1 spaceborne computer
SBC, spaceborne computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > spaceborne computer
2 spaceborne computer
3 spaceborne computer
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > spaceborne computer
4 spaceborne computer
вычислительная машина (на борту) космического корабляБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > spaceborne computer
5 spaceborne computer
1) Военный термин: бортовая ЭВМ КА2) Техника: бортовой вычислитель космического летательного аппарата, вычислительная машина космического корабля3) Вычислительная техника: вычислительная машина( на борту) космического корабля, вычислительная машина на борту космического корабля -
6 spaceborne computer
7 spaceborne computer
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > spaceborne computer
8 spaceborne computer
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > spaceborne computer
9 spaceborne computer engineering conference
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > spaceborne computer engineering conference
10 brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer
BFTSC, brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer
11 brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer
Военный термин: экспериментальная отказоустойчивая бортовая ЭВМ КАУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer
12 computer
1) компьютер; вычислительная машина; ЭВМ; вычислительное устройство; вычислитель; редк. процессор2) редк. счётная машина (см. тж calculator, machine)•- adaptive computer
- airborne computer
- all-applications computer
- all-purpose computer
- alternating-current analog computer
- analog computer
- analog-digital computer
- arbitrary sequence computer
- associative computer
- asynchronous computer
- automotive computer
- baby-sized computer
- back-end computer
- batch-oriented computer
- battery-operated computer
- binary computer
- binary-transfer computer
- board computer
- boutique computer
- brand-name computer
- breadboard computer
- buffered computer
- business computer
- business-oriented computer
- byte computer
- byte-organized computer
- byte-oriented computer
- cassette-based computer
- census computer
- central computer
- character-oriented computer
- chemical-based computer
- chess computer
- CISC computer
- commercial computer
- commodity computer
- communication computer
- communications oriented computer
- compatible computer
- complete-instruction-set computer
- concurrent computer
- consecutive computer
- consecutive sequence computer
- continuously acting computer
- control computer
- control flow computer
- correlation computer
- coupled computers
- cryogenic computer
- cryotron computer
- custom computer
- database computer
- data-flow computer
- decimal computer
- dedicated computer
- desk computer
- desk-size computer
- desk-top computer
- dialing set computer
- dial set computer
- digital computer
- direct execution computer
- direct-analogy computer
- direct-current computer
- diskless computer
- distributed logic computer
- drum computer
- dual-processor computer
- education computer
- electromechanical analog computer
- electronic tube computer
- electron tube computer
- electronic computer
- end-user computer
- ever-faster computer
- externally programmed computer
- fault-tolerant computer
- fifth-generation computer
- file computer
- first-generation computer
- fixed word-length computer
- fixed-point computer
- fixed-program computer
- flat screen computer
- floating-point computer
- fluid computer
- four-address computer
- fourth-generation computer
- fractional computer
- front-end computer
- gateway computer
- general-purpose computer
- giant computer
- giant-powered computer
- giant-scale computer
- giant-size computer
- gigacycle computer
- gigahertz computer
- guidance computer
- handheld computer
- high-end computer
- high-function computer
- high-level language computer
- high-level computer
- highly parallel computer
- high-performance computer
- high-speed computer
- hobby computer
- home banking computer
- home computer
- host computer
- hybrid computer
- IBM-compatible computer
- IC computer
- incompatible computer
- incremental computer
- industrial computer
- integrated circuit computer
- interface computer
- interim computer
- intermediate computer
- internally programmed computer
- Internet computer
- keyboard computer
- kid computer
- laptop computer
- large computer
- large-powered computer
- large-scale computer
- large-scale integration circuit computer
- large-size computer
- laser computer
- linkage computer
- local computer
- logical computer
- logic computer
- logic-controlled sequential computer
- logic-in-memory computer
- low-end computer
- low-profile computer
- low-speed computer
- LSI computer
- mainframe computer
- massively parallel computer
- master computer
- mechanical computer
- medium computer
- medium-powered computer
- medium-size computer
- medium-speed computer
- medium-to-large scale computer
- mediun-scale computer
- megacycle computer
- megahertz computer
- microprogrammable computer
- microwave computer
- mid-range computer
- molecular computer
- monoprocessor computer
- multiaddress computer
- multi-MIPS computer
- multiple-access computer
- multiple-user computer
- multiprocessor computer
- multiprogrammed computer
- multipurpose computer
- multiradix computer
- navigation computer
- net node computer
- networked computer
- N-node computer
- no-address computer
- node computer
- nonsequential computer
- nonstop computer
- non-von Neumann computer
- notebook computer
- object computer
- office computer
- off-the-shelf computer
- one-address computer
- one-and-half-address computer
- one-on-one computer
- one-purpose computer
- optical computer
- optical path computer
- original computer
- palm-size computer - parallel-processing computer
- parallel-serial computer
- parametric-electronic computer
- parametron computer
- pen-based computer
- pentop computer
- perihperal support computer
- peripheral computer
- personal computer
- pictorial computer
- pipeline computer
- plugboard computer
- plug-compatible computer
- plugged program computer
- pneumatic computer
- pocket computer
- Polish-string computer
- polynomial computer
- portable computer
- process control computer
- production control computer
- professional computer
- professional personal computer
- program-compatible computer
- program-controlled computer
- programmed computer
- punch-card computer
- rack-size computer
- radix two computer
- real-time computer
- recovering computer
- reduced instruction set computer
- reduction computer
- remote computer
- repetitive computer
- RISC computer
- satellite computer
- scientific computer
- second-generation computer
- secondhand computer
- self-adapting computer
- self-organizing computer
- self-programming computer
- self-repairing computer
- self-repair computer
- sensor-based computer
- sequence-controlled computer
- sequenced computer
- sequential computer
- serial computer
- service computer
- service-oriented computer
- SIMD computer
- simultaneous-operation computer
- simultaneous computer
- single-address computer
- single-board computer
- single-purpose computer
- single-user computer
- slave computer
- small computer
- small-powered computer
- small-scale computer
- small-size computer
- soft-compatible computer
- solid-state computer
- SOS computer
- source computer
- space computer
- spaceborne computer
- special-purpose computer
- special computer
- square-root computer
- stack-oriented computer
- standby computer
- statistical computer
- steering computer
- stored-program computer
- subscriber computer
- super computer
- superconductive computer
- superhigh-speed computer
- superpersonal computer
- superspeed computer
- supervisory computer
- switch-control computer
- switching computer
- symbolic computer
- synchronous computer
- synchronous tracking computer
- tagged computer
- talking computer
- target computer
- technical computer
- technical personal computer
- terminal computer
- terminal control computer
- ternary-transfer computer
- tessellated computer
- thermal computer
- thin-film memory computer
- third-generation computer
- three-address computer
- three-dimensional analog computer
- timeshared computer
- top level computer
- top-of-the-line computer
- toy computer
- training computer
- transformation computer
- transistorized computer
- transistor computer
- translating computer
- tridimensional analog computer
- trip computer
- truth-table computer
- Turing-type computer
- two-address computer
- ultrafast computer
- underlying computer
- user computer
- vacuum tube computer
- variable word-length computer
- very-high-speed computer
- video-and-cassette-based computer
- virtual computer
- von Neumann computer
- wearable computer
- weather computer
- wired-program computer
- word-oriented computer
- workgroup computer
- X-computer
- zero-address computerEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > computer
13 computer
вычислительная машина; счётная линейка; счётно-решающее устройствоcentral air data computer — вычислитель [централь] воздушных данных
spaceborne computer engineering conference - научно-техническая конференция по бортовым ЭВМ космических аппаратов -
1) Сокращение: Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer (USAF), Generic VHSIC Spaceborne Computer Program2) Университет: Grand Valley State College -
16 SBC
1) Компьютерная техника: Scsi Bus Controller3) Военный термин: single burst, correcting, spaceborne computer, submarine broadcast coordinator4) Техника: SCSI-3 block commands, side beams clutter, space borne computer, standard buried collector, steam bypass control5) Шутливое выражение: Silly Buggers Club, Southern Bigot Convention, Spanish Butt Crack, Spurs Become Champions7) Религия: Southern Baptist Convention8) Юридический термин: Statutes Of British Columbia, Switch Bait Crooks9) Автомобильный термин: Sensotronic Brake Control (Krokodil)10) Грубое выражение: Same Bull Crap, Scream Bitch Complain, Shit Bastard Cunts, Shitty Bullshit Cock, Slow Butt Cracks, Some Bitch Company, Some Bullshit Company, Stupid Bell Company11) Оптика: Soleil-Babinet compensator12) Телекоммуникации: Singapore Broadcasting Corporation13) Сокращение: Single Board Computer, Small Bobbin Core, Small Business Council, Sonic Boom Committee14) Университет: Students For Black Culture15) Физиология: Skin The Body Cooler16) Вычислительная техника: одноплатный компьютер, Smart Bitrate Control (DivX, Video, BIT), SCSI Block Commands (SAM)17) Транспорт: Single Bound Crew18) Фирменный знак: SAKURA BLOSSOM Cafe, Southwest Bell Communications, Southwestern Bell Communications, Southwestern Bell Corporation, Steroids Buyers Club20) Сетевые технологии: Smart Bitrate Control, single-board computer21) Пластмассы: Styrene- Butadiene Copolymer22) Химическое оружие: small burials contractor [obsolete - now NSSC]23) Обогащение: корзиночная центрифуга, фильтрующая центрифуга, центрифуга-грохот, screen bowl centrifuge, screen-bowl centrifuge24) Макаров: standard buried-collector, standard buried-collector structure25) Безопасность: Sub Band Coding26) NYSE. SBC Communications, Inc. -
17 sbc
1) Компьютерная техника: Scsi Bus Controller3) Военный термин: single burst, correcting, spaceborne computer, submarine broadcast coordinator4) Техника: SCSI-3 block commands, side beams clutter, space borne computer, standard buried collector, steam bypass control5) Шутливое выражение: Silly Buggers Club, Southern Bigot Convention, Spanish Butt Crack, Spurs Become Champions7) Религия: Southern Baptist Convention8) Юридический термин: Statutes Of British Columbia, Switch Bait Crooks9) Автомобильный термин: Sensotronic Brake Control (Krokodil)10) Грубое выражение: Same Bull Crap, Scream Bitch Complain, Shit Bastard Cunts, Shitty Bullshit Cock, Slow Butt Cracks, Some Bitch Company, Some Bullshit Company, Stupid Bell Company11) Оптика: Soleil-Babinet compensator12) Телекоммуникации: Singapore Broadcasting Corporation13) Сокращение: Single Board Computer, Small Bobbin Core, Small Business Council, Sonic Boom Committee14) Университет: Students For Black Culture15) Физиология: Skin The Body Cooler16) Вычислительная техника: одноплатный компьютер, Smart Bitrate Control (DivX, Video, BIT), SCSI Block Commands (SAM)17) Транспорт: Single Bound Crew18) Фирменный знак: SAKURA BLOSSOM Cafe, Southwest Bell Communications, Southwestern Bell Communications, Southwestern Bell Corporation, Steroids Buyers Club20) Сетевые технологии: Smart Bitrate Control, single-board computer21) Пластмассы: Styrene- Butadiene Copolymer22) Химическое оружие: small burials contractor [obsolete - now NSSC]23) Обогащение: корзиночная центрифуга, фильтрующая центрифуга, центрифуга-грохот, screen bowl centrifuge, screen-bowl centrifuge24) Макаров: standard buried-collector, standard buried-collector structure25) Безопасность: Sub Band Coding26) NYSE. SBC Communications, Inc. -
1) Военный термин: Fleet Technical Support Center2) Техника: fault tolerant spacecraft computer3) Сокращение: Fault-Tolerant Spaceborne Computer4) Вычислительная техника: Fidonet Technical Standard Conference (Conference), Federal Telecommunications Standards Committee (organization, USA) -
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures2) Военный термин: antiship capable missile, antiship cruise missile -
Военный термин: brassboard fault tolerant spaceborne computer
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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Canonical form (Boolean algebra) — In Boolean algebra, any Boolean function can be expressed in a canonical form using the dual concepts of minterms and maxterms. Minterms are called products because they are the logical AND of a set of variables, and maxterms are called sums… … Wikipedia
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