
- import tax
- import equalization tax
- import turnover tax
- imposed tax
- income tax
- income tax on corporations
- income tax on individuals
- income tax on shareholders
- indirect tax
- industrial and commercial profits tax
- inheritance tax
- insurance tax
- land tax
- land-value tax
- legacy tax
- legal entity tax
- licence tax
- liquor tax
- local taxes
- long-term capital gains tax
- lump-sum tax
- luxury tax
- matured tax
- maximum tax
- minimum tax
- mortgage tax
- motor vehicle tax
- multiple stages tax
- multistage cumulative turnover tax
- municipal taxes
- national tax
- negative income tax
- net wealth tax
- net worth tax
- normal tax
- nuisance tax
- occupational tax
- oil tax
- one-time tax
- oppressive taxes
- outlay taxes
- output tax
- pay-as-you-earn tax
- pay-as-you-go tax
- payroll tax
- penalty tax
- per capita tax
- personal property tax
- poll tax
- pollution tax
- premium taxes
- profits tax
- progressive tax
- prohibitive tax
- property tax
- proportional tax
- provincial tax
- provisional tax
- public tax
- purchase tax
- pyramidal tax
- real estate tax
- real property tax
- real property transfer tax
- realty transfer tax
- receipts tax
- regressive tax
- remittance tax
- repressive tax
- resource tax
- retail sales tax
- retained profits tax
- revaluation tax
- revenue tax
- road taxes
- sales tax
- sales and turnover tax
- schedular tax
- securities tax
- security tax
- self-employment tax
- separate tax
- service tax
- severance tax
- short-term capital gains tax
- sin tax
- single tax
- social security tax
- specific tax
- spendings tax
- stamp tax
- state tax
- state excise taxes
- stock exchange turnover tax
- stockhoder's tax
- stock transfer tax
- sumptuary tax
- supplementary tax
- tonnage tax
- trade tax
- transaction tax
- transfer tax
- turnover tax
- underlying tax
- undistributed profit tax
- unpaid tax
- use tax
- value-added tax
- wage tax
- wealth tax
- wholesale sale tax
- windfall profits tax
- withholding tax
- withholding tax on dividends
- withholding tax on savings
- tax at source
- tax in kind
- tax on cargo
- tax on corporation
- tax on dividends
- tax on excess profits
- tax on gross receipts
- tax on gross revenue
- tax on importation
- tax on the income
- tax on inheritance
- tax on interest income
- tax on international transactions
- tax on land
- tax on motor vehicles
- tax on patents
- tax on personal income
- tax on profits
- tax on purchase of a motor vehicle
- tax on savings
- tax on stock exchange dealings
- tax on trade
- tax chargeable on the income
- tax due
- taxes levied at a flat rate
- tax payable
- tax withheld
- after taxes
- before taxes
- exempt from taxes
- free of taxes
- liable to tax
- subject to tax
- abate a tax
- abolish a tax
- apply taxes
- assess a tax
- be exempt from taxes
- be liable to tax
- calculate tax on profits
- charge a tax
- collect taxes
- compute a tax
- cut down taxes
- decrease taxes
- deduct taxes
- deduct taxes at source
- defer taxes
- dodge taxes
- evade taxes
- exempt from taxes
- impose a tax
- increase taxes
- kick against taxes
- lay a tax
- levy a tax
- lower a tax
- pay a tax
- raise taxes
- rebate a tax
- recover a tax
- reduce taxes
- reform taxes
- relieve from taxes
- remit taxes to appropriate authorities
- withhold taxes2. attr.
- tax abatement
- tax accruals
- tax arrears
- tax assessment form
- tax audit
- tax bracket
- tax declaration
- tax delinquency
- tax divide
- tax fraud
- tax offence
- tax rate
- tax rebate
- tax receipts
- tax return
- tax roll
- tax status
- tax treatment
- tax yield3. v
- tax at source
- tax capital gains
- tax capital gains realized on the disposal of immovable property
- tax income -
8 jobbery
1. n использование служебного положения в корыстных или личных целях2. n сомнительная операция; спекуляция,3. n коррупция, взяточничествоСинонимический ряд:fraud (noun) bribery; cheating; corruption; embezzlement; extortion; fraud; graft; swindling; thievery -
9 loss
1) потеря, утрата2) страх. гибель3) убыток, ущерб, урон•- net loss- loss on property due to earthquake, storm, flood, fire -
10 blue sky laws
* * *законодательство о выпуске и обращении ценных бумаг ('законы голубого неба'). State laws that govern the issuance and sale of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) to residents of the state and require the registration of the securities with the state prior to sale. The rules are designed to protect investors from fraud. While a new stock issue may be exempt from federal regulation, it may not be exempt from state rules. . Словарь экономических терминов . -
11 descend
1. II1) descend steeply (sharply, gradually, unexpectedly, etc.) круто и т. д. снижаться /спускаться/; the road descends slopingly дорога постепенно идет вниз2) she descended gracefully (noiselessly, hastily, etc.) она спускалась изящно и т. д.; the carriage descended quickly карета быстро съехала /спустилась/; we descended on foot мы спустились пешком2. IIIdescend smth. descend a flight of stairs (a hill, a mountain, etc.) спускаться /сходить/ по лестнице и т. д., they saw the soldiers descending the hill они увидели спускающихся по холму солдат3. XIbe descended in some, manner be well descended происходить из хорошего рода, иметь благородное происхождение; be descended from smb., smth. be descended from a peasant family происходить из крестьянской семьи; be -ed from the Hampshire branch of the family принадлежать к Гемпширской ветви этого рода; be descended from apes происходить от обезьян; he is descended from Puritan ancestors он ведет свой род от пуритан4. XVI1) descend (in)to (from, over, etc.) smth. descend into the drawing-room (into a court, into a mine, into a well, etc.) спуститься в гостиную и т. д.; descend to a river спускаться к реке; descend to a plain выходить на равнину (с гор); the bathyscaphe descended to the bottom of the sea батискаф опустился на дно моря; descend from a hill (from a mountain, from the top, from a tower, etc.) спускаться с холма и т. д; descend from a horse (from a tree, etc.) слезть с лошади и т. д.; descend from a carriage выйти /вылезти/ из экипажа; а balloon descended in the field воздушный шар спустился на поле; the sun slowly descended over the hills солнце медленно опустилось за холмы2) descend to smth. descend to smb.'s level (to a mean action, to meanness, etc.) опускаться до чьего-л. уровня и т. д.; you would never descend to fraud ты никогда не опустишься до мошенничества3) descend upon smb., smth. descend upon the sleeping enemy (upon an unprotected village, etc.descend [неожиданно] напасть на спящего противника и т. д.; the plague descended upon the district на район внезапно напала чума; the Goths descended upon Rome готы [неожиданно] обрушились на Рим; they all descended upon us они все [неожиданно] нагрянули к нам; а feeling of sadness descended upon him его охватила таем /печаль/4) descend from smb., smth. he descends from this branch of the family он принадлежит к этой ветви рода; he descends from good stock он [происходит] из хорошей семьи; he descends from the Normans он потомок норманнов -
12 loss
n1) потеря, утрата2) страх. гибель3) убыток, ущерб, урон
- abnormal losses
- absolute total loss
- actual loss
- accidental loss
- actual insurance loss
- actual total loss
- anticipated loss
- apprehended loss
- average losses
- backlog loss
- bad debt losses
- balance loss
- budgetary losses
- business loss
- capital loss
- cargo loss
- casualty loss
- compensatable loss
- compensated loss
- concealed loss
- consequential loss
- constructive total loss
- conveyance loss
- credit losses
- crop loss
- currency losses
- dead loss
- deductible loss
- depreciation loss
- direct losses
- estimated losses
- excessive losses
- exchange losses
- expected losses
- field losses
- financial loss
- foreign expropriation capital loss
- fraud loss
- full-year pre-tax loss
- general average losses
- gross loss
- heavy losses
- huge losss
- indemnified loss
- indirect losses
- information loss
- irrecoverable losses
- irreparable losses
- large losss
- long-term capital loss
- manufacturing losses
- markdown loss
- market losses
- material loss
- natural loss
- net loss
- net long-term capital loss
- net operating losses
- net short-term capital loss
- nonoperating loss
- operating loss
- operational loss
- opportunity losses
- ordinary loss
- paper losses
- partial loss
- particular average losses
- pecuniary loss
- possible losses
- potential losses
- pre-merger losses
- pre-tax losses
- proforma losses
- production losses
- pure losses
- realized loss
- recoverable losses
- reinvestment loss
- reject losses
- salvage losses
- serious losses
- short-term capital loss
- single losses
- stock market losses
- storage losses
- substantial losses
- tax losses
- tax-deductible losses
- throughput losses
- total loss
- trivial losses
- trade losses
- trading losses
- underwriting losses
- working losses
- losses by leakage
- losses by wear and tear
- losses due to drying
- losses due to idle time
- losses due to rejects
- losses due to shrinkage
- losses due to spoilage
- losses due to waiting periods
- losses due to wastage
- loss during discharge
- losses during transportation
- losses for lost profit
- losses from misappropriations
- losses in the post
- loss in price
- losses in transit
- loss in weight
- loss in value
- loss of anticipated profit
- loss of capital
- loss of cargo
- loss of cash
- loss of confidence
- loss of credit
- loss of deposit
- loss of earning capacity
- loss of earnings
- loss of efficiency
- losses of exchange
- losses on exchange
- loss of freight
- loss of goods
- loss of goodwill
- loss of interest
- loss of income
- loss of liquidity
- loss of markets
- loss of market share to foreign rivals
- loss of money
- loss of opportunity
- loss of a package
- losses of production
- loss of profit
- loss of property
- loss of real or personal property
- loss of revenue
- loss of right
- loss of savings
- loss of time
- loss of trust
- loss of wages
- loss of weight during transportation
- loss of work
- loss of working hours
- losses on all risks
- loss on bad debt
- losses on exchange
- loss on loans
- loss on property due to earthquake, storm, flood, fire
- losses on receivables
- loss on securities
- loss and gain
- loss attributable to fluctuations in the value of foreign currency
- loss borne
- losses generated by
- loss sustained
- at a loss
- without loss
- adjust losses
- allow losses as general average
- announce one's first quarterly loss
- apportion the loss
- ascertain losses
- assess losses
- avert losses
- avoid losses
- bear losses
- carry forward one's losses
- cause a loss
- compensate for losses
- compute losses
- cover losses
- curb losses
- cut losses
- decrease losses
- entail losses
- experience losses
- guarantee against losses
- have losses
- incur losses
- indemnify for losses
- inflict a loss
- make good losses
- make up for losses
- meet with a loss
- minimize losses
- mitigate the loss
- offset losses
- operate at a loss
- participate in a loss
- prevent losses
- recover losses
- recognize losses
- repair losses
- result in a loss
- retrieve losses
- sell at a loss
- set off losses
- show a loss
- stand the loss
- stem chronic losses
- substantiate a loss
- suffer losses
- sustain losses
- take losses
- transmute a loss into a profoma profit
- trigger losses
- yield losses -
13 office
n1) служба, место, должность2) ведомство, министерство; управление3) контора, офис
- accountancy office
- accountant's office
- administrative office
- advance booking office
- assay office
- audit office
- back office
- booking office
- box office
- branch office
- brokerage office
- buyers' office
- cash office
- cashier's office
- central office
- central administration office
- central administrative office
- central statistical office
- chief administrative office
- clearing office
- clerical office
- Companies Registration Office
- consultation office
- conversion office
- cost office
- currency control office
- customs office
- design office
- director's office
- dispatch office
- district office
- drawing office
- editorial office
- employment office
- exchange office
- excise office
- executive office
- export office
- fair office
- field office
- Foreign Office
- front office
- freight office
- frontier customs office
- general office
- general accounting office
- General Accounting Office
- General Post Office
- General Procurator's Office
- government office
- head office
- Home Office
- home office
- import office
- information office
- Inland Revenue Office
- inquiry office
- insurance office
- legal advice office
- legal consultation office
- life office
- loan office
- mail dispatching office
- main office
- money office
- notarial office
- notary office
- notary's
- ombudsman's office
- open plan office
- order office
- passport and visa office
- patent office
- patent agent's office
- patent attorney's office
- pay office
- paying office
- personnel office
- post office
- principal office
- public office
- public relations office
- publicity office
- purchasing office
- receiving office
- record office
- record-keeping office
- regional office
- register office
- registered office
- registration office
- registry office
- remote office
- revenue office
- representative office
- sales office
- selling office
- Serious Fraud Office
- shipping office
- shop office
- social insurance office
- solicitor's office
- state office of a notary public
- state attorney-general's office
- state notary's office
- statutory office
- stock brokerage office
- surveyor's office
- tax office
- trade fair office
- traffic office
- transport office
- transportation office
- travel office
- treasurer's office
- visa office
- Office of Fair Trading
- appoint to an office
- assume an office
- be in office
- come to office
- continue in office
- dismiss from office
- hold an office
- man an office by personnel
- occupy an office
- qualify for an office
- quit office
- raid the office
- remove from office
- resign one's office
- retire from office
- set up an office
- share an office
- stand for an office
- start an office
- succeed smb in office
- suspend from office
- take officeEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > office
14 penalty
n1) взыскание, наказание2) штраф; неустойка; пеня; санкция
- accuracy-related penalty
- administrative penalty
- applicable penalty
- average penalty
- civil penalty
- contractual penalty
- conventional penalty
- customs penalty
- delay penalty
- delivery penalty
- early withdrawal penalty
- error penalty
- exclusive penalty
- failure-to-file penalty
- failure-to-pay penalty
- fiscal penalty
- fraud penalty
- frivolous return penalty
- heavy penalty
- improper accumulation penalty
- late-filing penalty
- late payment penalty
- monetary penalty
- overestimated penalty
- pecuniary penalty
- prepayment penalty
- severe penalty
- shortage penalty
- stock-out penalty
- tax penalty
- withdrawal penalty
- penalty for breach of a contract
- penalty for delay
- penalty for early withdrawal of savings
- penalty for infringement
- penalty for nonperformance of a contract
- penalty for an offence
- penalty for violation
- penalty of perjury
- penalty under a contract
- calculate a penalty
- charge a penalty
- charge a penalty on the tax amount in arrears
- collect a penalty
- compute a penalty
- deduct a penalty
- exact a penalty
- impose a penalty
- incur a penalty
- inflict a penalty
- pay a penalty
- reduce a penalty
- write off a penaltyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > penalty
15 method
См. также в других словарях:
Microcap stock fraud — The night singer of shares sold stock on the streets during the South Sea Bubble. Amsterdam, 1720. Microcap stock fraud is a form of securities fraud involving stocks of microcap companies, generally defined in the United States as those with a… … Wikipedia
Stock Appreciation Right — Stock appreciation rights (SARs) is a method for companies to give their management or employees a bonus if the company performs well financially. Such a method is called a plan . Stock appreciation rights (SARs) and phantom stock are very… … Wikipedia
Stock Market and Investing — angel investor bear tack black swan Bull Market Babies capitulation bottom carve out casino culture … New words
Fraud — Criminal law Part of … Wikipedia
fraud-u-Net — adj. Relating to a company that announces a cutting edge Internet product in an effort to raise their stock price. n. [cf. fraudulent.] Example Citations: Another reason Wall Street is staying away is that the shadow of fraud u Net releases has… … New words
Fraud Squad — The police department that deals with financial crime. London Stock Exchange Glossary * * * Fraud Squad ˈFraud Squad noun LAW ORGANIZATIONS the department in the British police force that examines fraud in business: • According to the Fraud Squad … Financial and business terms
Securities fraud — Securities fraud, also known as stock fraud and investment fraud, is a practice in which investors make purchase or sale decisions on the basis of false information, frequently resulting in losses, in violation of the securities laws. [… … Wikipedia
Penny stock — In the U.S., a penny stock is a common stock that trades for less than $5 a share and are traded over the counter (OTC) through quotation services such as the OTCBB or the Pink Sheets. Although a penny stock is said to be thinly traded, share… … Wikipedia
Microcap stock — The term microcap stock (also micro cap) refers to the stock of public companies in the United States which have a market capitalization of roughly $300 million or less. The shares of companies with a market capitalization of less than $50… … Wikipedia
Internet fraud — refers to the use of Internet services to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions, or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme. Internet … Wikipedia
Mortgage fraud — is crime in which the intent is to materially misrepresent or omit information on a mortgage loan application to obtain a loan or to obtain a larger loan than would have been obtained had the lender or borrower known the truth. In United States… … Wikipedia