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  • 1 spy

    1. noun
    (a secret agent or person employed to gather information secretly especially about the military affairs of other countries: She was arrested as a spy; industrial spies.) spion
    2. verb
    1) (to be a spy: He had been spying for the Russians for many years.) a spiona
    2) (to see or notice: She spied a human figure on the mountainside.) a observa
    - spy on

    English-Romanian dictionary > spy

  • 2 spy on

    (to watch (a person etc) secretly: The police had been spying on the gang for several months.) a spiona (pe cineva)

    English-Romanian dictionary > spy on

  • 3 scout

    1. noun
    1) (a person, aircraft etc sent out to bring in information, spy etc: The scouts reported that there were Indians nearby.) spion
    2) ((with capital: formerly Boy Scout) a member of the Scout Movement, an organization of boys formed to develop alertness and strong character.) scout, cercetaş
    2. verb
    (to act as a scout or spy: A party was sent ahead to scout.) a merge în recunoaştere

    English-Romanian dictionary > scout

  • 4 agent

    1) (a person or thing that acts: detergents and other cleaning agents.) agent
    2) (a person who acts for someone in business etc: our agent in London; a theatrical agent.) agent secret, spion
    3) ((especially secret agent) a spy: an agent for the Russians.) agent
    - by/through the agency of

    English-Romanian dictionary > agent

  • 5 bug

    1. noun
    1) (an insect that lives in dirty houses and beds: a bedbug.) ploşniţă
    2) (an insect: There's a bug crawling up your arm.) insectă; gândac
    3) (a germ or infection: a stomach bug.) microb
    4) (a small hidden microphone.) microfon as­cuns
    2. verb
    1) (to place small hidden microphones in (a room etc): The spy's bedroom was bugged.) a ins­tala microfoane ascunse
    2) (to annoy: What's bugging him?) a deranja

    English-Romanian dictionary > bug

  • 6 crack

    [kræk] 1. verb
    1) (to (cause to) break partly without falling to pieces: The window cracked down the middle.) a (se) crăpa
    2) (to break (open): He cracked the peanuts between his finger and thumb.) a sparge
    3) (to make a sudden sharp sound of breaking: The twig cracked as I stepped on it.) a pocni
    4) (to make (a joke): He's always cracking jokes.) a spune (glume)
    5) (to open (a safe) by illegal means.) a sparge
    6) (to solve (a code).) a descifra
    7) (to give in to torture or similar pressures: The spy finally cracked under their questioning and told them everything he knew.) a ceda
    2. noun
    1) (a split or break: There's a crack in this cup.) crăpătură
    2) (a narrow opening: The door opened a crack.) deschizătură îngustă
    3) (a sudden sharp sound: the crack of whip.) poc­net
    4) (a blow: a crack on the jaw.) lovitură (tare)
    5) (a joke: He made a crack about my big feet.) banc
    6) (a very addictive drug: He died of too much crack with alcohol)
    3. adjective
    (expert: a crack racing-driver.) de calitatea întâi, de elită
    - crackdown
    - cracker
    - crackers
    - crack a book
    - crack down on
    - crack down
    - get cracking
    - have a crack at
    - have a crack

    English-Romanian dictionary > crack

  • 7 decipher

    1) (to translate (writing in code) into ordinary, understandable language: They deciphered the spy's letter.)
    2) (to make out the meaning of (something which is difficult to read): I can't decipher his handwriting.)

    English-Romanian dictionary > decipher

  • 8 double agent

    (a spy paid by each of two countries hostile to each other.) agent dublu

    English-Romanian dictionary > double agent

  • 9 secret agent

    (a spy.) spion, agent secret

    English-Romanian dictionary > secret agent

  • 10 shadow

    ['ʃædəu] 1. noun
    1) ((a patch of) shade on the ground etc caused by an object blocking the light: We are in the shadow of that building.) umbră
    2) ((in plural with the) darkness or partial darkness caused by lack of (direct) light: The child was afraid that wild animals were lurking in the shadows at the corner of his bedroom.) obscu­ritate
    3) (a dark patch or area: You look tired - there are shadows under your eyes.) cearcăne
    4) (a very slight amount: There's not a shadow of doubt that he stole the money.) urmă (de)
    2. verb
    1) (to hide or darken with shadow: A broad hat shadowed her face.) a umbri
    2) (to follow closely, especially as a detective, spy etc: We shadowed him for a week.) a fila
    - shadowiness
    - worn to a shadow

    English-Romanian dictionary > shadow

См. также в других словарях:

  • Spy — L élise St Amand (1900) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SPY — may refer to: * SPY (spiders), ticker symbol for Standard Poor s Depositary Receipts * SPY (magazine), a satirical monthly, trademarked all caps * SPY (Ivory Coast), airport code for San Pédro, Côte d Ivoire * SPY (Ship Planning Yard), a U.S.… …   Wikipedia

  • Spy-fi — is a genre of spy fiction that includes elements of science fiction. It often uses a secret agent or superspy whose mission is a showcase of science fiction elements such as technology and ideas used for extortion, plots for world domination or… …   Wikipedia

  • Spy — Spy, n.; pl. {Spies} (sp[imac]z). [See {Spy}, v., and cf. {Espy}, n.] 1. One who keeps a constant watch of the conduct of others. These wretched spies of wit. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) A person sent secretly into an enemy s camp, territory …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spy — [spī] vt. spied, spying [ME spien < OFr espier < OHG spehōn, to search out, examine < IE base * spek̑ , to spy, watch closely > L specere, to see, Sans spaśati, (he) sees, Gr skopein, to observe] 1. to watch or observe closely and… …   English World dictionary

  • spy — mid 13c., from O.Fr. espier to spy, espie a spy, probably from Frankish *spehon, from P.Gmc. *spekh (Cf. O.H.G. *spehon to look out for, scout, spy, Ger. spähen to spy, M.Du. spien), the Gmc. survivals of the productive PIE root *spek to look… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Spy — (sp[imac]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spied} (sp[imac]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Spying}.] [OE. spien, espien, OF. espier, F. [ e]pier, OHG. speh[=o]n, G. sp[ a]hen; akin to L. specere to see, Skr. spa[,c]. [root] 169. Cf. {Espy}, v. t., {Aspect}, {Auspice} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spy — ► NOUN (pl. spies) 1) a person employed to collect and report secret information on an enemy or competitor. 2) a person or device that observes others secretly. ► VERB (spies, spied) 1) be a spy. 2) ( …   English terms dictionary

  • Spy — Spy, v. i. To search narrowly; to scrutinize. [1913 Webster] It is my nature s plague To spy into abuses. Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spy — steht für: Spy (Jemeppe sur Sambre), einen Ortsteil der belgischen Gemeinde Jemeppe sur Sambre Leslie Ward (1851–1922), besser bekannt als Spy, britischer Karikaturist und Maler Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • spy — I noun agent, detective, emissarius, explorator, informant, informer, intelligence agent, intelligencer, investigator, lookout, observer, reconnoiterer, reporter, scout, secret agent, sleuth, snoop, snooper, source, speculator, undercover agent,… …   Law dictionary

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