1 static switch
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > static switch
2 static switch
3 static switch
1) Техника: бесконтактный переключатель, статический коммутатор2) Электроника: переключатель без подвижных частей3) Макаров: бесконтактный коммутатор -
4 static switch
5 static switch
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > static switch
6 static switch
7 static switch
8 Static switch
Бесконтактный переключатель -
9 static switch
10 centralized static switch
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > centralized static switch
11 centralized static switch cubicle
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > centralized static switch cubicle
12 Bypass static switch SCR
Электричество: тиристорный переключатель статического байпасаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > Bypass static switch SCR
13 static
статика; статические свойства (напр. балансировки колеса); электростатические явления; помеха электростатического происхождения; атмосферные помехи; ухудшение; усугбление; II статический; стационарный; неподвижный- static aeroelasticity - static air pressure - static angle of friction - static arrester - static breakdown voltage - static breeze - static buffering - static characteristic - static charge - static charge meter - static check - static coefficient - static commutation - static compaction - static compensation - static compensator - static conditions - static connection seal - static contact - static control - static controller - static current - static discharge - static discharge protection - static disturbance - static dump - static elasticity - static electricity test - static electromechanical relay - static elimination - static eliminator - static equilibrium equation - static error - static exciter - static failure - static force - static frequency converter - static friction force - static friction in suspension - static fuel flow method - static high-voltage distribution - static imbalance - static inverter - static indentation method - static load rating - static-loaded tyre radius - static loading - static loading fixture - static loading stress - static lubrication - static mass balancing - static mass spectrometer - static measurements - static measuring force - static mode - static moment - static-moment calculation - static operating life test - static orifice - static overvoltage - static part - static pile driving resistance of soil - static potential - static power amplifier - static pressure - static pressure energy - static pressure gradient - static pressure profile - static pressure traverse - static protection device - static regime - static regulator - static relay - static relay with output contact - static roller - static safety factor - static scales - static seal - static spline - static spray scrubber - static spring deflection - static spring rate - static stability - static stator - static steady-state instability - static steering torque - static stiffness - static strength - static stress - static suction head - static suction lift - static switch - static time delay - static tipping load rating - static toe-in - static toe-out - static torque - static torque-vs-angular-displacement curve - static-type plow - static tyre deflection - static tyre rate - static unbalance - static-weight roller - coefficient of static friction - datum statics - lightning static - man-made statics - precipitation static - residual statics -
14 static
1) статический
2) неастазированный
3) непроточный
4) неподвижный
5) статичный
6) ламинарный
– lightning static
– static calorimeter
– static commutation
– static friction
– static image
– static inverter
– static line
– static magnetometer
– static memory
– static microphone
– static moment
– static sum
– static switch
Pitot static system — <engin.> система ПВД
static frequency converter — статический преобразователь частоты
15 switch
1) переключатель
2) включатель
3) выключатель
4) коммутационный механизм
5) переключать
6) переключение
7) шальтер
8) искатель
9) <comput.> кнопочный
10) коммутатор
11) < railways> стрелочный
12) включать
13) менять направление
14) выключать
15) переключательный
16) прут
17) штепсель
18) штепсельный
19) ключ
20) многоходовой
21) трансформаторный
– acknowledging switch
– air-break switch
– air-pressure switch
– alternate switch
– antenna switch
– antenna-ground switch
– anti-capacitance switch
– assignment switch
– at flick of switch
– automatic switch
– band switch
– barometric switch
– battery switch
– branch switch
– by-pass switch
– cam switch
– cam-operated switch
– cell switch
– challenge switch
– channel switch
– close switch
– connector switch
– control switch
– controlled switch
– cradle switch
– cross-bar switch
– crossbar switch
– crosspoint switch
– cutoff switch
– delayed-action switch
– diode switch
– door-operated switch
– double-break switch
– double-pole switch
– double-throw switch
– double-way switch
– drum switch
– earthing switch
– electronic switch
– emergency switch
– enclosed switch
– end cell switch
– end switch
– end-cell switch
– entrance switch
– explosion-proof switch
– ferrite switch
– filament switch
– finder switch
– flag switch
– flush-mounting switch
– foot switch
– forestalling switch
– four-layer switch
– function switch
– fuse switch
– gang switch
– gate-activated switch
– grounding switch
– group switch
– hand-operated switch
– high-speed switch
– horn-gap switch
– interlocked switch
– interval cam switch
– knife switch
– lever switch
– limit switch
– liquid-level switch
– mains switch
– master switch
– matrix switch
– mercury switch
– minor switch
– motor-operated switch
– multi-pole switch
– multi-position switch
– multiple switch
– multiple-contact switch
– multipole switch
– multiway switch
– nut switch
– oil-immersed switch
– on-off switch
– one-motion switch
– open switch
– oscillating switch
– outlying switch
– pendulum switch
– piano-key switch
– plug switch
– plug-in switch
– pole switch
– power switch
– power-operated switch
– proximity switch
– push-button switch
– range switch
– reed switch
– relay switch
– remote switch
– reset switch
– rocker switch
– rotary switch
– route switch
– safety switch
– sectionalizing switch
– semiconductor switch
– single-break switch
– single-pole switch
– single-way switch
– slide switch
– solenoid switch
– solenoid-operated switch
– solid-state switch
– spring-return switch
– starting switch
– static switch
– step switch
– step-by-step switch
– stepping switch
– Strowger switch
– surface switch
– switch adjustment
– switch apparatus
– switch arm
– switch board
– switch chair
– switch circuit
– switch contacts
– switch engine
– switch in use
– switch indicator
– switch key
– switch lamp
– switch off
– switch on light
– switch out of use
– switch tie
– switch tongue
– switch tower
– switch tracks
– thermal switch
– throw a switch
– throwing of a switch
– thyristor switch
– toggle switch
– transfer switch
– transistor switch
– transmit-receive switch
– two-motion switch
– vacuum switch
– voltage-selector switch
– wafer switch
– wave-range switch
azimuth stowing switch — <tech.> ключ походного положения азимутальный
field discharge switch — <electr.> автомат гашения поля
magnetically operated switch — выключатель с магнитным приводом
momentary action switch — клавишный переключатель без фиксации
move switch to OFF position — ставить выключатель в положение ВЫКЛ
move switch to ON position — ставить выключатель в положение ВКЛ
numerical connector switch — искатель с вынужденным движением
silicon bilateral switch — тиристор симметричный пороговый триодный
switch laser Q to a low value — выключать добротность лазера
switch machine lever — рукоятка управления стрелочным приводом
switch section of multiple — секция многократного поля добавочная
switch signal lever — < railways> рукоятка стрелочного указателя
trafction indicator switch — переключатель указателя поворота
16 switch
1) переключение; коммутация || переключать; коммутироватьа) устройство для установления или (и) разрыва соединений между электрическими цепями, линиями передачи, каналами связи и др.; коммутатор; коммутационное устройствоб) вчт оператор выборав) массив адресов точек прерывания (программы); массив адресов контрольных точек3) выключение; включение; разъединение; соединение; прерывание || выключать; включать; разъединять; соединять; прерывать4) выключатель; разъединитель; соединитель; прерыватель5) ключ || использовать ключ6) тлф искатель7) вчт ключ (команды); управляющий параметр (команды) (напр. в MS DOS)8) изменение направления || изменять направление9) перемагничивание || перемагничивать•- access switch - alarm switch
- allotter switch
- antenna switch
- antenna disconnect switch
- anticapacitance switch
- antitransmit-receive switch
- assignment switch
- ATR switch
- automatic lock-on switch
- automatic time switch
- automatic time-delay switch
- baby knife switch
- backbone switch
- band switch
- bank-and-wiper switch
- barrel switch
- bat-handle switch
- biased switch
- big red switch
- binary switch
- birefringent switch
- bistable switch
- bladed switch
- bladed-type switch
- breakpoint switch
- bubble retarding switch
- button switch
- bypass switch
- call switch
- cam switch
- cam-type switch
- chalcogenide-glass switch
- changeover switch
- channel switch
- chopper switch
- clocked switch
- close switch
- closed switch
- cluster switch
- coaxial switch
- code-operated switch
- command switch
- communication switch
- commutation switch
- configurator switch
- control switch
- controlled switch
- cord-operated wall switch
- cradle switch
- crossbar switch
- cryogenic switch
- cryotron switch
- cutoff switch
- cutout switch
- data switch
- decimal switch
- deck switch
- delay switch
- digital tandem switch
- diode switch
- DIP switch
- disconnect switch
- disconnecting switch
- discriminating switch
- display switch
- double-break switch
- double-pole switch
- double-pole double-throw switch
- double-pole single-throw switch
- double-throw switch
- double-way switch
- drum switch
- dry-reed switch
- dual-in-line package switch
- earth switch
- earthing switch
- electric switch
- electrolytic switch
- electron-beam activated switch
- electronic switch
- emergency switch
- emitter-follower current switch
- environment-proof switch
- explosion-proof switch
- explosively-actuated opening switch
- Faraday-rotation switch
- fax switch
- feed switch
- ferrite switch
- float switch
- fluidic switch
- flush-mounted switch
- foot switch
- four-layer semiconductor switch
- four-pole switch
- four-pole double-throw switch
- four-pole single-throw switch
- four-region switch
- four-throw switch
- four-way switch
- front-and-back connected switch
- function switch
- fuse-disconnecting switch
- fusible switch
- gang switch
- gas-filled reed switch
- gate-activated switch
- gate-controlled switch
- gate-turnoff switch
- glow switch
- gross-motion switch
- ground switch
- grounding switch
- Hall switch
- Hall-effect switch
- hat switch
- high-speed switch
- homing-type switch
- hunting switch
- inertia switch
- instrument switch
- interlock switch
- isolated-gate p-n-p-n switch
- Josephson-junction switch
- Kerr-cell switch
- key switch
- knife switch - lever switch
- lever pileup switch
- light-activated switch
- light-activated silicon controlled switch
- liquid-crystal light valve switch
- limit switch
- line switch
- load switch
- local switch
- logic switch
- loudness switch
- magnetically controlled switch
- magnetic reed switch
- main switch
- maintained contact switch
- make-before-break switch
- many-one function switch
- maser saturation protection switch
- master switch
- membrane switch
- memory rewind switch
- MEMS switch
- MEMS-based switch
- mercury switch
- mercury-wetted reed switch
- metal-plasma arc opening switch
- microelectromechanical system switch
- microelectromechanical system-based switch
- microenergy switch
- microwave switch
- minor switch
- mode select switch
- momentary switch
- monitor switch
- monostable switch
- multigang switch
- multilayer semiconductor switch
- multipath switch
- multiple-break switch
- multiple-contact switch
- multiplex switch
- multiposition switch
- multithrow switch
- multiwafer switch
- muting switch
- non-biased switch
- non-shorting switch
- non-shorting-contact switch
- normally closed switch
- normally open switch
- n-terminal switch
- oil switch
- one-many function switch
- on-off switch
- open switch
- opening switch
- optical bypass switch
- optical-fiber switch
- optical-waveguide switch
- optoelectronic switch
- optoelectronic multiplex switch
- ovonic memory switch
- ovonic threshold switch
- packet switch
- paddle switch
- page switch - pedal switch
- pendant switch
- phase-reversal switch
- photon-activated switch
- p-n-p-n switch
- polarization switch
- portamento switch
- power switch
- preselection switch
- press-button switch
- press-to-talk switch
- pressure switch
- printed-circuit switch
- program switch
- programmer switch
- protein switch
- proximity switch
- pull-switch
- push-back-push button switch
- push-button switch
- push-to-talk switch
- Q-switch
- quick-break switch
- quick-make switch
- radio-phono selector switch
- radio-tape selector switch
- range switch
- reciprocal ferrite switch
- redundancy switch
- reed switch
- regenerative switch
- regime switch
- remote switch
- removable-drum programming switch
- resonator-chamber switch
- reversing switch
- rocker switch
- rotary switch
- rotary out-trunk switch
- rotary-stepping switch
- rotaxane switch
- scan direction switch
- search direction switch
- selector switch
- self-restoring switch
- semiconductor switch
- sense switch
- sensitivity switch
- sequence switch
- series-parallel switch
- setup switchs
- sharing-selector switch
- shorting switch
- shorting-contact switch
- short-recovery-time high-voltage switch
- shuttle switch
- shuttle-type switch
- silicon-controlled switch
- silicon-gate-controlled ac switch
- silicon symmetrical switch
- silicon-window switch
- single-pole switch
- single-pole double-throw switch
- single-pole single-throw switch
- single-throw switch
- single-way switch
- sinusoidal polarization switch
- slide switch
- snap switch
- snooze switch
- solid-state switch
- solid-state molecular switch
- spark gap switch
- speaker-reversal switch
- spring-return switch
- SQ switch
- static switch
- step-by-step switch
- stepping switch
- stereo/mono switch
- stereo/quadraphonic switch
- Strowger switch
- stud switch
- stud-type switch
- suspension switch
- sweep switch
- synchro switch
- T-switch
- talk-listen switch
- tandem switch
- tap switch
- tape switch
- tape-selection switch
- tapping switch
- thermostatic switch
- three-pole switch
- three-port switch
- three-way tape-selection switch
- thumbwheel switch
- time-delay switch
- toggle switch
- toll offering switch
- touch switch
- touch-to-talk switch
- TR switch
- transfer switch
- transistor switch
- transmit-receive switch
- triode alternating current semiconductor switch
- tumbler switch
- Turbo switch
- turbo switch
- turn switch
- two-motion step-by-step switch
- two-or-four-mode switch
- two-pole switch
- two-pole double-throw switch
- two-pole single-throw switch
- two-throw switch
- two-way switch
- ultrasonic switch
- vacuum switch
- vacuum arc opening switch
- vacuum reed switch
- video switch
- voice-actuated switch
- wafer lever switch
- wave-band switch
- waveguide switch
- waveguide resonant-iris switch
- W/G switch
- write-protect switch -
17 switch
1) переключение; коммутация || переключать; коммутироватьа) устройство для установления или (и) разрыва соединений между электрическими цепями, линиями передачи, каналами связи и др.; коммутатор; коммутационное устройствоб) вчт. оператор выборав) массив адресов точек прерывания (программы); массив адресов контрольных точек3) выключение; включение; разъединение; соединение; прерывание || выключать; включать; разъединять; соединять; прерывать4) выключатель; разъединитель; соединитель; прерыватель5) ключ || использовать ключ6) тлф. искатель7) вчт. ключ (команды); управляющий параметр (команды) (напр. в MS DOS)8) изменение направления || изменять направление9) перемагничивание || перемагничивать•- access switch
- active Q switch
- air switch
- alarm switch
- allotter switch
- antenna disconnect switch
- antenna switch
- anticapacitance switch
- antitransmit-receive switch
- assignment switch
- ATR switch
- automatic lock-on switch
- automatic time switch
- automatic time-delay switch
- baby knife switch
- backbone switch
- band switch
- bank-and-wiper switch
- barrel switch
- bat-handle switch
- biased switch
- big red switch
- binary switch
- birefringent switch
- bistable switch
- bladed switch
- bladed-type switch
- breakpoint switch
- bubble retarding switch
- button switch
- bypass switch
- call switch
- cam switch
- cam-type switch
- chalcogenide-glass switch
- changeover switch
- channel switch
- chopper switch
- clocked switch
- close switch
- closed switch
- cluster switch
- coaxial switch
- code-operated switch
- command switch
- communication switch
- commutation switch
- configurator switch
- control switch
- controlled switch
- cord-operated wall switch
- cradle switch
- crossbar switch
- cryogenic switch
- cryotron switch
- cutoff switch
- cutout switch
- data switch
- decimal switch
- deck switch
- delay switch
- digital tandem switch
- diode switch
- DIP switch
- disconnect switch
- disconnecting switch
- discriminating switch
- display switch
- double-break switch
- double-pole double-throw switch
- double-pole single-throw switch
- double-pole switch
- double-throw switch
- double-way switch
- drum switch
- dry-reed switch
- dual-in-line package switch
- earth switch
- earthing switch
- electric switch
- electrolytic switch
- electron-beam activated switch
- electronic switch
- emergency switch
- emitter-follower current switch
- environment-proof switch
- explosion-proof switch
- explosively-actuated opening switch
- Faraday-rotation switch
- fax switch
- feed switch
- ferrite switch
- float switch
- fluidic switch
- flush-mounted switch
- foot switch
- four-layer semiconductor switch
- four-pole double-throw switch
- four-pole single-throw switch
- four-pole switch
- four-region switch
- four-throw switch
- four-way switch
- front-and-back connected switch
- function switch
- fuse-disconnecting switch
- fusible switch
- gang switch
- gas-filled reed switch
- gate-activated switch
- gate-controlled switch
- gate-turnoff switch
- glow switch
- gross-motion switch
- ground switch
- grounding switch
- Hall switch
- Hall-effect switch
- hat switch
- high-speed switch
- homing-type switch
- hunting switch
- inertia switch
- instrument switch
- interlock switch
- isolated-gate p-n-p-n switch
- Josephson-junction switch
- Kerr-cell switch
- key switch
- knife switch
- laser Q switch
- laser-triggered switch
- lever pileup switch
- lever switch
- light-activated silicon controlled switch
- light-activated switch
- limit switch
- line switch
- liquid-crystal light valve switch
- load switch
- local switch
- logic switch
- loudness switch
- magnetic reed switch
- magnetically controlled switch
- main switch
- maintained contact switch
- make-before-break switch
- many-one function switch
- maser saturation protection switch
- master switch
- membrane switch
- memory rewind switch
- MEMS switch
- MEMS-based switch
- mercury switch
- mercury-wetted reed switch
- metal-plasma arc opening switch
- microelectromechanical system switch
- microelectromechanical system-based switch
- microenergy switch
- microwave switch
- minor switch
- mode select switch
- momentary switch
- monitor switch
- monostable switch
- multigang switch
- multilayer semiconductor switch
- multipath switch
- multiple-break switch
- multiple-contact switch
- multiplex switch
- multiposition switch
- multithrow switch
- multiwafer switch
- muting switch
- non-biased switch
- non-shorting switch
- non-shorting-contact switch
- normally closed switch
- normally open switch
- n-terminal switch
- oil switch
- one-many function switch
- on-off switch
- open switch
- opening switch
- optical bypass switch
- optical-fiber switch
- optical-waveguide switch
- optoelectronic multiplex switch
- optoelectronic switch
- ovonic memory switch
- ovonic threshold switch
- packet switch
- paddle switch
- page switch
- passive Q switch
- pause switch
- pedal switch
- pendant switch
- phase-reversal switch
- photon-activated switch
- p-n-p-n switch
- polarization switch
- portamento switch
- power switch
- preselection switch
- press-button switch
- press-to-talk switch
- pressure switch
- printed-circuit switch
- program switch
- programmer switch
- protein switch
- proximity switch
- pull-switch
- push-back-push button switch
- push-button switch
- push-to-talk switch
- Q switch
- quick-break switch
- quick-make switch
- radio-phono selector switch
- radio-tape selector switch
- range switch
- reciprocal ferrite switch
- redundancy switch
- reed switch
- regenerative switch
- regime switch
- remote switch
- removable-drum programming switch
- resonator-chamber switch
- reversing switch
- rocker switch
- rotary out-trunk switch
- rotary switch
- rotary-stepping switch
- rotaxane switch
- scan direction switch
- search direction switch
- selector switch
- self-restoring switch
- semiconductor switch
- sense switch
- sensitivity switch
- sequence switch
- series-parallel switch
- setup switchs
- sharing-selector switch
- shorting switch
- shorting-contact switch
- short-recovery-time high-voltage switch
- shuttle switch
- shuttle-type switch
- silicon symmetrical switch
- silicon-controlled switch
- silicon-gate-controlled ac switch
- silicon-window switch
- single-pole double-throw switch
- single-pole single-throw switch
- single-pole switch
- single-throw switch
- single-way switch
- sinusoidal polarization switch
- slide switch
- snap switch
- snooze switch
- solid-state molecular switch
- solid-state switch
- spark gap switch
- speaker-reversal switch
- spring-return switch
- SQ switch
- static switch
- step-by-step switch
- stepping switch
- stereo/mono switch
- stereo/quadraphonic switch
- Strowger switch
- stud switch
- stud-type switch
- suspension switch
- sweep switch
- synchro switch
- talk-listen switch
- tandem switch
- tap switch
- tape switch
- tape-selection switch
- tapping switch
- thermostatic switch
- three-pole switch
- three-port switch
- three-way tape-selection switch
- thumbwheel switch
- time-delay switch
- toggle switch
- toll offering switch
- touch switch
- touch-to-talk switch
- TR switch
- transfer switch
- transistor switch
- transmit-receive switch
- triode alternating current semiconductor switch
- T-switch
- tumbler switch
- Turbo switch
- turbo switch
- turn switch
- two-motion step-by-step switch
- two-or-four-mode switch
- two-pole double-throw switch
- two-pole single-throw switch
- two-pole switch
- two-throw switch
- two-way switch
- ultrasonic switch
- vacuum arc opening switch
- vacuum reed switch
- vacuum switch
- video switch
- voice-actuated switch
- W/G switch
- wafer lever switch
- wave-band switch
- waveguide resonant-iris switch
- waveguide switch
- write-protect switchThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > switch
18 switch
1) выключатель || выключать2) ключ; переключатель3) коммутатор; коммутационный механизм4) переключение || переключать5) ж.-д. стрелочный перевод; стрелка7) реле•- magnetically operated switch - numerical connector switch - traffic indicator switch - trafficator switchthrowing of a switch — ж.-д. перевод стрелки
19 static flip-flop register
switch register — тумблерный регистр; регистр переключателей
product register — регистр произведения; счетчик результатов
extension register — расширяющий регистр; регистр расширения
20 proximity switch
1) Авиация: неконтактный переключатель, электронный блок сигнализатора сближения (Boeing Technical Dictionary)2) Техника: бесконтактный выключатель, бесконтактный переключатель, конечный выключатель без касания объекта3) Механика: двоичный датчик ближней локации4) Автоматика: датчик положения5) Робототехника: датчик наличия объекта6) Общая лексика: концевой выключатель (бесконтактный)7) Макаров: (not to be confused with static) неконтактный выключатель (не путать с "бесконтактный")
См. также в других словарях:
Switch-technology — is a technology for automata based programming support. It was proposed by Anatoly Shalyto in 1991. It involves software specification, design, implementation, debugging, documentation and maintenance. The term “automata based programming” is… … Wikipedia
Switch London — is a DAB ensemble operated by Switch Digital; it broadcasts on block 12A (223.936 MHz) from a variety of sites in and around London (Alexandra Palace, Arkley, Bluebell Hill, BT Tower, Colindale House, Crystal Palace, Guildford, Hampstead, Harrow… … Wikipedia
Static (альбом) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Static. Static … Википедия
Static Transfer Switch — Der Static Transfer Switch (STS), oder automatischer Transferschalter, ist ein elektronischer Schalter zur Umschaltung auf einen alternativen Stromversorgungspfad in größeren USV Anlagen wie in Rechenzentren. In Rechenzentren wird die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Static VAR compensator — A Static VAR Compensator (or SVC) is an electrical device for providing fast acting reactive power compensation on high voltage electricity transmission networks. SVCs are part of the Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) family of devices.… … Wikipedia
Static single assignment form — En compilation, Static single assignement form (abrégé en SSA) est une représentation intermédiaire (abrégé RI) du code source d un programme dont la particularité est de ne permettre à une variable d être affectée qu une et une seule fois. Les… … Wikipédia en Français
switch loading — The loading of a high static charge retaining hydrocarbon (diesel fuel) into a tank truck, tank car, or other vessels that has previously contained a low flash hydrocarbon (gasoline) and may contain a flammable mixture of vapor and air … Petroleum refining glossary
National Airspace System Voice Switch — The United States National Airspace System Voice Switch (NVS) project[1], a part of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), aims to establish a single set of scalable voice switches that can support a dynamic flow of air traffic … Wikipedia
Negroponte switch — Professor Nicholas Negroponte of the Media Lab at MIT originated the meme,[1] which has since been associated with his name. As more mobile devices need connections to the data network, and bandwidths required and deliverable in wired or fibre… … Wikipedia
общий статический байпас — [Интент] Тематики источники и системы электропитания EN centralized static switch … Справочник технического переводчика
шкаф общего статического байпаса — [Интент] Тематики источники и системы электропитания EN centralized static switch cubicle … Справочник технического переводчика