1 start service
Экономика: начинать обслуживание -
2 stop-and-start service
Автомобильный термин: эксплуатация автомобиля (на коротких рейсах) с частыми остановкамиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > stop-and-start service
3 stop-and-start service
English-russian automobile dictionary > stop-and-start service
4 to start service
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > to start service
5 stop-and-start service
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > stop-and-start service
6 service
1. n1) работа; служба; сфера деятельности2) линия связи; сообщение; перевозки3) обслуживание, сервис; сфера услуг4) услуга6) уплата процентов (по займам, облигациям)7) вручение (судебной повестки)
- accessorial service
- accommodation service
- accounting system services
- actuarial services
- additional services
- add-on service
- adequate service
- administrative services
- advertising service
- advisory service
- aerial service
- aftersale service
- aftersale technical service
- agency services
- agency service for ships
- agent's services
- agricultural services
- agricultural quarantine service
- air service
- aircraft service
- airmail service
- air passenger service
- air transport services
- ancillary services
- auditing services
- auditor services
- automatic transfer service
- auxiliary services
- back office services
- back-up services
- bank services
- banking service
- beforesale services
- bond service
- bulk service
- bus service
- business services
- buying service
- car service
- cartage service
- cash service
- cash management services
- charter service
- chartering service
- city-terminal service
- civil service
- cleaning services
- coach service
- collection service
- combat zone service
- combined services
- commercial services
- communication service
- commuter service
- competent services
- competitive services
- comprehensive services
- construction engineering services
- consuler service
- consultation services
- consulting services
- consumer services
- container service
- container-on-flatcar service
- continuous service
- contract services
- corporate advisory services
- corporate customer service
- credit and settlement services
- cross-selling banking services
- current services on loans
- custodial services
- customer service
- customs service
- daily service
- debt service
- delivery service
- depositary service
- design services
- development and research services
- distribution services
- emergency service
- employee services
- engineering services
- essential service
- exchange service
- expert services
- export services
- export packing service
- express service
- express air freight service
- express delivery service
- factory services
- fast freight service
- fee-based services
- ferry service
- fiduciary service
- field service
- financial service
- financing services
- first aid service
- first class service
- fishy-back service
- forwarding service
- free services
- freight service
- fringe services
- full service
- full container load service
- full time service
- gate service
- government services
- government debt service
- gratis services
- guard service
- handling service
- harbour services
- health service
- home-delivery service
- industrial services
- industrial extension services
- information service
- infrastructure services
- inland revenue service
- insurance services
- intercity bus service
- inter-city feeder services
- interlibrary loan service
- intermediary services
- Internal Revenue Service
- internal accounting services
- investigation service
- investment services
- invisible services
- irregular service
- janitorial services
- joint rail-air freight service
- large-scale services
- legal services
- lighter service
- liner service
- liner freight service
- liner passenger service
- local services
- long-distance transport service
- loss making services
- low density service
- mail service
- maintenance service
- management service
- management advisory services
- market services
- marketing service
- mass service
- medical service
- merchant service
- military service
- mixed service
- municipal services
- National Giro Service
- National Health Service
- news service
- night service
- night depository service
- nonpreferential service
- nonscheduled service
- nonstop service
- occupational guidance service
- on-board passenger service
- operating services
- outdoor service
- outside service
- overland service
- paid services
- passenger service
- pensionable service
- permanent service
- personal service
- personal banking services
- phone inquiry service
- pick-up service
- piggyback service
- pilot service
- pilotage service
- placement service
- plant quarantine service
- postmarketing service
- postsale service
- preemptive service
- preferential service
- presale service
- prior services
- priority service
- processing services
- professional services
- prompt service
- proper service
- protocol service
- public service
- Public Health Service
- publicity service
- public transport service
- quality control service
- quick repair service
- rail service
- railroad service
- railway service
- railway ferry service
- reciprocal services
- regular service
- rental service
- repair services
- retail service
- retail banking service
- road transport service
- ro-ro service
- safe deposit services
- safety service
- sanitary service
- scheduled service
- scheduled debt service
- security service
- self-dial long-distance service
- senior service
- settlement service
- shipping services
- ship's agency service
- shuttle service
- single-carrier service
- site services
- small-scale services
- social services
- specialized service
- statistical service
- supervisory services
- support services
- technical service
- technical control service
- technical information service
- technological services
- telecommunication service
- telephone service
- through service
- ticker service
- top-notch service
- tourist services
- towage service
- trade information service
- trailer-on-flatcar service
- training services
- tramp service
- transport service
- transportation services
- travel service
- trouble-free service
- trunk line service
- trust services
- tug service
- turnabout service
- underwriting services
- unremunerative services
- up-to-date service
- urgent service
- warranty service
- watchman service
- welfare services
- service by mail
- service by post
- services in advertising
- service in bulk
- services in publicity
- services of an agency
- service of loans
- service of notice
- service of papers
- services of personnel
- service on call
- service to customers
- services to visitors
- service without interruption
- service with waiting
- record services and archives
- in service
- fit for service
- unfit for service
- bring into service
- charge for services
- complete service
- do services
- enlist the services of smb
- employ services
- furnish services
- give services
- go into service
- maintain a service
- maintain regular service
- make use of services
- offer services
- pay for services
- perform services
- provide services
- provide customer service
- publicize services
- put into service
- render services
- require services
- resort to services
- retire from service
- run services
- sell advisory services
- start service
- supply services
- suspend the service
- tender one's services
- undertake a service
- use the services of a lawyer
- utilize services2. v1) обслуживатьEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > service
7 start up
ввод в эксплуатацию
Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
Примечание - Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
[ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]FR
Параллельные тексты EN-RU
No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service
[Lennox]Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
[Перевод Интент]
Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.
CPCS - Critical Power & Cooling Services
[Schneider Electric]
Putting into operation vs. Commissioning
What is the difference in the use of terms "commissioning" and "putting into operation"?
Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?
=======================================I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.
Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.
This is commissioning.
You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.
That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
[ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]Тематики
- система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники
начальные действия
установка (диска, экрана) в исходное состояние
[Е.С.Алексеев, А.А.Мячев. Англо-русский толковый словарь по системотехнике ЭВМ. Москва 1993]Тематики
- установка (диска, экрана) в исходное состояние
- disk, screen
- start up
2.121 ввод в эксплуатацию (start up): Действие по подготовке и переводу в эксплуатацию чистого помещения со всеми подсистемами, включая комплект документации, наличие обученного персонала, вспомогательных служб и пр.
[ИСО 14644-4:2001, статья 3.10]
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО 14644-6-2010: Чистые помещения и связанные с ними контролируемые среды. Часть 6. Термины оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start up
8 start-up
ввод в эксплуатацию
Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
Примечание - Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
[ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]FR
Параллельные тексты EN-RU
No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service
[Lennox]Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
[Перевод Интент]
Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.
CPCS - Critical Power & Cooling Services
[Schneider Electric]
Putting into operation vs. Commissioning
What is the difference in the use of terms "commissioning" and "putting into operation"?
Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?
=======================================I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.
Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.
This is commissioning.
You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.
That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
[ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]Тематики
- система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up
9 start-up service
ввод в эксплуатацию
Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
Примечание - Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
[ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]FR
Параллельные тексты EN-RU
No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service
[Lennox]Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
[Перевод Интент]
Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.
CPCS - Critical Power & Cooling Services
[Schneider Electric]
Putting into operation vs. Commissioning
What is the difference in the use of terms "commissioning" and "putting into operation"?
Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?
=======================================I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.
Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.
This is commissioning.
You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.
That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
[ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]Тематики
- система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up service
10 start-up service included
- услуга ввода в эксплуатацию, включенная в стоимость поставки
услуга ввода в эксплуатацию, включенная в стоимость поставки
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up service included
11 start-up head
пусковой напор гидравлической турбины
пусковой напор
Наименьший напор гидравлической турбины, при котором разрешается временная эксплуатация гидравлической турбины в период наполнения водохранилища.
[ ГОСТ 23956-80]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > start-up head
12 start condition
resolutive condition — резолютивное, отменительное условие
13 bringing into service
ввод в эксплуатацию
Событие, фиксирующее готовность изделия к использованию по назначению, документально оформленное в установленном порядке.
Примечание - Для специальных видов техники к вводу в эксплуатацию дополнительно относят подготовительные работы, контроль, приемку и закрепление изделия за эксплуатирующим подразделением
[ ГОСТ 25866-83 Эксплуатация техники. Термины и определения.]FR
Параллельные тексты EN-RU
No more pulleys nor belts to adjust during start up and service
[Lennox]Не нужно регулировать положение шкивов и натяжение ремней при вводе в эксплуатацию и во время технического обслуживания.
[Перевод Интент]
Once the equipment has been placed in its definitive location, Schneider Electric CPCS factory-trained service personnel will energize and check the functionality of the equipment in all modes of operation and conduct various tests to obtain internal power supply voltage readings, temperature, pressure and other critical checks.
CPCS - Critical Power & Cooling Services
[Schneider Electric]
Putting into operation vs. Commissioning
What is the difference in the use of terms "commissioning" and "putting into operation"?
Are they absolutely interchangeable or there are certain tints in their meaning, which limit their applicatoin in this or that context?
=======================================I am an engineer who works in the field, commissioning equipment.
Commissioning is the process where everything associated with the equipment is fully checked, all items are simulated or caused to happen, all possible events are tested, all methods of failure are accounted for. In other words, the complete design of the equipment is tested. Then, and only then, equipment is run and shown to be according to the design.
This is commissioning.
You could put equipment into operation without fully checking all systems. You can just run equipment and hope that all safety systems work according to plan.
That is the difference. No manufacturer or reputable engineering firm would simply put equipment into operation.
[ http://www.usingenglish.com/forum/threads/136100-Putting-into-operation-vs-Commissioning]Тематики
- система техн. обслуж. и ремонта техники
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > bringing into service
14 included start-up service
- услуга ввода в эксплуатацию, включенная в стоимость поставки
услуга ввода в эксплуатацию, включенная в стоимость поставки
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > included start-up service
15 black start
1) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: пуск из полностью обесточенного состояния2) Энергосистемы: (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout) запуск генерации без питания от внешнего источника, (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout) запуск генерации без питания собственных нужд, (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout) запуск по-черному, (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout) пуск из полностью обесточенного состояния3) Производственные помещения: холодный пуск (пуск электростанции из полностью обесточенного состояния)4) Карачаганак: пуск (электростанции) из полностью обесточенного состояния -
16 Placed in service
. Strictly a tax term. You can only start depreciating property (or take a Sec. 179 expense election) when the property is 'placed in service.' That means when the property is available for use in its assigned function. For example, you purchase a machine and it's not delivered until 1997. Even though you may have paid for the machine in 1996, you can't begin depreciation until 1997. Similarly, if the machine is delivered in 1996, but the technicians didn't arrive to install and test the machine until 1997, you can't begin depreciation until 1997. . Small Business Taxes & Management 2 .* * *термин, применяемый в отношении оборудования, которое поставлено на площадку арендатора, но не смонтировано -
17 dotcom start up
Общая лексика: запуск нового интернет-проекта (BBC Russian Service glossary) -
18 P-2613/2614 must be in service for 2610/2611 to run/start
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > P-2613/2614 must be in service for 2610/2611 to run/start
19 black start (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout)
Энергосистемы: запуск генерации без питания от внешнего источника, запуск генерации без питания собственных нужд, запуск по-черному, пуск из полностью обесточенного состоянияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > black start (a service required for system restoration in the event of a total system blackout)
20 stop
остановка; стоянка; задержка; ограничитель хода; упорный штифт; фиксатор; упор; препятствие; защёлка; собачка; запор; останов; стопор; (авто). сигнал "стоп"; II останавливать; задерживать; преграждать; застопоривать; выключать; фиксировать- stop-and-go driving - stop-and-start service - stop-lamp - stop-light - stop-light switch- stop pin- stop-signal - stop-start economy - stop-start tyre - stop switch - stop-tail lamp - stop-watch - gauge stop - sear stop - wayside stop
См. также в других словарях:
Service Control Manager — The Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) (SERVICES.EXE) is a remote procedure call (RPC) server that manages creating, deleting, starting and stopping of Windows services. It is started at system boot and is RPC based so that service… … Wikipedia
Start Up Citywide — is an agency funded through the British Government s Neighbourhood Renewal Fund and is located in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England.NRF monies, allocated to multi agency Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs) in areas assessed as suffering from … Wikipedia
Service Dress (British Army) — Service Dress was the name of the new khaki uniforms introduced by the British Army for use in the field from the early 1900 s, following the experiences of a number of imperial wars and conflicts, including the Second Boer War. This variant of… … Wikipedia
Start Networks — Start Network AS is the company that owns and runs the internet service provider [http://www.start.no/ Start.no] . In addition to the premium portal site at start.no the company offers several levels of service, including free Internet access… … Wikipedia
Start Over — is a feature offered to Time Warner Cable customers in the United States.It allows customers to jump to the beginning of a program in progress without any preplanning or in home recording devices. It is available to digital cable subscribers at… … Wikipedia
Service — can refer to: * Selfless service, * Public services, services carried out with the aim of providing a public good * Service (economics), the non material equivalent of a good in economics and marketing * Service (music), musical settings for… … Wikipedia
Service Management Facility — (SMF) is a feature of the Solaris operating system that creates a supported, unified model for services and service management on each Solaris system and replaces init.d scripts. SMF introduces:* Dependency order . Services sometimes depend on… … Wikipedia
Service component architecture — (SCA) is a relatively new initiative advocated by major software vendors. Its proponents claim it is more natively suited for the delivery of applications that conform with the principles of service oriented architecture. As such, SCA components… … Wikipedia
Start Point transmitting station — The Start Point transmitting station is a broadcasting facility at Start Point, Devon, owned by National Grid Wireless. The site is just north west of the Start Point lighthouse.The station currently transmits a single broadcast: BBC Radio 5 Live … Wikipedia
Start (Flugzeug) — In diesem Artikel oder Abschnitt fehlen folgende wichtige Informationen: Auflistung siehe Diskussionsseite Du kannst Wikipedia helfen, indem du sie recherchierst und einfügst … Deutsch Wikipedia
service — ser|vice1 W1S1 [ˈsə:vıs US ˈsə:r ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(official system/organization)¦ 2¦(something provided by a company)¦ 3¦(in a shop/restaurant/hotel)¦ 4¦(work)¦ 5¦(work done for somebody)¦ 6¦(duty)¦ 7¦(being used)¦ 8¦(religious ceremony)¦ 9¦(army)¦ … Dictionary of contemporary English