1 spike-tooth harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > spike-tooth harrow
2 spike tooth harrow
см. spike harrow -
3 spike-tooth harrow
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > spike-tooth harrow
4 spike-tooth harrow
5 spike-tooth harrow
1) Дорожное дело: зубчатая борона2) Макаров: зубовая борона -
6 spike-tooth harrow
7 spike-tooth harrow
пружинная борона; борона с пружинными зубьями; зубчатая борона; зубовая боронаАнгло-русский словарь по машиностроению > spike-tooth harrow
8 spike-tooth harrow
с.-х. -
9 spike-tooth harrow
10 spike tooth disc harrow
11 harrow
с.х.борона; процесс боронения; II бороновать; боронить- harrow tooth - articulated harrow - bog harrow - brush harrow - chisel-type harrow - circular harrow - coulter harrow - cutout-disk harrow - diamond harrow - double-gang disk harrow - flexible harrow - grassland harrow - jointed harrow - knife harrow - lever harrow - mounted harrow - nail harrow - offset harrow - orchard harrow - ox-harrow - pasture harrow - road harrow - section harrow - seed harrow - single harrow - single-section harrow - smoothing harrow - spike harrow - spike-tooth harrow - spring harrow tooth - spring-tooth harrow - sweeper harrow - tandem disk harrow - tractor harrow - trailing harrow - universal harrow - weeding harrow - wide-level harrow - zigzag harrow -
12 harrow
1) борона
2) бороновать
3) взборонить
4) заборанивать
5) заборонить
6) забороновать
7) наборонить
8) набороновать
9) отсекатель
10) процарапывать
11) процарапать
– arable harrow
– bog harrow
– bush harrow
– chain harrow
– chisel-type harrow
– circular harrow
– disk harrow
– flexible harrow
– grassland harrow
– heavy-duty harrow
– knife harrow
– mounted harrow
– nail harrow
– offset harrow
– orchard harrow
– pasture harrow
– road harrow
– section harrow
– seed harrow
– single harrow
– single-section harrow
– spike-tooth harrow
– spring-tooth harrow
– tractor harrow
– trailing harrow
– universal harrow
– wide-level harrow
– zigzag harrow -
13 harrow
14 harrow
15 jointed harrow
с.-х. многозвенная боронаweeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
16 disk harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
17 double-gang disk harrow
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > double-gang disk harrow
18 knife harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
19 smoothing harrow
weeding harrow — прополочная борона, полольник
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > smoothing harrow
20 зубовая борона
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > зубовая борона
См. также в других словарях:
spike-tooth harrow — [spīk′to͞oth΄] n. a harrow with sharp teeth … English World dictionary
spike-tooth harrow — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a pulverizing and smoothing harrow equipped with straight steel teeth set in horizontal bars * * * /spuyk toohth / a harrow equipped with straight teeth on horizontal bars, usually employed to smooth and level plowed soil or… … Useful english dictionary
spike-tooth harrow — noun Date: 1926 a harrow with straight steel teeth set in horizontal bars … New Collegiate Dictionary
spike-tooth harrow — /spuyk toohth / a harrow equipped with straight teeth on horizontal bars, usually employed to smooth and level plowed soil or seedbeds for planting or sowing. [1925 30] * * * … Universalium
Drag harrow — A 4 foot drag harrow A larger, 12 foot drag harrow simply … Wikipedia
steam harrow — noun : a device resembling a spike tooth harrow that is used for sterilizing soil (as in a greenhouse) with steam escaping from openings in short pipes forced into the soil … Useful english dictionary
agricultural technology — Introduction application of techniques to control the growth and harvesting of animal and vegetable products. Soil preparation Mechanical processing of soil so that it is in the proper physical condition for planting is usually… … Universalium
Two-wheel tractor — in Italy (2008) Two wheel tractor or walking tractor are generic terms understood in the USA and in parts of Europe to represent a single axle tractor, which is a tractor with one axle, self powered and self propelled, which can pull and power… … Wikipedia
ak̂-, ok̂- (*hekʷ-) — ak̂ , ok̂ (*hekʷ ) English meaning: ‘sharp; stone” Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘scharf, spitz, kantig” and ‘stein” Material: 1. e/o and ü St: Pers. üs (lengthened grade form) “millstone, grindstone”; Gk. ἀκή “point”, lengthenedgrade… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
List of Acacia species — Several cladistic analyses have shown that the genus Acacia is not monophyletic. While the subg. Acacia and subg. Phyllodineae are monophyletic, subg. Aculeiferum is not. This subgenus consists of three clades.Therefore, the following list of… … Wikipedia
bite — Synonyms and related words: acerbity, acidity, acridity, acrimony, acuminate, acute pain, adhere to, afflict, agonize, ail, allotment, allowance, and sinker, astringency, auger, bait, be a sucker, be keen, be taken in, bear hug, benumb, big end,… … Moby Thesaurus