1 stationary quantum state
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > stationary quantum state
2 stationary quantum state
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > stationary quantum state
3 stationary quantum state
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > stationary quantum state
4 stationary quantum state
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre > stationary quantum state
5 quantum state
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > quantum state
6 quantum state
квантовое состояние
Одно из возможных дискретных стабильных состояний системы взаимодействующих частиц.
[Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 79. Физическая оптика. Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1970 г.]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > quantum state
7 stationary
1. a неподвижный2. a закреплённый, стационарный3. a постоянный, неизменный, стационарный, стабильный4. a не меняющий местонахождения5. a не меняющий местожительства6. a позиционныйСинонимический ряд:1. constant (adj.) constant; even; steady2. fixed (adj.) anchored; fixed; immovable; immutable; permanent; rooted; stable; steadfast3. stagnant (adj.) idle; immobile; inert; motionless; stagnant; standing; static; still; stock-still; unmoving; unusedАнтонимический ряд:mobile; moving; variable -
8 quantum
1. квант2. квантовый -
9 stationary state
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > stationary state
10 state
1. n тк. состояние, положение2. n строение, структура3. n общественное положение,4. n великолепие, пышность; помпа, парадность5. n напряжённое или возбуждённое состояние6. n полигр. корректурный оттиск гравюры7. v излагать; заявлять; формулировать8. v констатировать, утверждатьhe positively stated that he had never seen the accused man — он решительно утверждал, что никогда не видел обвиняемого
9. v устанавливать; точно определять10. v редк. помещать, располагать, размещать11. n государствоstates parties — государства — участники
12. n государственный аппарат13. n государственная власть; светская власть14. n разг. госдепартамент15. n штатCornhusker State — «Кукурузный штат»
16. n разг. Соединённые Штаты Америки17. a государственныйstate prisoner — лицо, осуждённое за политическое преступление, политический заключённый
18. a амер. относящийся к штатуState law — право штата, закон штата
Lone-Star State — штат «Одинокой звезды»
Синонимический ряд:1. federal (adj.) federal; governmental; national; official2. government (adj.) government; public3. attitude (noun) attitude; mood; morale; spirits4. form (noun) constitution; form; phase; structure5. glory (noun) glory; grandeur; pomp; splendor6. nation (noun) commonwealth; community; country; federation; government; kingdom; land; nation; polity; republic7. principality (noun) principality; province; territory8. status (noun) cachet; capacity; case; character; circumstance; circumstances; condition; consequence; dignity; estate; footing; mode; place; plight; position; posture; predicament; prestige; quality; rank; situation; standing; station; stature; status9. allege (verb) allege; claim; profess10. certify (verb) certify; confirm; validate11. describe (verb) describe; elucidate; explain; expound; present12. disclose (verb) disclose; divulge; manifest; reveal13. hold (verb) affirm; assert; asseverate; aver; avouch; avow; contend; declare; hold; insist; maintain14. relate (verb) narrate; recite; recount; rehearse; relate; report15. say (verb) affirm; air; articulate; assert; authorise; authorize; bring out; chime in; come out with; communicate; convey; declare; deliver; determine; enounce; enunciate; express; fix; give; pronounce; put; say; speak; tell; throw out; utter; vent; ventilate; vocalise; voiceАнтонимический ряд:deny; hide; simplicity; suppress; unofficial; withhold -
11 state
1.государственный; национальный2.формулировать; точно устанавливать3.положение; состояние; энергетический уровень; режим работы -
12 state
1) состояние2) положение4) (энергетический) уровень; (энергетическое) состояние5) утверждать; формулировать6) корректурный оттиск с гравюры•state as received — 1. в состоянии поставки 2. в состоянии непосредственно после (технологической) обработки;in heat-treated state — в термически обработанном состоянии;-
active state
aggregative state
allowed state
amorphous state
as-cast state
austenitic state
balanced state
blocking state
bound state
breakdown state
charged state
completely failed state
completely operable state
condensed state
conducting state
critical state
crystalline state
cutoff state
dead state
deenergized state
deep-lying state
deep state
degenerate state
dissociating state
disturbed state
don't care state
dopant-induced state
dynamic balance state
dynamic state of power system
elastic state
emergency maintenance state
emergency state
empty state
energy state
equilibrium state
eutectic state
excited state
failed state
filled state
final state
fluidized state
forced state
free state
functioning state
fundamental state
gaseous state
gel state
glassy state
green state
ground quantum state
ground state
high-elasticity state
impurity state
indifferent state
initial state
in-service state
intermediate state
ionization state
joint state
labile state
latent state
liquid state
liquid-crystal state
logic state
magnetic state
marginal state
martensitic state
metastable state
molten state
nonconducting state
nondegenerate state
nonequilibrium state
nonsteady state
occupied state
off state
on state
on-line parallel redundant state
original operating state
partial operable state
phase state
physical state
planar stressed state
plastic state
postemergency state
power system emergency state
power system hunting state
power system state
prerigor state
process state
pyroplastic state
quantum state
quasi-stationary state
quiescent state
ready state
redundant state
reference state
remanent state
reset state
resistive state
rubberlike state
set state
shallow-lying state
shallow state
solid state
stable state
standby redundant state
standby state
state of inventory
state of nonoperability
state of operability
state of reservoir depletion
stationary state
strained state
strain state
stressed state
stress state
stress-free state
supervisor state
surface state
suspension state
task state
three-dimensional stress state
transient state
trapping state
triaxial stress state
two-dimensional stress state
unbound state
unfilled state
uniaxial stress state
unoccupied state
unperturbed working state
unstable state
vacant state
vaporized state
wait state
yield state
zero state
zero-wait state -
13 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события 5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения ||современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a-box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- charge state
- charge storage state
- cellular state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E-state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I-state
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- I/O wait states
- logic state
- M-state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory state
- memory read wait states
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state
- polarization state for field vector
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S-state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z-state
- zero state
- zero wait state -
14 state
1) состояние (1. форма и способ существования объекта или системы объектов 2. классифицирующая характеристика формы и способа существования объекта или системы объектов 3. накопленная информация; предыстория; память 4. вчт. текущий символ из последовательности; величина, оказывающая влияние на последующие события5. (энергетическое) состояние; (энергетический) уровень) || приводить в (определённое) состояние2) положение; ранг; уровень4) формулировать (напр. проблему); поставить (напр. задачу)5) утверждать; высказывать; выражать; излагать6) заявлять; сообщать•- accessible statestate of the art — современное состояние (напр. науки); передовой уровень (напр. технологии); последние достижения || современный (напр. о науке); передовой (напр. о технологии); относящийся к последним достижениям
- active state
- admissible state
- allowed state
- all-zero state
- amplifying state
- antiferroelectric state
- antiferromagnetic state
- asymptotic state
- authorized state
- balance state
- band-gap state
- bistable magnetization state
- blocking state
- bound states
- brain state in a box
- bubble state
- cache wait states
- cellular state
- charge state
- charge storage state
- code state
- coherent state
- command state
- conducting state
- correlated state
- critical state
- current state
- current-carrying state
- cutoff state
- deep state
- deep-lying state
- degenerate state
- demagnetized state
- determined state
- DMA wait states
- domain-wall state
- donor impurity state
- dopant-induced state
- dynamically demagnetized state
- E state
- effective-surface state
- electretic state
- emergency state
- empty state
- energy state
- entangled states
- even state
- exchange-split state
- excited state
- exciton state
- exciton-magnon state
- exclusive state
- fast state
- ferrimagnetic state
- ferroelectric state
- ferromagnetic state
- ferron state
- filled state
- finite state
- forbidden state
- forward blocking state
- frozen state
- ground state
- high-impedance state
- high-Z state
- hyperfine state
- I state
- I/O wait states
- idle state
- impurity state
- initial state
- inner state
- instance state
- instantaneous state
- in-sync state
- interface state
- intermediate state
- invalid state
- logic state
- M state
- magnetized state
- matched momentum states
- memory read wait states
- memory state
- memory write wait states
- metaequilibrium state
- metastable state
- midgap state
- minimum uncertainty state
- mixed state
- modified state
- nodal state
- noncollinear spin state
- nondegenerate state
- nonsteady state
- normal state
- occupied state
- odd state
- off state
- on state
- one state
- orthogonal states
- passive state
- plasma state
- polarization state for field vector
- polarization state
- poled state
- position state
- predissociating state
- problem state
- process state
- quantized flux state
- quantum state
- quasi-stationary state
- qubit state
- quiescent state
- realizable state
- remanent state
- resource state
- reverse blocking state
- reverse conducting state
- S state
- saturation state
- Schubnikov state
- shallow state
- shallow-lying state
- shared state
- single-domain state
- sleep state
- slow state
- solid state
- space-charge-limited-current state
- stable state
- statically demagnetized state
- stationary state
- steady state
- superconducting state
- supervisor state
- surface state
- tachyon state
- terminal state
- thermodynamic equilibrium state
- threshold state
- tip of the tongue state
- transient state
- trapped-plasma state
- trapping state
- unbound states
- unfilled state
- unmarked state
- unoccupied state
- unpoled state
- unstable state
- user state
- vacant state
- virtual state
- wait state
- Z state
- zero state
- zero wait stateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > state
15 stationary state
квантовое состояние
Одно из возможных дискретных стабильных состояний системы взаимодействующих частиц.
[Сборник рекомендуемых терминов. Выпуск 79. Физическая оптика. Академия наук СССР. Комитет научно-технической терминологии. 1970 г.]Тематики
Обобщающие термины
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > stationary state
16 state
1) состояние
2) термодинамический
3) шт
4) режим
5) положение
6) структура
7) государство
8) заявлять
9) излагать
10) высказывать
11) гласить
12) констатировать
13) сформулировать
14) фиксировать
15) штат
16) государственный
17) фазовый
18) проставка
19) заявить
20) утверждать
21) утвердить
22) выражать
23) выразить
– amorphous state
– bound state
– change of state
– coherent-trapping state
– cut-off state
– decrepit state
– degenerated state
– determinate state
– disordered state
– disperse state
– doorway state
– energy of state
– equation of state
– equilibrium state
– ergodic state
– excited state
– extended state
– final state
– forbidden state
– frozen state
– function of state
– gaseous state
– high-Q state
– inaccessible state
– initial state
– intermediate state
– intruder state
– irreversible state
– latent state
– limiting state
– limp state
– molten state
– non-degenerate state
– non-equilibrium state
– nonexcited state
– off state
– on state
– ordered state
– perturb state
– physical state
– quantum state
– reversible state
– safe state
– singlet state
– solid state
– squeezed state
– stable state
– state flow
– state graph
– state hybridization
– state machine
– state of chaos
– state of charge
– state of discharge
– state of distribution
– state of matter
– state of weightlessness
– state problem
– state space
– state table
– state testing
– state transition
– state variable
– state vector
– stationary state
– steady state
– stressed state
– supercooled state
– supersaturated state
– target state
– transient state
– unoccupied state
– unstable state
– upper state
– valent state
– vaporous state
– vibrational state
– wait state
– zero state
Novosibirsk State University — университет государственный Новосибирский
reduction to single-domain state — <phys.> монодоменизация
state of aggregation of matter — агрегатное состояние вещества
state of plane deformation — плоское деформированное состояние
State Planning Commission — комиссия плановая Государственная
State System of Instruments — <engin.> система приборов Государственная
17 halted state
1. состояние останова; состояние ожидания2. состояние приостановки; состояние ожиданияsilent state — состояние "молчания"; отключенное состояние
18 steady state
1. установившееся состояние2. установившийся режим -
19 balanced state
1. балансированное состояние2. состояние равновесияThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > balanced state
20 stable state
1. стабильное состояние2. устойчивое состояниеThe English-Russian dictionary general scientific > stable state
См. также в других словарях:
quantum mechanics — quantum mechanical, adj. Physics. a theory of the mechanics of atoms, molecules, and other physical systems that are subject to the uncertainty principle. Abbr.: QM Cf. nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, relativistic quantum mechanics. [1920 25]… … Universalium
Quantum superposition — is the fundamental law of quantum mechanics. It defines the allowed state space of a quantum mechanical system.In Probability theory, every possible event has a positive number associated to it, the probability, which gives the chance that it… … Wikipedia
Quantum Zeno effect — The quantum Zeno effect is a name coined by George Sudarshan and Baidyanaith Misra of the University of Texas in 1977 in their analysis of the situation in which an unstable particle, if observed continuously, will never decay.Citation | last =… … Wikipedia
Quantum mechanics — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics … Wikipedia
stationary state — noun 1. : a stable or metastable quantum state 2. : a condition taken as an operational concept in economic analysis in which economic processes merely reproduce themselves with no changes … Useful english dictionary
Quantum economy — – this notion first occurred in an unpublished work by Anatoly V Kondratenko, Physical Modeling of Economic Systems. Classical and Quantum Economies that was put on the Internet in English in Novosibirsk in 2005. Main notionsQuantum economy in… … Wikipedia
Stationary distribution — may refer to:* The limiting distribution in a Markov chain * Stationary process * Stationary ergodic process * Stationary state or ground state in quantum mechanicsCrudely stated, all of the above are specific cases of a common general concept: a … Wikipedia
Quantum chaos — is a branch of physics which studies how chaotic classical systems (see dynamical systems and chaos theory) can be shown to be limits of quantum mechanical systems. The phenomena covered by quantum chaos so far are mainly related to wave theory.… … Wikipedia
quantum mechanics — Quantum theory, introduced by Max Planck (1858–1947) in 1900, was the first serious scientific departure from Newtonian mechanics. It involved supposing that certain physical quantities can only assume discrete values. In the following two… … Philosophy dictionary
Stationary state — In quantum mechanics, a stationary state is an eigenstate of a Hamiltonian, or in other words, a state of definite energy. It is called stationary because the corresponding probability density has no time dependence.As an eigenstate of the… … Wikipedia
Introduction to quantum mechanics — This article is an accessible, non technical introduction to the subject. For the main encyclopedia article, see Quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics … Wikipedia