1 steel runway
Строительство: стальная взлётно-посадочная полоса, стальная полоса -
2 steel runway
3 steel runway
4 Marston steel runway
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > Marston steel runway
5 pierced-steel runway
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > pierced-steel runway
6 runway
лётная полоса (на суше, снегу или льду) ; взлетно-посадочная полоса; бетонированная лётная полоса; лётная полоса с усовершенствованным покрытиемfly off the runway — отрываться от ВПП, взлетать; сворачивать [сруливать] с ВПП (на рулёжную дорожку)
get off the runway — счищать [освобождать] ВПП; отрываться от ВПП (при взлете)
go off the runway — сходить с ВПП; выкатываться за пределы ВПП
line up with the runway — устанавливаться [двигаться] в створе [вдоль оси] ВПП
runway of marginal length — ВПП минимальной (для взлета данного самолёта) длины, ВПП «в обрез»
turn for the runway — разворачиваться на [в сторону] ВПП
veer off the runway — сходить [сворачивать] с ВПП (на грунт)
7 runway
1) проход, проезд2) взлётно-посадочная дорожка, полоса; беговая дорожка; путь; трек3) катальная доска, катальный ход4) подвесная однорельсовая дорога; подкрановый путь7) ложе реки8) блок, тали•- aluminium plank runway - asphalt runway - concrete runway - conveyer runway - crane runway - dual runways - gravel runway - gravity runway - heavy-duty runway - instrument runway - landing runway - mason's runway - paved runway - pierced-plank runway - rough runway - sanded runway - sealed runway - soft-surface runway - steel runway - take-off runway - tangential runway - total runway* * *1. проход; проезд2. переходный мостик3. взлётно-посадочная полоса, ВПП4. катальный ход; (крановый) рельсовый путь; подвесной однорельсовый путь, монорельс- balanced runway
- concrete runway
- crane runway
- dual-lane runway
- ILS runway
- noninstrument runway
- precision instrument runway
- primary runway
- taxiway soft runway
- visual runway -
8 steel mat fighter runway
ВПП со сборно-разборным стальным покрытием, предназначенная для истребителейEnglish-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > steel mat fighter runway
9 steel mat-covered runway
English-Russian dictionary of aviation and missile bases > steel mat-covered runway
10 beam
- beam
- n1) балка; прогон; ригель
2) луч
3) брус; поперечина, траверса
4) коромысло (весов)
5) стрела или рукоять стрелы (крана)
- beam and column
- beam carrying transverse loads
- beam fixed at both ends
- beam loaded unsymmetrically
- beam made of precast hollow blocks
- beam on elastic foundation
- beams placed monolithically with slabs
- beam precast on site
- beam subjected to transverse and axial loads
- beam supported on a girder
- beam with overhangs
- beam with rectangular section
- beam with symmetrical section
- beam with unsymmetrical section
- beam of constant depth
- beam of one span
- beam of uniform strength
- anchor beam
- angle beam
- annular beam
- arch beam
- baffle beam
- balance beam
- bamboo-reinforced concrete beam
- basement beam
- bedplate beam
- bending test beam
- Benkelman beam
- bind beam
- bisymmetrical beam
- block beam
- bond beam
- boundary beam
- box beam
- braced beam
- bracing beam
- brake beam
- breast beam
- brick beam
- bridge beam
- bridging beam
- broad-flange beam
- buffer beam
- built-in beam
- built-up beam
- camber beam
- candle beam
- cantilever beam
- capping beam
- cased beam
- castellated beam
- castella Z beam
- ceiling beam
- channel beam
- chief beam
- circular beam
- collar beam
- composite beam
- compound beam
- conjugate beam
- constant-section beam
- continuous beam
- crane lifting beam
- crane runway beam
- cross beam
- curved beam
- deck beam
- deep beam
- double-T beam
- doubly symmetrical beam
- dragging beam
- drop-in beam
- eaves beam
- edge beam
- elastically restrained beam
- encastre beam
- externally reinforced concrete beam
- false beam
- fish beam
- fixed beam
- flitch beam
- floor beam
- footing beam
- foundation beam
- framework beam
- free beam
- gantry beam
- Gerber beam
- glue laminated beam
- grade beam
- grillage beams
- ground beam
- H beam
- hammer beam
- haunched beam
- high strength concrete beam
- hinged beam
- hollow beam
- hollow prestressed concrete beam
- horizontally curved beam
- hung-span beam
- hybrid beam
- I beam
- inverted T beam
- jack beam
- jesting beam
- joggle beam
- jointed beam
- keyed beam
- L beam
- laminated beam
- laterally-unsupported beam
- lattice beam
- leveling beam
- lifting beam
- link beam
- longitudinal beam
- main beam
- modified I beam
- multispan beam
- nailed beam
- needle beam
- outrigger beam
- overhead runway beam
- parallel flanges beam
- partition beam
- precast beam
- precast toe beam
- prestressed concrete beam
- prestressed precast concrete beam
- prismatic beam
- propped cantilever beam
- rectangular beam
- reinforced concrete beam
- reinforced floor beam
- restrained beam
- ridge beam
- ring beam
- rolled beam with cover plates
- rolled I beam
- rolled steel beam
- roof beam
- runway beam
- sandwich beam
- secondary beam
- simple beam
- simple-span beam
- simply supported beam
- single web beam
- slender beam
- soldier beam
- spandrel beam
- spreader beam
- statically determinate beam
- statically indeterminate beam
- steel beam
- steel binding beam
- stiff beam
- stiffening beam
- straight beam
- strengthened beam
- strut-framed beam
- supporting beam
- suspended-span beam
- T beam
- tail beam
- tee beam
- tertiary beam
- test beam
- through beam
- tie beam
- top beam
- top-running crane beam
- transverse beam
- trolley I beam
- trussed beam
- uniformly loaded beam
- unjointed beam
- upstand beam
- valley beam
- vibrating beam
- vibrating leveling beam
- vibratory beam
- wall beam
- welded I beam
- wide-flanged beam
- wind beam
- wood I beam
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
11 area
1) участок, район, площадь, зона, территория; ареал2) площадка; внутренний двор•served by crane area — площадь, обслуживаемая краном
- area of base - area of bearing - area of building - area of explosion - area of force - area of grate - area of harmfulness - area of heavy use of water - area of indentation - area of influence - area of influence line - area of moments - area of passage - area of pile head - area of reinforcement - area of section - area of steel - area of structure - area of the supposed construction - area of water section - area of well influence - abandoned area - active drainage area - administrative area - analysis area - ancillary area - assembly area - auxiliary area - backward area - bearing area - bending moments area - blighted area - blind area - blind drainage area - bond area - building area - built-on area - built-up area - catchment area - children's play area - clearance area - closed drainaged area - collecting area - common area - compression area - concrete area - congested area - conservation area - constructional area - contact area - control area - cross-section area - cross-sectional area - dead area - decontamination area - deficit area - densely populated area - depressed area - development area - diffusion area - dormitory area - drain area - drainage area - drainless area - drinking water protective area - dry area - dumping area - ecological risk area - effective area of concrete - emitting area - erection area - exit area - filter area - filtration area - floor area - flow area - flues area - gross area - gross residential area - gross site area - ground area of dwelling structures - housing area - improvement area - industrial area - infiltrating area - influence area - inlet area - intake area - interstream area - irrigated area - living area - living area per capita - loaded area - marginal reception area - market area - metropolitan area - moment area - natural drainage area - neglected area - neighbourhood area - net area - net floor area - net residential area - non-attainment area - non-contributing area - non-permit area - parking area - parking area per vehicle - play area - poor reception area - protected area - public area - punching shear area - rain area - recharge area - recreation area - reduced area - reference area - reinforcing steel area - rentable area - reserved area - residential area - sampling area - sectional area - sectorial area - seepage area of well - seismicity of the area - service area - setting area - settlement area - shear area - shopping area - spoil area - steel area - surface area - total area - turnaround area - unbuilt area - underprivilege area - unit area - unit surface area - urban area - urbanised area - usable floor area - waste area - water-collecting area - water-producing area - water quality problem area - water-shed area - water-surface area - wilderness areato hand the area over to — передать участок (напр. в распоряжение подрядчика)
* * *1. площадь (помещения, поверхности, фигуры и т. п.)2. площадка3. внутренний двор4. пространство, зона5. приямок (напр. у окна подвального этажа)area under control — ж.-д. стрелочная зона
- area of bending moment diagramarea under the load-deformation curve — площадь, ограниченная (участком) кривой нагрузка — деформация
- area of contact
- areas of cut and fill
- area of economic influence
- area of flues
- area of influence
- area of load distribution
- area of loading
- area of operation
- area of planting
- area of pressure
- area of reinforcing steel
- area of steel
- area of water supply
- area of waterway
- area of well influence
- accommodation area
- acting area
- active drainage area
- actual area
- aerodrome movement area
- airport construction area
- approach area
- architectural area
- assisted area
- backwater area
- baggage break-down area
- basic floor area
- bearing area
- bearing area of a foundation
- blast area
- blighted area
- blight area
- blind area
- bond area
- building area
- build-up area
- catchment area
- clearance area
- comprehensive development area
- concreting area
- congested area
- conservation area
- construction area
- contact area
- core area
- critical runway area
- cross-sectional area
- dangerous area
- daylight area
- dead-leg area
- depressed area
- designated area
- designated development area
- developed area
- development area
- differential area
- diffusion area
- diked area
- discharge area
- disposal area
- distressed area
- downtown area
- drainage area
- dry area
- earthquake area
- effective area of an orifice
- effective area of concrete
- effective area of reinforcement
- environmental area
- extension area
- face area
- filter area
- fire area
- flooded area
- floor area
- flow area
- free area
- fringe area
- gross area
- gross floor area
- gross leasable area
- gross retail area
- hangar area
- hard-to-reach area
- heat transfer area
- honeycombed area
- improvement area
- industrial area
- infiltration area
- influence area
- intermediate area
- interstream area
- kern area
- landing area
- lateral area
- leveed area
- light ventilation area
- loaded area
- manufacturing area
- metropolitan area
- moment area
- net cross-sectional area
- net room area
- net sale area
- net site area
- net structural area
- nominal area
- nominal body area
- off-limits area
- off-street area
- off-street parking area
- open air exhibit area
- open storage area
- original cross-sectional area
- outlining area
- parking area
- passage area
- pile surface unit area
- plan area
- preferential urbanization area
- priority development area
- processing area
- profile area
- protected area
- protected built-up area
- public transportation area
- radiation restricted area
- receiving area
- recreational area
- redevelopment area
- reserved area
- residential area
- rest area
- restrict area
- restricted area
- room area
- runway safety area
- scenic area
- seasonally frozen area
- sectional area
- service area
- serviced area
- shearing area
- shooting area
- shopping area
- shopping core area
- slum area
- slum clearance area
- small area
- small built-up area
- soil area
- sports area
- staging area
- standard metropolitan statistical area
- storage area
- surface area
- swamp area
- take-off and landing area
- terminal control area
- tight work area
- total area of reinforcement
- touchdown area
- traffic movement area
- transportation area
- unbuilt area
- undershoot area
- undeveloped area
- unreachable area
- urban area
- usable floor area
- valve area
- warehouse area
- water protection area
- water supply area
- wetted area
- working area -
12 girder
главная балка ( при наличии второстепенных балок); балочная ферма; прогон, ригель; крупная составная балка; ферма с параллельными балясинами- arch girder - arched girder - balcony girder - bow girder - bow and chain girder - bowstring girder - box girder - braced girder - braking force transferring girder - bridge girder - built-up girder - cantilever girder - cellular girder - compound girder - corrugated web girder - crane girder - crane-runway girder - cross girder - elastically supported girder - end girder - fascia girder - fixed girder - floor girder - foundation girder - H-girder - half-lattice girder - half-latticed girder - hinged cantilever girder - lattice girder - latticed girder - launching girder - longitudinal girder - lower wind girder - outrigger girder - overhead crane girder - panel girder - parallel-flange girder - plane girder - prefabricated girder - riveted girder - socle girder - steel girder - stiffening girder - suspension girder - T-iron girder - trapezoid girder - trapezoidal girder - triangular girder - trussed girder - tubular girder - upper wind girder - Vierendeel girder - Warren girder - web girder* * *горизонтальный конструктивный элемент; главная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами; прогон- annular girder
- arched girder
- arch girder
- arched girder with braced spandrels
- arch girder with braced spandrels
- arched girder without horizontal thrust
- arch girder without horizontal thrust
- arched girder with polygonal outlines
- arch girder with polygonal outlines
- balcony girder
- bowstring girder
- box girder
- bridge girder
- cable-stay launching girder
- cantilever girder
- compound girder
- crane girder
- crane bridge girder
- crane runway girder
- cross girder
- curved bridge girder
- diaphragm-stiffened box girder
- double-tee girder
- drop-in girder
- dropped girder
- eaves girder
- edge girder
- elastically supported girder
- gantry girder
- H girder
- half-lattice girder
- haunched girder
- hollow steel box girder
- hybrid girder
- latticed girder
- lattice girder
- launching girder
- open-frame girder
- plain girder
- plate girder
- post-tensioned box girder
- precast prestressed girder
- prefabricated girder
- preflex girder
- prestressed concrete box girder
- ring girder
- segmental box girder
- single-hinged arched girder
- single-hinged arch girder
- solid-web girder
- standard CPC I prestressed bridge girder
- steel arched girder
- steel plate box girder
- stiffening girder
- transfer girder
- tubular girder
- Vierendeel girder
- Warren girder
- welded light girder
- welded plate girder
- welded wire girder
- wind-bracing girder
- wood lattice girder -
13 area
- area
- n1. площадь (помещения, поверхности, фигуры и т. п.)
2. площадка
3. внутренний двор
4. пространство, зона
5. приямок (напр. у окна подвального этажа)
area under control — ж.-д. стрелочная зона
area under the load-deformation curve — площадь, ограниченная (участком) кривой нагрузка — деформация
- area of bending moment diagram
- area of contact
- areas of cut and fill
- area of economic influence
- area of flues
- area of influence
- area of load distribution
- area of loading
- area of operation
- area of planting
- area of pressure
- area of reinforcing steel
- area of steel
- area of water supply
- area of waterway
- area of well influence
- accommodation area
- acting area
- active drainage area
- actual area
- aerodrome movement area
- airport construction area
- approach area
- architectural area
- assisted area
- backwater area
- baggage break-down area
- basic floor area
- bearing area
- bearing area of a foundation
- blast area
- blighted area
- blight area
- blind area
- bond area
- building area
- build-up area
- catchment area
- clearance area
- comprehensive development area
- concreting area
- congested area
- conservation area
- construction area
- contact area
- core area
- critical runway area
- cross-sectional area
- dangerous area
- daylight area
- dead-leg area
- depressed area
- designated area
- designated development area
- developed area
- development area
- differential area
- diffusion area
- diked area
- discharge area
- disposal area
- distressed area
- downtown area
- drainage area
- dry area
- earthquake area
- effective area of an orifice
- effective area of concrete
- effective area of reinforcement
- environmental area
- extension area
- face area
- filter area
- fire area
- flooded area
- floor area
- flow area
- free area
- fringe area
- gross area
- gross floor area
- gross leasable area
- gross retail area
- hangar area
- hard-to-reach area
- heat transfer area
- honeycombed area
- improvement area
- industrial area
- infiltration area
- influence area
- intermediate area
- interstream area
- kern area
- landing area
- lateral area
- leveed area
- light ventilation area
- loaded area
- manufacturing area
- metropolitan area
- moment area
- net cross-sectional area
- net room area
- net sale area
- net site area
- net structural area
- nominal area
- nominal body area
- off-limits area
- off-street area
- off-street parking area
- open air exhibit area
- open storage area
- original cross-sectional area
- outlining area
- parking area
- passage area
- pile surface unit area
- plan area
- preferential urbanization area
- priority development area
- processing area
- profile area
- protected area
- protected built-up area
- public transportation area
- radiation restricted area
- receiving area
- recreational area
- redevelopment area
- reserved area
- residential area
- rest area
- restrict area
- restricted area
- room area
- runway safety area
- scenic area
- seasonally frozen area
- sectional area
- service area
- serviced area
- shearing area
- shooting area
- shopping area
- shopping core area
- slum area
- slum clearance area
- small area
- small built-up area
- soil area
- sports area
- staging area
- standard metropolitan statistical area
- storage area
- surface area
- swamp area
- take-off and landing area
- terminal control area
- tight work area
- total area of reinforcement
- touchdown area
- traffic movement area
- transportation area
- unbuilt area
- undershoot area
- undeveloped area
- unreachable area
- urban area
- usable floor area
- valve area
- warehouse area
- water protection area
- water supply area
- wetted area
- working area
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
14 section
- section
- n1. сечение, разрез ( на чертеже)
2. секция; отрезок
3. прокатный или холодногнутый профиль
4. профилированное погонажное изделие
5. участок (трубопровода, дороги, канала и т. п.)
6. квартал ( города)
on [to] the left/right of the section — слева/справа от сечения
- section of fracture
- actual section
- aerofoil section
- aluminum alloy structural section
- angle section
- annular section
- asymmetrical section
- axial section
- ballast section
- bar cross section
- bar section
- beam section
- boiler section
- bottom boom section
- bottom tower section
- box section
- breaking cross section
- built-up cross section
- built-up section
- canalization section
- center section
- channel section
- circular section
- column section
- combination access section
- concrete section
- concreting section
- cross section
- design section
- discharge section
- dock section
- doubly symmetrical section
- drop-down section
- duct section
- effective section
- empty sections
- end section
- extruded section
- flow cross section
- gate hinge section
- gauging section
- generalized cross section
- geologic section
- gross section
- horseshoe section
- hot-rolled steel section
- hydraulic section
- hydrometric section
- I-section
- intermediate sections
- intermediate jib section
- jib foot section
- jib head section
- Larsen section
- level section
- light formed section
- longitudinal section
- mast typical section
- measuring section
- metal section
- midriver section
- mixing section
- net section
- nonoverflow section
- normal section
- oblique section
- pile section
- pipe section
- plane cross section
- prefabricated section
- prestressed tee section
- principal design sections
- reinforcement cross section
- rolled section
- runway drop section
- sealed box sections
- shearing section
- shear section
- sliding tower section
- sloping section
- soil cross section
- standard structural steel section
- stay-in-place center form sections
- steel section
- steel window sections
- structural steel sections
- subaqueous section
- three-level section
- top boom section
- transformed section
- typical cross section
- weaving section
- wide flange section
- zed section
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
* * * -
15 column
1) колонна; стойка; столб ( жидкости)2) столбец (напр. таблицы); графа3) колонка4) устой; станина; боковая стойка ( строгального станка)5) вертикальная штанга, вертикальный шток•to restrain a column at one end — закреплять, защемлять колонну на одном конце
- column of built channels laced - column of ore - column of pump - column of water - absorbing column - adiabatic column - anchor column - annulate column - annulated column - attached column - axially-loaded column - barley-sugar column - batten-plate column - box column - built-up column - cased column - casing column - channel column - closed column - clustered column - combination column - combined steel and concrete column - composite column - concrete column - Corinthian column - corner column - coupled columns - crane runway column - cross-shaped column - crude-fractionating column - diminished column - distillation column - drill column - eccentrically loaded column - edge column - engaged column - erection column - explosive column - feigned column - fixed column - fluted column - fractional column - fuel-filling column - gantry column - half column - half-engaged column - hinged column - hingeless column - hooped column - I-beam column - integral column - intermediate column - Ionic column - lattice column - lattice column with separate legs - lift column - lighting column - manometric column - open column - outside column - packed column - pendular hinged column - pendulum column - pier column - pipe column - plain concrete column - portal column - pressure column - regular cross-section column - reinforced concrete column - rocking column - rostral column - rustic column - semi-column - short column - single-member column - slender column - soil column - solid column - spiral reinforced concrete column - starred column - steel column - steel core column - steel-pipe column - steering column - stepped column - stepped bracket column - stone column - swelled column - tapering column - tied column - traversing column - triumphal column - tubular column - Tuscan column - twisted column - two-member column - vacuum column - ventilating column - wall column - water column - wreathed columnat both ends — закреплять, защемлять колонну на двух концах
* * *1. колонна, стойка, сжатый стержневой элемент2. колонный технологический аппарат3. столб; уровень (напр. воды)4. колонна (буровых труб, штанг)5. столбец, графаcolumn in equilibrium in the bent position — колонна в состоянии криволинейной формы равновесия ( при продольном изгибе)
columns with … centers — колонны с расстояниями [интервалами] по осям …
- actual columncolumn with one end fixed and one end hinged [pinned] — колонна с одним защемлённым и другим шарнирно опёртым концом
- annulated columns
- applied column
- attached column
- axially loaded column
- banded column
- beam column
- box column
- built-up column
- cased column
- compacted sand column
- composite column
- concrete lighting column
- corner column
- cross-shaped column
- distillation column
- drill column
- eccentrically loaded column
- edge column
- embedded column
- engaged column
- erection column
- fixed column
- fluid-filled column
- fluted column
- fuel-filling column
- fuel column
- glulam column
- grouped columns
- half column
- hingeless column
- ideal column
- initial straight column
- integral column
- L column
- laced column
- lighting column with two brackets
- long column
- non-hinged column
- open column
- oxidation column
- pendulum column
- pin-base column
- pipe column
- pivoted end column
- rectification column
- ringed column
- rocking column
- rostral column
- short column
- side column
- slender column
- spandrel column
- spirally reinforced column
- steel column
- stub column
- tapering column
- tied column
- tubular column
- twin columns
- wall column
- water column
- water-filled column -
16 section
1) поперечное сечение; разрез ( на чертеже); профиль2) секция; отдел; зона3) отрезок; участок; сегмент4) производственный участок; отдел5) район, квартал ( города)7) параграф•- box section - box-like section - built-up section - canal section - canalized section - channel section - compound section - conic section - contracted section - critical section - dangerous section - design section - doubly symmetrical section - embanked section - fabricated section - fill section - filter section - fluted section - formed section - front section - geological section - golden section - gross section - H-section - half section - horizontal section - lateral section - longitudinal section - net section - partial section - reference section - rolled section - rolled-formed section - sloping section - vertical section - water section of canal - welded section* * *1. сечение, разрез ( на чертеже)2. секция; отрезок3. прокатный или холодногнутый профиль4. профилированное погонажное изделие5. участок (трубопровода, дороги, канала и т. п.)6. квартал ( города)- section of fractureon [to] the left/right of the section — слева/справа от сечения
- actual section
- aerofoil section
- aluminum alloy structural section
- angle section
- annular section
- asymmetrical section
- axial section
- ballast section
- bar cross section
- bar section
- beam section
- boiler section
- bottom boom section
- bottom tower section
- box section
- breaking cross section
- built-up cross section
- built-up section
- canalization section
- center section
- channel section
- circular section
- column section
- combination access section
- concrete section
- concreting section
- cross section
- design section
- discharge section
- dock section
- doubly symmetrical section
- drop-down section
- duct section
- effective section
- empty sections
- end section
- extruded section
- flow cross section
- gate hinge section
- gauging section
- generalized cross section
- geologic section
- gross section
- horseshoe section
- hot-rolled steel section
- hydraulic section
- hydrometric section
- I-section
- intermediate sections
- intermediate jib section
- jib foot section
- jib head section
- Larsen section
- level section
- light formed section
- longitudinal section
- mast typical section
- measuring section
- metal section
- midriver section
- mixing section
- net section
- nonoverflow section
- normal section
- oblique section
- pile section
- pipe section
- plane cross section
- prefabricated section
- prestressed tee section
- principal design sections
- reinforcement cross section
- rolled section
- runway drop section
- sealed box sections
- shearing section
- shear section
- sliding tower section
- sloping section
- soil cross section
- standard structural steel section
- stay-in-place center form sections
- steel section
- steel window sections
- structural steel sections
- subaqueous section
- three-level section
- top boom section
- transformed section
- typical cross section
- weaving section
- wide flange section
- zed section -
17 girder
- girder
- nгоризонтальный конструктивный элемент; главная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами; прогон
- annular girder
- arched girder
- arch girder
- arched girder with braced spandrels
- arch girder with braced spandrels
- arched girder without horizontal thrust
- arch girder without horizontal thrust
- arched girder with polygonal outlines
- arch girder with polygonal outlines
- balcony girder
- bowstring girder
- box girder
- bridge girder
- cable-stay launching girder
- cantilever girder
- compound girder
- crane girder
- crane bridge girder
- crane runway girder
- cross girder
- curved bridge girder
- diaphragm-stiffened box girder
- double-tee girder
- drop-in girder
- dropped girder
- eaves girder
- edge girder
- elastically supported girder
- gantry girder
- H girder
- half-lattice girder
- haunched girder
- hollow steel box girder
- hybrid girder
- latticed girder
- lattice girder
- launching girder
- open-frame girder
- plain girder
- plate girder
- post-tensioned box girder
- precast prestressed girder
- prefabricated girder
- preflex girder
- prestressed concrete box girder
- ring girder
- segmental box girder
- single-hinged arched girder
- single-hinged arch girder
- solid-web girder
- standard CPC I prestressed bridge girder
- steel arched girder
- steel plate box girder
- stiffening girder
- transfer girder
- tubular girder
- Vierendeel girder
- Warren girder
- welded light girder
- welded plate girder
- welded wire girder
- wind-bracing girder
- wood lattice girder
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
18 girder
горизонтальный конструктивный элемент; главная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами; прогонarch girder — арка; арочная ферма
box girder — балка коробчатого сечения, коробчатая балка
bridge girder — балка мостового крана; мостовая балка
cable-stay launching girder — кран-ферма с оттяжками; аванбек
compound girder — прокатная стальная двутавровая балка, усиленная поясными листами; составная балка
crane bridge girder — балка мостового крана; балка моста
cross girder — поперечная балка; поперечная ферма
dropped girder — балка, поддерживающая лаги пола
gantry girder — подкрановая балка; тормозная балка
lattice girder — балочная ферма, сквозная балка; ферма с параллельными поясами
launching girder — монтажная кран-ферма; аванбек
open-frame girder — безраскосная ферма, ферма Виренделя
precast prestressed girder — преднапряжённая сборная балка, балка из преднапряжённого бетона заводского изготовления
preflex girder — балка «префлекс»
segmental box girder — коробчатая балка, собираемая из отдельных секций
standard CPC I prestressed bridge girder — типовое преднапряжённое железобетонное пролётное строение, объединённое с монолитной плитой проезжей части
transfer girder — ригель рамного каркаса, поддерживающий промежуточные стойки или колонны
Vierendeel girder — безраскосная ферма, ферма Виренделя
19 grade
2) градус || градуировать3) качество; сорт || сортировать4) степень5) уровень; приоритет6) фракция8) марка (напр. смазочных масел, стали)9) класс10) разряд11) степень чистоты ( вещества)12) уклон; подъём ( дороги)14) профилировать ( грунт); производить земляные работы•to bring road to grade — профилировать дорогу;to ease grade — смягчать уклон;to negotiate grade — преодолевать уклон;to grade to size — сортировать по крупностиgrade of finish — степень шероховатостиgrade of instrument — разряд прибораgrade of liquid purity — класс чистоты жидкостиgrade of pilot licence — класс свидетельства пилота-
accelerating grade
accuracy grade
actual grade
adverse grade
ascending grade
aviation fuel grade
balanced grade
bottom grade
braking grade
canal grade
commercial grade
compensation grade
constant grade
continuous grade
contrast grade
cutoff grade
descending grade
domestic grade
down grade
easy grade
edible grade
effective grade
equivalent grade
falling grade
finish grade
flat grade
head grade
heavy grade
helper grade
industrial grade
level grade
light grade
limiting grade
long ascending grade
long grade
longitudinal grade
low grade
marketable grade
market grade
maximum grade
mixed grades
navy grade
negative grade
normal grade of accuracy
oil grade
ore grade
positive grade
profile grade
proposed grade
pusher grade
refined grade
rolling grade
ruling grade
seasonal grade
service grade
size grade
slope grade
spectrographical grade
spectrographic grade
steel grade
steep grade
summer grade
technical grade
winter grade
wrought steel grade -
20 system
1) система; сеть; комплекс2) установка, устройство3) план; расположение4) система; порядок; классификация•- system of catalogs - system of catalogues - system of forces - system of ground points - system of road signs - system of scaffolds - acoustic signalling system - active residential solar heating system - aeration system - air-brake system - air-comfort system - air-conditioning system - air-curtain system - air-foam system - airline system - airline vacuum system - air-pressure water system - all-outside air-conditioning system - arch system - arch-and-pier system - audible alarm system - Automated Data Management System in Building - ADMSB - automatic fire alarm system - balanced system of ventilation - bar system - basic system - beam system - blower system - British absolute system of units - building system - building central air conditioning system - building solar optical system - bypass pipe system - cable system - cantilever tieback system - cathodic protection system of pipelines - central fan electric heating system - central hot water supply system - check-board system - circulating water system - closed system - closed heat supply system - closed pipeline system - collecting system - colour spraying systems - combined extract-and-input system - combined sewerage system - community complete system in containers or skids - composite cable roof system - compressed-air system - computer-aided system - consolidated power system - control system of survey - cooling system - cooling pipe system - coordinate system - curing system - decimal system - designation system - discrete system - discrete-continual system - distributing system - district heating system - double-pipe system - double-pipeline system - double-pipe riser system - downward system of ventilation - drainage system - drencher system - drop system - dry pipe sprinkler system - dry return system - duct system - earthling system - ejector system - elastic system - electric heating system - embedded panel system - emergency power supply system - energy recovery system - engineer's system of units - filling system of navigation lock - filtration system - fire-alarm sounding system - fire-fighting system - fire-sprinkling system - fire warning system - fixing systems - flange system - flooding system - floor system - floor system of bridge - floor heating system - flow-through system - flue gas cleaning system - fluid power system - forced circulation system - four-axis system - framed system - gas heating system - glaze systems - gravity system - gravity water supply system - grid system - hazard system - heating system - heat pump system - heat supply system - high pressure air-conditioning system - high velocity air-conditioning system - hinged system - hoisting system - hot air system - hot blast system - hot water supply system - inflation system - instantaneously variable system - integral deck system - integrated dispatching system - invariable system - ion-exchange system - irrigation system - land system - large public water system - lateral system - left-handed system - lighting system - local air-conditioning system - lock-filling system - long-line system - low pressure air-conditioning system - low velocity air-conditioning system - low voltage system - main system - management system - measuring system - mechanical systems of a house - medium-size public water system - membrane system - metric system - modular coordinating space system - monitoring system - multistage gas supply system - network system - observing system - once-through system - one-layer cable system - one-pipe heating system - one-pipe loop system - open system - open heat supply system - open return system - overhead system of heating - overhead heating system - panel air system - panel cooling system - pipeline system - piping system - plane system - plumbing system - pollution control system - population settlement group system - post-tensioned system - potabilization system - power system - power-reservoir system - pressurized water treatment system - pre-tensioned system - primary system - public transport system - public water system - public waterworks system - quality control system - quarternary system - railroad system - recirculated heating system - recirculation duct air conditioning system - recool system - rectangular system of street layout - reliability coefficients system - remote control system - reusing water supply system - rigid cable roof system - ring heating system - roll-cap system - round duct system - safety valve of a hydraulic system - saprobity system - separate sewerage system - septic system - sewerage system - single duct air-conditioning system - single-stage system - single-track automatic block system - slab-stringer system - smoke-detector system - solar aquatic system - solar cooling system - solar heating system - solar thermal power system - space system - split system - sprinkler system - statically determinate system - statically indeterminate system - steel plate system - structural system - supply air system - suspension system - thermal reheat system - three-dimensional system - three-way system of reinforcement - thrust system - total energy system - two-dimensional system - two-duct air-conditioning system - two-layer cable roof system - two-pipe water heating system - underfloor heating system - underground cable system - unified modular coordination system - universal sewerage system - upfeed water heating system - up-lighting system - utility system - utility detection system - vacuum system - vandalproof system - variable air volume system - ventilation system - warning system - waste treatment system - waste water system - water system - water measuring systems - water purification system - water quality system - water quality indicator system - water supply system - water supply by zones system - water treatment systems - wind bracing system - zone system* * *1. система; сеть (напр. трубопроводов); устройство2. способ, метод- system of forcessystem in equilibrium — равновесная система, система в состоянии равновесия
- system of masses
- system of scaffolds
- ABC system
- AC system
- acoustical ceiling system
- active solar energy system
- aesthetic value system
- air classification system
- air cycle refrigerating system
- airfield soil classification system
- air pollution control system
- air-to-air system
- air-to-water system
- air transport system
- alarm system
- all-air system
- all outside air system
- all-water coil system
- all water fan coil system
- approach lighting system
- arterial system
- Atterberg soil classification system
- audio alarm system
- automated casting system
- automatic fire alarm system
- automatic fire protection system
- automatic flushing system
- balanced system
- balanced system of streets
- balanced ventilation system
- bar system
- beam structural system
- bell alarm system
- Benoto piling system
- bivalent heat pump system
- bleed-in system
- blow and exhaust system
- blow through air-conditioning system
- blow through fan system
- bootstrap system
- box system
- bridge deck structured system
- British soil classification system
- building system
- building automation system
- building-drainage system
- building gravity drainage system
- building management system
- built-in dust suppression system
- burglar alarm system
- cable system
- central air heating system
- central fan system
- centralized hot-water supply system
- central plant air conditioning system
- changeover system
- circulating system
- circulation water supply system
- circulation water system
- closed system
- closed heat-supply system
- closed-loop heat pump system
- closed-type steam heating system
- coding system
- cogeneration system
- cold supply system
- collapsing-ring bridge rail system
- combined drainage system
- combined sewage system
- complanar system of structural members
- complanar force system
- complete-mix activated sludge system
- composite frame system
- compression system
- concrete suspended flooring system
- constant volume system
- continuous conveying system
- continuous suspension system
- control system
- cooling system
- coordinate system
- cost-efficient floor system
- crossbar approach lighting system
- cross blow ventilation system
- curtain walling system
- custom forming system
- decentralized air conditioning system
- decentralized sewerage system
- deluge sprinkler system
- desiccant cooling system
- designation system
- design-built system
- diffusion-absorption system
- digital indicating system
- direct system
- direct air heating system
- direct cooling system
- direct expansion system
- direct hot water system
- direct hot-water supply system
- direct return system
- direct through air-conditioning system
- distribution system
- domestic hot water system
- domestic sewerage system
- "Dot" recording system
- double-pipe system
- double stack system
- down-feed system
- drainage system
- draw-in system
- draw-through fan system
- draw-through system
- drencher system
- drop system
- dry-pipe sprinkler system
- dual conduit system
- duct system
- ductless split air conditioning system
- dust collecting system
- dust extract system
- early warning system
- economical floor system
- ejector refrigerating system
- elastic mechanical system
- elastic system
- electric heating system
- electric reheat system
- energy management system
- environmental system
- exhaust system
- extract system
- FAA soil classification system
- fan coil system
- Federal aviation administration soil classification system
- fire alarm system
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire protection system
- flat plate-pipe column floor system
- floor structural system
- floor system
- flow-through system
- F-number system
- force system
- forming-and-reinforcing system
- Forton system
- four pipe system
- gantry crane system
- gas heating system
- gravity system
- gravity-flow heating system
- gravity sewerage system
- gravity steam heating system
- gravity water-supply system
- grid coordinate system
- gridiron distribution system
- grounding system
- groundwater control system
- group water supply system
- gyratory system
- heat distribution system
- heating system
- heat-of-light system
- heat pump system
- heat recovery system
- heat supply system
- heat-traced system
- high-intensity lighting system
- high temperature hot-water heating system
- high velocity system
- hold-over system
- holonomic system
- hot-air system
- hot water system
- hot-water circulation system
- hush piling system
- hybrid system
- hydraulic control system
- hydrophilic system
- hydrophobic system
- indirect expansion system
- indirect hot-water supply system
- indirect refrigeration system
- individual sewage-disposal system
- induction air conditioning system
- induction system
- industrialized building systems
- inflation system
- instrument landing system
- integral deck system
- integrated distribution floor system
- inverter driven VRV system
- Jackson system
- land system
- large panel system
- lighting system
- line system
- liquid overfeed system
- local sewerage system
- low-pressure system
- low pressure hot water system
- low velocity system
- main system
- maintenance management system
- mass transit system
- materials-handling system
- mechanical system
- mechanical refrigerating system
- mechanical supply system
- medium pressure hot water system
- medium temperature hot water system
- microbore heating system
- modular system
- modular air conditioning system
- modular compression sealing system
- modular decking system
- modular precast building system
- multiple-degree system
- multiple web system
- multiple well system
- multistage gas-supply system
- multizone system
- municipal piping system
- nail-free formwork system
- non-changeover system
- octopus duct system
- oil fired heating system
- once-through water-supply system
- one-degree system
- one-duct air-conditioning system
- one-pipe system
- one-pipe loop system
- one-way system
- open system
- open expansion tank system
- open-loop control system
- open return system
- open steam heating system
- operation system
- overhead heating system
- overhead runway system
- packaged cogeneration system
- panel air-conditioning system
- panel air system
- panel-lock system
- partially-separate system
- piping system
- plane system of forces
- plane grid system
- plenum system
- plumbing system
- pneumatic conveying system
- post-tensioning system
- preaction sprinkler system
- prefabricated pipe conduit system
- pressurization system
- pressurized heating system
- pressurized hot water system
- primary-secondary system
- principal system
- public system
- public waterwork system
- push-through fan system
- push-through system
- quality system
- rail mounted track laying system
- raised floor system
- rapid transport system
- recool system
- recycling system
- recycling water system
- redundant bridge system
- refrigerating system
- regenerative air cycle system
- regional settlement system
- reheat system
- return system
- return air system
- reverse return system
- reverse return upfeed system
- rising heating system
- road system
- roofing system
- run-around system
- safety system
- scraper system
- sealed heating system
- security system
- self-climbing form system
- separate sewerage system
- separate system
- series loop system
- sewage system
- shunt system
- single-degree-of-freedom system
- single-degree system
- single duct air conditioning system
- single-pipe heating system
- single-pipe heat-supply system
- single-stack plumbing system
- single-storey heating system
- single web system
- single-zone air-conditioning system
- slab-stringer system
- small bore heating system
- smoke control system
- smoke extract ventilation system
- soil system
- soil absorption system
- solar heating system
- solid fuel heating system
- split system
- sprinkler system
- state plane coordinate system
- statically determinate system
- statically indeterminate system
- stationary system of loads
- steam heating system
- steel plate system
- storm sewer system
- structural system
- structural monitoring system
- sub-atmospheric heating system
- subbuilding drainage system
- subsurface drainage system
- subsurface sewage disposal system
- supply air system
- supporting formwork system
- suspension structural system
- swing joint system
- taxiway system
- telpher system
- terminal reheat system
- thermal storage heating system
- thermosiphon system
- three-pipe system
- three-pipe air-conditioning system
- three-pipe heat supply system
- total energy system
- track laying system
- trench shoring system
- trussed system
- truss-supported deck system
- tube cleaning system
- two-degree-of-freedom system
- two-degree system
- two-pipe system
- two value system of proportional balancing
- two value system
- two-way system
- underfloor conduit system
- unvented system
- up-feed heating system
- utility detection system
- vacuum heating system
- vacuum return system
- vacuum waste disposal system
- variable air volume system
- variable refrigerant volume system
- variable volume system
- variable water volume system
- VAV system
- vented system
- ventilation system
- VRV system
- VWV system
- warning system
- water-air heating system
- water booster system
- water-supply system
- water-to-air system
- water-to-water system
- wellpoint system
- wet return system
- wind framing system
- wire cable control system
- wiring system
- zoned system
- zone reheat system
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Runway — This article is about the aircraft take off and landing area. For other uses, see Runway (disambiguation). Landing strip redirects here. For the pubic hairstyle, see Bikini waxing. RWY redirects here. For the audio/video connectors, see RCA… … Wikipedia
RAF Christchurch — Infobox Military Structure name= Royal Air Force Station Christchurch USAAF Station 416 location= Located Near Christchurch, Dorset, United Kingdom coordinates=coord|50|44|27|N|001|44|21|W| caption= Christchurch Airfield 4 March 1944 type=… … Wikipedia
Merzbrück Airport — Flugplatz Merzbrück IATA: AAH – ICAO: EDKA Summary … Wikipedia
Fayzabad Airport — IATA: FBD – ICAO: OAFZ Summary Location Fayzabad, Afghanistan Elevation AMSL 3,672 ft / 1,171 m … Wikipedia
Christchurch Airfield — For the World War II use of this facility, see RAF Christchurch Christchurch Airfield was located southeast of the A337/B3059 intersection in Somerford, Christchurch, Dorset, England. It was a civil airfield starting from 1926, then it was used… … Wikipedia
Foggia Airfield Complex — … Wikipedia
Disasters — ▪ 2009 Introduction Aviation January 23, Poland. A Spanish built CASA transport plane carrying members of the Polish air force home from a conference on flight safety in Warsaw crashes near the town of Miroslawiec; all 20 aboard are killed … Universalium
MythBusters (2011 season) — Country of origin Australia United States Broadcast Original channel Discovery Channel Original run … Wikipedia
RAF Headcorn — Infobox Military Structure name= Royal Air Force Station Headcorn USAAF Station 412 location= Located Near Headcorn, Kent, United Kingdom coordinates=coord|51|10|56|N|000|41|19|E| caption= Headcorn ALG airfield, 11 May 1944 type= Military… … Wikipedia
Hong Kong International Airport — HKIA redirects here. HKIA may also refer to Hong Kong Institute of Architects. Hong Kong Airport redirects here. For the old airport at Kai Tak, see Kai Tak Airport. Hong Kong International Airport Chek Lap Kok Airport 香港國際機場 赤鱲角機場 … Wikipedia
Sofia Airport — Infobox Airport name = Sofia International Airport nativename = Летище София (Враждебна) Letishte Sofiya (Vrazhdebna) nativename a = nativename r = |250px image width = caption = IATA = SOF ICAO = LBSF type = Public owner = operator = Sofia… … Wikipedia