1 specific commitments
межд. эк. специфические обязательства (обязательства по обеспечению доступа на внутренний рынок услуг и предоставлению национального режима в рамках Генерального соглашения по торговле услугами, которые распространяются на отдельный сектор или подсектор, выделенный при классификации услуг для целей данного соглашения)See: -
2 sector-specific commitments
межд. эк. секторальные обязательства* (в рамках Генерального соглашения по торговле услугами: обязательства по обеспечению доступа на внутренний рынок, которые распространяются на отдельный сектор, выделенный при классификации услуг для целей данного соглашения)Syn:See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > sector-specific commitments
3 horizontal commitments
межд. эк. горизонтальные обязательства (обязательства в рамках Генерального соглашения по торговле услугами, которые распространяются на все сектора, выделенные при классификации услуг для целей данного соглашения)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > horizontal commitments
4 schedule of commitments
межд. эк. перечень обязательств (в рамках Генерального соглашения по торговле услугами: список обязательств по обеспечению доступа на внутренний рынок услуг и предоставлению национального режима, принятый на себя странами-участницами ВТО)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > schedule of commitments
5 sectoral commitments
межд. эк. = sector-specific commitments -
6 General Agreement on Trade in Services
док.сокр. GATS межд. эк. Генеральное соглашение по [о\] торговле услугами, ГАТС (заключено в рамках Уругвайского раунда многосторонних торговых переговоров под эгидой ГАТТ; устанавливает правила международной торговли основными видами услуг; в отличие от Генерального соглашения по тарифам и торговле, обязательства стран разделены на две части: общие и специфические; общие распространяются на сферу торговли услугами в целом; к этой группе относятся обязательства по режиму наибольшего благоприятствования и справедливости внутреннего регулирования; специфические распространяются только на те виды услуг, которые перечислены в списках обязательств; к этой группе относятся обязательства по предоставлению национального режима и доступу на рынок)See:Uruguay Round, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, international trade in services, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Understanding on Commitments in Financial Services, Agreement on Basic Telecommunications Services, World Trade Organization, movement of natural persons, cross-border supply, consumption abroad, commercial presence, most favoured nation treatment, national treatment, market access, schedule of commitments, specific commitments, horizontal commitments
* * *
Gats general agreement on trade in services генеральное соглашение о торговле услугами: часть переговорного механизма в рамках Всемирной торговой организации; см. World Trade Organization.Англо-русский экономический словарь > General Agreement on Trade in Services
7 IOC as lead partner
МОК в роли ведущего партнера
Выступая в роли ведущего партнера, МОК:
• Предоставляет фонды, системы и решения: через программу спонсорства ТОП, другие маркетинговые программы и продажу телевизионных прав, МОК может собирать и выделять значительные фонды, а также предоставлять организаторам Игр информационные системы и решения для сложных проектов (например, системы информации о результатах). Из-за имеющихся особых обязательств перед спонсорами, маркетинг-партнерами и вещателями-правообладателями, МОК должен обеспечить информирование организаторов обо всех контрактных обязательствах и их строгое выполнение.
• Реализует образовательные программы и программы поддержки: посредством программы УЗОИ и своей сети консультантов, МОК предлагает организаторам образовательные, консультационные и информационные услуги.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]EN
IOC as lead partner
In its role as lead partner, the IOC:
• Provides funds, systems and solutions: through the TOP sponsor program, other marketing programs and the sale of television rights, the IOC is able to collect and allocate substantial funds, and provide information systems and solutions to complex projects (such as the results information systems) for the Games organizers. As there are specific commitments made to sponsors, marketing partners and rights holding broadcasters, the IOC must ensure that all contractual obligations and commitments are communicated to the organizers and strictly fulfilled.
• Delivers education and support programs: through the OGKM program and its network of advisors, the IOC offers training, advisory and information services to organizers.
[Департамент лингвистических услуг Оргкомитета «Сочи 2014». Глоссарий терминов]Тематики
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > IOC as lead partner
8 expense
n1) расход; трата2) pl расходы, издержки, затраты
- absorbed expenses
- accommodation expenses
- accompanying expenses
- accrued expenses
- acquisition expenses
- actual expenses
- additional expenses
- administration expenses
- administrative expenses
- advertising expenses
- agreed expenses
- aggregate expenses
- amortization expenses
- annual expenses
- anticipated expenses
- arbitration expenses
- auditing expenses
- average expenses
- bad debt expenses
- bank expenses
- banking expenses
- bank operating expenses
- bloated expenses
- bloated operating expenses
- board expenses
- broker's expenses
- budget expenses
- budgetary expenses
- budgeted expenses
- building expenses
- business expenses
- business travel expenses
- cable expenses
- calculated expenses
- capitalized expenses
- carriage expenses
- cash expenses
- city's operating expenses
- clerical expenses
- collecting expenses
- collection expenses
- commercial expenses
- commission expenses
- compensation expenses
- computed expenses
- considerable expenses
- constant expenses
- contango expenses
- contract expenses
- contractual expenses
- controllable expenses
- current expenses
- current operating expenses
- customs expenses
- daily expenses
- dead expenses
- debt service expenses
- deductible expenses
- deferred expenses
- delivery expenses
- depreciation expenses
- direct expenses
- disbursement expenses
- discharging expenses
- discount expenses
- distribution expenses
- eligible expenses
- encashment expenses
- engineering expenses
- entertainment expenses
- equipment maintenance expenses
- establishment expenses
- estimated expenses
- everyday expenses
- exceptional expenses
- excess expenses
- executive expenses
- extra expenses
- extraordinary expenses
- extravagant expenses
- factory expenses
- federal expense
- fee and commission expenses
- financial expenses
- financing expenses
- fixed expenses
- flat expenses
- foreign exchange expenses
- formation expenses
- forwarding expenses
- freight expenses
- fringe benefit expenses
- funding expenses
- general expenses
- general and administrative expenses
- general average expenses
- general occuppancy expenses
- general operating expenses
- guardianship expenses
- harbour expenses
- hauling expenses
- heavy expenses
- high expenses
- hotel expenses
- identifiable additional expenses
- idle facility expenses
- idle plant expenses
- impairment-related expenses
- incidental expenses
- income expense on bonds
- income tax expense
- incurred expenses
- indirect expenses
- interest expenses
- initial expenses
- installation expenses
- insurance expenses
- interest expenses
- interest expense on current accounts in credit
- interest expense on debenture
- interest expense on demand deposits loans
- interest expenses on items with agreed maturity dates
- interest expense on special savings accounts
- itemized medical expenses
- job-hunting expenses
- job travel expenses
- lavish expenses
- law expenses
- legal expenses
- living expenses
- loading expenses
- lodging expenses
- mail expenses
- maintenance expenses
- management expenses
- manufacturing expenses
- marketing expenses
- material expenses
- maximum expenses
- medical expenses
- minimum expenses
- miscellaneous expenses
- monetary expenses
- monthly expenses
- mortgage expenses
- moving expenses
- necessary expenses
- noncash expenses
- noncontrollable expenses
- noninterest operating expenses
- nonoperating expenses
- nonproductive expenses
- nonrecurrent expenses
- nonrecurring expenses
- office expenses
- one-off expenses
- operating expenses
- operational expenses
- organizational expenses
- other expenses
- out-of-pocket expenses
- overall expenses
- overhead expenses
- overseas housing expenses
- packing expenses
- particular expenses
- payroll expenses
- per capita expenses
- period expenses
- permissible expenses
- personal expenses
- personal consumption expenses
- personnel expenses
- petty expenses
- planned expenses
- pocket expenses
- postage expenses
- postal expenses
- preliminary expenses
- prepaid expenses
- preparation expenses
- processing expenses
- production expenses
- promotion expenses
- promotional expenses
- protest expenses
- public expenses
- publicity expenses
- quality expenses
- reasonable expenses
- recovery expenses
- recurrent expenses
- recurring expenses
- reimbursable expenses
- reinvoiced expenses
- relocation expenses
- removal expenses
- removing expenses
- rent expense
- repair expenses
- representation expenses
- rework expenses
- running expenses
- running-in expenses
- sales promotion expense
- salvage expenses
- selling expenses
- selling, general and administrative expenses
- service expenses
- shipping expenses
- ship's expenses
- special expenses
- specific expenses
- standing expenses
- starting expenses
- start-up expense
- stationary expenses
- stevedoring expenses
- storage expenses
- subsistence expenses
- substituted expenses
- sundry expenses
- supplementary expenses
- tax expenses
- tax deductible interest expenses
- telephone expenses
- telex expenses
- testamentary expenses
- title expenses
- total expenses
- towage expenses
- trade expenses
- transfer expenses
- transhipment expenses
- transport expenses
- transportation expenses
- travel expenses
- travel and entertainment expenses
- travelling expenses
- trimming expenses
- uncontrollable expenses
- unforeseen expenses
- unit expenses
- unloading expenses
- unproductive expenses
- unreasonable expenses
- unreimbursed expenses
- unreimbursed job travel expenses
- unscheduled expenses
- unwarranted expenses
- upkeep expenses
- variable expenses
- wages expenses
- warehouse expenses
- warranty expenses
- wheeling expenses
- working expenses
- works general expenses
- expenses as percentage of sales
- expenses for the account of
- expenses for protesting a bill
- expenses in foreign exchange
- expenses of carriage
- expenses of the carrier
- expenses of circulation
- expenses of collection
- expenses of discharge
- expenses of haulage
- expenses of the insured
- expenses of the parties
- expenses of production
- expenses of protest
- expenses of reproduction
- expenses of shipping
- expenses of trackage
- expenses of transhipping
- expenses of transportation
- expenses on arbitration
- expenses on charter
- expenses on collection
- expenses on compensation for damage
- expenses on currency transactions
- expenses on customer transactions
- expenses on erection work
- expense on financing commitments
- expenses on guarantee commitments
- expenses on insurance
- expenses on materials
- expenses on off-balance-sheet transactions
- expenses on patenting procedure
- expenses on payment instruments
- expenses on repairs
- expenses on replacement
- expenses on scientific research
- expenses on security transactions
- expenses on selling
- expenses on selling effort
- expenses on setting-up
- expenses on storage
- expenses on technical service
- expenses on trading securities
- expenses on treasury operations and interbank transactions
- expenses per head of population
- at the expense of
- at great expense
- at the owner's expense and risk
- at the firm's expense
- less expenses
- minus expenses
- free of expenses
- free of all expenses
- expenses charged forward
- expenses connected with capital lease
- expenses connected with fund transfer
- expenses connected with obtaining credit
- expenses connected with the procedure in bankruptcy
- expenses deducted
- expenses incurred in searching for a job
- expenses prepaid
- expenses related to receivership
- absorb expenses
- account for the expenses
- advance expenses
- allocate expenses
- apportion expenses
- approve expenses
- assess expenses
- assume expenses
- authorize expenses
- avoid expenses
- avoid extra expenses
- bear expenses
- calculate expenses
- cause expenses
- charge expenses to the account of smb.
- compensate for expenses
- cover expenses
- curb expenses
- curtail expenses
- cut down expenses
- defray expenses
- determine expenses
- distribute expenses
- double expenses
- duplicate expenses
- entail expenses
- enter as expense
- estimate expenses
- experience extensive expenses
- go to expense
- halve expenses
- increase expenses
- incur expenses
- indemnify for expenses
- involve expenses
- itemize expenses
- limit expenses
- make expenses
- meet expenses
- offset expenses
- overestimate expenses
- participate in expenses
- pay expenses
- pile up expenses
- place expenses to smb.'s charge
- pool expenses
- prepay expenses
- put to expense
- put to great expense
- recognize expenses
- recompense expenses
- recover expenses
- reduce expenses
- refund the expenses
- reimburse smb. for expenses
- repay expenses
- run up expenses
- save expenses
- sequestrate expenses
- share expenses
- slash expenses
- spare no expense
- split expenses
- substantiate the expenses
- undertake expensesEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > expense
9 performance
n1) выполнение, исполнение (работы, обязанностей, обязательств)2) работа, функционирование (о машине)3) рабочая характеристика; эксплуатационные качества4) производительность; эффективность (системы, оборудования)
- actual performance
- automatic performance
- average performance
- bank performance
- break-even performance
- budget performance
- collateral performance
- continued performance
- continuous performance
- corporate revenue performance
- current operating performance
- dependable performance
- design performance
- earnings performance
- economic performance
- error-free performance
- estimated performance
- extra performance
- fail-safe performance
- faithful performance
- fertility performance
- field performance
- forecasting performance
- guaranteed performance
- individual performance
- in-use performance
- investment performance
- labour performance
- machine performance
- managerial performance
- market performance
- maximum performance
- negative performance
- nominal performance
- normal performance
- operational performance
- operator performance
- optimal performance
- optimum performance
- overall performance
- partial performance
- peak performance
- poor performance
- poor earnings performance
- price performance
- product performance
- profit performance
- proper performance
- quality performance
- quarterly performance
- reliable performance
- residual performance
- revenue performance
- sales performance
- schedule performance
- share performance
- share price performance
- smooth performance
- specific performance
- standard performance
- strong economic performance
- substandard performance
- team performance
- test performance
- top performance
- transport performance
- trouble-free performance
- uninterrupted performance
- unsatisfactory performance
- unskilful performance of duties
- performance of an agreement
- performance of a contract
- performance of commitments
- performance of a company
- performance of duties
- performance of economic system
- performance of engagements
- performance of equipment
- performance of functions
- performance of a machine
- performance of obligations
- performance of services
- performance of technology
- performance of tests
- performance of the undertaking
- performance of work
- attain the guaranteed performance
- effect performance
- improve performance
- increase performance
- measure performance
- monitor company performance
- raise performanceEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > performance
10 reduction
n1) сокращение, уменьшение; снижение2) эк. редукция, сведе€ние; превращение, перевод (в другую валюту)• -
11 performance
1) выполнение, исполнение (работы, обязанностей, обязательств)2) работа, функционирование (о машине)3) рабочая характеристика; эксплуатационные качества4) производительность; эффективность•Top executives' remuneration needs to be aligned to performance. — Зарплата высших руководителей должна зависеть от качества их работы
См. также в других словарях:
World Trade Organization — WTO redirects here. For other uses, see WTO (disambiguation). World Trade Organization (English) Organisation mondiale du commerce (French) Organización Mundial del Comercio (Spanish) … Wikipedia
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe - Resolution 1549 (2007) Functioning of democratic institutions in Ukraine — The information below is a copy of the relevant report and resolution passed by The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europeon April 192007 concerning the Ukrainian Political Crisisand Decrees of The President, Viktor Yushchenko dismissing … Wikipedia
Schedules of concessions — are documents in which the specific commitments are listed. World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations produce general rules that apply to all members, and specific commitments made by individual member governments. For trade in goods in general … Wikipedia
МОК в роли ведущего партнера — Выступая в роли ведущего партнера, МОК: • Предоставляет фонды, системы и решения: через программу спонсорства ТОП, другие маркетинговые программы и продажу телевизионных прав, МОК может собирать и выделять значительные фонды, а также… … Справочник технического переводчика
Intentional stance — The intentional stance is a theory of mental content proposed by Daniel C. Dennett. The theory provides the underpinnings of his later works on free will, consciousness, folk psychology, and evolution. The intentional stance is a level of… … Wikipedia
Skipton railway station — Infobox UK station name = Skipton manager = Northern Rail locale = Skipton borough = Craven platforms = 4 caption = owner = Network Rail code = SKI usage0203 = 0.655 usage0405 = 0.761 usage0506 = 0.794 usage0607 = 0.817 years = 1847 events =… … Wikipedia
One Wales — For the television channel of a similar name, see BBC One Wales. One Wales (Welsh: Cymru n Un, pronounced [ˈkəmrɨn ˈɨn]) is the coalition agreement for the National Assembly for Wales between Labour and Plaid Cymru agreed to by Rhodri Morgan … Wikipedia
Women in the Philippines — The role of women in the Philippines is explained based on the context of Filipino culture, standards, and mindsets. The Philippines is described to be a nation of strong women, who directly and indirectly run the family unit, businesses,… … Wikipedia
Jiffs — was a pejorative term used by the British Intelligence, and later the 14th Army, to denote soldiers of the Indian National Army after the failed First Arakan offensive of 1943. [Harvnb|Fay|1993|p=423] The term is derived from the acronym JIFC ,… … Wikipedia
Calendar of 2003 — ▪ 2004 January So long as there is a single Brazilian brother or sister going hungry, we have ample reason to be ashamed of ourselves. Lula, in his inaugural address as president of Brazil, January 1 January 1 The Socialist Lula (Luiz… … Universalium
ECONOMIC AFFAIRS — THE PRE MANDATE (LATE OTTOMAN) PERIOD Geography and Borders In September 1923 a new political entity was formally recognized by the international community. Palestine, or Ereẓ Israel as Jews have continued to refer to it for 2,000 years,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism