1 спецификация
1) General subject: data sheet, specification, specifications, work sheet, data-sheet, statement, machine list, product annex2) Colloquial: specs4) Military: requirement5) Engineering: list, product data sheet, commercial drawing (обычно подразумеваются таблицы, графики и чертежи какой-либо техники. наиболее часто данное словосочетание встречается в японских англоязычных торговых руководствах.)6) Construction: item list, list of parts, piece list, specification sheet, schedule of materials (FLUOR)7) Mathematics: specification (on or for)8) Railway term: design standards9) Accounting: schedule10) Linguistics: (значения) specialization (of meaning)11) Geodesy: specsheet12) Forestry: detail schedule, listing14) Information technology: nomenclature16) Advertising: spec sheet17) Business: packing specification18) SAP. BOM, bill of material, bill of materials19) Microelectronics: technical data sheet20) Polymers: datasheet21) Automation: spec book22) Quality control: data specification, specification checklist23) Sakhalin S: material take-off24) General subject: specifications (исполнение машины или компонента, инструмента или приспособления)25) Makarov: nomenclature (на лошадь), specification (напр. для медицинской промышленности)26) SAP.tech. qualification27) Logistics: article description28) Tengiz: bill of materials / Material Take-Off29) Combustion gas turbines: data sheet (напр., на чертеже)30) Cement: specification of quality -
2 лист ТУ на моторное масло для дизелей компании Катерпиллар
Engineering: diesel engine oil spec sheetУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > лист ТУ на моторное масло для дизелей компании Катерпиллар
3 лист ТУ на моторное масло компании Катерпиллар
Engineering: engine oil spec sheetУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > лист ТУ на моторное масло компании Катерпиллар
4 спецификация
specification имя существительное:specification (спецификация, описание, характеристика, определение, технические условия, детализация)spec (спецификация, спекуляция)сокращение: -
5 технические условия
1) General subject: acceptance criteria (тж. критерии приёмки, требования заказчика; критерии выходного контроля, которым должна удовлетворять составная часть системы или система (программный продукт, приложение), чтобы её мог принять заказчик или ег), technic specifications, specification (АД), technical conditions2) Colloquial: specs (на продукцию)3) Military: ( technical) specifications, Air Staff Requirements, specification requirements, technical provisions4) Engineering: code, performance specifications, (ТУ) specification for, specifications (сокр. ТУ), standards, technical regulation5) Economy: engineering specifications6) Accounting: regulation7) Architecture: specifications( specs) (ТУ), specs (specifications) (ТУ)8) Diplomatic term: quality specifications9) Telecommunications: specified criterion10) Information technology: engineering factors, requirements, requirements specification, technical requirement, technical requirements11) Oil: ES (engineering specifications), TR (technical regulations), TS (technical specifications), Technical specification, regulations, requirement, standard, technical, technical (engineering) conditions, technical regulations, technical specifications, technical terms and conditions, terms of reference12) Mechanics: engineering specification, standard specification13) Business: standard specifications14) Sakhalin energy glossary: Duty Specifications15) Microelectronics: data sheet16) EBRD: technical specifications (ТУ), technical standards (ТУ)17) Polymers: technical terms18) Programming: requirements specifications19) Automation: instantiation20) Quality control: technical data sheet21) Sakhalin R: specification (ТУ)22) Sakhalin A: project technical specifications23) Cables: quality requirements24) Makarov: spec, specification of requirements, specs25) Facilities: specification documents26) Logistics: serviceability standards, specification of qualityУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > технические условия
6 описание
1) General subject: account, delineation, depiction, describing, description, essay, painting, portrait, portraiture, portrayal, presentment, recital, write-up, snapshot, writeup, Data Sheet, sketch2) Computers: declarator, declarer3) Medicine: presentation (случая)4) Engineering: definition, report, specification5) Mathematics: characterization, classification, exposition6) Linguistics: taxonomy7) Polygraphy: entry (напр. библиографическое), spec (включающее основные элементы оформления книги), specification (включающее основные элементы оформления книги)8) Information technology: declaration, descriptor, manual9) Oil: specification statement10) Astronautics: depicting11) Advertising: descriptive information, descriptive material, entry12) Mass media: portraying13) Business: presentation, profile14) Programming: characterizing, statement15) Automation: definition (напр. данных), manifestation (напр. в интеллектуальной САПР), representation16) Cables: plan17) General subject: outline (название главы)18) Makarov: depicture, entry (библиографическое), narrative, picture, relation19) Gold mining: interpretative work20) Geobotanics: (геоботаническое) releve (син. plot. Первое значение relevé - балетный термин, поднятие на пальцах. Последнее "e" со штрихом, печатается именно так, англ. часть Мультитрана этого не воспроизводит.) -
7 спецификация
1. nomenclature2. technical specifications3. schedule4. spec5. specification6. specifications7. specs
См. также в других словарях:
spec sheet — specification sheet, document containing a detailed technical description (e.g. of a tool, machine, mechanical device, invention submitted in a patent request, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
Spec Racer Ford — is a class of racing car used in Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) road racing events. The Spec Racer Ford, manufactured and marketed by SCCA Enterprises (a subsidiary of SCCA, Inc.) is a high performance, closed wheel, open cockpit, purpose… … Wikipedia
sheet — noun 1 large piece of fabric used on a bed ADJECTIVE ▪ clean, crisp, fresh ▪ a pile of clean sheets ▪ crumpled, rumpled (esp. AmE) ▪ … Collocations dictionary
spec — noun Spec is used before these nouns: ↑sheet … Collocations dictionary
Cascading Style Sheet — Feuilles de style en cascade Pour les articles homonymes, voir CSS. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets : feuilles de style en cascade) est un langage informatique qui sert à décrire la présentation des documents HTML et XML. Les standards… … Wikipédia en Français
Daily call sheet — The daily call sheet is a filmmaking term for a sheet of paper issued to the cast and crew of a film production, created by an assistant director, informing them where and when they should report for a particular day of shooting. Call sheets also … Wikipedia
Specification (technical standard) — Specification redirects here. For other uses, see Specification (disambiguation). A specification (often abbreviated as spec) is an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a material, product, or service.[1] Should a material, product or… … Wikipedia
HTC Advantage X7500 — The HTC Advantage X7500 or HTC Athena is a Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Phone Edition based smartphone manufactured by High Tech Computer. The Athena is sold by T Mobile under the name T Mobile Ameo. The Ameo launched in Europe in March,… … Wikipedia
Zero Motorcycles — Erstes Elektromotorrad von Zero Motorcycles mit Lithium Ionen Batterie Z Force … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hyundai Genesis Coupe — Manufacturer Hyundai Motor Company Production 2010–present Assembly … Wikipedia
Dodge Polara — Manufacturer Chrysler Corporation Production 1960–1973 Class Full size … Wikipedia