1 boom and nozzle spraying system
штанговый опрыскиватель (включает в себя штангу с распылителями жидкости, бак для ядохимикатов и устройство для подачи жидкости к штангам, насосный агрегат)Англо-русский словарь промышленной и научной лексики > boom and nozzle spraying system
2 сопло краскодувки
Русско-английский словарь по строительству и новым строительным технологиям > сопло краскодувки
3 водораспылитель
4 распылительное сопло
Русско-английский словарь по пищевой промышленности > распылительное сопло
5 водораспылитель
Русско-английский военно-политический словарь > водораспылитель
6 форсунка
2) Geology: pulverizing jet3) Aviation: blow pipe, blowpipe, discharging jet4) Naval: atomizing jet, fuel injector, injection orifice, injector head, injector nozzle, oil atomizer5) Engineering: air-jet, atomizer burner (для печных и топливных агрегатов), atomizer cone, atomizing burner (для печных и топливных агрегатов), atomizing cone, burner (для печных и топливных агрегатов), burner nozzle (для печных и топливных агрегатов), flow nozzle, gun, injection valve, injector component, injector group, integral injection nozzle, jet, nozzle valve, spray, spray burner (для печных и топливных агрегатов), sprayer, thrower6) Construction: adjutage, atomizer nozzle, pressure-atomizing burner, spray nozzle, spraying nozzle, vaporizing burner7) Railway term: injecting nozzle, multi-jet nozzle8) Automobile industry: air nozzle, atomizing nozzle, burner nozzle, discharge jet, discharge nozzle, jet nozzle, nostril of burner, nozzle atomizer, nozzle burner, priming nozzle, spray cone, spray jet, valve9) Mining: fan atomizer, injection head, spray lance10) Metallurgy: discharge spout, fuel nozzle, fuel-injection nozzle, spray head11) Oil: a burner nozzle12) Astronautics: atomization device, atomized-spray injector, blast nozzle, injection assembly, injection hole, injector assembly, injector device, jet orifice13) Silicates: nebulizer14) Drilling: injection nozzle, burn (burner)15) Sakhalin energy glossary: (эжектора серного бака с паровой рубашкой - sulfur pit ejector) nozzle16) Polymers: air spray, spraying apparatus17) Automation: jet apparatus18) Plastics: air jet19) Arms production: pressure nozzle20) General subject: nozzle (в дизельном двигателе)21) Makarov: jet burner, let nozzle, spraying jet22) oil&gas: spray-bar23) Aluminium industry: (also atomizing burner) atomizer24) Combustion gas turbines: burner nozzle25) Cement: burner device, fuel feeder -
7 распылитель
1) General subject: airbrush, dust box, jet, pulverizer2) Geology: spray jet3) Aviation: atomizing jet, spray equipment, spray gear4) Medicine: comminuter, injector, nebulizer, spray tube5) Military: disseminator (ББС), spray, spray device6) Engineering: air brush, atomizer, blowgum, gun, puffer (в баллоне с аэрозолем), pulverizing jet, spray bar, spray lance, spray tip, sprayer attachment, sprayer group, spraying gun, atomizing cone7) Construction: air brush (краски), atomizer (жидкости), blow-gun, liquid spray diffuser, mist sprayer, spray diffuser, spraying device8) Railway term: evaporator9) Automobile industry: blowgun, choke tube, diffuser, diffusor, discharge tube, disperser, jet tube, spray gun, spray nozzle, sprayer, spraying nozzle10) Mining: fan atomizer, projector (алюминиевой пудры при алюминопрофилактике силикоза), spray head11) Cinema: sprinkler12) Metallurgy: dispenser (порошкообразных материалов), spray campanil, spraying jet13) Polygraphy: diffuser (напр. противоотмарочного аппарата), pistol, powder spray device14) Astronautics: rose15) Mechanic engineering: cone atomizer cone16) Silicates: powder sprinkler17) Perfume: spritzer18) Coolers: spray19) Ecology: fogger20) Polymers: atomizer cone, spraying apparatus, wet applicator22) Chemical weapons: atomiser, spray tank24) Security: projector (огнемёта)25) Electrochemistry: spray-gun26) Yachting: spraygun -
8 жиклёр
1) General subject: jet, tap-off, burner nozzle3) Engineering: bleed, calibrated orifice, fuel-jet, nozzle, orifice, spray nozzle4) Construction: air bleed5) Railway term: multi-jet nozzle6) Automobile industry: atomizer, atomizing jet, discharge jet, discharge nozzle, jet tube, liquid spray diffuser, orifice plug, spraying nozzle7) Metallurgy: microjet8) Astronautics: calibration orifice, mixture-ratio orifice9) Drilling: jet nozzle10) Automation: jet-pipe11) Makarov: calibrated metering orifice, jet (карбюратора), metering orifice, nozzle (карбюратора), spraying jet -
9 краскопульт
1) General subject: aerograph, air-brush, paint-spraying pistol2) Naval: paint gun, paint-spraying machine3) Engineering: air brush, blow gun, compressed-air painting apparatus, paint blower, paint spray gun, paint sprayer, pneumatic paint brush, spray unit4) Construction: air-painting equipment, coating pistol, compressed-air painting gun, paint spraying outfit, spray, spray gun, spray nozzle, sprayer, spraying nozzle, hopper gun, air gun, pneumatic gun5) Automobile industry: air brash, paint-spray gun6) Special term: airbrush7) Polymers: air-atomized spray gun8) Robots: painting head, spraygun9) Electrochemistry: painting desk10) Paint and varnish: gun -
10 распылительное сопло
1) Engineering: spray orifice, spray valve2) Construction: pulverizing nozzle, spray nozzle3) Metallurgy: disintegrating nozzle4) Food industry: atomizing nozzle5) Silicates: fog nozzle6) Automation: spraying nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > распылительное сопло
11 распылительная головка
1) Aviation: injection wheel2) Naval: spraying tip3) Engineering: injector (реактивного двигателя)4) Oil: spray head5) Astronautics: atomization device, atomized-spray injector, injection assembly, injector assembly, injector device, injector head, multiple injector, multiple-hole injector6) Atomic energy: atomized spray injector7) Aeronautics: injector8) Packing: dispensing pump9) Polymers: spraying nozzle10) Makarov: dispensing pump (тара)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > распылительная головка
12 распыляющее сопло
1) Engineering: spray jet, spray nozzle, spraying nozzle2) Automobile industry: spraying jet -
13 увлажнитель
1) General subject: damper, moistener, moisturizer (воздуха)2) Naval: damper heater3) Medicine: humectant, humidifier4) Engineering: moisturiser, wetting reagent5) Construction: spray nozzle6) Architecture: humidor7) Mining: spray, spray head, sprayer, spraying nozzle8) Forestry: damping unit9) Metallurgy: spray jet, spraying jet10) Textile: humidifying agent, sprinkler11) Oil: fogger (для осаждения пыли из газа), wetting agent12) Food industry: damping apparatus, humidifier (воздуха), moistening agent, temper14) Coolers: humidification device, humidifying arrangement, humidifying device16) Polymers: dampener17) Makarov: damping machine, fogger (для осаждения пыли), humidifier (вещество и прибор), humidifying unit, moistening machine, moisturiser (воздуха и т.п.) -
14 впрыскивающее сопло
1) Engineering: injecting nozzle, injection nozzle, injector nozzle, spray nozzle2) Automobile industry: spraying nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > впрыскивающее сопло
15 распыливающий наконечник
1) Military: atomizing nozzle2) Forestry: nozzle3) Makarov: jet, jet nozzle, spray jet, spray nozzle, spraying nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > распыливающий наконечник
16 ороситель
1) General subject: irrigator2) Geology: water blast3) Engineering: feed ditch, feeder, irrigating ditch, irrigation canal, irrigation ditch, rainmaker, sublateral, supply ditch4) Construction: distributor (биофильтра), field ditch, spray nozzle, sprinkler filter5) Railway term: spray cooler6) Mining: air blast (пневматический), air blaster, atomizer, humidifier, jet, moistener, nozzle, spray, spray head, spray jet, sprayer, spraying nozzle, sprinkler, water atomizer, water spray, water sprayer7) Ecology: conveyance channel8) Sanitation: distributor9) Enrichment: sparger10) Fire extinguishing: sprinkler head11) Oil processing plants: fill12) General subject: conveying channel -
17 оросительное сопло
1) Engineering: sprinkler nozzle2) Automation: water-spray nozzle, water-spraying nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > оросительное сопло
18 сопло краскодувки
19 жиклёр карбюратора
1) Aviation: carburetter2) Military: carburettor spraying jet3) Automobile industry: carburetor jet, carburettor jet, carburettor spraying nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > жиклёр карбюратора
20 водоразбрызгивающее сопло
1) Engineering: water-spraying nozzle2) Automation: water-spray nozzleУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > водоразбрызгивающее сопло
См. также в других словарях:
drive nozzle — noun : a high pressure spraying nozzle the stream from which breaks at about 30 feet in the air into a coarse mist for spraying tall trees … Useful english dictionary
Spray nozzle — A spray nozzle is a device that facilitates the formation of spray. When a liquid is dispersed as a stream of droplets (atomization), it is called a spray. Spray nozzles are used to achieve two primary functions: increase liquid surface area to… … Wikipedia
Thermal spraying — techniques are coating processes in which melted (or heated) materials are sprayed onto a surface. The feedstock (coating precursor) is heated by electrical (plasma or arc) or chemical means (combustion flame). Thermal spraying can provide thick… … Wikipedia
Atomizer nozzle — An atomizer nozzle is a kind of nozzle for producing a fine spray of a liquid based on the Venturi effect. When a gas is blown through a constriction it speeds up; this reduces the pressure at the narrowest point. The reduced pressure sucks up a… … Wikipedia
airless spraying — A paint spraying process where the coating material (i.e., paint) is not atomized by a stream of air. Instead, it is subjected to high pressure and forced through a narrow jet or nozzle which causes it to be atomized … Dictionary of automotive terms
Gas dynamic cold spray — is a coating deposition method developed in the mid 1980s in the Soviet Union in The Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics by Papyrin and his team. The solid powders (1 to 50 micrometers in diameter) are accelerated in supersonic gas… … Wikipedia
Tube cleaning — The process of tube cleaning describes the activity of, or device for, the cleaning and maintenance of fouled tubes. The need for cleaning arises because the that is transported through the tubes may cause deposits and finally even obstructions.… … Wikipedia
Spray forming — Spray forming, also known as spray casting, spray deposition[1] and in situ compaction,[2] is a method of casting near net shape metal components with homogeneous microstructures via the deposition of semi solid sprayed droplets onto a shaped… … Wikipedia
List of problems solved by MacGyver — This is a list of problems that have been solved by the fictional character MacGyver from the television series of the same name. (This list is not yet comprehensive.) MacGyver employs his resourcefulness and his knowledge of chemistry,… … Wikipedia
Pesticide application — For related pages, see aerial application, sprayer, spraying and spray nozzle. Pesticide application is often highly inefficient, but practical efforts to improve the situation are rare; however, this may change with increased concerns about… … Wikipedia
List of coating techniques — This list contains an overview of coating techniques for thin film deposition, found in the field of materials science. The techniques can be classified as follows: Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) * Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy *… … Wikipedia