1 sport car event
Автомобильный термин: состязания спортивных автомобилей -
2 sport car event
3 sport car event
4 sport
5 CS
1) Общая лексика: Computing Science2) Компьютерная техника: Client Server, Coding Scheme, Communications Server, Computer Support, Ctrl Shift, context-sensitive (см. также CF)3) Биология: conditioned stimulus4) Авиация: Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent ( tear gas), call switch, center spar, certification standard5) Медицина: Chronic sinusitis6) Американизм: Confederate States7) Спорт: Cabin Sailer, Calgary Stampede, Camper Sniping, Car Sport, Carolina Spartan, Caught Stealing, Clean Sweep8) Военный термин: Central Servers, Chief Scientist, Classified Sensitive, Coalition Support, Command Staff, Common Software, Communication Services, Communications Service, Communications Software, Communications Support, Communications and Security, Constant Source, Counter Strike, Crew Simulator, Crew Station, Critical Studies, call sign, career-service, central supply, certificate of service, change of station, change of status, chief of section, circular scanning, close support, coded switch, combat scout, combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone, combat serviceable, combat squadron, combat support, command selector, command system, commissary store, common and standard, common shell, communications squadron, communications station, communications system, community service, component specification, composite service, conical scanning, constant speed, construction, contract surgeon, control set, control signal, control station, control switch, control system, cost sharing, countersabotage, cross-section, current series, current strength, Си-Эс (ОВ раздражающего действия)9) Техника: Cassegrain system, calibration storage, call signal, change sheet, chrominance subcarrier, circuit switching, close shot, coarse sand, coast station, communication satellite, communications, communications switch, component support, computer slave, computer synchronization, condensate separator, condensate system, containment safety, containment spray, contract specialist, contrast sensitivity, control storage, control strobe, core spray, corona shower, correctable skew, cost of storing one for one year, current sector address, current status, cyclic storage11) Химия: Composite State12) Строительство: Coal Store13) Анатомия: coronary sinus (венечный синус)14) Математика: общая сумма (cumulative sum)15) Религия: Christian Saint16) Метеорология: Climate Services17) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company18) Юридический термин: Civil Service, Constant Speeding, Court of Session, Crooking Shareholders19) Автомобильный термин: comfort shift (gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides)20) Грубое выражение: Censored Sucker, Cock Sucker21) Металлургия: Concrete Slab22) Политика: Costa Rica23) Телевидение: converter subcarrier24) Телекоммуникации: Cable Select, Clear To Send, Communications Satellite25) Сокращение: Captain / Commodore Superintendent, Central Services division (UK), Cesium, Chemical Society, Chief of Staff, Circuit Switch, Civil Servant, Civil aircraft marking (Portugal), Combat Support / System, Common Sensor, Communications Subsystem, Computer Science; Computing Science, Cone-Stabilised, Confined Space, Control Section, Costa Rica (NATO country code), County Seat, Customer Specification, Czech, Former Czechoslovakia, O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent), carrier supply, cast stone, center section, centre section, coil sketch, conduct sheet, conducted susceptibility, core shift, cycle per second, common steel (projectile), common stocks, completely self-protecting, crankshaft, course shift (отклонение от курса)26) Университет: Computer Science27) Физиология: C-section, Cervical spine, Cesarean Section, Contrast sensitivity test28) Электроника: Circuit Simulator, Communication Satellites, Current Sensing29) Вычислительная техника: Card Services, Carrier Selection, card station, channel status, code segment, communication system, computer class, convergence sublayer, Convergence Sublayer (ATM), Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems), Chip Select (IC), Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1), Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), регистр сегмента команд30) Нефть: casing seat, compressor station, сантистокс (единица кинематической вязкости), упорное кольцо хвостовика (casing seat), уступ в скважине для опоры башмака обсадной колонны31) Иммунология: Control Systems32) Онкология: Cancer Survivors33) Связь: Capability Set (IN), control selector34) Картография: centre of stream, communication station35) Банковское дело: акция (capital stock), обыкновенная акция (common stock), обычная акция (common stock)36) Транспорт: Charging System37) Пищевая промышленность: Cherry Sunburst38) Силикатное производство: cement-sand ratio39) Экология: climatological study, coastal station, combined sewer40) СМИ: Cable Set, City Sport41) Деловая лексика: Case Size, Collaborative Selling, Consumer Surplus, Corporate Source, Critical Success, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, corporate sustainability42) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Carbon Steel (pipes)43) Образование: Creative Storytelling44) Инвестиции: capital stock, common stock45) Сетевые технологии: Client To Server, Concurrent Session, Connect Server, carrier sense, контроль носителя46) Полимеры: calendered sheet, commercial standard, controlled switch, cross section, сопротивление разрыву вулканизата (cured tensile strength)47) Программирование: Capture Stack, Character Set, Chip Select48) Автоматика: cost of storing one part for one year49) Контроль качества: cumulative sum50) Океанография: Committee on Seismology51) Сахалин Ю: sulfur52) Химическое оружие: a tear-producing compound, confirmatory sampling, contractor support53) Авиационная медицина: conditional stimulus54) Безопасность: (аэрозольное) слезоточивое вещество [слезоточивый газ] CS, Case Sensitive, cryptosystem55) Расширение файла: Cyclo-Stationary56) Нефть и газ: ГКС, КС, газокомпрессорная станция, компрессорная станция57) Электричество: защита от перегрузки (congestion safety)58) Электротехника: cable ship59) Имена и фамилии: Carl Sagan, Casey Stengel, Charles Springer, Charlie Springer, Clive Staples60) Расходометрия: (calibrated span) калиброванный интервал61) Hi-Fi. Circle Surround II62) Должность: Committee Substitute, Computing Studies63) Чат: Cool Stuff, Crummy Screen64) Правительство: City Street65) NYSE. Cabletron Systems, Inc.66) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Space67) Хобби: Club Stamp68) Федеральное бюро расследований: Confidential Source69) Виноделие: cold soaking-холодное настаивание70) Клинические исследования: клинически значимый -
6 Cs
1) Общая лексика: Computing Science2) Компьютерная техника: Client Server, Coding Scheme, Communications Server, Computer Support, Ctrl Shift, context-sensitive (см. также CF)3) Биология: conditioned stimulus4) Авиация: Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent ( tear gas), call switch, center spar, certification standard5) Медицина: Chronic sinusitis6) Американизм: Confederate States7) Спорт: Cabin Sailer, Calgary Stampede, Camper Sniping, Car Sport, Carolina Spartan, Caught Stealing, Clean Sweep8) Военный термин: Central Servers, Chief Scientist, Classified Sensitive, Coalition Support, Command Staff, Common Software, Communication Services, Communications Service, Communications Software, Communications Support, Communications and Security, Constant Source, Counter Strike, Crew Simulator, Crew Station, Critical Studies, call sign, career-service, central supply, certificate of service, change of station, change of status, chief of section, circular scanning, close support, coded switch, combat scout, combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone, combat serviceable, combat squadron, combat support, command selector, command system, commissary store, common and standard, common shell, communications squadron, communications station, communications system, community service, component specification, composite service, conical scanning, constant speed, construction, contract surgeon, control set, control signal, control station, control switch, control system, cost sharing, countersabotage, cross-section, current series, current strength, Си-Эс (ОВ раздражающего действия)9) Техника: Cassegrain system, calibration storage, call signal, change sheet, chrominance subcarrier, circuit switching, close shot, coarse sand, coast station, communication satellite, communications, communications switch, component support, computer slave, computer synchronization, condensate separator, condensate system, containment safety, containment spray, contract specialist, contrast sensitivity, control storage, control strobe, core spray, corona shower, correctable skew, cost of storing one for one year, current sector address, current status, cyclic storage11) Химия: Composite State12) Строительство: Coal Store13) Анатомия: coronary sinus (венечный синус)14) Математика: общая сумма (cumulative sum)15) Религия: Christian Saint16) Метеорология: Climate Services17) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company18) Юридический термин: Civil Service, Constant Speeding, Court of Session, Crooking Shareholders19) Автомобильный термин: comfort shift (gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides)20) Грубое выражение: Censored Sucker, Cock Sucker21) Металлургия: Concrete Slab22) Политика: Costa Rica23) Телевидение: converter subcarrier24) Телекоммуникации: Cable Select, Clear To Send, Communications Satellite25) Сокращение: Captain / Commodore Superintendent, Central Services division (UK), Cesium, Chemical Society, Chief of Staff, Circuit Switch, Civil Servant, Civil aircraft marking (Portugal), Combat Support / System, Common Sensor, Communications Subsystem, Computer Science; Computing Science, Cone-Stabilised, Confined Space, Control Section, Costa Rica (NATO country code), County Seat, Customer Specification, Czech, Former Czechoslovakia, O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent), carrier supply, cast stone, center section, centre section, coil sketch, conduct sheet, conducted susceptibility, core shift, cycle per second, common steel (projectile), common stocks, completely self-protecting, crankshaft, course shift (отклонение от курса)26) Университет: Computer Science27) Физиология: C-section, Cervical spine, Cesarean Section, Contrast sensitivity test28) Электроника: Circuit Simulator, Communication Satellites, Current Sensing29) Вычислительная техника: Card Services, Carrier Selection, card station, channel status, code segment, communication system, computer class, convergence sublayer, Convergence Sublayer (ATM), Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems), Chip Select (IC), Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1), Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), регистр сегмента команд30) Нефть: casing seat, compressor station, сантистокс (единица кинематической вязкости), упорное кольцо хвостовика (casing seat), уступ в скважине для опоры башмака обсадной колонны31) Иммунология: Control Systems32) Онкология: Cancer Survivors33) Связь: Capability Set (IN), control selector34) Картография: centre of stream, communication station35) Банковское дело: акция (capital stock), обыкновенная акция (common stock), обычная акция (common stock)36) Транспорт: Charging System37) Пищевая промышленность: Cherry Sunburst38) Силикатное производство: cement-sand ratio39) Экология: climatological study, coastal station, combined sewer40) СМИ: Cable Set, City Sport41) Деловая лексика: Case Size, Collaborative Selling, Consumer Surplus, Corporate Source, Critical Success, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, corporate sustainability42) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Carbon Steel (pipes)43) Образование: Creative Storytelling44) Инвестиции: capital stock, common stock45) Сетевые технологии: Client To Server, Concurrent Session, Connect Server, carrier sense, контроль носителя46) Полимеры: calendered sheet, commercial standard, controlled switch, cross section, сопротивление разрыву вулканизата (cured tensile strength)47) Программирование: Capture Stack, Character Set, Chip Select48) Автоматика: cost of storing one part for one year49) Контроль качества: cumulative sum50) Океанография: Committee on Seismology51) Сахалин Ю: sulfur52) Химическое оружие: a tear-producing compound, confirmatory sampling, contractor support53) Авиационная медицина: conditional stimulus54) Безопасность: (аэрозольное) слезоточивое вещество [слезоточивый газ] CS, Case Sensitive, cryptosystem55) Расширение файла: Cyclo-Stationary56) Нефть и газ: ГКС, КС, газокомпрессорная станция, компрессорная станция57) Электричество: защита от перегрузки (congestion safety)58) Электротехника: cable ship59) Имена и фамилии: Carl Sagan, Casey Stengel, Charles Springer, Charlie Springer, Clive Staples60) Расходометрия: (calibrated span) калиброванный интервал61) Hi-Fi. Circle Surround II62) Должность: Committee Substitute, Computing Studies63) Чат: Cool Stuff, Crummy Screen64) Правительство: City Street65) NYSE. Cabletron Systems, Inc.66) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Space67) Хобби: Club Stamp68) Федеральное бюро расследований: Confidential Source69) Виноделие: cold soaking-холодное настаивание70) Клинические исследования: клинически значимый -
7 cs
1) Общая лексика: Computing Science2) Компьютерная техника: Client Server, Coding Scheme, Communications Server, Computer Support, Ctrl Shift, context-sensitive (см. также CF)3) Биология: conditioned stimulus4) Авиация: Antipersonnel chemical incapacitating agent ( tear gas), call switch, center spar, certification standard5) Медицина: Chronic sinusitis6) Американизм: Confederate States7) Спорт: Cabin Sailer, Calgary Stampede, Camper Sniping, Car Sport, Carolina Spartan, Caught Stealing, Clean Sweep8) Военный термин: Central Servers, Chief Scientist, Classified Sensitive, Coalition Support, Command Staff, Common Software, Communication Services, Communications Service, Communications Software, Communications Support, Communications and Security, Constant Source, Counter Strike, Crew Simulator, Crew Station, Critical Studies, call sign, career-service, central supply, certificate of service, change of station, change of status, chief of section, circular scanning, close support, coded switch, combat scout, combat scout CRZ, close reconnaissance zone, combat serviceable, combat squadron, combat support, command selector, command system, commissary store, common and standard, common shell, communications squadron, communications station, communications system, community service, component specification, composite service, conical scanning, constant speed, construction, contract surgeon, control set, control signal, control station, control switch, control system, cost sharing, countersabotage, cross-section, current series, current strength, Си-Эс (ОВ раздражающего действия)9) Техника: Cassegrain system, calibration storage, call signal, change sheet, chrominance subcarrier, circuit switching, close shot, coarse sand, coast station, communication satellite, communications, communications switch, component support, computer slave, computer synchronization, condensate separator, condensate system, containment safety, containment spray, contract specialist, contrast sensitivity, control storage, control strobe, core spray, corona shower, correctable skew, cost of storing one for one year, current sector address, current status, cyclic storage11) Химия: Composite State12) Строительство: Coal Store13) Анатомия: coronary sinus (венечный синус)14) Математика: общая сумма (cumulative sum)15) Религия: Christian Saint16) Метеорология: Climate Services17) Железнодорожный термин: Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company18) Юридический термин: Civil Service, Constant Speeding, Court of Session, Crooking Shareholders19) Автомобильный термин: comfort shift (gearchange system which electropneumatically facilitates gear changing and provides)20) Грубое выражение: Censored Sucker, Cock Sucker21) Металлургия: Concrete Slab22) Политика: Costa Rica23) Телевидение: converter subcarrier24) Телекоммуникации: Cable Select, Clear To Send, Communications Satellite25) Сокращение: Captain / Commodore Superintendent, Central Services division (UK), Cesium, Chemical Society, Chief of Staff, Circuit Switch, Civil Servant, Civil aircraft marking (Portugal), Combat Support / System, Common Sensor, Communications Subsystem, Computer Science; Computing Science, Cone-Stabilised, Confined Space, Control Section, Costa Rica (NATO country code), County Seat, Customer Specification, Czech, Former Czechoslovakia, O-chlorobenzamalonitrile (Chemical warfare tear agent), carrier supply, cast stone, center section, centre section, coil sketch, conduct sheet, conducted susceptibility, core shift, cycle per second, common steel (projectile), common stocks, completely self-protecting, crankshaft, course shift (отклонение от курса)26) Университет: Computer Science27) Физиология: C-section, Cervical spine, Cesarean Section, Contrast sensitivity test28) Электроника: Circuit Simulator, Communication Satellites, Current Sensing29) Вычислительная техника: Card Services, Carrier Selection, card station, channel status, code segment, communication system, computer class, convergence sublayer, Convergence Sublayer (ATM), Coding Scheme (GPRS, Mobile-Systems), Chip Select (IC), Controlled Slip (error event, DS1/E1), Code Segment (register, CPU, Intel, Assembler), регистр сегмента команд30) Нефть: casing seat, compressor station, сантистокс (единица кинематической вязкости), упорное кольцо хвостовика (casing seat), уступ в скважине для опоры башмака обсадной колонны31) Иммунология: Control Systems32) Онкология: Cancer Survivors33) Связь: Capability Set (IN), control selector34) Картография: centre of stream, communication station35) Банковское дело: акция (capital stock), обыкновенная акция (common stock), обычная акция (common stock)36) Транспорт: Charging System37) Пищевая промышленность: Cherry Sunburst38) Силикатное производство: cement-sand ratio39) Экология: climatological study, coastal station, combined sewer40) СМИ: Cable Set, City Sport41) Деловая лексика: Case Size, Collaborative Selling, Consumer Surplus, Corporate Source, Critical Success, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service, corporate sustainability42) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Carbon Steel (pipes)43) Образование: Creative Storytelling44) Инвестиции: capital stock, common stock45) Сетевые технологии: Client To Server, Concurrent Session, Connect Server, carrier sense, контроль носителя46) Полимеры: calendered sheet, commercial standard, controlled switch, cross section, сопротивление разрыву вулканизата (cured tensile strength)47) Программирование: Capture Stack, Character Set, Chip Select48) Автоматика: cost of storing one part for one year49) Контроль качества: cumulative sum50) Океанография: Committee on Seismology51) Сахалин Ю: sulfur52) Химическое оружие: a tear-producing compound, confirmatory sampling, contractor support53) Авиационная медицина: conditional stimulus54) Безопасность: (аэрозольное) слезоточивое вещество [слезоточивый газ] CS, Case Sensitive, cryptosystem55) Расширение файла: Cyclo-Stationary56) Нефть и газ: ГКС, КС, газокомпрессорная станция, компрессорная станция57) Электричество: защита от перегрузки (congestion safety)58) Электротехника: cable ship59) Имена и фамилии: Carl Sagan, Casey Stengel, Charles Springer, Charlie Springer, Clive Staples60) Расходометрия: (calibrated span) калиброванный интервал61) Hi-Fi. Circle Surround II62) Должность: Committee Substitute, Computing Studies63) Чат: Cool Stuff, Crummy Screen64) Правительство: City Street65) NYSE. Cabletron Systems, Inc.66) Программное обеспечение: Crystal Space67) Хобби: Club Stamp68) Федеральное бюро расследований: Confidential Source69) Виноделие: cold soaking-холодное настаивание70) Клинические исследования: клинически значимый
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