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  • 1 function

    1. noun
    (a special job, use or duty (of a machine, part of the body, person etc): The function of the brake is to stop the car.) funktion; opgave
    2. verb
    ((of a machine etc) to work; to operate: This typewriter isn't functioning very well.) fungere; virke
    * * *
    1. noun
    (a special job, use or duty (of a machine, part of the body, person etc): The function of the brake is to stop the car.) funktion; opgave
    2. verb
    ((of a machine etc) to work; to operate: This typewriter isn't functioning very well.) fungere; virke

    English-Danish dictionary > function

См. также в других словарях:

  • special function — ▪ mathematics       any of a class of mathematical functions (function) that arise in the solution of various classical problems of physics. These problems generally involve the flow of electromagnetic, acoustic, or thermal energy. Different… …   Universalium

  • special function — specialioji funkcija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. special function vok. spezielle Funktion, f rus. специальная функция, f pranc. fonction spéciale, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Special functions — are particular mathematical functions which have more or less established names and notations due to their importance for the mathematical analysis, functional analysis, physics and other applications.There is no general formal definition, but… …   Wikipedia

  • Function approximation — The need for function approximations arises in many branches of applied mathematics, and computer science in particular. In general, a function approximation problem asks us to select a function among a well defined class that closely matches (… …   Wikipedia

  • special deputy — One appointed to exercise some special function or power of the official or person for whom he is appointed. See also deputy sheriff, above …   Black's law dictionary

  • special deputy — One appointed to exercise some special function or power of the official or person for whom he is appointed. See also deputy sheriff, above …   Black's law dictionary

  • special deputy — noun : a deputy authorized to exercise some special function on behalf of another official …   Useful english dictionary

  • Special Devotions For Months —     Special Devotions for Months     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Special Devotions for Months     During the Middle Ages the public functions of the Church and the popular devotions of the people were intimately connected. The laity assisted at the …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Function — Func tion, n. [L. functio, fr. fungi to perform, execute, akin to Skr. bhuj to enjoy, have the use of: cf. F. fonction. Cf. {Defunct}.] 1. The act of executing or performing any duty, office, or calling; performance. In the function of his public …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen — Active 16 April 1987 Country United States Branch …   Wikipedia

  • function — [fuŋk′shən] n. [OFr < L functio < pp. of fungi, to perform < IE base * bheug , to enjoy > Sans bhuṅktē, (he) enjoys] 1. the normal or characteristic action of anything; esp., any of the natural, specialized actions of a system, organ …   English World dictionary

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