Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


  • 21 сказка


    волше́бная ска́зка — fairy tale

    наро́дные ска́зки — popular tales, folktales

    расска́зывать ска́зки — tell stories / tales

    2) в знач. сказ. (что-л необыкновенное, поразительное) a dream

    э́то был не дом, а ска́зка — the house was a dream; it was a dream house

    3) (обман, выдумка) lie, tall tale

    э́то всё ска́зки! — don't tell me tales!; tell it to the marines! идиом.


    ска́зка про бе́лого бычка́ — ≈ the same old story

    ска́зки для дурако́в — ≈ muck for mugs

    ба́бьи ска́зки презр.old wives' tales

    ни в ска́зке сказа́ть, ни перо́м описа́ть — more than words can tell

    сде́лать ска́зку бы́лью — make a dream come true

    жить как в ска́зке — live in a dream come true; live in a paradise

    ско́ро ска́зка ска́зывается, да не ско́ро де́ло де́лается погов.things are sooner said than done

    Новый большой русско-английский словарь > сказка

  • 22 В-243

    РВАТЬ (ДРАТЬ substand) НА СЕБЕ ВОЛОСЫ coll VP subj: human often fut or infin with готов, должен) to experience utter despair or become very angry with o.s. (often after having realized that undesirable consequences of sth. could have been avoided)
    X рвёт на себе волосы = X is tearing his hair (out)
    X is tearing out his hair (in limited contexts) X could kick himself.
    (author's usage) Блудов велел, чтоб каждое губернское правление издавало свои «Ведомости» и чтоб каждая «Ведомость» имела свою неофициальную часть для статей исторических, литературных и проч. Сказано - сделано, и вот пятьдесят губернских правлений рвут себе волосы над неофициальной частью (Герцен 1)....Bludov commanded every provincial government to publish its own newspaper, which was to have an unofficial part for articles on historical, literary, and other subjects. No sooner said than done, and the officials in fifty provinces were tearing their hair over this unofficial part (1a).
    Когда два-три часа назад ей сказали, что Митрий лежит у зарода на Марьиных лугах -отощал, идти не может, - Марфа готова была волосы рвать на себе. Господи! За что ей ещё такое наказание? (Абрамов 1). A few hours earlier, when they had told her that Mitry was lying by the hayrick in Mariny Luga, emaciated and unable to walk, Marfa had been ready to tear out her hair. God! Not another cross to bear! (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-243

  • 23 драть на себе волосы

    РВАТЬ <ДРАТЬ substand> НА СЕБЕ ВОЛОСЫ coll
    [VP; subj: human; often fut or infin with готов, должен]
    to experience utter despair or become very angry with o.s. (often after having realized that undesirable consequences of sth. could have been avoided):
    - X рвёт на себе волосы X is tearing his hair (out);
    - [in limited contexts] X could kick himself.
         ♦ [author's usage] Блудов велел, чтоб каждое губернское правление издавало свои "Ведомости" и чтоб каждая "Ведомость" имела свою неофициальную часть для статей исторических, литературных и проч. Сказано - сделано, и вот пятьдесят губернских правлений рвут себе волосы над неофициальной частью (Герцен 1)....Bludov commanded every provincial government to publish its own newspaper, which was to have an unofficial part for articles on historical, literary, and other subjects. No sooner said than done, and the officials in fifty provinces were tearing their hair over this unofficial part (1a).
         ♦ Когда два-три часа назад ей сказали, что Митрий лежит у зарода на Марьиных лугах - отощал, идти не может, - Марфа готова была волосы рвать на себе. Господи! За что ей ещё такое наказание? (Абрамов 1). A few hours earlier, when they had told her that Mitry was lying by the hayrick in Mariny Luga, emaciated and unable to walk, Marfa had been ready to tear out her hair. God! Not another cross to bear! (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > драть на себе волосы

  • 24 рвать на себе волосы

    РВАТЬ <ДРАТЬ substand> НА СЕБЕ ВОЛОСЫ coll
    [VP; subj: human; often fut or infin with готов, должен]
    to experience utter despair or become very angry with o.s. (often after having realized that undesirable consequences of sth. could have been avoided):
    - X рвёт на себе волосы X is tearing his hair (out);
    - [in limited contexts] X could kick himself.
         ♦ [author's usage] Блудов велел, чтоб каждое губернское правление издавало свои "Ведомости" и чтоб каждая "Ведомость" имела свою неофициальную часть для статей исторических, литературных и проч. Сказано - сделано, и вот пятьдесят губернских правлений рвут себе волосы над неофициальной частью (Герцен 1)....Bludov commanded every provincial government to publish its own newspaper, which was to have an unofficial part for articles on historical, literary, and other subjects. No sooner said than done, and the officials in fifty provinces were tearing their hair over this unofficial part (1a).
         ♦ Когда два-три часа назад ей сказали, что Митрий лежит у зарода на Марьиных лугах - отощал, идти не может, - Марфа готова была волосы рвать на себе. Господи! За что ей ещё такое наказание? (Абрамов 1). A few hours earlier, when they had told her that Mitry was lying by the hayrick in Mariny Luga, emaciated and unable to walk, Marfa had been ready to tear out her hair. God! Not another cross to bear! (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > рвать на себе волосы

  • 25 сказано-сделано

    Новый русско-английский словарь > сказано-сделано

  • 26 сказано - сделано

    Русско-английский учебный словарь > сказано - сделано

  • 27 сказаносделано

    Sokrat personal > сказаносделано

  • 28 что скоро, то не споро

    cf. haste makes waste; sooner said than done

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > что скоро, то не споро

  • 29 сказано - сделано

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сказано - сделано

  • 30 делать нечего

    it can't be helped; there's nothing to be done; there's nothing for it; there's no help for it; there's no way out

    - Жена моя лишилась отличной горничной, но делать было нечего: беспорядок в доме терпеть однако же нельзя. (И. Тургенев, Записки охотника) — 'My wife was deprived of an excellent serving-maid; but there was no help for it: immorality cannot be tolerated in a household.'

    Барин, как услышал про камни, так сейчас же: - Ну-ко, покажи!... Паротина баба видит - делать нечего, - принесла шкатулку. (П. Бажов, Малахитовая шкатулка) — The Master no sooner heard of the gems than he said: 'Get them out, show me them.'... Flogger's dame saw there was no way out, so she brought the casket.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > делать нечего

См. также в других словарях:

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  • No sooner said than done. — something that you say when something is done as soon as someone asks for it or suggests it. Would you mind closing the window for a while? No sooner said than done …   New idioms dictionary

  • no sooner said than done — fulfilled his or her promise …   English contemporary dictionary

  • no sooner said than done — used for emphasizing that you will do something immediately …   English dictionary

  • sooner — soon|er [ sunər ] adverb * earlier than expected: My prediction has come true sooner than I thought. a new test for detecting certain cancers much sooner than before I d sooner do something SPOKEN used for saying what you would prefer to do: I d… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • sooner */ — UK [ˈsuːnə(r)] / US [ˈsunər] adverb earlier than expected My prediction has come true sooner than I thought. a new test for detecting certain cancers much sooner than before • no sooner ... than used for saying that something happens immediately… …   English dictionary

  • Sooner or later — Soon Soon (s[=oo]n), adv. [OE. sone, AS. s[=o]na; cf. OFries. s[=o]n, OS. s[=a]na, s[=a]no, OHG. s[=a]r, Goth. suns.] 1. In a short time; shortly after any time specified or supposed; as, soon after sunrise. Sooner said than done. Old Proverb. As …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • than — [[t]ðən, STRONG ðæn[/t]] ♦ 1) PREP: compar PREP group You use than after a comparative adjective or adverb in order to link two parts of a comparison. The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet... Indian skins age… …   English dictionary

  • sooner — [[t]su͟ːnə(r)[/t]] 1) Sooner is the comparative of soon. 2) PHRASE You say the sooner the better when you think something should be done as soon as possible. Detective Holt said: The kidnapper is a man we must catch and the sooner the better . 3) …   English dictionary

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  • say — 1 /seI/ verb past tense and past participle said /sed/ 3rd person singular says USE WORDS 1 WORD/SOUND (T) to pronounce a word or sound: “What did you say?” | “I m so tired” she said. | say hello/goodbye etc: She left without even saying goodbye …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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