1 static equilibrium conditions
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > static equilibrium conditions
2 static equilibrium conditions
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > static equilibrium conditions
3 static equilibrium conditions
Техника: условия статического равновесияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > static equilibrium conditions
4 static-equilibrium conditions
Техника: условия статического равновесияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > static-equilibrium conditions
5 static equilibrium conditions
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > static equilibrium conditions
6 static
статика; статические свойства (напр. балансировки колеса); электростатические явления; помеха электростатического происхождения; атмосферные помехи; ухудшение; усугбление; II статический; стационарный; неподвижный- static aeroelasticity - static air pressure - static angle of friction - static arrester - static breakdown voltage - static breeze - static buffering - static characteristic - static charge - static charge meter - static check - static coefficient - static commutation - static compaction - static compensation - static compensator - static conditions - static connection seal - static contact - static control - static controller - static current - static discharge - static discharge protection - static disturbance - static dump - static elasticity - static electricity test - static electromechanical relay - static elimination - static eliminator - static equilibrium equation - static error - static exciter - static failure - static force - static frequency converter - static friction force - static friction in suspension - static fuel flow method - static high-voltage distribution - static imbalance - static inverter - static indentation method - static load rating - static-loaded tyre radius - static loading - static loading fixture - static loading stress - static lubrication - static mass balancing - static mass spectrometer - static measurements - static measuring force - static mode - static moment - static-moment calculation - static operating life test - static orifice - static overvoltage - static part - static pile driving resistance of soil - static potential - static power amplifier - static pressure - static pressure energy - static pressure gradient - static pressure profile - static pressure traverse - static protection device - static regime - static regulator - static relay - static relay with output contact - static roller - static safety factor - static scales - static seal - static spline - static spray scrubber - static spring deflection - static spring rate - static stability - static stator - static steady-state instability - static steering torque - static stiffness - static strength - static stress - static suction head - static suction lift - static switch - static time delay - static tipping load rating - static toe-in - static toe-out - static torque - static torque-vs-angular-displacement curve - static-type plow - static tyre deflection - static tyre rate - static unbalance - static-weight roller - coefficient of static friction - datum statics - lightning static - man-made statics - precipitation static - residual statics -
7 static
статический, неподвижный, стационарный
– static accuracy
– static balance
– static characteristic
– static check
– static compliance
– static conditions
– static constraint
– static equilibrium
– static error
– static friction
– static instability
– static load
– static regime
– static regulator
– static stability
– static storage
– static system
– static test
– static torque
8 условия статического равновесия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > условия статического равновесия
9 condition
1) условие || обусловливать2) состояние || поддерживать (приводить в) определённое состояние3) положение; ситуация4) мн. ч. режим5) мн. ч. параметры7) выдерживать (напр. древесину)8) горн. подвергать обработке реагентами перед флотацией9) текст. испытывать степень влажности•conditions beyond the experience — условия ( полёта), выходящие за рамки опыта ( пилота);-
abnormal operating conditions
accident condition
actual operating conditions
added-value condition
adjoint boundary condition
adverse conditions
airworthy condition
alert condition
ambient conditions
anticipated operating conditions
application conditions
as-cast condition
as-deposited condition
as-drawn condition
as-extruded condition
as-forged condition
as-received condition
as-rolled condition
as-welded condition
asymmetrical conditions
asynchronous condition
atmospheric conditions
average operating conditions
balanced conditions
beet cutting conditions
boundary condition
breaking conditions
burning conditions
busy condition
characteristic condition
chemistry conditions
close conditions
cold furnace condition
compatibility condition
condition of indeterminacy
condition of static equilibrium
conjugating boundary condition
consistency condition
contact conditions
continuity condition
continuous conditions
controlled atmosphere conditions
controlled conditions
cost optimum condition
crack arrest conditions
crack extension conditions
crew physical condition
criticality conditions
current yield condition
cutting conditions
deadlock condition
debugging conditions
Derichlet's boundary condition
design conditions
dirt load condition
disabled condition
docking initial contact conditions
don't care condition
downstream stagnation conditions
dry-bulb conditions
dust condition
dyebath conditions
dynamic conditions
elliptic boundary condition
emergency condition
end fixity condition
energized condition
environmental conditions
equilibrium condition
equilibrium fuel burnup conditions
equilibrium xenon conditions
equipment-damaging condition
error condition
exception condition
existence condition
extreme conditions
fault conditions
faulty condition
field condition
firing conditions
flight conditions
flow conditions
fracture arrest conditions
fracture conditions
free surface conditions
freezing conditions
friction boundary conditions
frost buildup conditions
full power equilibrium xenon conditions
full-load conditions
fusing condition
gap condition
general yielding conditions
geological conditions
geometric boundary condition
geotechnical conditions
governing conditions
grinding conditions
grip conditions
hazardous weather conditions
high-resistance fault conditions
highresistance fault conditions
homogeneous boundary conditions
hostile conditions
humid condition
humidity conditions
hunting conditions
hygiene and sanitary conditions
hypobaric conditions
ice conditions
ice-bound conditions
icing conditions
impact conditions
induction condition
initial condition
in-lock condition
in-pile conditions
in-place conditions
in-plane boundary conditions
in-situ conditions
instrument meteorological conditions
jump conditions
karstic conditions
landing conditions
limiting condition
living conditions
load conditions
loading condition
local condition
local flow conditions
logical condition
lowest weather conditions
low-light-level conditions
machine conditions
machining conditions
making conditions
managed conditions
meteorological conditions
mill conditions
mining and geological conditions
mixed-boundary conditions
moding conditions
moisture conditions
motor load condition
mutual-testing conditions
natural boundary condition
natural conditions
near singing conditions
necessary condition
Newmann's boundary condition
Newton's boundary condition
no-load conditions
nominal conditions
normal conditions
off condition
off-design conditions
off-peak conditions
on condition
on-peak conditions
on-speed conditions
open-conductor operating conditions
operated condition
operating condition
operational conditions
operation conditions
out-of-balance condition
out-of-round condition
out-of-step conditions
out-of-tolerance conditions
overaged condition
overheating conditions
overload conditions
overpoled condition
overtempered condition
oxidizing conditions
peak load conditions
periodicity condition
permit conditions
petrophysical conditions
plane-strain condition
plant conditions
poor ground condition
postfault conditions
precipitation conditions
prefault conditions
process conditions
program stop condition
pulling condition
pulse conditions
pump-starving filter condition
quenched condition
quiescent condition
rated conditions
reaction conditions
ready condition
reductive conditions
reference friction conditions
refrigerating conditions
rigidity condition
roof conditions
room conditions
running conditions
runoff conditions
safety conditions
self-testing conditions
semistalled condition
service conditions
short-circuit conditions
side condition
simulated conditions
slipping condition
stability conditions
stabilized condition
stagnant conditions
standard condition
standby condition
starting conditions
start-oscillation condition
static conditions
static equilibrium conditions
steady-state condition
steady condition
storage conditions
stream conditions
strength condition
stress boundary conditions
stress condition
sufficient condition
surface condition
symmetrical conditions
takeoff conditions
technical conditions
temperature conditions
temper-brittle condition
terminal conditions
terrain undercarriage working condition
test conditions
test-bed conditions
thermal boundary conditions
thermal conditions
thermodynamic condition
traction-free boundary conditions
tractor underfoot condition
transient condition
trial conditions
turbulent conditions
turn-down conditions
unbalanced conditions
unballasted condition
under no-load conditions
unenergized condition
unmanned conditions
unpredictable conditions
unsteady-state condition
unsteady condition
upstream stagnation conditions
usage conditions
valve flow condition
viewing conditions
visibility reduced condition
visual meteorological conditions
wait condition
weather conditions
well production conditions
wet-bulb conditions
wind conditions
wing icing conditions
winter conditions
working condition
worst conditions
zero-wind condition -
10 condition
1) условие2) состояние3) pl режим5) модифицировать; приспосабливать ( к новым условиям)6) править ( абразивный инструмент)•in a holding condition — в зафиксированном положении; в зажатом состоянии
in lightly manned conditions — в режиме малолюдной технологии, при минимальном обслуживании ( персоналом);
in the assembled condition — в сборе, в собранном виде
in unmanned conditions — в режиме безлюдной технологии, без обслуживания ( персоналом);
under generous volume conditions — в условиях обильной подачи (напр. СОЖ)
- acceptance conditionsunder speed conditions — при движении; при вращении
- accident conditions
- added-value condition
- alarm conditions
- ambient conditions
- application conditions
- as-received condition
- assembly conditions
- auxiliary condition
- backward condition
- best cutting conditions
- boundary conditions
- braking condition
- cavitation condition
- clamping conditions
- closed condition
- clutching condition
- condition of loading
- conditions of practical application
- consistancy conditions
- contact condition
- continuity condition
- control conditions
- controlled condition
- correcting condition
- cutting conditions
- declaration condition
- design condition
- desired condition
- disengaged condition
- distorted condition
- emergency conditions
- entry-to-cut conditions
- environmental conditions
- equilibrium condition
- ergonomically favorable working conditions
- erroneous conditions
- error condition
- exit-from-cut conditions
- fault condition
- final condition
- final controlled condition
- finishing conditions
- flushing conditions
- forbidden condition
- furnace annealing conditions
- grinding conditions
- half-floating condition
- heat equilibrium condition
- heavy roughing conditions
- heavy-load conditions
- initial condition
- instability condition
- interacted controlled conditions
- intermittent cutting conditions
- invertor conditions
- laser conditions
- laser-annealed regrowth conditions
- light load conditions
- limit and fit conditions
- limiting conditions
- load condition
- load ready condition
- loading conditions
- locked-in condition
- machine conditions
- machine operating load conditions
- machining conditions
- maximum material condition
- meshing condition
- mild condition
- minimum friction condition
- minimum operating condition
- motor load condition
- negative speed condition
- no-load condition
- noninteraction condition
- nonserviceable condition
- nonstandard condition
- normal conditions
- normal operating condition
- off-lead condition
- on/off condition
- open condition
- operated condition
- operating conditions
- operational conditions
- optimum condition
- optimum cutting conditions
- oscillating conditions
- out-of-balance condition
- out-of-control condition
- out-of-tolerance conditions
- overrunning condition
- periodicity conditions
- prefailure tool conditions
- processing conditions
- production conditions
- program stop condition
- quasi-equilibrium condition
- quasi-static load conditions
- quiescent conditions
- rated conditions
- rated operating conditions
- rated work conditions
- rated working conditions
- reference conditions
- release condition
- reset conditions
- rest condition
- reversing condition
- rigid condition
- roughing conditions
- runaway condition
- running conditions
- safety conditions
- sensed conditions
- service conditions
- serviceable condition
- shockless entrance condition
- shop conditions
- shop-floor conditions
- short-circuit conditions
- soft condition
- stability condition
- stabilized condition
- stale condition
- standard conditions
- starting condition
- static condition
- steady-state condition
- steady-state sliding conditions
- stick-slip condition
- strength condition
- temperature-humidity conditions
- temperature-humidity storage conditions
- terminal conditions
- test conditions
- testing conditions
- thermal conditions
- tool degradation condition
- tool fault condition
- traction condition
- transient condition
- transient-state condition
- unpredictable conditions
- unsettled condition
- unstability condition
- untoward condition
- workable condition
- working conditions
- workless condition
- worn tool conditionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > condition
11 condition
1) условие2) юр. существенное условие ( нарушение которого даёт право на расторжение контракта)3) состояние, положение; статус; характер5) кондиция6) ставить условие; обуславливать•- condition of equilibrium - condition of exposure - condition of incompressibility - condition of instability - conditions of loading - condition of static equilibrium - abnormal conditions - adverse conditions - aggressive conditions - ambient conditions - as-is condition - as-welded condition - average service conditions - bill of lading condition - blue-ribbon condition - boundary conditions - climatic conditions - climatological conditions - comfort conditions - compulsory condition - crack arrest conditions - cracked conditions - critical conditions - design conditions - desired conditions - domestic law conditions - economic conditions - edge conditions - emergency conditions - end conditions - environmental conditions - erection conditions - extreme conditions - favourable conditions of the contract - feasibility conditions - field conditions - fixed-end condition - fracture conditions - general conditions of delivery - geotechnical conditions - hydrogeological conditions - hydrological conditions - implied condition - indoor conditions - limiting conditions - living conditions - loading condition - meteorologic conditions - meteorological conditions - move-in condition - natural conditions - normal conditions - off condition - off-design conditions - on condition - operating conditions - plane stress condition - plasticity condition - precedent condition - resolutive condition - resolutory condition - restraint conditions - rigidity condition - service conditions - space air conditions - special conditions of the contract - static conditions - strength state condition - stress condition - strict technical conditions - support condition - tear-down condition - technical conditions - test conditions - traffic conditions - turbulent condition - typical condition - unacceptable conditions - uncracked condition - unsymmetrical loading conditions - weathering conditions - working conditions* * *1. условие2. состояние- conditions of contractin operating condition — в рабочем состоянии (о машине, инструменте)
- conditions of exposure
- condition of instability
- conditions of the bid
- conditions of the natural environment
- condition of tipping
- abnormal service conditions
- adiabatic conditions
- adverse conditions
- aggressive atmospheric conditions
- air conditions
- ambient conditions
- anticipated loading conditions
- applied bounding conditions
- as-is condition
- assumed loading conditions
- basic condition
- blocked condition
- boundary conditions
- comfort conditions
- compatibility conditions
- consistent condition
- continuity condition
- controlled condition
- controlled factory conditions
- design conditions
- edge condition
- ellipticity condition
- end conditions
- environmental conditions
- equilibrium conditions
- expected conditions
- exposure conditions
- external conditions
- failure condition
- field conditions
- fixed-end condition
- frozen ground condition
- general conditions
- general conditions of contract
- groundwater conditions
- health conditions
- indoor conditions
- initial conditions
- internal conditions
- loading conditions
- loading conditions on beams
- mobile condition
- no-slip condition
- occupational safety conditions
- operating condition
- original condition
- outdoor conditions
- outside weather conditions
- overconsolidated condition
- plane stress condition
- real conditions of end restraint
- reference conditions
- restraint conditions
- room air conditions
- safe operating conditions
- service conditions
- severe climatic conditions
- site conditions
- slum condition
- soil condition
- space air conditions
- special load conditions
- specific dangerous working conditions
- specified conditions
- stability condition
- standard rating conditions
- steady-state condition
- stress condition
- sufficient condition
- supplementary general conditions
- support conditions
- sustained loading conditions
- ultimate load conditions
- uniform ellipticity condition -
12 market
1. сущ.1) эк. рынок; базар (специальное место, где осуществляется торговля)COMBS:
It is cheaper to buy vegetables from the market than from a shop. — Овощи дешевле покупать на рынке, чем в магазине.
Syn:marketplace 1), bazaar 1)See:2) эк. рынок (совокупность продавцов и покупателей какого-л. товара)to place [to put\] goods on the market, to bring goods to market — предлагать товар к продаже
In 1930 the first home laundry machine and refrigerator were put on the market. — В 1930 г. на рынке появилась первая бытовая стиральная машина и холодильник.
ATTRIBUTES [structure\]: actual 1. 1), auction 1. 1), call 1. 1), n6б, captive 1. 1), n4, classical 1. 3), concentrated 1. 1) а), continuous 1. 1) а), first 2. 3) а), forward 1. 1), n4, fourth, imperfect 1. 1), б, inside 2. 1) а), intermediate 2. 2) а), inverted 1. 3), monopolistic, oligopolistic, one-sided 1. 3), one-way 2. 4) а), open outcry, outcry, over-the-counter 2. 1) а), over-the-telephone, parallel 2. 1) а), perfect 1. 1), n2б, pitching, physical 2. 1) а), public 1. 1), n4, pure 1. 1) а), retail 2. 1) а), screen-based, second 1. 1), n2, sideways 2. 6) а), spot 2. 1) а), third 2. 3) а), wholesale 2. 1) а)
ATTRIBUTES [legality\]: administered 1), bear 1. 2), black 1. 3) а), blocked 1. 2) а), controlled, democratic 1), formal 1. 1) а), free 1. 1) а), informal 1), б, illicit, kerb, organized 1), в, overt 1. 2) а), regulated, rigged 1. 2) а)
See:CHILD [product\]: product market, financial market, services market, political market, pollution permit market, related markets CHILD [structure\]: actual market 2), 3), aftermarket 1), auction market, call market, carrying market, cash market, 1), 1), continuous market, double auction market, double-auction market, first market, forward market, fourth market, imperfect market, inside market 2), inter-dealer market, intermediate market, inverted market, monopolistic market, non-exchange market, off-board market, oligopolistic market, one-sided market, one-way market, open outcry market, OTC market, outcry market, 2), over-the-counter market, over-the-counter securities market, over-the-telephone market, parallel market, perfect market, physical market, public market 2), pure market, retail market, screen-based market, second market, spot market, street market 1), third market, upstairs market 2), wholesale market CHILD [legality\]: administered market, bear market 2), black market 1) а), blocked market, closed market, controlled market, formal market, free market, free and open market, informal market, grey market 1) а), illicit market, kerb market, organized market, price-making market, regulated market 1) а), rigged market, self-regulated market, access to market, market access, market disruption, inside market 1), 1), market-determined price3)а) эк. спрос; объем спроса, размер рынка (наличие желающих купить товар; часто используется как характеристика определенной территории)COMBS:
The European market for this product is estimated at $10 billions during next 5 years. — По оценкам, объем европейского рынка этого продукта будет равен 10 млрд долл. в течение ближайших пяти лет.
ATTRIBUTES: actual 1. 1), assured 1. 2), brisk 1. 1), business 1. 4) а), commercial 1. 1), consumer 1. 1), consumers, customer 1. 1), dealer 1. 1), б, enterprise 1. 2) а), government 1. 7) а), heavy user, industrial 1. 1), а, institutional 1. 1), а, manufacturing 2. 1) а), organizational, personal 1. 2) а), potential, producer 1. 1), professional 1. 1), promising, ready 1. 1), reseller, trade 1. 2), world 2. 1) а)
See:actual market 1), assured market, brisk market, business market, commercial market, consumer market, consumers market, consumers' market, customer market, dealer market, enterprise market, government market, heavy-user market, industrial market, institutional market, large-volume market, manufacturing market, organizational market, personal market 1), potential market 1) б), producer market, professional market, promising market, ready market, reseller market, trade market, world market 2) б)б) эк. потребителиATTRIBUTES: brand-loyal, control 3. 1), conventional 3. 2), core 2. 2), exploratory, intended, main 1. 1), mass 3. 1), personal 3. 2), potential, primary 2. 2), n2, principal 2. 2), n1, prospective, target 3. 1), test 3. 1), traditional
Syn:See:brand-loyal market, control market, conventional market, core market, exploratory market, intended market, main market 2), personal market 2), potential market 2) а), primary market 2), principal market 1) а), prospective market, target market, test market, traditional market, market acceptance, market attritionв) марк. рынок сбыта ( географический район)ATTRIBUTES: colonial, domestic 2) а), export 3. 2) а), external 1. 2) а), foreign 1. 1) а), global 1. 1) а), home 2. 2) а), internal 1. 2) а), international 1. 1) а), dispersed, distant 1. 1) а), local 1. 1) а), national 1. 1) а), nation-wide, nationwide, overseas 1. 2) а), regional, scattered 1. 1) а), world 2. 1) а), world-wide
Syn:See:colonial market, domestic market 1), export market, external market 1), foreign market 1), global market, home market, internal market 1), 2), international market, dispersed market, distant market, local market, national market, nation-wide market, overseas market, regional market, scattered market, world market 1), worldwide market, new-to-market, old-to-marketг) марк. = market segmentATTRIBUTES:
ATTRIBUTES: concentrated 1) а), craft 1. 1) а), demographic, downscale 1. 2) а), heterogeneous, homogeneous, high-income, low-end, metro, metropolitan, middle-aged, middle-class, mid-range, military, rural, specialized, specialty, silver 2. 3) а), upscale 1. 2) а), youth 2. 4) а)
See:black market 2), 2), craft market, demographic market, downmarket, down-market, downscale market, heterogeneous market, homogeneous market, high-income market, low-end market, lower end of the market, middle-aged market, middle-class market, mid-range market, military market 2) б), specialized market, specialty market, silver market 1) б), upscale market, youth market4) эк. конъюнктура, уровень цен, состояние рынка (состояние рынка в значении 2, с точки зрения активности продавцов и покупателей и соответствующей динамики изменения цен)ATTRIBUTES: active 1. 3), advancing, bid 1. 3), bear 1. 2), barren 1. 3), broad 1. 1), bull 1. 2), close II 2. 3) в), competitive II 2. 2) а), complete 1. 2), confident II 2. 1) а), congested, contango, contestable, crossed II 2. 2) а), crowded II 2. 1) а), а, dead 1. 2), declining, deep II 2. 2) а), depressed II 2. 2) а), б, differentiated, dull II 2. 1) а), efficient II 2. 1) а), б, emerging, established II 2. 1) а), expanding, falling, fast II 1. 2) а), fertile II 2. 1) а), firm I 1. 1) а), flat I 2. 4) а), graveyard, growing 1. 1), growth II 2. 1) а), heavy II 2. 1) а), inactive II 2. 2) а), increasing, jumpy II 2. 1) а), б, languid II 2. 2) а), limited II 2. 1) а), liquid I 2. 6) а), locked II 2. 2) а), lucrative, mature 1. 2), narrow 1. 1), nervous I 2. 5) б), normal I 1. 5) б), offered, overstocked II 2. 1) а), а, pegged I 1. 3) б), present I 2. 2) б), price-sensitive, productive I 1. 3) б), profitable II 2. 1) а), protected, recession-hit, restricted II 2. 1) а), restrictive II 2. 1) а), rising, sagging I 2. 2) б), saturated I 1. 3) б), seller II 2. 1) а), а, selective I 2. 5) б), sensitive I 2. 4) б), short 1. 1), shrinking, slack I 2. 2) б), sluggish II 2. 2) а), soft I 2. 4) б), sold-out, stable I 2. 1) б), stagnant II 2. 1) а), static I 2. 2) б), steady 1. 1), stiff 1. 1), б, strong II 2. 2) а), technically strong, technically weak, tight I 2. 4) б), wide II 2. 1) а)
See:active market, advancing market, bid market, bear market 1), Big Emerging Markets, broad market, bull market, buyers' market, close market, competitive market, complete market, contango market, contestable market, crossed market, crowded market, dead market, declining market, deep market, depressed market, differentiated market, dull market, efficient market, emerging market, established market, expanding market, fast market, fertile market, firm market, flat market, growing market, inactive market, jumpy market, languid market, lemons market, limited market, liquid market, locked market, lucrative market, market of lemons, mature market, narrow market, normal market, offered market, overstocked market, pegged market, present market, price-sensitive market, productive market, profitable market, protected market, recession-hit market, restricted market, restrictive market, rising market, sagging market, saturated market, sellers market, seller's market, sellers' market, selective market, sensitive market, short market, shrinking market, slack market, sluggish market, soft market, sold-out market, stable market, stagnant market, static market, steady market, stiff market, strong market, technically strong market, technically weak market, tight market, wide market5) эк., амер. розничный магазин (обычно специализированный, напр., мясной, рыбный)6) эк., пол. рынок (принцип устройства экономической системы, предусматривающий свободное формирование цен под воздействием спроса и предложения)See:7) межд. эк. рынок (экономический союз нескольких стран, в основе которого лежит создание единого торгового пространства для товаров, услуг и факторов производства)ATTRIBUTES: common 1) а), single 2) а)
See:common market, single market, Andean Common Market, Arab Common Market, Central American Common Market, Central American Common Market, common market, Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa2. гл.1) эк. продавать, реализовывать, распространятьto receive approval from X agency to market the product — получить разрешение от органа Х на распространение продукта
2) марк. осуществлять маркетинг, позиционировать, продвигатьE-mail is recognized as the easiest and cheapest way to market your organization, your programs, and your issues. — Электронная почта считается самым легким и недорогим способом продвижения [рекламирования\] вашей организации, ваших программ и вашей работы.
See:3. прил.1) эк. рыночныйAnt:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)See:market activity 1), market behaviour 2), market capitalism, 1), market competition, market conduct, market discipline, market economy, market exchange, market fundamentalism, market ideology, market mechanism, market mode of coordination, market order of worth, market political culture, market sector 3), market socialism, market system, market transactionSee:market absorption, market acceptance, market activity 2), market appraisal, market area, market attractiveness, market attrition, market audience, market basket, market behaviour 1), market breadth, market break, market breakdown, market cap, market capacity, market capitalization, market challenger, 2), market clearance 2), market clearing, market communications, market composition, market concentration, market condition, market conditions 2), market coverage, market decline, market definition, market demand, market depth, market disequilibrium, market dominance, market dynamics, market equilibrium, market expectation, market expectations, market failure, market focus, market follower, market form, market glut, market grade, 1), market growth, market homogeneity, market interest rate, market intermediary, market jitters, market leader, market leadership, market level 2), market maker, market making, market needs, market nicher, market organization, market out, market participant, market partnership, market pattern, market position, market potential, market power, market presence, market pressure, market price, market profile, market quality 2), market quotation, market rate, market rate of interest, market range, market reaction, market requirements, market resistance, market response, market return, market satisfaction, market saturation, market segment, market selection, market sensitivity, market sentiment, market share, market situation 1), market size, market stability, market standard, market standing, market structure, market supply, market tone, market trader, market trend, market undertone, market user, market value, market value added, market volume, market weight 2) Market EyeSee:market analysis, market analyst, market approach, market arbitrage, market audit, market average, market barrier, market build-up, market channel, market clearance 1), market closing, market conditions 1), market conversion price, market cycle, market data, market development, market discount, market entry, market evidence, market exit, market expansion, market experiment, market exploration, market exposure, market factor, market fluctuation, market fluctuations, market forces, market forecast, market forecasting, 2), market hours, market incentive, market index, market indicator, market information, market inroad, market intelligence, market interface, market investigation, market letter, market level 1), market liquidity, market manager, market mapping, market matching, market maximization, market model, market modification, market movement, market multiple, market niche, market node, market opening, market opportunity, market order, market orientation, market outlet, market penetration, market performance, market period, market plan, market planning, market portfolio, market positioning, market prognosis, market ratio, market report, market research, market researcher, market reversal, market review, market risk, market rollout, market sector 1), &2, market segmentation, market selectivity, market sharing, market signal, market situation 2), market skimming, market specialist, market specialization, market stimulant, market strategy, market study, market survey, market sweep, market target, market targeting, market test, market testing, market timer, market timing2) эк. товарный, рыночный ( предназначенный для продажи на рынке)market fish — товарная рыба, рыба для продажи
market stock — товарный скот, скот для продажи
market vegetables — товарные овощи, овощи для продажи
Syn:marketable 3)See:market age, market animal, market livestock, market output, market place, market quality 1), market services, market stall, market weight 1)
* * *
market; Mkt; mart 1) рынок: организованная или неформальная система торговли товарами, услугами или финансовыми инструментами на основе четких правил (напр., фондовая биржа); 2) рыночные цены, состояние конъюнктуры; 3) совокупность людей или юридических лиц, предъявляющих текущий или потенциальный спрос на товары услуги; равнозначно спросу; 4) основные участники финансового рынка: дилеры, торгующие за свой счет, посредники и покупатели; 5) = marketplace; 6) рынок как столкновение спроса и предложения покупателей и продавцов, в результате которого определяется цена товара; 7) (to) продавать; см. marketing; 8) = market value; 9) "The Market"= Dow Jones Industrial Average.* * *рынок; рыночное хозяйство; рыночная экономика; рыночный механизм; спрос; конъюнктура. Как правило, употребляется применительно к фондовому рынку. 'Сегодня рынок упал' означает, что в этот день стоимость сделок на фондовом рынке снизилась . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *организованное собрание/встреча людей, на которой происходит торговля ценными бумагами-----территория, на которой встречаются продавцы и покупатели, чтобы обменяться тем, что представляет ценность-----конъюнктурный обзор; бюллетень о состоянии рынка -
13 system
1) система; комплекс2) совокупность•- absolutely consistent system - absolutely direct indecomposable system - absolutely free system - absolutely irreducible system - absolutely isolated system - allowable coordinate system - almost linear system - ample linear system - artificial feel system - automatic block system - automatic deicing system - binary relational system - binary-coded decimal system - block tooling system - Cartesian coordinate system - completely controllable system - completely ergodic system - completely hyperbolic system - completely identifiable system - completely integrable system - completely irreducible system - completely regular system - completely stable system - completely stratified system - complex number system - conical coordinate system - derivational formal system - differential equation system - differential selsyn system - digital counting system - digital transmission system - elliptic coordinate system - elliptic cylindrical coordinate system - externally inconsistent system - finite state system - finitely axiomatizable system - finitely presented system - fully characteristic quotient system - fundamental system of solutions - hydraulic lift system - integrated switching system - isomorphically embedded system - kernel normal system - linearly dependent system - linearly independent system - live hydraulic system - locking protection system - meteor-burst communication system - modular programming system - parabolic cylindrical coordinate system - permanent four-wheel drive system - pure independent system - radio telephone system - reactor protection system - real number system - receiver-amplifier crioelectric system - remote-cylinder hydraulic system - semantically consistent system - simply consistent system - simply incomplete system - simply ordered system - spherical coordinate system - strongly multiplicative system - structurally stable system - sufficiently general coordinate system - system of frequency curves - system of rational numbers - time multiplex system - time-division multiplex system - uniformly complete system - univalent system of notation - universal system of notation - weakly closed system - weighted number system
См. также в других словарях:
Static spherically symmetric perfect fluid — In metric theories of gravitation, particularly general relativity, a static spherically symmetric perfect fluid solution (a term which is often abbreviated as ssspf) is a spacetime equipped with suitable tensor fields which models a static round … Wikipedia
Mechanical equilibrium — A pendulum in a stable equilibrium (left) and unstable equilibrium (right) A standard definition of static equilibrium is: A system of particles is in static equilibrium when all the particles of the system are at rest and the total force on each … Wikipedia
Non-equilibrium thermodynamics — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Economic equilibrium — Price of market balance: P price Q quantity of good S supply D demand P0 price of market balance A surplus of demand when P<P0 B surplus of supply when P>P0 In economics, economic equilibrium is a state of the world where economic forces… … Wikipedia
Dynamic equilibrium — For the economic concept, see Dynamic equilibrium (economics) A dynamic equilibrium exists once a reversible reaction ceases to change its ratio of reactants/products, but substances move between the chemicals at an equal rate, meaning there is… … Wikipedia
General equilibrium — theory is a branch of theoretical microeconomics. It seeks to explain the behavior of supply, demand and prices in a whole economy with several or many markets. It is often assumed that agents are price takers and in that setting two common… … Wikipedia
Punctuated equilibrium — is a theory of evolutionary biology which states that most sexually reproducing populations experience little change for most of their geological history, and that when phenotypic evolution does occur, it is localized in rare, rapid events of… … Wikipedia
Pressure melting point — This term is used in the glaciological literature to refer to the melting point of ice under pressure. As the pressure increases in the downward direction, the melting temperature of ice decreases. This pressure melting point can reach values… … Wikipedia
Force — For other uses, see Force (disambiguation). See also: Forcing (disambiguation) Forces are also described as a push or pull on an object. They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate … Wikipedia
solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures. What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… … Universalium
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium