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См. также в других словарях:

  • standard procedure — I noun approach, avenue, behavior, common practice, conduct, consuetude, course of conduct, custom, customary course, fashion, line of conduct, manner, manner of operating, matter of course, means, method, mode, mode of operation, mode of… …   Law dictionary

  • standard procedure — noun a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely rote memorization has been the educator s standard operating procedure for centuries • Syn: ↑standing operating procedure, ↑standard operating procedure, ↑SOP • Hypernyms: ↑operating procedure …   Useful english dictionary

  • standard procedure — normal management, proper and accepted order of work …   English contemporary dictionary

  • procedure — pro‧ce‧dure [prəˈsiːdʒə ǁ ər] noun [countable, uncountable] the official or accepted way of doing something, especially something that is done often: • We have hired an accounting firm to evaluate our audit procedures. procedure for • The bank… …   Financial and business terms

  • standard — [stan′dərd] n. [ME < OFr estendard < Frank * standord, place of formation < Gmc * standan, to STAND + * ort, a place, orig., a point, akin to OE ord (see ODD): hence, orig., a standing place] 1. any figure or object, esp. a flag or… …   English World dictionary

  • standard operating procedure — noun a prescribed procedure to be followed routinely rote memorization has been the educator s standard operating procedure for centuries • Syn: ↑standing operating procedure, ↑SOP, ↑standard procedure • Hypernyms: ↑operating procedure …   Useful english dictionary

  • procedure — n. 1) to establish a procedure 2) to follow a procedure 3) (a) normal, proper, regular, standard procedure (to follow regular procedures) 4) a scientific; surgical procedure 5) (surgery) a major; minor procedure 6) parliamentary procedures * * *… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • procedure */*/*/ — UK [prəˈsiːdʒə(r)] / US [prəˈsɪdʒər] noun [countable] Word forms procedure : singular procedure plural procedures 1) a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way Companies use a variety of testing procedures to select appropriate …   English dictionary

  • procedure — pro|ce|dure [ prə sidʒər ] noun count *** 1. ) a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way: Companies use a variety of testing procedures to select appropriate candidates. procedure for: The procedure for doing this is explained …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • procedure — noun 1 (C) the correct or normal way of doing something (+ for): What s the procedure for renewing your car tax? | correct/proper/standard procedure: A lie detector test is standard procedure. 2 (U) the accepted method and order of doing things,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • procedure — pro|ce|dure W2S3 [prəˈsi:dʒə US ər] n [U and C] [Date: 1600 1700; : French; Origin: procédure, from Old French proceder; PROCEED] 1.) a way of doing something, especially the correct or usual way →↑process procedure for ▪ What s the procedure for …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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