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со всех языков на английский


  • 1 counterpane


    English-Indonesian dictionary > counterpane

  • 2 spray

    I. 1. (разцъфнала) клонка, клонче, вейка
    2. украшение във форма на клонче
    II. 1. капчици, пръски
    2. течност за пръскане (на дърветa и пр.)
    3. пръскачка, пулверизатор
    4. пръскане, оросяване
    blanket SPRAY aгр. пръскане на широки площи
    5. козм. спрей
    III. v пръскам/оросявам (с пръскачка, пулверизатор и пр.), ръся (и прен.)
    * * *
    {sprei} n 1. (разцъфнала) клонка, клонче, вейка; 2. украшение в(2) {sprei} n 1. капчици, пръски; 2. течност за пръскане (на дь{3} {sprei} v пръскам/оросявам (с прьскачка, пулверизатор и пр.
    * * *
    стрък; вейка; пръскам; пръсвам; пръскачка; пулверизатор; дюза; капчица; клонче; напръскам;
    * * *
    1. blanket spray aгр. пръскане на широки площи 2. i. (разцъфнала) клонка, клонче, вейка 3. ii. капчици, пръски 4. iii. v пръскам/оросявам (с пръскачка, пулверизатор и пр.), ръся (и прен.) 5. козм. спрей 6. пръскане, оросяване 7. пръскачка, пулверизатор 8. течност за пръскане (на дърветa и пр.) 9. украшение във форма на клонче
    * * *
    spray [sprei] I. n клонче, клонка, гранка, вейка; украса във форма на клонче; II. spray n 1. капчица, пръска; 2. течност за пръскане (на дървета, лози и под.); 3. спрей, пръскачка; пулверизатор; II. v пръскам; рося, ръся, ръмя.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > spray

  • 3 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) jacto
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) vaporizador
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) spray
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) borrifar
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) borrifar
    * * *
    [sprei] n 1 líquido pulverizado, borrifo. 2 pulverizador. • vt+vi 1 borrifar, pulverizar. 2 tratar, molhar, cobrir com alguma coisa pulverizada. 3 perdigotar. a spray of bullets uma rajada de balas.
    [sprei] n 1 ramo de flores. 2 enfeite em forma de ramo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spray

  • 4 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) pršenje
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) razpršilec
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) pršilo
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) (raz)pršiti
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) škropiti
    * * *
    I [spréi]
    zelena veja, vejica (s cvetjem); mladika, poganjek; okrasek, nakit v obliki vejic
    a spray of diamonds figuratively vejica z diamanti
    II [spréi]
    morska pena v vetru, vodni pršec, vodni prah (slapa, morja v vetru); pršenje, tekočina za pršenje; technical razpršilec, škropilo, brizgalna; figuratively dež
    a spray of bullets — dež, toča krogel
    spray gun — brizgalka (za barvo, celulozo itd.);
    transitive verb & intransitive verb
    škropiti, štrcati, (raz)pršiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > spray

  • 5 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) støvregn; spray
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) forstøver
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) spray; -spray
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) sprøjte
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) sprøjte
    * * *
    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) støvregn; spray
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) forstøver
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) spray; -spray
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) sprøjte
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) sprøjte

    English-Danish dictionary > spray

  • 6 sprayer

    1. пръскачка, пулверизатор
    2. дюза, цицка/струйник (нa пръскачка)
    * * *
    {'spreiъ} n 1. пръскачка; пулверизатор; 2. дюза, цицка/струйн
    * * *
    * * *
    1. дюза, цицка/струйник (нa пръскачка) 2. пръскачка, пулверизатор
    * * *
    sprayer[´spreiə] n 1. пръскачка; спрей; пулверизатор; 2. дюза, цицка (на пръскачка).

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > sprayer

  • 7 spray burner

    [ʹspreı͵bɜ:nə] тех.
    форсунка, распыляющая горелка

    НБАРС > spray burner

  • 8 spray irrigation

    [ʹspreı͵ırıʹgeıʃ(ə)n] с.-х.
    дождевание, орошение разбрызгиванием

    НБАРС > spray irrigation

  • 9 spray nozzle

    [ʹspreı͵nɒz(ə)l] тех.
    распыляющее сопло; струйная форсунка

    НБАРС > spray nozzle

  • 10 sprayer

    [ʹspreıə] n
    распылитель, пульверизатор, разбрызгиватель; опрыскиватель; форсунка

    НБАРС > sprayer

  • 11 spray

    1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.)
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.)
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.)

    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.)
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.)
    spray1 n spray / atomizador / pulverizador
    spray2 vb rociar

    spray /(e)s'prai/ sustantivo masculino (pl
    spray m (pl sprays) spray ' spray' also found in these entries: Spanish: atomizador - espray - matamoscas - pistola - pulverizar - pulverizador - riego - rociar - vaporizador - aerosol - fumigar English: fly spray - insect spray - paint-spray - spray - spray-paint - aerosol - fly - hair - mist - shower - splash
    1 (of flowers) ramita, ramillete nombre masculino
    1 (of water) rociada; (from sea) espuma; (from aerosol) pulverización nombre femenino
    1 (water) rociar; (perfume) atomizar; (plants) pulverizar; (crops) fumigar; (paint) pintar a pistola, pintar con pistola
    1 (water) rociar
    to spray with bullets acribillar a balazos
    spray gun pistola pulverizadora
    spray paint pintura spray
    spray ['spreɪ] vt
    : rociar (una superficie), pulverizar (un líquido)
    1) bouquet: ramillete m
    2) mist: rocío m
    3) atomizer: atomizador m, pulverizador m
    espuma del mar s.f.
    pulverizador s.m.
    ramita s.f.
    riego por aspersión s.m.
    rociada s.f.
    rocío s.m.
    regar v.
    rociar v.
    vaporizar v.

    I spreɪ
    a) \<\<liquid\>\> pulverizar*, aplicar* con atomizador; \<\<paint\>\> aplicar* con pistola pulverizadora

    she sprayed a little perfume on her wristsse puso or se echó un poco de perfume en las muñecas

    b) \<\<plants\>\> rociar* ( con atomizador)

    spray the affected area twice daily — pulverizar* sobre la zona afectada dos veces al día

    to spray the fruit trees with insecticide — fumigar* los árboles frutales con insecticida

    a) u c ( fine drops) rocío m
    b) c ( liquid in spray form) espray m; (before n) <deodorant, polish> en aerosol, en espray, en atomizador
    c) ( implement) rociador m
    2) c ( bunch) ramillete m

    I [spreɪ]
    1. N
    1) (=liquid) rociada f ; [of sea] espuma f ; (from atomizer, aerosol) pulverización f
    2) (=aerosol, atomizer) atomizador m, spray m ; (Med) rociador m

    paint spraypistola f (rociadora) de pintura

    VT [+ water etc] rociar

    to spray sth/sb with water/bullets — rociar algo/a algn de agua/balas


    spray can Nespray m, pulverizador m

    spray gun Npistola f rociadora, pulverizador m

    spray paint Npintura f spray

    N (Bot) ramita f, ramo m
    * * *

    I [spreɪ]
    a) \<\<liquid\>\> pulverizar*, aplicar* con atomizador; \<\<paint\>\> aplicar* con pistola pulverizadora

    she sprayed a little perfume on her wristsse puso or se echó un poco de perfume en las muñecas

    b) \<\<plants\>\> rociar* ( con atomizador)

    spray the affected area twice daily — pulverizar* sobre la zona afectada dos veces al día

    to spray the fruit trees with insecticide — fumigar* los árboles frutales con insecticida

    a) u c ( fine drops) rocío m
    b) c ( liquid in spray form) espray m; (before n) <deodorant, polish> en aerosol, en espray, en atomizador
    c) ( implement) rociador m
    2) c ( bunch) ramillete m

    English-spanish dictionary > spray

  • 12 spray

    sprei 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) duskregn, spray
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) spray(flaske); hånddusj
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) -middel, -væske
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) sprute
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) dusje, sprøyte
    subst. \/spreɪ\/
    1) blomsterkvist, blomsterklase, gren med blader eller knopper
    2) (liten) blomsterbukett
    3) forklaring: pyntegjenstand formet som en bukett eller en kvist, egrett
    subst. \/spreɪ\/
    1) dusj, yr, fine dråper, sjøsprøyt, skumsprøyt
    2) sprut, stråle
    3) (om glass, kuler e.l.) skur, regn
    4) spray, sprøytemiddel, sprøytevæske
    5) sprayboks, sprøytekanne, sprøyteflaske, sprøytepistol
    sea spray sjøsprøyt
    verb \/spreɪ\/
    1) spraye, sprøyte, sprute, dusje
    2) sprøyte på
    3) sprøytemale, sprøytelakkere
    4) pepre (med kuler)
    5) ( om tegning) fiksere
    6) ( om hanndyr) skvette (for å markere revir)

    English-Norwegian dictionary > spray

  • 13 bed cover

    sprei sarung bantal

    English-Indonesian dictionary > bed cover

  • 14 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) úði
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) úðari
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) úði
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) úðast
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) úða

    English-Icelandic dictionary > spray

  • 15 sprayer

    razpršilec; škropilo

    English-Slovenian dictionary > sprayer

  • 16 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) (ūdens u.tml.) puteklīši
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) pulverizators; aerosols; smidzinātājs
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) izsmidzināms šķidrums
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) apšļakstīt
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) apsmidzināt
    * * *
    zars; šalts; aerosols; rotājums ziedoša zara veidā; klīdums; apsmidzināt

    English-Latvian dictionary > spray

  • 17 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) purslai
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) purkštuvas
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) purškiamas skystis
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) aptaškyti, apipurkšti
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) nupurkšti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > spray

  • 18 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) sprška
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) rozprašovač
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) postřik
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) rozprašovat (se)
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) postřikovat
    * * *
    • postřik
    • postříkat
    • rozprašovač
    • sprej

    English-Czech dictionary > spray

  • 19 spray

    [sprei] 1. noun
    1) (a fine mist of small flying drops (of water etc) such as that given out by a waterfall: The perfume came out of the bottle in a fine spray.) spŕška
    2) (a device with many small holes, or other instrument, for producing a fine mist of liquid: She used a spray to rinse her hair.) rozprašovač
    3) (a liquid for spraying: He bought a can of fly-spray.) postrek
    2. verb
    1) (to (cause liquid to) come out in a mist or in fine jets: The water sprayed all over everyone.) rozprašovať (sa)
    2) (to cover with a mist or with fine jets of liquid: He sprayed the roses to kill pests.) postrekovať
    * * *
    • vetva
    • vodná triešt
    • vetvicka
    • skupina odliatkov
    • šperk tvaru vetvicky
    • striekat
    • sprška
    • tryska
    • prevádzat postrek
    • hmla
    • halúzka
    • haluz
    • hubica
    • dážd
    • rozstrekovac
    • rozprašovat sa
    • ratolest
    • rozprášená tekutina
    • rozprašovat tekutý liek
    • rozstrekovat
    • rozlet crepín
    • rozprašovac
    • roztok k postreku
    • rozprašovat
    • pokropit
    • postrek
    • postrekovac
    • postrekovat
    • konárik
    • kropit
    • nalakovat vlasy

    English-Slovak dictionary > spray

  • 20 spray-painting

    [ʹspreı͵peıntıŋ] n стр.

    НБАРС > spray-painting

См. также в других словарях:

  • sprei-, spreu- —     sprei , spreu     See also: see above S. 994 f. (spher ) …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • (s)p(h)er-2, sprei-, spreu- —     (s)p(h)er 2, sprei , spreu     English meaning: to sprinkle, scatter     Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘streuen, säen; sprengen, spritzen, sprũhen; also vom Aufspringen from Knospen, Pflanzentrieben”     Note: probably with sp(h)er 1 “ twitch “… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • spreiten — sprei|ten 〈V. tr.; hat; poet.〉 = breiten [<ahd. spreiten; engl. spread <germ. *spraidjan; transitive Ableitung zu ahd. spritan „sich ausbreiten“] * * * Sprei|ten, Sprei|tung [ahd. spritan = sich ausbreiten]: das Ausbreiten eines… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Spreize — Sprei|ze 〈f. 19〉 1. Holzstamm od. Stahlrohr, waagerecht in Gräben od. Baugruben zum Stützen eingesetzt 2. Stellung mit gespreizten Beinen [Rückbildung aus spreizen, statt mhd. spriuz „Stützbalken“] * * * Sprei|ze, die; , n: 1. [zu ↑ spreizen in… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Spreizung — Sprei|zung 〈f. 20; unz.〉 1. das Spreizen 2. gespreizte Anordnung (von Maschinenteilen) * * * Sprei|zung, die; , en <Pl. selten>: 1. das ↑ Spreizen (1). 2. (Kfz Technik) Neigungswinkel der Lenkachse eines Rads quer zur Fahrtrichtung. * * *… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Spreite — Sprei|te 〈f. 19〉 1. Fläche des Laubblattes 2. = Spreitdecke [→ spreiten] * * * Spreite,   Blattspreite, flächig verbreiterter Abschnitt des Blattes der höheren Pflanzen (Blatt). * * * Sprei|te, die; , n [zu ↑ …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Spreitung — Sprei|ten, Sprei|tung [ahd. spritan = sich ausbreiten]: das Ausbreiten eines schwerlöslichen bis unlöslichen festen oder fl. Stoffes auf Oberflächen von Fl. oder Festkörpern unter Bildung dünner, ggf. monomolekularer Filme. Vgl. Benetzung …   Universal-Lexikon

  • spreigiai — spreĩgiai sm. pl. (2) arklio niežai, susas: Spreĩgiai susimeta į kojas iš šlapio stovėjimo Šts …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

  • Spreißelholz — Sprei|ßel|holz, das <o. Pl.> (österr.): Kleinholz [zum Anheizen] …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Spreißel — Sprei·ßel der; s, ; südd (A) gespr ≈ Splitter, Span …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

  • spreizen — sprei·zen; spreizte, hat gespreizt; [Vt] <die Arme, die Beine o.Ä.> spreizen die Arme, Beine o.Ä. (so weit wie möglich) auseinander strecken: Ein Vogel spreizt die Flügel …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

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