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  • 1 stick

    1. लाठी
    Old people generally use stick to walk properly.
    2. छड़ी
    My brother is a good player of stick games.
    3. ड्रम छड़ी
    Ram has got a very good speed at the drum stick.
    4. लकड़ी
    My servant kept away all the sticks after are furniture work was over.
    5. पुलीस का ड़ंड़ा
    The thieves are scared of the police stick.
    6. असाधारण व्यक्ति
    Ram is a funny old stick.
    1. चिपकना
    I tried to STICK All the strickers on the cupboard.
    2. घुसेड़ना
    Stick the iron nail into the wall.
    3. बरदाश्त करना
    I can't stick on to the TV for more than two hours.
    4. सथापित करना
    I want to stick the name of my company in the market scenario.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stick

  • 2 stick

    छडी, लाठी, बेंत, लकडी; खोंचा; टाईप जोडने की पटरी
    v. tr. & intr.
    भोंकना, छेदना, चुभाना, लगाना; चिपकाना, सटना, सांटना

    English-Hindi new dictionary > stick

  • 3 stick

    English-Hindi Amateurish dictionary > stick

  • 4 stick insect

    1. लकड़ीनुमा कीड़ा
    In a book, I read about a stick insect.

    English-Hindi dictionary > stick insect

  • 5 hockey stick

    1. हाकी खेलने की छड़ी
    पंजाब में" hockey stick'(हाकी खेलने की छड़ी)बनाई जाती है.

    English-Hindi dictionary > hockey stick

  • 6 joss stick

    1. अगरबत्ती
    We light the joss stick near the Ganesh idol everyday.

    English-Hindi dictionary > joss stick

  • 7 non-stick

    1. बिना\non-stickचिपकने\non-stickवाली
    I use non-stick pan to make curry.

    English-Hindi dictionary > non-stick

  • 8 pogo stick

    1. एक प्रकार का खिलौना
    The joker in circus was jumping on pogo stick.

    English-Hindi dictionary > pogo stick

  • 9 fish stick

    1. मछली\fish stickके\fish stickतले\fish stickहुए\fish stickकतले

    English-Hindi dictionary > fish stick

  • 10 match stick

    1. दियासलाई
    His legs are like match sticks.

    English-Hindi dictionary > match stick

  • 11 crack

    1. दरार
    He opened the window a crack
    2. चटकने\crackकी\crackआवाज़
    The crack of a whip,could be heard from my house.
    3. सनकी
    She is a crack.
    4. धमाका
    There was a loud crack of thunder in the night.
    5. करारी\crackचोट
    She fell down and got a crack on the head.
    6. एक\crackप्रकार\crackकी\crackनशीली\crackदवा
    Crack is now freely available in India also.
    1. चिटकना
    The glass cracked when it was heated
    2. चिटकाना
    The child fell on the ground and cracked her bone.
    3. फटना
    Her lips were dry and cracked.
    4. जोर\crackसे\crackटकराना
    She cracked her head on the wall.
    5. ज़ोर\crackकी\crackआवाज़\crackकरना
    The hunter's rifle cracked and the fox fell dead.
    5. गले\crackकी\crackभर्राहट
    Loud crying cracked her voice.
    6. मनोवैज्ञानिक\crackदवाब\crackमें\crackआजाना
    The lawyer questioned her for three hours and she finally cracked.
    7. जोर\crackसे\crackपीटना
    The teacher cracked the child with a stick.
    8. समाधान\crackनिकालना
    Our new computer game is a tricky one,but my son finally cracked it.
    9. कहना
    She is very good at cracking jokes.

    English-Hindi dictionary > crack

  • 12 cringe

    1. साष्टांग\cringeप्रणाम\cringeकरना
    The accused cringed before the judge.
    1. दुबकना/सिकुड़ना
    The dog cringed at the sight of a stick.

    English-Hindi dictionary > cringe

  • 13 ferrule

    1. लोहे\ferruleकी\ferruleमुंदरी
    For longer life of walking stick, a ferrule is generally put at its end.

    English-Hindi dictionary > ferrule

  • 14 flake

    1. सूक्ष्म\flakeटुकड़ा
    Snow flakes were falling in the valley.
    1. परत\flakeकरना
    He used his knife to flake off the stick.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flake

  • 15 flog

    1. कोड़े\flogमारना
    The teacher flogged the students with birch stick.
    2. बेचना
    Let us flog our house at the price quoted by the dealer.

    English-Hindi dictionary > flog

  • 16 frame

    1. चौखट
    The door frames are made of teak wood.
    1. चौखट
    The door frames need not be made of wood.
    2. ढाँचा
    The main frame of the aircraft is ready.
    3. फ्रेम\{चश्मे\frameका\}
    I broke the frame of my spectacles.
    4. दायरा
    Try to stick to the time frame assigned for this job.
    1. चारों\frameओर\frameहोना
    A dense mass of black hair framed her face
    2. शब्दों\frameमें\frameबाँधना
    A wrtiers frame the stroy/plan in a systamatic order.
    3. झूठे\frameआरोप\frameलगाना
    He maintained his innocence and claimed that he had been framed.

    English-Hindi dictionary > frame

  • 17 ground

    1. पृथ्वी\groundतल
    The balloon came back to the ground
    2. मैदान
    A cricket ground
    Go and play on the ground
    3. आधार
    Is there any ground on which you can base your argument.
    1. धरती\groundया\groundआधार\groundपर\groundरखना
    His bat was grounded
    He ground the stick to avoid falling

    English-Hindi dictionary > ground

  • 18 indoctrinate

    1. शिक्षा देना
    He was an indoctrinate child from an early age with stick religious beliefs.

    English-Hindi dictionary > indoctrinate

  • 19 knock-down

    1. बिना\knock-downजुड़ी\knock-downहुई\knock-downअवस्था
    The kits were received in knock-down condition.
    1. नीचे\knock-downगिराना
    He knocked it down with a stick.

    English-Hindi dictionary > knock-down

  • 20 lean

    1. दुबला
    She is very lean and thin.
    2. कम
    A lean harvest.
    3. मज्जाहीन
    (of meal) He has been advised to take a lean diet.
    1. झुकना
    She leaned out of the window.
    2. सहारे टिकना
    The ladder is leaning against the wall.
    3. सहारे रखना
    He leant his stick against the wall.
    4. निर्भर होना
    She leans upon her mother for guidance.
    5. प्रवृत्ति होना
    His thinking leans towards communism.

    English-Hindi dictionary > lean

См. также в других словарях:

  • stick — Ⅰ. stick [1] ► NOUN 1) a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree. 2) a piece of trimmed wood used for support in walking or as a weapon. 3) (in hockey, polo, etc.) a long, thin implement used to hit or direct the ball or puck.… …   English terms dictionary

  • stick — [stik] n. [ME stikke < OE sticca, akin to Du stek, ON stik < IE base * steig , a point > STAKE, Frank * stakka, Gr stigma, L instigare, INSTIGATE] 1. a long, usually slender piece of wood; specif., a) a twig or small branch broken off or …   English World dictionary

  • Stick — Stick, v. i. 1. To adhere; as, glue sticks to the fingers; paste sticks to the wall. [1913 Webster] The green caterpillar breedeth in the inward parts of roses not blown, where the dew sticketh. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. To remain where placed; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stick — Stick, n. [OE. sticke, AS. sticca; akin to stician to stab, prick, pierce, G. stecken a stick, staff, OHG. steccho, Icel. stik a stick. See {Stick}, v. t..] 1. A small shoot, or branch, separated, as by a cutting, from a tree or shrub; also, any… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stick — Stick, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stuck}(Obs. {Sticked}); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sticking}.] [OE. stikien, v.t. & i., combined with steken, whence E. stuck), AS. stician, v.t. & i., and (assumed) stecan, v.t.; akin to OFries. steka, OS. stekan, OHG. stehhan …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stick — 1 Stick, adhere, cohere, cling, cleave can mean to be or become closely, firmly, or indissolubly attached. Stick implies attachment by affixing; one thing or a person sticks to another, or things or persons stick together when they are literally… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Stick it — Titre original Stick It Réalisation Jessica Bendinger Durée 1h45 Sortie 21 avril 2006 Langue(s) originale(s) anglais Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stick It — Données clés Titre québécois Tomber... Pile Titre original Stick It Réalisation Jessica Bendinger Pays d’origine …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stick — bezeichnet ein Sportgerät, siehe Stick (Polo) ein Werkzeug des Schlagzeugers, siehe Sticks (Schlagzeug) ein Speichermedium für Daten, siehe Memory Stick oder USB Stick ein Peripheriegerät (z. B. DVB T Stick, WLAN Adapter, Bluetooth Adapter,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stick — [n] pole, often wooden bar, bat, baton, billet, birch, bludgeon, board, branch, cane, club, cudgel, drumstick, ferrule, ingot, mast, rod, rule, ruler, shoot, slab, slat, staff, stake, stalk, stave, stem, strip, switch, timber, twig, wand, wedge;… …   New thesaurus

  • Stick — puede designar: Stick, un palo de madera o plástico con forma de J utilizado en hockey con el que se golpea la bola. Chapman Stick, un instrumento musical eléctrico. Memory Stick, un formato de tarjeta de memoria (memoria flash) extraíble,… …   Wikipedia Español

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