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  • 41 spell

    I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb
    1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) épeler
    2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) donner
    3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) savoir l'orthographe
    4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) signifier, mener à
    - spelling II [spel] noun
    1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) formule magique
    2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) charme
    III [spel] noun
    1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) tour (de travail)
    2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) période
    3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) certain temps

    English-French dictionary > spell

  • 42 spell

    I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb
    1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) soletrar
    2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) formar
    3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) soletrar
    4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) significar
    - spelling II [spel] noun
    1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) fórmula mágica
    2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) encanto
    III [spel] noun
    1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) turno
    2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) temporada
    3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) período

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > spell

  • 43 spell

    /spel/ * danh từ - lời thần chú - bùa mê =under a spell+ bị bùa mê - sự làm say mê; sức quyến rũ =to cast a spell on+ làm say mê * ngoại động từ spelled, spelt - viết vần, đánh vần; viết theo chính tả =to spell in full+ viết nguyên chữ - có nghĩa; báo hiệu =to spell ruin to+ báo hiệu sự suy tàn của !to spell backward - đánh vần ngược (một từ) - (nghĩa bóng) hiểu nhầm, hiểu sai; thuyết minh sai - xuyên tạc ý nghĩa !to spell out - (thông tục) giải thích rõ ràng * danh từ - đợt, phiên (việc) =a cold spell+ một đợt rét =to work by spells+ thay phiên nhau làm việc - thời gian ngắn =to rest for a spell+ nghỉ một thời gian ngắn - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thông tục) cơn ngắn (bệnh) - (Uc) thời gian nghỉ ngắn * ngoại động từ - (từ hiếm,nghĩa hiếm) thay phiên (cho ai) - (Uc) cho nghỉ (ngựa) * nội động từ - (Uc) nghỉ một lát

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > spell

  • 44 spell

    [spel] I 1. n
    1) заклина́ння
    2) ча́ри; шарм

    under a spell — зачаро́ваний

    2. v
    II v ( past і p. p. spelt, spelled)
    1) писа́ти (вимовля́ти) ( слова) по лі́терах; чита́ти ( слова) по склада́х

    how do you spell your name? — як пи́шеться ва́ше ім'я́?

    we do not pronounce, as we spell — ми вимовля́ємо не так, як пи́шемо

    to spell backward — 1) чита́ти ( слово) з кінця́ 2) перен. перекру́чувати зміст; тлума́чити непра́вильно

    2) утво́рювати, склада́ти ( слово по літерах)
    3) означа́ти, призво́дити до

    to spell baker амер. — вико́нувати важке́ завда́ння, нашто́вхуватися на тру́днощі

    III 1. n
    1) коро́ткий промі́жок ча́су

    leave it alone for a spell — обли́ште це по́ки що

    2) черго́вість, змі́на
    3) коро́ткий перепочи́нок
    2. v амер. рідк.
    1) заміня́ти
    2) дава́ти перепочи́нок
    3) відпочи́ти, передихну́ти

    English-Ukrainian transcription dictionary > spell

  • 45 spell

    تَهَجَّى \ spell: to be able to form words with the correct letters: My brothers can’t spell at all, write (a word) correctly How do you spell your name?. \ رَسَمَ الكَلِمةَ إملائيًّا \ spell: to write (a word) correctly: How do you spell your name?. \ هَجّى \ spell: to be able to form words with the correct letters: My brothers can’t spell at all.

    Arabic-English glossary > spell

  • 46 spell

    I [spel]
    1. n
    1) заклинание; наговор
    2) чары; обаяние

    to break/remove a spellразрушить чары

    2. v
    заколдовывать; очаровывать; накладывать проклятье
    II [spel] v (spelt; spelt)
    2) означать, влечь за собой
    3) образовывать; писать правильно
    III [spel] n
    2) рабочее время; смена
    2) амер. приступ

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > spell

  • 47 spell

    1) пери́од м; срок м

    a dry spell — засу́шливый сезо́н

    breathing spell — переды́шка ж

    2) при́ступ м

    a coughing spell — при́ступ ка́шля

    ( spelled) писа́ть (произноси́ть) сло́во по бу́квам

    how do you spell it? — как э́то пи́шется?, произнеси́те по бу́квам

    - spell trouble

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > spell

  • 48 spell

    1. период
    2. записывать по буквам

    to come under a spell — подпасть под чары, быть очарованным

    under a spell — зачарованный, находящийся под обаянием, околдованный

    English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > spell

  • 49 SPELL

    n. flaw, damage, = spjall.
    * * *
    n. pl. [A. S. spell], a flaw, damage; ábyrgjask landit við öllum spellum til fardaga, Grág. ii. 216; ábyrgjask e-t við spellum við kaupanda, 249; áðr menn sjá at með spellum ferr, N. G. L. i. 54: a flaw, fault, allmikil spell, Fms. viii. 53, v. l.: a breach, frændsemis-spell, sifja-spell, sakar-spell, etc. spella-lauss, adj. faultless, N. G. L. i. 232.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > SPELL

  • 50 spell

    1. दौर/वशीकरण
    She has reached great heights under the spell of her beauty.
    2. जादू
    The poet recited a spell.
    1. उच्चारण करना या लिखना
    Some great novelist like Shakespeare used to spell their names differently at different places.

    English-Hindi dictionary > spell

  • 51 spell

    I [spel] n
    1) заклинання, замовляння
    2) чари, чарівність; чарівна сила
    II [spel] v
    1) зачаровувати; замовляти
    III [spel] n
    1) термін, час
    2) проміжок часу, період
    3) напад ( хвороби); cл. період дратівливості, істерії, похмурого настрою
    4) зміна; cпeц. змінник, напарник
    5) aвcтpaл. відпочинок, перепочинок
    IV [spel] v
    1) змінити ( кого-небудь у роботі); перемінятися, працювати по черзі
    2) дати відпочинок, перепочинок; перепочити, відпочити
    V [spel] v
    (spelled [-d], spek)
    1) вимовляти або писати ( слово) по буквах ( spell out); складати ( слово з букв)
    2) читати по складах, з трудом розбирати написане ( spell out)
    3) розбирати, розшифровувати, тлумачити ( spell out)
    4) означати, спричиняти
    5) просити, виражати бажання натяком

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > spell

  • 52 spell

    n. 주문, 주술, 마력, 매력, cast a \spell on,...에 마술을 걸다,...을 매혹하다, under a \spell 마술에 걸려, 매혹되어, 주문으로 얽어매다,...을 매혹되어, 주문으로 얽어 매다,...을 매혹하다
    vt. (낱말을)철자하다, 의미하다,...의 결과가 되다, 의미하다, \spell out (어려운 글자를)판독하다, 상세(명료)하게 설명하다, (생략 않고)다 쓰다
    n. 한바탕의 일, (날씨 따위의)한동안의 계속, 한동안, 병의 발작, 기분이 나쁜 때, 교대, 일시 교대하다,...에 휴식을 취하다

    English-Korean dictionary > spell

  • 53 spell

    (spelled [spelt], spelt) писать по буквам, произносить по буквам
    - spell a word
    - spell correctly
    - know how to spell these words

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > spell

  • 54 spell

    магичност (фиг), ред, период (временски), смена
    v значи (фиг), заменува (на работа)
    спелува, пишува правилно, се пишува (зборот)
    * * *
    волшебство, смена, маѓепсаност, маѓија, ред; (pt pp) spelt пишува правилно, спелува, се пишува (зборот); (v) заменува (на работа), значи (фиг)
    v. спелува
    n. време, временски период;
    2. маѓии, гатање; under a spell - маѓепсан; to cast a spell - маѓепсува (некого on); баење; спелува; магија

    English-Macedonian dictionary > spell

  • 55 spell

    разг. дежурство, время дежурства; находиться на дежурстве; сменяться по очереди на дежурстве; подменять (кого-л.)

    English-Russian military dictionary > spell

  • 56 spell

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > spell

  • 57 spell

    [spel] UK / US spelt {o} spelled, spelt {o} spelled
    1. vt

    how do you spell...? — wie schreibt man...?

    2. n
    (period) Weile f, (enchantment) Zauber m

    a cold/hot spell — (weather) ein Kälteeinbruch/eine Hitzewelle

    English-German mini dictionary > spell

  • 58 spell

    [spel] UK / US spelt {o} spelled, spelt {o} spelled
    1. vt

    how do you spell...? — wie schreibt man...?

    2. n
    (period) Weile f, (enchantment) Zauber m

    a cold/hot spell — (weather) ein Kälteeinbruch/eine Hitzewelle

    English-German mini dictionary > spell

  • 59 spell

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > spell

  • 60 spell

    تَعْوِيذَة \ charm: sth. that is believed to have magic power: She wore a charm against evil spirits. spell: a saying that has magical power; magical charm. \ رُقْيَة \ charm: sth. that is believed to have magic power: She wore a charm against evil spirits. spell: a saying that has magical power; magical charm.

    Arabic-English glossary > spell

См. также в других словарях:

  • Spell — Spell, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spelled}or {Spelt}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spelling}.] [OE. spellen, spellien, tell, relate, AS. spellian, fr. spell a saying, tale; akin to MHG. spellen to relate, Goth. spill?n.e {Spell} a tale. In sense 4 and those… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spell — can be: *Spell (paranormal) * Spell (recipe) * The Spell , a novel * *Spell (band), a musical group consisting of Boyd Rice and Rose McDowall *The Spells, an American indie rock band of the late 1990s consisting of Carrie Brownstein and Mary… …   Wikipedia

  • spell — spell1 [spel] n. [ME < OE, a saying, tale, charm, akin to Goth spill, tale < ? IE base * (s)pel , to speak loudly] 1. a word, formula, or form of words thought to have some magic power; incantation 2. seemingly magical power or irresistible …   English World dictionary

  • spell — Ⅰ. spell [1] ► VERB (past and past part. spelled or chiefly Brit. spelt) 1) write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence. 2) (of letters) make up or form (a word). 3) be a sign of; lead to: the plans would spell disaster. 4) …   English terms dictionary

  • Spell — Spell, n. 1. The relief of one person by another in any piece of work or watching; also, a turn at work which is carried on by one person or gang relieving another; as, a spell at the pumps; a spell at the masthead. [1913 Webster] A spell at the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spell — n Spell, shift, tour, trick, turn, stint, bout, go can mean a limited period or amount of some activity that often follows a schedule. Spell is ordinarily used in reference to very heavy or trying work which must be interrupted by a period of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Spell — Spell, n.[AS. spell a saying, tale, speech; akin to OS. & OHG. spel, Icel. spjall,Goth. spill. Cf. {Gospel}, {Spell} to tell the letters of.] 1. A story; a tale. [Obs.] Hearken to my spell. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 2. A stanza, verse, or phrase… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • spell — [n1] interval, period bit, bout, course, go, hitch, interlude, intermission, patch, relay, season, shift, space, stint, streak, stretch, term, time, tour, tour of duty, trick, turn, while; concepts 807,817,822 spell [n2] magical aura over an… …   New thesaurus

  • Spell — Spell, v. i. 1. To form words with letters, esp. with the proper letters, either orally or in writing. [1913 Webster] When what small knowledge was, in them did dwell, And he a god, who could but read or spell. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To study… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spell — Spell, n. [OE. speld, AS. speld a spill to light a candle with; akin to D. speld a pin, OD. spelle, G. spalten to split, OHG. spaltan, MHG. spelte a splinter, Icel. spjald a square tablet, Goth. spilda a writing tablet. Cf. {Spill}splinter, roll… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spell — Spell, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spelling}.] [AS. spelian to supply another s place.] To supply the place of for a time; to take the turn of, at work; to relieve; as, to spell the helmsman. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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