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См. также в других словарях:

  • specialised — (Brit.) adj. made for a specific purpose; characterized by expertise in a specific subject (also specialized) specialise (Brit.) v. devote oneself to a particular profession or field of study; adapt to a particular environment, engage in… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Specialised lexicography — (also spelled specialized lexicography) is an academic discipline that is concerned with the design, compilation, use and evaluation of specialized dictionaries. A specialized dictionary is a dictionary that covers a relatively restricted set of… …   Wikipedia

  • Specialised Container Transport — (SCT) is an interstate transport company in Australia, with facilities in Melbourne, Adelaide, Parkes, and Perth. The company was founded in 1974 as trucking company SCT Logistics. [ [http://www.sct.net.au/default.asp?ID=12 About SCT » History] ] …   Wikipedia

  • Specialised Investment Fund — Specialised Investment Funds sind Fonds nach Luxemburger Recht, die einige besondere Merkmale aufweisen: Grundsätzlich muss der satzungsmäßige Sitz der Verwaltungs oder Investmentgesellschaft und der Hauptverwaltung in Luxemburg sein.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Specialised Technical Committees of the African Union — The Specialised Technical Committees are bodies in the African Union responsible to the Executive Council.They include: * The Specialised Technical Committee on Rural Economy and Agricultural Matters. * The Specialised Technical Committee on… …   Wikipedia

  • specialised property — specialusis turtas statusas T sritis turto vertinimas apibrėžtis Dėl savo specializuoto pobūdžio ar dizaino, konfigūracijos, dydžio, vietos ar kitų ypatybių unikalus turtas, kuriuo rinkoje prekiaujama retai arba niekada neprekiaujama, išskyrus… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • specialised — British variant of specialized …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • specialised — UK [ˈspeʃəlaɪzd] / US [ˈspeʃ(ə)lˌaɪzd] a British spelling of specialized …   English dictionary

  • specialised — adjective developed or designed for a special activity or function a specialized tool • Syn: ↑specialized • Ant: ↑unspecialized (for: ↑specialized) • Similar to: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • Conference of Specialised Ministers — The organisation of a Conference of Specialised Ministers is a traditional working method of the Council of Europe. The purpose of such conferences is to define and pursue the goals of the Council of Europe’s intergovernmental activities in their …   Wikipedia

  • non-specialised — /nɒn ˈspɛʃəlaɪzd/ (say non speshuhluyzd) adjective not specialised. Also, non specialized …  

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