1 stepped control
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > stepped control
2 stepped control
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > stepped control
3 stepped control
1) Техника: ступенчатое управление2) Телекоммуникации: ступенчатая регулировка3) Механика: ступенчатое регулирование -
4 stepped control
5 stepped control
English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > stepped control
6 stepped control
Англо-русский словарь по электроэнергетике > stepped control
7 stepped control
English-Russian dictionary of modern telecommunications > stepped control
8 stepped control
9 stepped control
ступенчатое [шаговое] управление или регулированиеEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > stepped control
10 stepped control
English-Russian dictionary of machine parts > stepped control
11 stepped
1. a ступенчатый, уступчатый; ярусный2. a со ступенямиСинонимический ряд:walked (verb) ambulated; danced; footed; footed it; hoofed; hoofed it; paced; pranced; traipsed; trod; trod/trodden or trod; trooped; walked -
12 control
1) управление; регулирование || управлять; регулировать2) контроль || контролировать3) управляющее устройство; устройство управления; регулятор4) профессиональное мастерство, квалификация, техническая квалификация5) pl органы управления•"in control" — "в поле допуска" ( о результатах измерения)
to control closed loop — управлять в замкнутой системе; регулировать в замкнутой системе
- 2-handed controlsto control open loop — управлять в разомкнутой системе; регулировать в разомкнутой системе
- 32-bit CPU control
- acceptance control
- access control
- acknowledge control
- active process control
- adaptable control
- adaptive constraint control
- adaptive control for optimization
- adaptive control
- adaptive feed rate control
- adaptive quality control
- adjustable feed control
- adjustable rotary control
- adjustable speed control
- adjusting control
- adjustment control
- AI control
- air logic control
- analog data distribution and control
- analogical control
- analytical control
- application control
- arrows-on-curves control
- autodepth control
- autofeed control
- automated control of a document management system
- automated technical control
- automatic backlash control
- automatic control
- automatic editing control
- automatic gain control
- automatic gripper control
- automatic level control
- automatic process closed loop control
- automatic remote control
- automatic sensitivity control
- automatic sequence control
- automatic speed control
- automatic stability controls
- auxiliaries control
- balanced controls
- band width control
- bang-bang control
- bang-bang-off control
- basic CNC control
- batch control
- bibliographic control
- bin level control
- boost control
- built-in control
- button control
- cam control
- cam throttle control
- camshaft control
- carriage control
- Cartesian path control
- Cartesian space control
- cascade control
- C-axis spindle control
- cell control
- center control
- central control
- central supervisory control
- centralized control
- centralized electronic control
- central-station control
- changeover control
- chip control
- circumferential register control
- close control
- closed cycle control
- closed loop control
- closed loop machine control
- closed loop manual control
- closed loop numerical control
- closed loop position control
- clutch control
- CNC control
- CNC indexer control
- CNC programmable control
- CNC symbolic conversational control
- CNC/CRT control
- CNC/MDI control
- coarse control
- coded current control
- coded current remote control
- color control
- combination control
- command-line control
- compensatory control
- composition control
- compound control
- computed-current control
- computed-torque control
- computer control
- computer numerical control
- computer process control
- computer-aided measurement and control
- computer-integrated manufacturing control
- computerized control
- computerized numerical control
- computerized process control
- constant surface speed control
- constant value control
- contactless control
- contact-sensing control
- contamination control
- continuous control
- continuous path control
- continuous process control
- contour profile control
- contouring control
- conventional hardware control
- conventional numerical control
- conventional tape control
- convergent control
- conversational control
- conversational MDI control
- coordinate positioning control
- coordinate programmable control
- copymill control
- counter control
- crossed controls
- current control
- cycle control
- dash control
- data link control
- data storage control
- deadman's handle controls
- depth control
- derivative control
- dial-in control
- differential control
- differential gaging control
- differential gain control
- differential temperature control
- digital brushless servo control
- digital control
- digital position control
- digital readout controls
- dimensional control
- direct computer control
- direct control
- direct digital control
- direct numerical control
- direction control
- directional control
- dirt control
- discontinuous control
- discrete control
- discrete event control
- discrete logic controls
- dispatching control
- displacement control
- distance control
- distant control
- distributed control
- distributed numerical control
- distributed zone control
- distribution control
- dog control
- drum control
- dual control
- dual-mode control
- duplex control
- dust control
- dynamic control
- eccentric control
- edge position control
- EDP control
- electrical control
- electrofluidic control
- electromagnetic control
- electronic control
- electronic level control
- electronic speed control
- electronic swivel control
- elevating control
- emergency control
- end-point control
- engineering change control
- engineering control
- entity control
- environmental control
- error control
- error plus error-rate control
- error-free control
- external beam control
- factory-floor control
- false control
- feed control
- feed drive controls
- feedback control
- feed-forward control
- field control
- fine control
- finger-tip control
- firm-wired numerical control
- fixed control
- fixed-feature control
- fixture-and-tool control
- flexible-body control
- floating control
- flow control
- fluid flow control
- follow-up control
- foot pedal control
- force adaptive control
- forecasting compensatory control
- fork control
- four quadrant control
- freely programmable CNC control
- frequency control
- FROG control
- full computer control
- full order control
- full spindle control
- gage measurement control
- gain control
- ganged control
- gap control
- gear control
- generative numerical control
- generic path control
- geometric adaptive control
- graphic numerical control
- group control
- grouped control
- guidance control
- hairbreath control
- hand control
- hand feed control
- hand wheel control
- hand-held controls
- handle-type control
- hand-operated controls
- hardened computer control
- hardwared control
- hardwared numerical control
- heating control
- heterarchical control
- hierarchical control
- high-integrity control
- high-level robot control
- high-low control
- high-low level control
- high-technology control
- horizontal directional control
- humidity control
- hybrid control
- hydraulic control
- I/O control
- immediate postprocess control
- inching control
- in-cycle control
- independent control
- indexer control
- indirect control
- individual control
- industrial processing control
- industrial-style controls
- infinite control
- infinite speed control
- in-process control
- in-process size control
- in-process size diameters control
- input/output control
- integral CNC control
- integral control
- integrated control
- intelligent control
- interacting control
- interconnected controls
- interlinking control
- inventory control
- job control
- jogging control
- joint control
- joystick control
- just-in-time control
- language-based control
- laser health hazards control
- latching control
- lead control
- learning control
- lever control
- lever-operated control
- line motion control
- linear control
- linear path control
- linearity control
- load control
- load-frequency control
- local control
- local-area control
- logic control
- lubricating oil level control
- machine control
- machine programming control
- machine shop control
- macro control
- magnetic control
- magnetic tape control
- main computer control
- malfunction control
- management control
- manual control
- manual data input control
- manual stop control
- manually actuatable controls
- manufacturing change control
- manufacturing control
- master control
- material flow control
- MDI control
- measured response control
- mechanical control
- memory NC control
- memory-type control
- metering control
- metrological control of production field
- microbased control
- microcomputer CNC control
- microcomputer numerical control
- microcomputer-based sequence control
- microprocessor control
- microprocessor numerical control
- microprogrammed control
- microprogramming control
- milling control
- model reference adaptive control
- model-based control
- moisture control
- motion control
- motor control
- motor speed control
- mouse-driven control
- movable control
- multicircuit control
- multidiameter control
- multilevel control
- multimachine tool control
- multiple control
- multiple-processor control
- multiposition control
- multistep control
- multivariable control
- narrow-band proportional control
- navigation control
- NC control
- neural network adaptive control
- noise control
- noncorresponding control
- noninteracting control
- noninterfacing control
- nonreversable control
- nonsimultaneous control
- numerical contouring control
- numerical control
- numerical program control
- odd control
- off-line control
- oligarchical control
- on-board control
- one-axis point-to-point control
- one-dimensional point-to-point control
- on-line control
- on-off control
- open loop control
- open loop manual control
- open loop numerical control
- open-architecture control
- operating control
- operational control
- operator control
- optical pattern tracing control
- optimal control
- optimalizing control
- optimizing control
- oral numerical control
- organoleptic control
- overall control
- overheat control
- override control
- p. b. control
- palm control
- parameter adaptive control
- parameter adjustment control
- partial d.o.f. control
- path control
- pattern control
- pattern tracing control
- PC control
- PC-based control
- peg board control
- pendant control
- pendant-actuated control
- pendant-mounted control
- performance control
- photoelectric control
- physical alignment control
- PIC control
- PID control
- plugboard control
- plug-in control
- pneumatic control
- point-to-point control
- pose-to-pose control
- position/contouring numerical control
- position/force control
- positional control
- positioning control
- positive control
- postprocess quality control
- power adaptive control
- power control
- power feed control
- power-assisted control
- powered control
- power-operated control
- precision control
- predictor control
- preselective control
- preset control
- presetting control
- pressbutton control
- pressure control
- preview control
- process control
- process quality control
- production activity control
- production control
- production result control
- programmable adaptive control
- programmable cam control
- programmable control
- programmable logic adaptive control
- programmable logic control
- programmable machine control
- programmable microprocessor control
- programmable numerical control
- programmable sequence control
- proportional plus derivative control
- proportional plus floating control
- proportional plus integral control
- prototype control
- pulse control
- pulse duration control
- punched-tape control
- purpose-built control
- pushbutton control
- quality control
- radio remote control
- radium control
- rail-elevating control
- ram stroke control
- ram-positioning control
- rapid-traverse controls for the heads
- rate control
- ratio control
- reactive control
- real-time control
- reduced-order control
- register control
- registration control
- relay control
- relay-contactor control
- remote control
- remote program control
- remote switching control
- remote valve control
- remote-dispatch control
- resistance control
- resolved motion rate control
- retarded control
- reversal control
- revolution control
- rigid-body control
- robot control
- robot perimeter control
- robot teach control
- rod control
- safety control
- sampled-data control
- sampling control
- schedule control
- SCR's control
- second derivative control
- selective control
- selectivity control
- self-acting control
- self-adaptive control
- self-adjusting control
- self-aligning control
- self-operated control
- self-optimizing control
- self-programming microprocessor control
- semi-automatic control
- sensitivity control
- sensor-based control
- sequence control
- sequence-type control
- sequential control
- series-parallel control
- servo control
- servo speed control
- servomotor control
- servo-operated control
- set value control
- shaft speed control
- shape control
- shift control
- shop control
- shower and high-pressure oil temperature control
- shut off control
- sight control
- sign control
- single variable control
- single-flank control
- single-lever control
- size control
- slide control
- smooth control
- software-based NC control
- softwared numerical control
- solid-state logic control
- space-follow-up control
- speed control
- stabilizing control
- stable control
- standalone control
- start controls
- static control
- station control
- statistical quality control
- steering control
- step-by-step control
- stepless control
- stepped control
- stick control
- stock control
- stop controls
- stop-point control
- storage assignment control
- straight cut control
- straight line control
- stroke control
- stroke length control
- supervisor production control
- supervisory control
- swarf control
- switch control
- symbolic control
- synchronous data link control
- table control
- tap-depth controls
- tape control
- tape loop control
- teach controls
- temperature control
- temperature-humidity air control
- template control
- tension control
- test control
- thermal control
- thermostatic control
- three-axis contouring control
- three-axis point-to-point control
- three-axis tape control
- three-mode control
- three-position control
- throttle control
- thumbwheel control
- time control
- time cycle control
- time optimal control
- time variable control
- time-critical control
- time-proportional control
- timing control
- token-passing access control
- tool life control
- tool run-time control
- torque control
- total quality control
- touch-panel NC control
- touch-screen control
- tracer control
- tracer numerical control
- trajectory control
- triac control
- trip-dog control
- TRS/rate control
- tuning control
- turnstile control
- two-axis contouring control
- two-axis point-to-point control
- two-dimension control
- two-hand controls
- two-position control
- two-position differential gap control
- two-step control
- undamped control
- user-adjustable override controls
- user-programmable NC control
- variable flow control
- variable speed control
- variety control
- varying voltage control
- velocity-based look-ahead control
- vise control
- vision responsive control
- visual control
- vocabulary control
- vocal CNC control
- vocal numerical control
- voltage control
- warehouse control
- washdown control
- water-supply control
- welding control
- wheel control
- wide-band control
- zero set control
- zoned track controlEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > control
13 control
управление; органы управления; система управления; блок управления; орган настройки; проверка; надзор; воздействие; осмотр; механизм (подачи); регулирование; регулирующее устройство; орган регулировки; профилактические мероприятия; власть; контрольное управление; pl. органы управления; рычаги управления; ручки настройки; II управлять (процессом); регулировать; проверять; распоряжаться; II регулировочный; контрольный- control by fuel delivery - control by measurement - control cab - control chart - control check - control circuit - control clutch - control coefficient - control combination - control command - control console - control crank - control current - control Curvic coupling - control drive - control equipment - control failure - control force - control gauge - control gear - control handle - control housing - control housing socket - control hydraulic valve - control joint - control knob - control lamp - control lever - control line - control panel - control pedal - control pinion - control post - control rack - control rod - control room - control set - control stand - control switch - control system - control tender - control the traffic - control unit - control valve - control wire - acceleration control - air fuel control - air mixture control - air-operated control - alarm control switch - all speed control - aneroid control - assisted control - beam control - boom kick-out control level - boom shockless control switch - bucket control level - button control - chain control - choke control - close loop control system - clutch control - combustion control - constant service control - constant torque control - cycling control - depth control stop - differential lock control valve - direct control - direction control lever - directional control lever - distant control - draught control - eccentric control - electromagnetic control - electronic control - electronic control module - electronic control suspension system - electronic control with single and group operations - emission control system - ECS - engine controls - federal emission control standards - fine control - fine control hole - flow control valve - fuel control cable - fuel control dial - fuel control lever - fuel control linkage - fuel control rod - fuel-flow control - fuel ratio control - gear control - gearshift control lever - hand control - height control - hoist control - humidity control - hydraulic control - hydraulic control linkage - hydraulic control valve - hydraulic depth control - hydraulic height control - idle control - knob control - lever control - light-touch steering control - manual control - main control valve - mixture control - mode control valve - negative control valve - overheat control - pneumatic control - power control - power-assisted control - press-button control - pressure control - pulse control - push-button control - quality control - quality power level control - remote control - remote position control - resistance control - rheostatic control - rod control - safety controls - semi-automatic control - sensitivity time control - STC - sight control - snow-drift control - spark control - speed control - stepless control - stepped control - street traffic control - throttling control - time-gain control - viscosity control - wheel control - wireless control - Wool Control -
14 control
управление; регулирование; контроль; орган [рычаг] управления; руль; pl. система управления или регулирования; управлять; регулироватьback seat flight control — управление ЛА из задней кабины [с места заднего лётчика]; pl. дублирующие органы управления в задней кабине
be out of control — терять управление [управляемость]; выходить из-под управления [контроля]
continuously variable thrust control — плавное [бесступенчатое] регулирование тяги
control c.g. control — регулирование центровки (ЛА)
control of missile attitude — стабилизация ракеты; управление пространственным положением ракеты
control of the air — превосходство или господство в воздухе; превосходство в области авиации [в авиационной технике]; контроль воздушного пространства
control of the yoke — разг. управление штурвалом
control of thrust orientation — управление ориентированием [направлением вектора] тяги
flight deck lighting controls — органы управления [ручки регулировки] освещением кабины экипажа
fling the controls over — перебрасывать органы управления (в противоположную сторону),
flow control with altitude compensation — регулятор расхода [подачи] с высотным корректором
fuel dump valve control — кран [рычаг крана] аварийного слива топлива
gas jet attitude control — управление пространственным положением с помощью системы газоструйных рулей
go out of control — терять управление, выходить из-под управления [контроля]
ground rollout rudder steering control — управление пробегом [на пробеге] с помощью руля направления
interconnected fuel and propeller controls — объединённая система регулирования подачи топлива и шага винта
jet tab thrust vector control — управление вектором тяги с помощью газовых рулей; дефлекторное управление вектором тяги
jet(-deflection, -direction) control — реактивное [струйное] управление; управление изменением направления тяги; струйный руль
manual mixture shut-off control — рычаг отсечки подачи горючей смеси, рычаг останова [выключения] двигателя
maximum boundary layer control — управление пограничным слоем при наибольшей эффективности [производительности, интенсивности работы] системы
recover the control — восстанавливать управление [управляемость]
respond to the controls — реагировать [отвечать] на отклонение рулей [органов управления]
space shuttle orbiter control — управление орбитальной ступенью челночного воздушно-космического аппарата
throttle and collective pitch control — верт. рычаг «шаг — газ»
15 control
1) управление; регулирование; регулировка || управлять; регулировать; задавать2) контроль; проверка || контролировать; проверять3) орган управления; орган регулировки, регулятор; орган настройки4) устройство управления; блок управления6) рукоятка или рычаг управления7) профилактические мероприятия, надзор•"operation is under control" — всё предусмотрено для нормальной работы;to gain control — вчт. получать управление:to go out of control — становиться неуправляемым;to operate ( to handle) the flight controls — оперировать органами управления полётом;to pass control — вчт. передавать управление;to return control — вчт. возвращать управление;to take over control — брать управление на себя;to transfer control — вчт. передавать управление-
cascaded control-
cathode control-
CO/O2 combustion control-
communications control-
computer control-
contactor-type control-
continuous-path control-
course gage control-
current-mode control-
dispatcher control-
focusing control-
holding control-
horizontal-frequency control-
hue range control-
long-distance control-
managerial control-
microprogramming control-
numerical program control-
on-off action control-
position-based control-
slide control-
step-by-step control-
time-pattern control -
16 stepped tuck control
механизм отбора игл при вязании прессовых переплетенийБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > stepped tuck control
17 stepped tuck control
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > stepped tuck control
18 stepped tuck control
19 bit
1. долото, головка бура, буровая коронка2. сверло; перка; зенковка3. кусочек; отрезок; частица4. лезвие; режущая кромка5. выч. двоичная единица информации, бит; знак в двоичной системе ()6. см. bitumen, bituminouscombination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из трёх частей: направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
— bore bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— used bit
* * *
1. долото2. головка бура; буровая коронка3. битabrasive jet coring bit — колонковое долото с гидромониторными насадками для подачи абразивного бурового раствора на забой скважины
ballaset synthetic diamond bit — долото, армированное синтетическими алмазами в абразивно устойчивой матрице (для бурения плотных пород)
cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit — долото для механического разрушения породы дополнительными насадками путем кавитационного воздействия (бурового раствора на породу в забое)
combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit — комбинированное долото, состоящее из направляющей, бурящей и расширяющей частей
cross roller rock bit — шарошечное долото с расположением шарошек в двух взаимно перпендикулярных направлениях
diamond compact coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная поликристаллическими синтетическими алмазами
eccentric drilling bit for underreaming — эксцентричное буровое долото для расширения ствола скважины
hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для бурения твёрдых пород
jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото с твердосплавными зубьями и боковой промывкой
jet nozzled rock bit — струйное долото, гидромониторное долото; долото с нижней промывкой
massive set diamond bit — долото, армированное крупными алмазами
multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts — многосекторное буровое долото истирающе-режущего типа с твердосплавными вставками
offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit — шарошечное буровое долото со смещёнными осями шарошек
rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото, шарошечное колонковое буровое долото
rotary core drilling bit — керновое долото для роторного бурения, колонковое долото для роторного бурения
sintered diamond coring bit — буровая коронка, армированная син тетическими алмазами, термически впекаемыми в матрицу
sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit — буровое долото со вставными зубьями из карбида вольфрама
soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit — шарошечное керновое буровое долото для мягких горных пород
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
— bore bit— bull bit— core bit— disk bit— drag bit— dull bit— jet bit— junk bit— rock bit— shot bit— spud bit— used bit
* * *
долото, буровая коронка, головка бура (состоит из режущего и циркуляционного элементов; циркуляционный элемент обеспечивает продвижение бурового раствора и использование гидравлической силы жидкого потока для увеличения скорости бурения).
* * *
2. буровое долото; головка бура
* * *
1) долото2) головка бура; буровая коронка3) долото бура; коронка для алмазного бурения4) режущий инструмент; сверло5) бит•bit for underreaming — эксцентрическое долото для расширения скважины;
to break a drilling bit off — отвинчивать буровое долото;
to buildback a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to buildup a drilling bit — восстанавливать буровое долото;
to dress a bit — заправлять долото;
to pick up a drilling bit — приподнимать буровое долото;
to pull a drilling bit — поднимать буровое долото;
- abrasive jet bitto pull a drilling bit green — поднимать буровое долото несработанным;
- abrasive jet coring bit
- air-drilling bit
- air-type bit
- alloy bit
- alloy throw-away bit
- all-purpose bit
- annular bit
- Appleman gumbo bit
- auger bit
- balanced bit
- balanced drilling bit
- ballaset coring bit
- ballaset synthetic diamond bit
- balled-up drilling bit
- basket bit
- bevel-wall bit
- bi-center drilling bit
- big-stone bit
- blade bit
- blade-diamond drilling bit
- blade-drilling bit
- blade-type diamond bit
- blank bit
- blank-casing bit
- blasthole bit
- blind bit
- blunt bit
- blunt drilling bit
- bodiless rolling-cutter drilling bit
- bore bit
- boreway bit
- boring bit
- bort bit
- bort-set bit
- bottom cleanout bit
- bottom discharge bit
- bottoming-type bit
- box-thread bit
- box-type bit
- box-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- broaching bit
- broken-in bit
- bull bit
- bull point drilling bit
- bullnose bit
- burnt bit
- button bit
- button roller bit
- cable drilling bit
- cable tool bit
- California pattern bit
- California-type ideal fishtail bit
- carbide bit
- carbide insert bit
- carbide-type bit
- carboloy-set bit
- carbon bit
- carbonado bit
- carbon-set bit
- carbon-steel bit
- Carr bit
- casing bit
- casing shoe bit
- cast bit
- castellated bit
- cast-insert bit
- cast-set bit
- cavitating jet-assisted mechanical bit
- center bit
- center-hole bit
- chain bit
- changed bit
- chert drilling bit
- chip bit
- chipping-type drilling bit
- chisel bit
- chisel-chopping bit
- chisel-crest insert bit
- chisel-drilling bit
- chisel-type bit
- chopping bit
- chopping drilling bit
- churn-drill bit
- clay bit
- clean-out bit
- collapsible drilling bit
- collaring bit
- combination pilot, drilling and reaming bit
- common bit
- concave bit
- concave diamond drilling bit
- concave plug bit
- cone bit
- cone-and-blade rock drilling bit
- cone-rock bit
- cone-type roller bearing rock bit
- cone-type rolling cutter drilling bit
- conical bit
- convex bit
- core bit
- core-barrel bit
- core-crusher diamond drilling bit
- core-drilling bit
- core-ejector drilling bit
- coreless bit
- coreless drilling bit
- coring bit
- coring drilling bit
- corncob bit
- cross bit
- cross-bladed chisel bit
- cross-chopping bit
- cross-edged bit
- cross-plug bit
- cross-roller bit
- cross-roller rock bit
- cross-section button bit
- cross-section cone bit
- cross-section milled tooth core bit
- cross-section roller core bit
- crown bit
- crowned bit
- cruciform bit
- crushing rock drilling bit
- cutaway wing bit
- cutting-shearing drilling bit
- cutting-type core drilling bit
- cutting-type drilling bit
- Davis cutter bit
- deflecting bit
- deflecting jet drilling bit
- deflection bit
- demountable bit
- demountable drilling bit
- detachable bit
- detachable tungsten carbide insert bit
- deviation control bit
- diamond bit
- diamond-blade drilling bit
- diamond-compact bit
- diamond-compact coring bit
- diamond-core drilling bit
- diamond-crown bit
- diamond-drilling bit
- diamond-drilling core bit
- diamond-impregnated bit
- diamond-insert drilling bit
- diamond-particle bit
- diamond-plug bit
- diamond-point bit
- diamond-point drilling bit
- diamond-set bit
- diamond-set hard metal alloy drilling bit
- differential rolling-cutter drilling bit
- digging bit
- Dimitriyev bit
- disk bit
- double-arc bit
- double-cone bit
- double-cone drilling bit
- double-round nose bit
- double-taper bit
- drag bit
- drag-chisel drilling bit
- drag-drilling bit
- dress bit
- dress drilling bit
- drill bit
- drill-rod bit
- drive bit
- drop-center bit
- dull bit
- dull drilling bit
- dulled drilling bit
- eccentric bit
- eccentric drilling bit
- eccentric underreaming bit
- erosion drilling bit
- even-duty bit
- expandable drilling bit
- expansion bit
- extended insert core bit
- expansion drilling bit
- extended gage bit
- extended nozzle bit
- face-discharge bit
- face-discharge diamond bit
- face-ejection bit
- factory-set bit
- failure bit
- Ferrax journal bit
- finger bit
- finger rotary detachable bit
- finishing bit
- fishtail bit
- fishtail drag bit
- fishtail drilling bit
- flat bit
- flat-face bit
- flat-nose bit
- forged bit
- forged two-wing bit
- four-blade drilling bit
- four-blade rotation bit
- fourble cutter core drilling bit
- four-cone rock drilling bit
- four-cutter rock drilling bit
- four-disk reaming bit
- four-point bit
- four-roller bit
- four-way bit
- four-way drag drilling bit
- four-way rotation bit
- four-wing bit
- four-wing churn drilling bit
- four-wing drag drilling bit
- four-wing drilling bit
- four-wing reaming bit
- four-wing rotary bit
- four-wing rotation bit
- free-falling bit
- fresh bit
- freshly-sharpened bit
- friction bearing bit
- full-gage bit
- full-gage deflecting drilling bit
- full-gage drilling bit
- full-hole bit
- full-hole rock drilling bit
- full-round nose bit
- full-size drilling bit
- geophysical jetting bit
- gimlet bit
- gouge bit
- gravity aspirator bit
- green bit
- gumbo drilling bit
- half-round nose bit
- hand-set bit
- hard-alloy bit
- hard-alloy button drilling bit
- hard-alloy crown bit
- hard-alloy drilling bit
- hard-alloy insert drilling bit
- hard-faced drilling bit
- hard-formation bit
- hard-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- hard-metal bit
- hawthorn bit
- heavy-set diamond core drilling bit
- heavy-set diamond drilling bit
- hexagon bit
- high-center bit
- high-pressure bit
- high-pressure diamond bit
- high-pressure drag bit
- high-pressure roller bit
- hollow bit
- hollow drill bit
- Hughes disk bit
- impact action bit
- impregnated bit
- impregnated casing bit
- impregnated diamond drilling bit
- injection drill bit
- insert bit
- insert drilling bit
- insert rock bit
- insert roller core bit
- insert set bit
- insert-type bit
- integral bit
- interchangeable bit
- jack bit
- jet bit
- jet assisted drag bit
- jet assisted roller bit
- jet circulation bit
- jet diamond bit
- jet drilling bit
- jet fishtail drilling bit
- jet hard-alloy insert rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet nozzled rock bit
- jet percussive bit
- jet pump pellet impact drill bit
- jet rock drilling bit
- jet roller bit
- jet rolling cutter drilling bit
- jet two-blade drag bit
- jet two-blade drilling bit
- jet-type tricone bit
- journal-bearing bit
- journal-bearing insert bit
- journal-bearing milled tooth bit
- junk bit
- large-stone bit
- lead bit
- lead drilling bit
- light set bit
- long-inserts bit
- long-shank chopping bit
- long-teeth milled cutter roller core bit
- low-torque drilling bit
- machine-set bit
- machine-sharpened bit
- masonry bit
- massive set diamond bit
- mechanical-set bit
- medium-formation bit
- medium-inserts bit
- medium-round nose bit
- medium-stone bit
- milled-cutter bit
- milled-cutter core bit
- milled-cutter cross section core bit
- milled-teeth drilling bit
- milling bit
- Mother Hubbard bit
- mud bit
- multiblade drilling bit
- multilayer bit
- multilayer diamond drilling bit
- multisector scraping-cutting drilling bit with hard-alloy inserts
- multistone bit
- new bit
- noncoring bit
- off-balance bit
- off-balance drilling bit
- offset chopping bit
- offset cone-angle rolling cutter drilling bit
- oil-field bit
- oil-field rotary bit
- oil-well bit
- oil-well jet bit
- oil-well jet coring bit
- one-cutter rock drilling bit
- opening bit
- oriented diamond bit
- out-of-gage bit
- overburden bit
- overman bit
- oversize drilling bit
- padded bit
- paddle reaming bit
- paddy bit
- paraffin bit
- pellet impact bit
- pencil-core bit
- Pennsylvanian bit
- percussion bit
- percussion-drag drilling bit
- percussion-drilling bit
- percussive coring bit
- pilot bit
- pilot blast-hole bit
- pilot reaming bit
- pineapple drilling bit
- pipe bit
- pipe shoe bit
- placer bit
- plain fishtail drilling bit
- plug bit
- plugged bit
- plugged drilling bit
- pod bit
- pointed drilling bit
- polycrystalline diamond cutter bit
- powder metal bit
- precementing reamer bit
- processed bit
- pyramid-set bit
- quadricone rock drilling bit
- quenched bit
- quill bit
- radial diamond drilling bit
- random set bit
- rathole bit
- reamer bit
- reaming bit
- redrill bit
- Reed roller bit
- removable drill bit
- replaceable bit
- replaceable-blade bit
- replaceable-cutter head bit
- replaceable-head bit
- replacement bit
- rerun drilling bit
- reset bit
- restricted bit
- retractable bit rock
- retracted expandable drilling bit
- reverse circulation drilling bit
- reversed fishtail drilling bit
- reversed two-blade drilling bit
- ring bit
- ringed-out bit
- ripper step bit
- rock bit
- rock bit with lubricant bearing
- rock-cutter drilling bit
- rock-drilling bit
- rock-roller bit
- rod bit
- roller bit
- roller-cone core bit
- roller-cutter core bit
- roller-cutter drilling bit
- rolling cutter expandable drilling bit
- rolling-cutter rock bit
- rose bit
- rotary bit
- rotary core bit
- rotary core drilling bit
- rotary disk bit
- rotary disk drilling bit
- rotary rock bit
- rotation bit
- round-face bit
- round shoulder bit
- rugged bit
- saw bit
- sawtooth bit
- scraping-cutting-type drilling bit
- seal bit
- sealed bearing insert bit
- sealed roller bit
- sectional rolling-cutter drilling bit
- self-cleaning bit
- self-cleaning cone rock drilling bit
- self-cleaning cone rolling cutter drilling bit
- self-sharpening bit
- self-sharpening drilling bit
- semicoring bit
- semiround nose bit
- semispherical bit
- set bit
- sharp bit
- shoe-type washover bit
- shot bit
- shoulder bit
- side-hole bit
- side-tracking bit
- simulated insert bit
- single-bladed bit
- single-chisel bit
- single-layer bit
- single-layer diamond drilling bit
- single-round nose bit
- sintered bit
- sintered diamond bit
- sintered diamond coring bit
- sintered tungsten-carbide teeth drilling bit
- six-cone drilling bit
- six-cutter drilling bit
- six-roller drilling bit
- slip-on bit
- slug bit
- small-stone bit
- smooth bit
- soft-formation bit
- soft-formation insert bit
- soft-formation rolling cutter core drilling bit
- soft-formation tricone bit
- solid bit
- solid concave bit
- solid crown bit
- spade bit
- spark assisted roller drill bit
- spiral bit
- spiral diamond drilling bit
- spiral drilling bit
- spiral whipstock bit
- spoon bit
- spud bit
- spudding drilling bit
- square-nose bit
- square-shoulder bit
- standard core bit
- star bit
- star cable bit
- star pattern drilling bit
- steel bit
- steel-teeth bit
- step bit
- step-core bit
- step-crown bit
- step-face bit
- step-shaped diamond drilling bit
- step-shaped drilling bit
- stepped-crown bit
- straight bit
- straight-chopping bit
- straight-hole bit
- straight-sided core bit
- straight-wall bit
- streamlined waterway bit
- structure bit
- stuck drilling bit
- surface-set bit
- Swedish bit
- taper bit
- tapered bit
- tapered core bit
- tapered socket bit
- tapered step-core bit
- tapered stepped profile bit
- taper-wall bit
- tear-drop set bit
- T-gage bit
- thin-faced bit
- thin-kerf bit
- thin-wall bit
- three-blade drilling bit
- three-cone bit
- three-cone expandable drilling bit
- three-cone rock drilling bit
- three-cutter expandable drilling bit
- three-point bit
- three-point core drilling bit
- three-roller bit
- three-rolling cutter drilling bit
- three-stage drilling bit
- three-way bit
- three-way drilling bit
- three-winged bit
- throw-away bit
- tipped bit
- toothed drilling bit
- toothed roller bit
- torpedo bit
- top hole bit
- tricone bit
- tricone bit with tungsten carbide inserts
- tricone drilling bit
- tricone expandable drilling bit
- tricone jet rock drilling bit
- tricone rock drilling bit
- tricone roller rock bit
- trigger bit
- true-rolling bit
- tungsten-carbide boring bit
- tungsten-carbide drag bit
- tungsten-carbide insert drilling bit
- tungsten-carbide tipped bit
- tungsten-insert bit
- twin-cone bit
- twist bit
- twisted bit
- two-blade drag drilling bit
- two-cone bit
- two-cone drilling bit
- two-cone expandable drilling bit
- two-cutter expandable drilling bit
- two-disk bit
- two-point bit
- two-prong rotary bit
- two-roller bit
- two-way bit
- two-wing drag drilling bit
- unbalanced jet drilling bit
- undergage bit
- underreaming bit
- underweight bit
- unfaced drilling bit
- unstabilized drilling bit
- used bit
- vibrating bit
- wedge bit
- wedge-reaming bit
- wedge-set bit
- wedging bit
- wheel-type drilling bit
- whole-stone bit
- winged scraping bit
- wireline bit
- wireline core drilling bit
- wireline drilling bit
- worn bit
- worn-out drilling bit
- X-bit
- X-shape bit
- Z-bit
- Z-shape bit
- Zublin bit
- Zublin differential bit* * * -
20 system
1) система || системный2) система; установка; устройство; комплекс3) программа•- adaptive control system
- address selection system
- addressing system
- advice-giving system
- AI planning system
- AI system
- analog computing system
- analog-digital computing system
- analysis information system
- application system
- arabic number system
- arithmetic system
- assembly system
- asymmetrical system
- atomic system
- attached processor system
- audio system
- authoring system
- automated office system
- automatic block system
- automatic checkout system
- automatic control system
- automatic search system
- automatic test system
- automatically programmed system
- automatically taught system
- autoprogrammable system
- axiomatic system
- backup system
- bad system
- bang-bang system
- base-2 system
- basic system
- batch-processing system
- binary system
- binary-coded decimal system
- binary-number system
- biquinary system
- bit-mapped system
- bit-slice system
- black-board expert system
- block parity system
- buddy system
- business system
- bus-oriented system
- bussed system
- CAD system
- call-reply system
- carrier system
- cause-controlled system
- character recognition system
- character-reading system
- chargeback system
- check sum error-detecting system
- chip-layout system
- clock system
- closed loop system
- closed system
- co-authoring system
- code recognition system
- code system
- coded-decimal system
- code-dependent system
- code-insensitive system
- code-sensitive system
- code-transparent system
- coding system
- coincident selection system
- cold system
- color-coded system
- command system
- common-bus system
- communication data system
- communications-oriented system
- complete articulated system
- computer system
- computer-aided design system
- computer-aided system
- computer-based system
- computer-based weapon system
- computerized system
- computing system
- concatenated coding system
- concealment system
- conservative system
- contention system
- continuous presence system
- control system
- controlled system
- controlling system
- coordinate system
- cordonnier system
- costrained vision system
- cross system
- crossbar switch system
- data acquisition system
- data collection system
- data exchange system
- data flow system
- data gethering system
- data handling system
- data management system
- data preparation system
- data processing system
- data reduction system
- data retrieval system
- data storage system
- data system
- data transmission system
- database management system
- database support system
- data-managed system
- decimal number system
- decimal system
- decimal numeration system
- decision support system
- decision-aided system
- decision-making system
- decision-support system
- decision-taking system
- decoding selection system
- decomposable system
- dedicated system
- degenerate system
- design library support system
- design-automation system
- design-verification system
- development support system
- development system
- digital communication system
- digital computing system
- direct-current system
- directly coupled system
- discrete system
- discrete-continuous system
- disk operating system
- display system
- distributed database management system
- distributed function system
- distributed intelligence system
- distributed parameter system
- distributed system
- distribution system
- double intermediate tape system
- down system
- drafting system
- dual system
- dual-computer system
- dual-processor system
- duodecimal number system
- duodecimal system
- duotricenary number system
- duotricenary system
- duplexed computer system
- duplex computer system
- dyadic number system
- dyadic system
- dynamic mapping system
- dynamic scene system
- dynamic support system
- electronic data processing system
- electronic sorting system
- encoding system
- equipment adapted data system
- erasing system
- error-controlled system
- error-correcting system
- error-detecting system
- executive file-control system
- executive system
- expert control system
- expert support system
- expert system
- expert-planning system
- externally pulsed system
- fail-safe system
- fail-soft system
- fan-out system
- fault-tolerant system
- feasible system
- federated system
- feed system
- feedback system
- feedforward control system
- fiche retrieval system
- file control system
- file system
- fixed-lenght record system
- fixed-point system
- fixed-radix numeration system
- floating-point system
- fluid transport system
- follow-up system
- forgiving system
- front-end system
- fuzzy expert system
- generic expert system
- geographically distributed system
- goal-seeking system
- good system
- graceful degradation system
- graphic data system
- graphics display system
- graphics system
- help system
- heterogeneous system
- hexadecimal number system
- hexadecimal system - host system
- hostless system
- host-satellite system
- human visual system
- hunting system
- hypermedia system
- imaging system
- incremental system
- independent system
- indirectly coupled system
- information storage and retrieval system
- information retrieval system
- information handling system
- information management system
- information processing system
- information system
- information-feedback system
- in-plant system
- input/output control system
- instruction system
- instrumentation management system
- integrated system
- intelligence system
- interactive control system
- interactive system
- intercommunicating system
- interlock system
- internal number system
- internal system
- Internet-enabled system
- interrupt system
- isolated system
- kernel system
- key-to-disk/tape system
- knowledge base management system
- knowledge system
- knowledge-based system
- large-scale computing system
- laser communication system
- layered control system - lexicon-driven system
- library reference system
- local-network system
- long-haul system
- lumped-parameter system
- machine tool control system
- machine-limited system
- machine-oriented programming system
- macroinstruction system
- macro system
- magnetic memory system
- magnetic recording system
- magnetic tape plotting system
- mail message system
- mail system
- mailbox system
- management information system
- man-machine system
- mapping system
- map-reading system
- mass memory system
- mass storage system
- master/slave system
- matrix memory system
- memory driver system
- memory system
- message handling system
- message system
- microcomputer system
- microfilm printing system
- midsplit system
- MIMO system
- mixed-base numbering system
- mixed-base number system
- mixed-radix numeration system
- model-based expert system
- modular system
- monitoring system
- monitor system
- mosaic system - multicomputer system
- multidimensional system
- multifrequency system
- multilevel storage system
- multiloop system
- multimaster communication system
- multimicroprocessor system
- multiple computation system
- multiple-bus system
- multiple-coincident magnetic storage system
- multiple-output control system
- multiplex system
- multiport system
- multiprocessing system
- multiprocessor system
- multiprogramming computer system
- multiprogramming system
- multisite system
- multispeaker system
- multistable system
- multitasking operating system
- multiterminal system
- multiuser computer system
- multiuser system
- multiuser operating system
- multivariable system
- multivariate system
- negative-base number representation system
- negative-base number system
- network operating system
- node-replicated system
- noncomputerized system
- nonconsistently based number system
- nondegenerate system
- number representation system
- numbering system
- number system
- numeral system
- numeration system
- numerical system
- octal number system
- octal system
- office automation system
- off-line system
- on-demand system
- one-level storage system
- one-loop system
- one-over-one address system
- on-line system
- open-ended system
- open system
- open-loop system
- operating system
- operational system
- optical memory system
- overdetermined system
- overload-hold system
- page-on-demand system
- panelboard system
- paper-tape system
- parameter-driven expert system
- pattern recognition system
- peek-a-boo system
- peripheral system
- pipeline system
- polled system
- polymorphic system
- polyphase system
- portable system
- positional representation system
- Post-production system
- priority scheduling system
- priority system
- procedural expert system
- process control system
- processor-sharing system
- production control system
- production system
- program system
- programming system
- protection system
- pulse system
- pulse-or-no-pulse system
- pulse-signal system
- punch card computer system
- pure-binary numeration system
- purposeful system
- quadruplex system
- question-answering system
- queueing system
- queue system
- radix numbering system
- radix number system
- reactive system
- reading system
- real-time expert system
- real-time operating system
- real-time system
- reasoning system
- recognition system
- recording system
- recovery system
- reduntant number system
- reduntant system
- reflected binary number system
- reflected binary system
- refreshment system
- remote-access system
- replicating system
- representation system
- request-repeat system
- rerecording system
- residue number system
- residue system
- resource-sharing system
- restorable system
- retrieval system
- retrieval-only system - robotic system
- robot system
- rule-based expert system
- rule-based system
- scalable system
- selection system
- self-adapting system
- self-adjusting system
- self-aligning system
- self-balancing system
- self-check system
- self-contained system
- self-correcting system
- self-descriptive system
- self-learning system
- self-organizing system
- self-sustained oscillation system
- self-test system
- sensor-based system
- sequential scheduling system
- sexadecimal number system
- sexadecimal system
- shared-files system
- shell expert system
- silicon-development system
- simplex system
- single-drive system
- single-inheritance system
- single-phase clock system
- single-site system
- single-user computer system
- SISO system
- skeletal expert system
- slave system
- soft-sectored disk system
- software system
- sound system
- source code control system
- source-destination system
- space-division system
- stabilizing system
- stable system
- stand-alone system
- start-stop system
- state-determined system
- stepped start-stop system
- stereo system
- stochastically disturbed system
- storage system
- stripped-down expert system
- subsplit system
- supervisor control system
- switching system
- symbolic assembly system
- syntactical system
- system explanation system
- system of logic
- system of notation
- system with delay
- system with time lag
- tabulating system
- tape data processing system
- tape drive system
- tape handling system
- tape operating system
- tape plotting system
- tape resident system
- tape-oriented system
- target system
- taught system
- telecommunictions system
- telecontrol system
- terminal system
- ternary number system
- ternary system
- test system
- testbed system
- text-to-speech system
- time-division system
- time-pattern control system
- time-shared system
- time-shared-bus system
- time-sharing system
- timing system
- total system
- translating system
- translation system
- translator writing system
- transmitting system
- tree-structured system
- trusted computer system
- two-failure mode system
- two-level return system
- two-level system
- two-phase clock system
- ultrastable system
- Unified system
- uninterruptible power system
- uniprocessor system
- unrestorable system
- unstable system
- up system
- variable-lenght record system
- virtual system
- virtual-memory operating system
- vision system
- visual system
- voice/audio processing system
- voice-response system
- volunteer system
- weighted number system
- weighted system
- writing system
- xerox copy system
- zero-one systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > system
См. также в других словарях:
Stepped Reckoner — The Liebniz Stepped Drum (or Step(ped) Reckoner, a translation of its German name Staffelwalze,) was a digital mechanical calculator invented by German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz around 1672 and completed 1694.cite… … Wikipedia
Numerical control — CNC redirects here. For other uses, see CNC (disambiguation). A CNC Turning Center … Wikipedia
Mind Control (Tantric album) — Mind Control Studio album by Tantric Released August 4, 2009 … Wikipedia
cruise control — An engine operating procedure that allows the best efficiency for power and fuel consumption during cruising. In the case of reciprocating engines, as fuel is consumed and the aircraft becomes lighter, cruise control is exercised by maintaining… … Aviation dictionary
metering unit — A unit which regulates the quantity of fuel injected in the K jetronic system. A lever connected to the sensor plate raises or lowers a stepped control plunger in the metering unit. The position of the control plunger relative to the metering… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Mir — This article is about the Soviet/Russian space station. For other uses, see Mir (disambiguation). Mir … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
India — /in dee euh/, n. 1. Hindi, Bharat. a republic in S Asia: a union comprising 25 states and 7 union territories; formerly a British colony; gained independence Aug. 15, 1947; became a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations Jan. 26, 1950.… … Universalium
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
Military Affairs — ▪ 2009 Introduction Russia and Georgia fought a short, intense war in 2008, fueling global fears of a new Cold War. On August 7 Georgia launched an aerial bombardment and ground attacks against its breakaway province of South Ossetia.… … Universalium