1 método estadístico
• statistical method -
2 método estadístico
m.statistical method.* * *(n.) = statistical methodEx. The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.* * *(n.) = statistical methodEx: The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.
3 método
m.1 method, manner, mode, process.2 procedure, specific way of performing an action.* * *1 method2 (en pedagogía) course* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=procedimiento) method2) (=organización)no obtienen resultados porque les falta método — they don't get any results because they are not methodical (enough)
3) (=manual) manual* * *masculino method* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, design, mechanism, method, tack.Ex. During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Ex. In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex. Thus in index or catalogue or data base design the indexer must choose an appropriate blend of recall and precision for each individual application.Ex. This helps to illustrate the methods of analysis employed by the scheme and to introduce the mechanisms of its use.Ex. There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.Ex. The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.----* aprender por el método de ensayo y error = learn by + trial and error.* basado en un método empírico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].* basado en un método práctico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].* como un método para = as a means of.* explorar métodos = explore + roads.* indizar según el método KWIC = KWIC-index.* método analítico = analytical method.* método anticonceptivo = contraceptive method.* método automatizado = computer-based method.* método basado en modelos = modelling approach [modeling approach, -USA].* método Cloze = Cloze method.* método cualitativo = qualitative method.* método de actuación = clinical practice.* método de aprendizaje = learning style, learning method.* método de búsqueda = search paradigm.* método de clustering aglutinador = agglomerative clustering method.* método de comunicación = communication pathway.* método deductivo = deductive method.* método de enseñanza = teaching method.* método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.* método de gestión = managerial style.* método de indización en cadena = chain procedure.* método de la coocurrencia de términos = co-word method, co-word method, co-word method.* método de la Inversión de la Frecuencia de los Documentos (IDF) = Inverse Document Frequency model (IDF).* método de la media ponderada = weighted means method.* método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.* Método de la Secuencia Crítica = Critical Path Method (CPM).* método Delphi, el = Delphi method, the.* método del Valor de Discriminación (DV) = Discrimination Value model (DV).* método de ordenación letra a letra = letter by letter method, all-through method.* método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.* método de pensamiento en voz alta = thinking aloud method.* método de puntuación = scoring technique.* método de trabajo = working method.* método de Two-Poisson (2P) = Two-Poisson model (2P).* método docente = teaching method.* método escalonado = stations approach.* método estadístico = statistical method.* método inductivo = inductive method.* método Maze = Maze method.* método por simulación = simulation method, simulation approach.* por el método de ensayo y error = by trial and error, trial and error.* seguir un método = take + approach.* según un método prescrito = clerically.* * *masculino method* * *= approach [approaches, -pl.], avenue, design, mechanism, method, tack.Ex: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.
Ex: In the attempt to match the above criteria, there are two fundamentally distinct avenues to the construction of the schedules of a classification scheme.Ex: Thus in index or catalogue or data base design the indexer must choose an appropriate blend of recall and precision for each individual application.Ex: This helps to illustrate the methods of analysis employed by the scheme and to introduce the mechanisms of its use.Ex: There is an alternative method for the design of subject retrieval devices, and that is to build languages or schemes which depend upon some theoretical views about the nature and structure of knowledge.Ex: The simplest tack would be to include the metadata in the notes field but sorting by metadata attributes is problematic and clunky.* aprender por el método de ensayo y error = learn by + trial and error.* basado en un método empírico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].* basado en un método práctico = enquiry-based [inquiry-based, -USA].* como un método para = as a means of.* explorar métodos = explore + roads.* indizar según el método KWIC = KWIC-index.* método analítico = analytical method.* método anticonceptivo = contraceptive method.* método automatizado = computer-based method.* método basado en modelos = modelling approach [modeling approach, -USA].* método Cloze = Cloze method.* método cualitativo = qualitative method.* método de actuación = clinical practice.* método de aprendizaje = learning style, learning method.* método de búsqueda = search paradigm.* método de clustering aglutinador = agglomerative clustering method.* método de comunicación = communication pathway.* método deductivo = deductive method.* método de enseñanza = teaching method.* método de evaluación de un edificio en uso = post-occupancy evaluation method.* método de gestión = managerial style.* método de indización en cadena = chain procedure.* método de la coocurrencia de términos = co-word method, co-word method, co-word method.* método de la Inversión de la Frecuencia de los Documentos (IDF) = Inverse Document Frequency model (IDF).* método de la media ponderada = weighted means method.* método de la media sin ponderar = unweighted means method.* Método de la Secuencia Crítica = Critical Path Method (CPM).* método Delphi, el = Delphi method, the.* método del Valor de Discriminación (DV) = Discrimination Value model (DV).* método de ordenación letra a letra = letter by letter method, all-through method.* método de ordenación palabra por palabra = word by word method, nothing before something method.* método de pensamiento en voz alta = thinking aloud method.* método de puntuación = scoring technique.* método de trabajo = working method.* método de Two-Poisson (2P) = Two-Poisson model (2P).* método docente = teaching method.* método escalonado = stations approach.* método estadístico = statistical method.* método inductivo = inductive method.* método Maze = Maze method.* método por simulación = simulation method, simulation approach.* por el método de ensayo y error = by trial and error, trial and error.* seguir un método = take + approach.* según un método prescrito = clerically.* * *A (procedimiento) methodmétodos de tortura methods of torturetodos aplicaron el mismo método everyone used o employed the same methodel mejor método para aprobar es estudiar the best way to pass is to studyno conozco ningún método para quitar esa mancha I don't know any way of getting that stain outCompuestos:analytic methodcontraceptive method, method of contraceptionsynthetic methodB (de aprendizaje, enseñanza) methodCompuestos:audiovisual methoddirect methodC (libro de texto) course book; (manual) handbookD (orden) methodtrabajar/proceder con método to work/proceed methodically* * *
método sustantivo masculino
método sustantivo masculino
1 method: hay varios métodos para conseguir agua, there are different ways to obtain water
2 Educ course: ¿qué métodos tienen para enseñar inglés?, what English courses do you sell?
' método' also found in these entries:
- ensayar
- innovador
- innovadora
- litografía
- procedimiento
- superada
- superado
- técnica
- usar
- aplicación
- aplicar
- bueno
- clásico
- demostrar
- garrote
- imaginar
- implantar
- ineficacia
- ineficaz
- infalible
- ingeniar
- probar
- recomendado
- riguroso
- seguir
- seguro
- sistema
- sistemático
- votación
- employ
- method
- process
- rhythm method
- system
- underhand
- wasteful
- familiarity
* * *método nm1. [sistema] method;no estoy de acuerdo con sus métodos de hacer las cosas I don't agree with her way of doing things o her methodsmétodo anticonceptivo method of contraception;el método (de) Ogino the rhythm method2. [modo ordenado] method;proceder con método to proceed methodically3. [educativo] method;un método de mecanografía a method of teaching typing* * *m method* * *método nm: method* * *método n method -
4 estadístico
adj.statistical, statistic.m.statistician.* * *► adjetivo1 statistical► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 statistician* * *estadístico, -a1.ADJ [datos, cifras] statistical2.SM / F (=profesional) statisticianestadística* * *I- ca adjetivo statisticalII- ca masculino, femenino statistician* * *I- ca adjetivo statisticalII- ca masculino, femenino statistician* * *estadístico11 = statistician.Ex: Survey methodology, the modus operandi of statisticians, is important to professional groups such as librarians as a function of operations management.
estadístico22 = statistical.Ex: Most of the data bases are bibliographic in nature, but DIALOG does offer some statistical and directory files.
* alfabetización estadística = statistical literacy.* análisis estadístico = statistical analysis.* capacidad de interpretar información estadística = statistical literacy.* datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.* forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.* método estadístico = statistical method.* resumen estadístico = statistical abstract.* significación estadística = statistical significance.* * *statisticalmasculine, femininestatistician* * *
estadístico◊ -ca adjetivo
estadístico,-a adjetivo statistical
' estadístico' also found in these entries:
* * *estadístico, -a♦ adjstatistical♦ nm,fstatistician* * *I adj statisticalII m, estadística f statistician* * *estadístico, -ca adj: statistical♦ estadísticamente advestadístico, -ca n: statistician -
5 estadístico2
2 = statistical.Ex. Most of the data bases are bibliographic in nature, but DIALOG does offer some statistical and directory files.----* alfabetización estadística = statistical literacy.* análisis estadístico = statistical analysis.* capacidad de interpretar información estadística = statistical literacy.* datos estadísticos de la biblioteca = library records, library statistics.* forma de la curva estadística en su valor más alto = peak-shape.* método estadístico = statistical method.* resumen estadístico = statistical abstract.* significación estadística = statistical significance. -
6 interanual
ADJ* * *= interannual, year-on-year.Ex. The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.Ex. This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.----* variabilidad interanual = interannual variability.* * *= interannual, year-on-year.Ex: The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.
Ex: This corresponds to a year-on-year increase of 28%.* variabilidad interanual = interannual variability.* * *year-on-year ( before n)* * *interanual adjyear-on-year -
7 representatividad
f.representativeness.* * *1 significance, importance* * *SFel sindicato con mayor representatividad en la enseñanza — the union with the greatest representation in the teaching profession
carece de la suficiente representatividad para poder hablar en nombre del grupo — he is not representative enough of the group to speak on its behalf
* * ** * *Ex. The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.* * ** * *Ex: The representativeness of the locally observed interannual variations of temperature and precipitation was analyzed by a statistical method.
* * *el gobierno carece de representatividad the government does not represent the will of the people* * *este sindicato no tiene representatividad entre los trabajadores del sector this union is not representative of the workers in the industry -
8 clasificación
f.1 classification, bracket, sorting, categorization.2 classified results.3 league table, placing in league rank, placing.4 classification, break-down, grading.* * *1 (gen) classification2 (distribución) sorting, filing3 DEPORTE league, table4 (de discos) top twenty, hit parade* * *noun f.2) rating* * *SF1) (=categorización) classification2) (=ordenación) [de documentos] classification; (Inform, Correos) sorting3) (Náut) rating4) [en torneo] qualification5) (=lista) table, league* * *1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?
3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification4) (Dep)a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualificationesta victoria le supone la clasificación para la fase final — this victory means that he will go through to o has qualified for the finals
* * *= classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.Ex. Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.Ex. A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.Ex. Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.Ex. Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.Ex. Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.Ex. This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.Ex. This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.Ex. In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.Ex. The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.Ex. Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.Ex. After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.Ex. It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.Ex. Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.----* clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.* clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.* clasificación automática = automatic classification.* clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.* Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).* clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.* Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).* Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.* Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).* clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.* clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.* clasificación del correo = mail sorting.* clasificación del suelo = zoning.* Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.* clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.* clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.* clasificación facetada = faceted classification.* clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.* Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).* clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.* clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.* clasificación por materia = subject classification.* clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.* clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.* de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.* dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.* Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).* indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.* LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).* número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.* ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.* paquete de clasificación = sort package.* sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.* sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).* sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.* sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.* sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.* sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.* tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.* * *1) (de documentos, libros) classification; ( de cartas) sorting2) ( de película -acción) classification; (- certificado)¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? — what certificate has it got?
3) (de elemento, animal, planta) classification4) (Dep)a) ( para una etapa posterior) qualificationesta victoria le supone la clasificación para la fase final — this victory means that he will go through to o has qualified for the finals
* * *= classification, map, mapping, ranking, sorting, subject cataloguing, rank order, league table, sift, scoreboard, scorecard, grading, leader board.Ex: Classification, then, is the grouping of like objects.
Ex: A detailed study of a co-citation map, its core documents' citation patterns and the related journal structures, is presented.Ex: Recently, proponents of co-citation cluster analysis have claimed that in principle their methodology makes possible the mapping of science using the data in the Science Citation Index.Ex: Those documents with sufficiently high rankings will be deemed relevant and eventually retrieved.Ex: Storage medium and associated equipment (for example, sorting and punching devices, cards, magnetic tape) tends to be cheaper than the term record index equivalent.Ex: This facility enables descriptive and subject cataloguing to be done by two different people.Ex: This is an interesting reversal of the rank order of countries for both stock held and expenditure per head of population.Ex: In addition to producing these 'league tables' of microcomputer applications, Burton also indicated the applications software that libraries were using.Ex: The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.Ex: Evaluation the research is through 4 strategies: a simple scoreboard; scoreboard plus other details such as references; scoreboard with the minimal critera of, e.g., sample size and statistical procedures used; examination of actual material.Ex: After a year's rapid development of portals by major search engines, adding such things as scorecards, news headlines or links to other services, search engine developers are now turning to personalization as a way of holding their users.Ex: It is interesting that, in this case, socio-economic grading was a better social discriminator than was terminal educational age.Ex: Since its launch, the project has been plagued by a small number of people cheating to elevate their ranking in the leader boards.* clasificación abreviada = abridged classification.* clasificación analítico-sintética = analytico-synthetic classification.* clasificación automática = automatic classification.* clasificación bibliográfica = bibliographic classification, library classification.* Clasificación Bibliográfica (BC) = Bibliographic Classification (BC).* clasificación cruzada = cross-classification.* Clasificación Decimal de Dewey (DDC o DC) = Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC o DC).* Clasificación Decimal, la = Decimal Classification, the.* Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) = UDC (Universal Decimal Classification).* clasificación de Dewey, la = Dewey scheme, the.* clasificación de la literatura narrativa = fiction classification.* clasificación del correo = mail sorting.* clasificación del suelo = zoning.* Clasificación de Ranganathan = Colon Classification (CC), Colon Classification Scheme.* clasificación enumerativa = enumerative classification.* clasificación específica = close classification, specific classification.* clasificación facetada = faceted classification.* clasificación general = broad classification, broad classification.* Clasificación Industrial General de las Actividades Económicas (NACE) = General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities (NACE).* clasificación monojerárquica = monohierarchical classification.* clasificación por antigüedad = seniority ranking.* clasificación por materia = subject classification.* clasificación por pertinencia = relevance ranking.* clasificación unidimensional = monodimensional classification.* de clasificación = classificatory indicator, classificatory.* dispositivo de clasificación = sorting device.* Grupo de Investigación sobre la Clasificación (CRG) = Classification Research Group (CRG).* indicador de clasificación = classificatory indicator.* LCCN (Notación de la Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso) = LCCN (Library of Congress Classification Number).* número de clasificación = class mark [classmark], class number, classification number, rank number.* ocupar un lugar en una clasificación = rank.* paquete de clasificación = sort package.* sistema de clasificación = classification scheme, scheme, classification system, classification schedules, grading system.* sistema de clasificación analítico = analytical classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación de Bliss = Bliss classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación decimal = decimal classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso = LCC (Library of Congress Classification).* sistema de clasificación dicotomizado = dichotomized classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación enciclopédica = general classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación enumerativo = enumerative classification scheme, enumerative scheme.* sistema de clasificación especializado = special classification scheme, special scheme.* sistema de clasificación facetado = faceted classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación general = general scheme, general classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación jerárquico = hierarchical classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación lineal = linear classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación multidimensional = multidimensional classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación por disciplinas = discipline-oriented scheme.* sistema de clasificación sintético = synthetic classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación universal = universal classification scheme.* sistema de clasificación verbal = verbal classification system.* tabla de clasificación = classification schedule.* * *A (de documentos, libros) classification; (de cartas) sortingel ordenador que hace la clasificación del correo the computer that sorts the mailB (de una película — acción) classification(— certificado): ¿qué clasificación (moral) tiene? what certificate has it got?C (de un elemento, una planta) classificationD ( Dep)1 (para una etapa posterior) qualificationpeligra nuestra clasificación para la final we are in danger of not making o of not qualifying for the finalesta victoria le supone la clasificación para la fase final this victory means that he will go through to o has qualified for the finalsquinto en la clasificación final del rally fifth in the final placings for the rally* * *
clasificación sustantivo femenino
1 (de documentos, animales, plantas) classification;
( de cartas) sorting
2 ( de película) certificate
( puesto) position, place;
clasificación sustantivo femenino
1 classification
2 Dep (lista) table: es el tercero en la clasificación mundial, he's ranked third in the world
(acción) qualification: la atleta española no ha conseguido su clasificación, the Spanish athlete has not qualified
' clasificación' also found in these entries:
- escala
- juvenil
- cabeza
- descender
- escalar
- fase
- frente
- ocupar
- prueba
- puesto
- filing
- rating
- table
- preliminary
- qualification
* * *1. [ordenación] classificationEcon clasificación de solvencia credit rating2. [de animal, planta] classification3. [de película] classification[en carrera, torneo] classification;encabezar la clasificación [en liga] to be at the top of the league;[en carrera, torneo] to lead the classification clasificación combinada combined event;clasificación por equipos team classification;clasificación general (general) classification;clasificación de la regularidad points classificationno consiguieron lograr la clasificación para las semifinales they didn't manage to qualify for the semifinals* * *f2 de liga league table3:hacer la clasificación de los documentos sort the documents out* * *clasificación nf, pl - ciones1) : classification, sorting out2) : rating3) calificación: qualification (in competitions)* * *1. (en general) classification2. (en deporte acción) qualifying3. (en deporte ranking) ranking¿quién es el líder de la clasificación de primera? who is top of the first division? -
9 creación de los índices de un libro
(n.) = back-of-the-book indexing, back-of-book indexingEx. Though statistical techniques have a lot to offer for free-text data base systems, neither method has had much success with back-of-the-book indexing.Ex. This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.* * *(n.) = back-of-the-book indexing, back-of-book indexingEx: Though statistical techniques have a lot to offer for free-text data base systems, neither method has had much success with back-of-the-book indexing.
Ex: This article outlines some of the problems which confronted students attempting to master the skills of back-of-book indexing.Spanish-English dictionary > creación de los índices de un libro
10 línea de investigación
(n.) = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research lineEx. Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.Ex. The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.Ex. The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.Ex. This article presents a method for identifying the research front of a scientific discipline based on constructing cocitation clusters and on a content analysis of citations.Ex. One avenue of research that is set to improve information access is to develop technologies for automatically personalizing information.Ex. 'Cultural norms' have foreclosed research avenues in evolutionary studies.Ex. This avenue of investigation leads into spatial approaches used frequently by psychologists, sociologists, and architectural designers = Esta línea de investigación nos lleva a métodos para estudiar el espacio físico usados frecuentmente por los sicólogos, sociólogos y arquitectos.Ex. This paper identifies the significant research influences on practice, and the research lines not yet reflected in operational systems.* * *(n.) = line of enquiry, line of research, line of enquiry, research front, avenue (for/of) research, research avenue, avenue of investigation, research lineEx: Unfruitful lines of enquiry are dropped and new and more promising search terms are introduced as the search progresses.
Ex: The lines of research leading up to and forming the subfield of bibliometrics are traced from earliest times to 1969, when this term was proposed as a substitute for statistical bibliography.Ex: The reviewer's place in citation chains is an important one because conceivably a carefully done critical review could make or break a line of enquiry or alter the direction of a chain of citations.Ex: This article presents a method for identifying the research front of a scientific discipline based on constructing cocitation clusters and on a content analysis of citations.Ex: One avenue of research that is set to improve information access is to develop technologies for automatically personalizing information.Ex: 'Cultural norms' have foreclosed research avenues in evolutionary studies.Ex: This avenue of investigation leads into spatial approaches used frequently by psychologists, sociologists, and architectural designers = Esta línea de investigación nos lleva a métodos para estudiar el espacio físico usados frecuentmente por los sicólogos, sociólogos y arquitectos.Ex: This paper identifies the significant research influences on practice, and the research lines not yet reflected in operational systems. -
11 ser el punto más débil de Alguien
(v.) = be at + Posesivo + weakestEx. Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.* * *(v.) = be at + Posesivo + weakestEx: Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.
Spanish-English dictionary > ser el punto más débil de Alguien
12 ser el punto más flaco de Alguien
(v.) = be at + Posesivo + weakestEx. Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.* * *(v.) = be at + Posesivo + weakestEx: Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.
Spanish-English dictionary > ser el punto más flaco de Alguien
См. также в других словарях:
statistical method — UK US noun [C] ► a way of studying information in the form of numbers and producing statistics: »There are various statistical methods for assessing risk. »He has written a book on statistical methods used to measure racial discrimination … Financial and business terms
statistical method — statistinis metodas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įvairių parametrų apskaičiavimo, matematinio analizavimo ir vertinimo būdas, pagrįstas tikimybių teorija. atitikmenys: angl. statistical method vok. statistisches… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
statistical method — statistinis metodas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. statistical method vok. statistische Methode, f rus. статистический метод, m pranc. méthode statistique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
statistical method — noun a method of analyzing or representing statistical data; a procedure for calculating a statistic • Syn: ↑statistical procedure • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑method • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
statistical method — Special mathematical methods for the elucidation of quantitative variations affected by a multiplicity of factors … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Statistical process control — (SPC) is an effective method of monitoring a process through the use of control charts. Control charts enable the use of objective criteria for distinguishing background variation from events of significance based on statistical techniques. Much… … Wikipedia
Statistical parametric mapping — or SPM is a statistical technique for examining differences in brain activity recorded during functional neuroimaging experiments using neuroimaging technologies such as fMRI or PET. It may also refer to a specific piece of software created by… … Wikipedia
statistical procedure — noun a method of analyzing or representing statistical data; a procedure for calculating a statistic • Syn: ↑statistical method • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑method • Hyponyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
method of least squares — noun a method of fitting a curve to data points so as to minimize the sum of the squares of the distances of the points from the curve • Syn: ↑least squares • Topics: ↑statistics • Hypernyms: ↑statistical method, ↑statistical procedure * * * … Useful english dictionary
Statistical Process Control — Die statistische Prozesslenkung (auch statistische Prozessregelung oder statistische Prozesssteuerung, engl. statistical process control, SPC genannt) wird üblicherweise als eine Vorgehensweise zur Optimierung von Produktions und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
statistical — sta|tis|ti|cal [ stə tıstıkl ] adjective ** relating to statistics: statistical analysis: My work involves a lot of statistical analysis of data. a statistical method/technique ╾ sta|tis|ti|cally [ stə tıstıkli ] adverb: Cure rates did not differ … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English