1 southern thorn
Биология: боярышник зелёный (Crataegus viridis) -
2 southern thorn
3 thorn
Bosc's thorn боярышник вееровидный, Crataegus flabellatabuffalo thorn унаби остроконечная, Ziziphus mucronataBush's thorn боярышник растопыренный, Crataegus dispersaChrist's thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineacock-spur thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliicommon thorn боярышник урновидный, Crataegus calpodendrondesert thorn дереза, Lyciumdowny thorn боярышник мягкий, Crataegus mollisdwarf thorn боярышник одноцветковый, Crataegus unifloraEggert's thorn боярышник шарлаховидный, Crataegus coccinioidesEgyptian thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineaEmerson's thorn боярышник мягковатый, Crataegus submolliseverlasting thorn пираканта ярко-красная, Pyracantha coccineaglobose-fruited thorn боярышник шаровидноплодный, Crataegus globosagrove thorn боярышник дубравный, Crataegus lucorumhedge thorn боярышник грушевый, Crataegus phaenopyrumJerusalem thorn 1. паркинсония колючая, Parckinsonia aculeata; 2. держи-дерево, христовы тернии, Paliurus spina-christilarge-fruitep thorn боярышник точечный, Crataegus punctatalong-spined thorn боярышник сочный, Crataegus succulentaMarshall's thorn боярышник клиновидноподобный, Crataegus cuneiformisnarrow-leaved thorn боярышник лопатчатый, Crataegus spathulataNewcastle thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliiovate-leaved thorn боярышник овальнолистный, Crataegus ovalispadus-leaved thorn боярышник черёмухолистный, Crataegus padifoliapin thorn боярышник петушья шпора, Crataegus crus-galliired-fruited thorn боярышник мягкий, Crataegus mollisrough-leaved thorn боярышник шероховатый, Crataegus asperaround-leaved thorn боярышник круглолистный, Crataegus rotundifoliasallow thorn облепиха крушиновая, Hippophae rhamnoidesscarlet thorn боярышник круглолистный, Crataegus rotundifoliashining thorn боярышник блестящий, Crataegus nitidasmall-fruited thorn боярышник лопатчатый, Crataegus spathulatasouthern thorn боярышник зелёный, Crataegus viridesTatnall's thorn боярышник беловатый, Crataegus albicanstreebuck thorn альфитония, Alphitoniavariable thorn боярышник крупносемянный, Crataegus macrospermaWashington thorn боярышник грушевый, Crataegus phaenopyrumwaxy-fruited thorn боярышник сизоплодный, Crataegus gruinosawhite thorn боярышник однопестичный, Crataegus monogynawoolly thorn боярышник шерстистый, Crataegus lanuginosaEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > thorn
4 thorn
1) шип, колючка2) бот. голаканта ( Holacantha)4) энт. пяденица•- black thorn
- Bosc's thorn
- buffalo thorn
- Bush's thorn
- canary-shouldered thorn
- Christ's thorn
- cock-spur thorn
- common thorn
- desert thorn
- downy thorn
- dwarf thorn
- Eggert's thorn
- Egyptian thorn
- Emerson's thorn
- evergreen thorn
- everlasting thorn
- globose-fruited thorn
- grove thorn
- hedge thorn
- Jerusalem thorn
- large thorn
- large-fruited thorn
- lilac thorn
- long-spined thorn
- Marshall's thorn
- narrow-leaved thorn
- Newcastle thorn
- ovate-leaved thorn
- padus-leaved thorn
- pin thorn
- red-fruited thorn
- rough-leaved thorn
- round-leaved thorn
- sallow thorn
- scarlet thorn
- shining thorn
- small-fruited thorn
- southern thorn
- sulfur thorn
- Tatnall's thorn
- treebuck thorn
- variable thorn
- Washington thorn
- waxy-fruited thorn
- white thorn
- woolly thorn* * *• пяденица -
5 apple
•- apple of love
- apple of Peru
- balsam apple
- bitter apple
- cherry apple
- Chinese flowering apple
- common apple
- crab apple
- custard apple
- cut-leaved apple
- dwarf apple
- earth apple
- elephant apple
- Japanese flowering crab apple
- Kaffir apple
- kei apple
- mad apple
- May apple
- midget crab apple
- oak apple
- Oregon apple
- paradise apple
- pearleaf apple
- pond apple
- prairie apple
- rattle apple
- rough-barked apple
- scrab apple
- seven-year apple
- southern crab apple
- star apple
- stock apple
- sugar apple
- thorn apple
- toringo apple
- white star apple
- wild apple
- wild balsam apple
- wild sweet apple
- wood apple* * *• яблоня
См. также в других словарях:
Thorn — Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass. [root]53 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thorn apple — Thorn Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thorn broom — Thorn Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thorn devil — Thorn Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thorn hedge — Thorn Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Thorn hopper — Thorn Thorn, n. [AS. [thorn]orn; akin to OS. & OFries. thorn, D. doorn, G. dorn, Dan. torn, Sw. t[ o]rne, Icel. [thorn]orn, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rnus; cf. Pol. tarn, Russ. tern the blackthorn, ternie thorns, Skr. t[.r][.n]a grass, blade of grass.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Southern Rain — Infobox Album Name = Southern Rain Type = studio Artist = Billy Ray Cyrus Released = 2000 Recorded = Genre = Country Length = Label = Monument Producer = Billy Ray Cyrus, Blake Chancey, Terry Shelton, Dann Huff Reviews = Allmusic rating|2|5 [http … Wikipedia
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Kevin Thorn — Kevin Fertig Kevin Fertig Kevin Fertig en 2006. Nom(s) de ring Seven Mordecai Vengeance Kevin Fertig Kevin Thorn Taille 1 m 91 (6 pieds 3 pouces) Poids 122 kg (270 livres) Naissance 17 … Wikipédia en Français