1 space-based system
Военный термин: космическая система -
2 space-based system
воен. система космического базирования -
3 space-based system
4 space-based system
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > space-based system
5 space-based system
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > space-based system
6 ABM space-based system
Военный термин: система ПРО космического базированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > ABM space-based system
7 ABM space-based system
English-Russian military dictionary > ABM space-based system
8 ABM space-based system
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > ABM space-based system
9 space-based infra-red system
SBIRS, space-based infra-red systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > space-based infra-red system
10 space-based surveillance system
SBSS, space-based surveillance systemEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > space-based surveillance system
11 space-based space surveillance system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > space-based space surveillance system
12 space-based observing system
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > space-based observing system
13 space-based transportation system
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > space-based transportation system
14 space(-based) observing system
метео космическая система наблюденийАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > space(-based) observing system
15 space(-based) observing system
метео космическая система наблюденийАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > space(-based) observing system
16 space-based transportation system
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > space-based transportation system
17 space-based ABM system
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > space-based ABM system
18 space-based antiballistic missile system
Дипломатический термин: противоракетная система с элементами космического базированияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > space-based antiballistic missile system
19 space-based antisatellite system
Космонавтика: космическая система противоспутниковой обороныУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > space-based antisatellite system
20 space-based attack alarm system
1) Военный термин: космическая система предупреждения о (ядерном) нападении2) Космонавтика: космическая система предупреждения о нападенииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > space-based attack alarm system
См. также в других словарях:
Space Surveillance System — Als Space Surveillance System wird ein Netzwerk von Teleskopen und Radaranlagen bezeichnet, das zur Aufrechterhaltung eines Katalogs von künstlichen Weltraumobjekten (operationelle Satelliten, Weltraumschrott) eingesetzt wird. Systeme dieser Art… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Space-Based Radar — refers to space borne radar systems that may have any of a variety of purposes. A number of earth observing radar satellites, such as RadarSat, have employed synthetic aperture radar (SAR) to obtain terrain and land cover information about the… … Wikipedia
Space-based architecture — (SBA) is a software architecture pattern for achieving linear scalability of stateful, high performance applications using the tuple space paradigm. It follows many of the principles of Representational State Transfer, Service Oriented… … Wikipedia
Space-based industry — is a blanket term sometimes used to cover a variety of future forms of human activity in outer space, including space mining, space manufacturing, space trade, construction performed in space such as the building of space stations, space burial,… … Wikipedia
Space-based solar power — Left: Part of the solar energy is lost on its way through the atmosphere by the effects of reflection and absorption. Right: Space based solar power systems convert sunlight to microwaves outside the atmosphere, avoiding these losses, and the… … Wikipedia
Space-Based Infrared System — Aufbau des SBIRS Systems aus den GEO, HEO und Low Komponenten … Deutsch Wikipedia
Space-Based Infrared System — The Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) (pronounced sibirs ) is a consolidated system intended to meet United States infrared space surveillance needs through the first two to three decades of the 21st century. The SBIRS program addresses… … Wikipedia
Space-Based Infrared System — Configuration du système SBIRS. Les satellites sont stationnés sur des orbites géosynchrones, de Molniya et terrestres basses … Wikipédia en Français
Space Based Space Surveillance — The Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) system is a planned constellation of satellites and supporting ground infrastructure that will improve the ability of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to detect and track space objects in… … Wikipedia
Space Based Space Surveillance — Das Space Based Space Surveillance System ist eine Satellitenkonstellation der United States Air Force zur Erfassung und Verfolgung von anderen Satelliten und Weltraummüll in einem Erdorbit. Beschreibung Die Satelliten des SBSS Systems sollen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Air Force Space Surveillance System — Part of the master transmitter antenna at Lake Kickapoo, Texas c.2001. The Air Force Space Surveillance System, colloquially known as the Space Fence, is a multistatic radar system that detects orbital objects passing over America. It is a… … Wikipedia